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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Basic Calculus
SY 2020 – 2021

Unit I: Limits and Continuity

Lesson 1.2: Limits of Algebraic Functions


Algebraic functions are one of the

foundations in limits and continuity. Just
like other fields in mathematics, there are
limit laws on algebraic function that has
to be followed to better evaluate the limit
of the function you are solveng. In this
lesson, you will identify different limit
laws involving algebraic functions that
are essential to understand further the
application of calculus.

Learning Objectives

After studying this completing this module with 80% to 100% accuracy, you are expected

a) Illustrate the limit laws; and

b) Apply the limit laws in evaluating the limit of algebraic functions such as
polynomial, rational, and radical functions.

Limit Laws on Algebraic Functions

A. Limit of a Constant Function

If c is constant, then for any number a
lim c = c
x →a

Examples: Solve the following limits:

1. lim5 2. lim 100 3. lim
x →3 x →30 x →2

Since the following limits are constant functions then:

1. lim5 = 5 2. lim 100 = 100 3. lim  = 
x →3 x →30 x →2

B. Limit of the Identity Function

If f is the identity function f (x) = x, then for any number a
lim x = a
x →a
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Basic Calculus
SY 2020 – 2021

Examples: Solve the following limits:

1. lim x = −6 2. lim x = 1000 3. lim x = 2.81
x →−6 x →1000 x →2.81

C. Limit of a Linear Function

If a and b are any constants, then lim (mx + b ) = ma + b .
x →a

1. Find lim x = −6 .
x →−6

lim x = −6 = 3  2 + 5 = 11 (inputing x approaches -6 to the variable x)
x →−6

2, Find lim(2x − 1) .
x →2

lim(2x − 1) = 2(2) − 1 = 3
x →2

3. Find lim 17 − 3x .
x →−4
lim (17 − 3x ) = 17 − 3( -4 ) = 29
x →−4

D. Limit of the Sum and Difference

If lim f ( x) = L and lim g ( x) = M , then lim [ f ( x)  g ( x)] = L  M .
x →a x →a x →a

1. Find lim(x 2 + 7x − 5) .
x →3

lim( x 2 + 7x − 5) = (3)2 + 7(3) − 5
x →3
= 9 + 21 − 5
= 25
2. Find lim (3x2 − x − 1) .
x →−1

lim (3x 2 − x − 1) = 3(-1)2 − (-1) − 1
x →−1
= 3+1−1

E. Limit of the Product of Two Functions

If lim f ( x) = L and lim g ( x) = M , then lim[ f ( x) • g ( x)] = L • M .
x →a x →a x →a
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Basic Calculus
SY 2020 – 2021

1. Find lim [ x (2x + 1)] .
x →4

lim [ x (2x + 1)] = lim x  lim (2x + 1)
x →4 x →4 x →4
= 49
= 36

( )(
2. Find lim  x − 2 x + 2  .
x →4
lim ( x − 2)( x + 2) = 12
x →4

F. Limit of the Quotient of Two Functions

f ( x) L
If lim f ( x) = L and lim g ( x) = M , then lim = , where M  0 .
x →a x →a x→a g ( x) M


5x + 8
1. Find lim .
x →4 2x
5x + 8 5(4) + 8 28 7
lim = = =
x →4 2x 2(4) 8 2

x 2 + 5x + 6
2. Find the lim .
x →−1 x +2
x 2 + 5x + 6 (-1)2 + 5(-1) + 6 1 − 5 + 6
lim = = =2
x →−1 x +2 (-1) + 2 1

f ( x)
Question: What happens to lim if substituting a for x makes the denominator 0?
x→a g ( x)

x3 − 8 3 − x −1
1.lim =? 2. lim =?
x →2 x − 2 x →2 2− x

Answer: the limit of function will be undefined. Due to that, you must use Factoring or
Rationalization method.

𝑥 3 −8
1. lim . (Factoring)
𝑥→2 𝑥−2
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Basic Calculus
SY 2020 – 2021


𝑥3 − 8 (𝑥 − 2)(𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 4)
lim = lim
𝑥→2 𝑥 − 2 𝑥→2 𝑥−2

= lim (𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 4) since x ≠ 2

= 22 + 2(2) + 4

= 12

2. lim (Rationalization)
𝑥→2 2−𝑥

Solution: Rationalizing the numerator, we have

√3 − 𝑥 − 1 √3 − 𝑥 − 1 √3 − 𝑥 + 1
= ∙
2−𝑥 2−𝑥 √3 − 𝑥 + 1

(2 − 𝑥)(√3 − 𝑥 + 1)

(2 − 𝑥)(√3 − 𝑥 + 1)

(√3 − 𝑥 + 1)


√3 − 𝑥 − 1 1
lim = lim
𝑥→2 2−𝑥 𝑥→2 (√3 − 𝑥 + 1)

(√3 − 2 + 1)

1 1
….….….= =
1+1 2

G. Limit of the nth Power of a Function

x →a
( )
If lim f x = L and n is any positive integer, then lim[f (x )]n = Ln .
x →a

Find the lim (5x + 7)4 .
x →−2
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Basic Calculus
SY 2020 – 2021


lim (5x + 7)4 =  lim (5x + 7 ) 


x →−2  x →−2 
= 5( −2) + 7

= ( −3)

= 81

H. Limit of the nth Root of a Function

If n is a positive integer and lim f ( x) = L, then lim n f ( x) = n L
x →a x →a

Find the lim (5x + 7)4 .
x →−2


lim 5x + 3 = 5(3) + 3
x →3
= 15 + 3
= 18
=3 2

Note: Whenever in a function, the limits of both numerator and denominator are zero,
you should simplify in such a manner that the denominator of the resulting function is not
zero. However, if the limit of the denominator is 0 and the limit of the numerator is non-
zero, then the limit of the function does not exist.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Basic Calculus
SY 2020 – 2021

Key Concepts
✓ Limit of a Constant Function
If c is constant, then for any number a
lim c = c
x →a
✓ Limit of the Identity Function
If f is the identity function f (x) = x, then for any number a
lim x = a
x →a
✓ Limit of a Linear Function
If a and b are any constants, then lim (mx + b ) = ma + b .
x →a
✓ Limit of the Sum and Difference
If lim f ( x) = L and lim g ( x) = M , then lim [ f ( x)  g ( x)] = L  M .
x →a x →a x →a

✓ Limit of the Product of Two Functions

If lim f ( x) = L and lim g ( x) = M , then lim[ f ( x) • g ( x)] = L • M .
x →a x →a x →a

✓ Limit of the Quotient of Two Functions

f ( x) L
If lim f ( x) = L and lim g ( x) = M , then lim = , where M  0 .
x →a x →a x→a g ( x) M
✓ Limit of the nth Power of a Function
x →a
( )
If lim f x = L and n is any positive integer, then lim[f (x )]n = Ln .
x →a

✓ Limit of the nth Root of a Function

If n is a positive integer and lim f ( x) = L, then lim n f ( x) = n L
x →a x →a

✓ substitution method in evaluating algebraic limits is essential to perform limit

f ( x)
✓ factoring or rationalization can be applied if the lim makes the denominator 0 when
x→a g ( x)
substituting a for x.

Learning Activity

Tutorial Videos

Here are some YouTube videos you can watch to help you to have a better understanding
about the lesson.

✓ Limit Laws
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Basic Calculus
SY 2020 – 2021


YouTube Videos and Websites:

➢ (2020, May 8). Limits: Limit Laws.
➢ TheTrevTutor (2017, July 11).[Calculus] Limit Laws. YouTube.

Got some questions and

clarifications? You may message
your subject teachers in Canvass
inbox or MS Teams. Or you can
post it on our discussion board.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Basic Calculus
SY 2020 – 2021

Enrichment Activity


A. Determine whether the statement is True or False. If it is false, explain what makes it false, or
provide a counterexample.
1. If lim 𝑓(𝑥) and lim 𝑔(𝑥) both exist, then lim [𝑓(𝑥) ± 𝑔(𝑥)] always exists.
𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎
2. If lim 𝑓(𝑥) and lim 𝑔(𝑥) both exist, then lim [𝑓(𝑥) ∙ 𝑔(𝑥)] always exists.
𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎
3. If lim 𝑓(𝑥) and lim 𝑔(𝑥) both exist, then lim 𝑔(𝑥) always exists.
𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎
4. If lim 𝑓(𝑥) exists and p is an integer, then lim (𝑓(𝑥))𝑝 , where p is an integer, always exists.
𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎
5. If lim 𝑓(𝑥) exists and n is an integer, then lim 𝑛√𝑓(𝑥) always exists.
𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎
6. If lim [𝑓(𝑥) − 𝑔(𝑥)] = 0, then lim 𝑓(𝑥) and lim 𝑔(𝑥) are equal.
𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎
7. If lim 𝑔(𝑥) = 1, then lim 𝑓(𝑥) and lim 𝑔(𝑥) are equal.
𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎 𝑥→𝑎

B. Determine the limit of each of the following algebraic functions. (2 pts. each)

1. lim
x−2 5. lim ( 2 x 2 + 1) ( 7 x − 5)
x →3
x →3 x+4

2. lim( y 2 − 300) x−2

6. lim
y →10 x → 27 x+9

3. lim x + 7 x
x →25 5x2 − 4
7. lim 3
x →−2 x + 10
r2 − 5
4. lim
r →1 2r 3 − 7

Note: Please combine this Enrichment Activity 2.1 to Enrichment Activity 2.2 (on Module 1.3)
upon submission.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Basic Calculus
SY 2020 – 2021

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