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Chakra Healing with  

Anodea Judith 
Key Summary Points 

Table of Contents 
Warm Up 1: Welcome 5

Warm Up 2: Preparing for Your Quest Ahead 5

Warm Up 3: Fundamentals: Introduction to Chakras 5

Warm Up 4: Opening Meditation and Setting Intention 6

Day 1: Root Chakra: Healing the Psyche 6

Day 2: Root Chakra: Healing the Body 6

Day 3: Root Chakra: Healing the Spirit 7

Day 4: Sacral Chakra: Healing the Psyche 7

Day 5: Sacral Chakra: Healing the Body 8

Day 6: Sacral Chakra: Healing the Spirit 8

Day 7: Review Day 9

Day 8: Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Psyche 9

Day 9: Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Body 9

Day 10: Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Spirit 10

Day 11: Heart Chakra: Healing the Psyche 10

Day 12: Heart Chakra: Healing the Body 11

Day 13: Heart Chakra: Healing the Spirit 11

Day 14: Review Day 11

Day 15: Throat Chakra: Healing the Psyche 12

Day 16: Throat Chakra: Healing the Body 12

Day 17: Throat Chakra: Healing the Spirit 13

Day 18: Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Psyche 13

Day 19: Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Body 13

Day 20: Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Spirit 14

Day 21: Review Day 14

Day 22: Crown Chakra: Healing the Psyche 14

Day 23: Crown Chakra: Expanding Awareness 15

Day 24: Crown Chakra: Healing the Spirit 15

Day 26: Fundamentals of the Downward Manifesting Current 16

Day 27: The Global Heart 16

Day 28: Opening Meditation & Setting Intention 17

Day 29: Manifesting Crown Chakra: Consciousness Creates 17

Day 30: Manifesting Third Eye Chakra: Vision Vitalyzes 18

Day 31: Manifesting Throat Chakra: Communication Catalyzes 18

Day 32: Manifesting Heart Chakra: Love Launches 19

Day 33: Manifesting Solar Plexus: Power Produce 19

Day 34: Manifesting Sacral Chakra: Pleasure Pleases 20

Day 35: Manifesting Root Chakra: Matter Matters 20



Warm Up 1: Welcome 
Key Summary Points 
1. The Chakra System is a map for integrating all parts of yourself into wholeness. 
2. This Chakra Healing Quest is a personal journey in which the real treasures are 
found in the miracles that happen along the way.  
3. This is Quest is for those ready for a transformation, a full system reboot. 

Warm Up 2: Preparing for Your Quest Ahead 

Key Summary Points 

1. The most valuable lessons of this journey will happen like miracles during and 
after the quest. 
2. If you encounter resistance during the journey, it means that issue is ready to be 

Warm Up 3: Fundamentals: Introduction to 

Key Summary Points 
1. Chakras are wheel-like organizational centers for the reception, assimilation, storage, 
and expression of life force energy. 
2. The Chakras are not only a guide to personal healing, they are also a guide for 
humanity’s evolution. 

3. There are two major energy currents in the Chakra System: the liberation and 
manifesting current, which govern our growth from finite to infinite and from idea to 
physical form, respectively. 
4. Chakra blocks are created by knots, which steam from imbalances formed by 
excessive or deficient coping strategies when dealing with situations. 

Day 1: Root Chakra: Healing the Psyche 

Key Summary Points 
1. Programming of the root chakra happens in the first year of life, where a baby 
learns to trust or fear the world. 
2. Programmed blockages can be caused by an unsafe environment, poor mother 
bonding, or feeling unwanted. 
3. The habit of fear blocks the root chakra in our current adult life. 
4. To heal our psyche, we must first learn how to embrace fear as an ally, approach 
ourselves with compassion, and reaffirm our safety here on Earth. 

Day 2: Root Chakra: Healing the Body 

1. Bio-Energetic Movements 
a. Charging: Standing Bioenergetic Grounding  
b. Discharging: Stamp feet   
2. Everyday Movements 
a. Press Tailbone to Seat  
b. Kundalini Butt Bounce  


Day 3: Root Chakra: Healing the Spirit 

Key Summary Points 
1. Over generations, our nervous systems have been implanted with trauma and 
fear, leading to greed and distrust, which perpetuate environmental, financial, 
and health crises around the world. 
2. Humans are wired for the natural world – a world of organic abundance. Thus, 
being in nature helps us reset our overall systems of safety, trust, and having 
3. The first step in healing our spirit and world is to acknowledge our Home, both 
the body and Earth, as sacred. 

Day 4: Sacral Chakra: Healing the Psyche 

Key Summary Points 
1. Programming of the sacral chakra happens at 6 months old, where a baby learns to 
how to feel. 
2. Programmed blockages can be caused by denial of the child's feeling state, 
unpleasant or painful environments, or unbalanced emotional environments. 
3. Guilt can hinder the natural flow of emotions and desire in our adult life. When 
we overcome guilt, we allow ourselves to enjoy and feel our emotions more fully. 
4. To heal our psyche, we must first learn how to embrace our emotions, feel them, 
and allow ourselves to feel sensations without guilt. 


Day 5: Sacral Chakra: Healing the Body 
Key Summary Points 
1. Bio-Energetic Movements 
a. Charging: Butterfly Legs  
b. Discharging: Pelvic Pulses  
2. Everyday Movements 
a. Bioenergetic Swing  
b. Wave motion  

Day 6: Sacral Chakra: Healing the Spirit 

Key Summary Points 
1. There's power in sharing and having our feelings witnessed and understood. It 
helps us build deeper connections and compassion. 
2. Feeling our sensations, guilt, and our sexuality are all related in our sacral 
3. Learning to balance ourselves means not only to express our emotions, but also 
learning how to contain them as well. 
4. Healing in the sacral chakra starts with letting go of judgment of ourselves and 
others and feeling compassion. 

Day 7: Review Day  


Day 8: Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Psyche 

Key Summary Points 
1. Programming of the solar plexus chakra happens in the first 18 months to 4 
years old when a child learns to find its own autonomy and will. 
2. Programmed blockages can be caused by shame stemming from controlling 
parents, age-inappropriate responsibilities, or not being allowed to become 
3. Having been shamed means you lost your power. We can regain this personal 
power by owning our responsibilities. 
4. To heal our psyche, we must first examine where we are giving away our power 
and learn to take it back through conscious choice and action. 

Day 9: Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Body 

Key Summary Points 
1. Bio-Energetic Movements 
a. Charging: Stoking the Fire  
b. Discharging: Woodchopper  
2. Everyday Movements 
a. Breath of Fire  
b. Stirring the Cauldron  


Day 10: Solar Plexus Chakra: Healing the Spirit 

Key Summary Points 
1. The current world paradigm of power unhealthy creates division and a power 
over others. We must first reclaim our own power to re-create a new paradigm 
for the world to replace the love of power to the power of love. 
2. The antidote to powerlessness is to live from purpose and integrity. 
3. We can change the notion of “power” by first changing what it means to us and 
acting in accordance with those definitions.   
4. Healing starts with understanding what are our values and committing to live in 
alignment with them. 

Day 11: Heart Chakra: Healing the Psyche 

Key Summary Points 
1. Programming of the heart chakra happens in between the ages 3 to 7 years old 
when a child learns to behave in ways to get love. Personas are then formed 
often at odds with our authentic selves, which can later lead to a lack of true 
intimacy in adulthood with others and ourselves. 
2. Programmed blockages can be caused by grief stemming from abandonment, 
rejection, loss, conditional love, or any form of child abuse.   
3. The internalized relationship with our parents later shape the relationship 
patterns with others and ourselves. 
4. Compensations are made to heal past wounds often resulting in closing up for 
protection or becoming overly clingy. Internalization of parental expectations 
shape self-criticisms, which later affects patterns in adult relationships. 

5. To heal our psyche, we must first learn to love and accept ourselves. It starts with 
having a healthy ecology of the heart; all aspects of ourselves are integrated and 

Day 12: Heart Chakra: Healing the Body 

Key Summary Points 
1. Bio-Energetic Movements 
a. Charging: Winged Breath 
b. Discharging: Breath of Joy  
2. Everyday Movements 
a. Ain’t it Wonderful?  
b. Stop, breathe, and smile  

Day 13: Heart Chakra: Healing the Spirit 

Key Summary Points 
1. The world paradigm from a hierarchy of power is shifting from a “power over 
others” to a “power with others”. 
2. The awakening of the global heart is a movement from a chain of command to a 
web of connection. 
3. Caring is a key ingredient to improving ourselves and the world around us. 

Day 14: Review Day 

Day 15: Throat Chakra: Healing the Psyche 
Key Summary Points 
1. Programming of the throat chakra happens in between the ages 7 to 10 years 
old when a child to interact with others. 
2. Programmed blockages can be caused by lies stemming from mixed messages, 
secrets and neglect. 
3. The internalization of invalidation and not being heard manifests in later 
adulthood as not knowing and expressing our own truth. 
4. To heal our psyche, we must reclaim our voice – our right to speak and be heard. 

Day 16: Throat Chakra: Healing the Body 

Key Summary Points 
1. Bio-Energetic Movements 
a. Shoulder Shrugs (Charging)  
b. Get off my Back (Discharging)  
2. Everyday Movements 
a. Neck Rolls  
b. Jaw Stretches  


Day 17: Throat Chakra: Healing the Spirit 
Key Summary Points 
1. Not speaking our truths, allows the status quo to continue remaining unchecked. 
We were taught to be “good” by staying silent. 
2. Throughout history, creatives and the artists were the social architects, who 
shaped the leading edge of culture and aided in societal change. 
3. Tools of communication can replace the need for war through diplomacy, 
councils, UN, and listening circles. 
4. Not speaking our truths creates distance with others. By speaking what we are 
withholding, we create a space for clear communication and understanding to 
take place; this is how we form deeper trust and connection. 

Day 18: Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Psyche 
Key Summary Points 
1. Programming of the third eye chakra happens during adolescence. When an 
individual learns to think independently and make sense of themselves and the 
2. Programmed blockages can be caused by visual trauma, leading to repression 
and dissociation from memories, or invalidation where we learn to invalidate 
ourselves as adults. 
3. Consequences of third eye blockages can lead to illusions such as self-scrutiny, 
“shoulds”, always seeing what’s wrong, and perfect images. 
4. Healing the third eye chakra has less concern with past childhood trauma and is 
better developed through the practice of seeing yourself and others. 


Day 19: Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Body 

Key Summary Points 
1. Bio-Energetic Movements 
a. 6th Chakra Breathing (Charging)  
b. Blowing Pictures (Discharging)  
2. Everyday Movements 
a. Yogic Eye Exercises 
b. Forehead Pull  

Day 20: Third Eye Chakra: Healing the Spirit 

Key Summary Points 
1. Humanity is at a time when we can envision and create a better future, but the 
illusion of separation hinders the process of evolutionary creation. 
2. Seeing is an act of creation. By choosing to see possibilities, you can create 
possibilities in real form. 
3. Your world is a reflection of your consciousness. To see it clearly, become still. 

Day 21: Review Day 


Day 22: Crown Chakra: Healing the Psyche 
Key Summary Points 
1. The crown chakra is the chakra of consciousness itself, the invisible essence that 
is behind everything. 
2. By letting go of attachments, one frees up their consciousness and attention. 
3. The crown chakra’s gift is liberation. It involves the power of Kundalini – a highly 
concentrated charge, a powerful healing force. 
4. Begin opening your awareness by asking questions in your mind, and then 
surrendering to what comes.   

Day 23: Crown Chakra: Expanding Awareness 

1. The crown chakra is more about consciousness than the body. Practice 
expanding your awareness.  

Day 24: Crown Chakra: Healing the Spirit 

Key Summary Points 
1. Evolution is god's way of making more gods. 
2. Faulty worldviews and paradigms that are associated with blocked chakras: 
a. There isn’t something beyond. 
b. That we are not part of divinity 
c. That we don’t know anything, knowledge but no wisdom. 
3. There is divinity in everything. 

4. Miracles happen when we notice the divinity in all things and treat them as 

Day 26: Fundamentals of the Downward 

Manifesting Current 
Key Summary Points 
1. Through passing each other, the upward and downward energetic currents 
create vortexes that are the chakras. 
2. The downward current begins in pure consciousness and descends through 
the chakras, becoming denser with each step from thoughts to solid reality. 

Day 27: The Global Heart 

Key Summary Points 
1. The world is at a time of both planetary crisis and technological advancement 
where change is not only possible, but direly needed. 
2. Society is undergoing a transformative process similar to the metamorphosis of 
a caterpillar into a butterfly. We can all play a conscious role in the evolution. 
3. The rise of the Heart-Powered Evolutionary is a movement of people who stand 
in power, for the power of love. 


Day 28: Opening Meditation & Setting Intention 
Key Summary Points 
1. Your vision is the vehicle that helps you fulfill your life purpose.   
2. Often, the most traumatic experiences are the ones that mold us for our service. 

Day 29: Manifesting Crown Chakra: 

Consciousness Creates 
Key Summary Points 
1. In the downward current, we work with 3 aspects of creation: to be, to do and to 
2. Remember to reach far with your goals. Reach far. Stretch and pull your reality 
3. Whenever you decide to create something new in your life, or declare a new 
intention or belief, this act automatically stimulates all previous and conflicting 
intentions and beliefs from the past to re-assert themselves. Crosscurrents can 
appear as anything that shows up in response to your declaration – other than 
what you intended. 
4. Exaggeration gets stuck energy out and allows the freed up energy to go to our 

Day 30: Manifesting Third Eye Chakra: Vision 
Key Summary Points 
1. Beliefs are made from consciousness. Our crown interprets and makes meaning 
out of experiences. Those meanings accumulate to create beliefs in our third 
2. If we are repeating a pattern, it is because a belief is operating underneath the 
3. How we perceive and see affects our ability to manifest. What are the belief 
programmings blocking your third-eye chakra? 

Day 31: Manifesting Throat Chakra: 

Communication Catalyzes 
Key Summary Points 
1. In the throat chakra, we move from pure being into the realm of doing, into the 
social world. 
2. Through communication, our consciousnesses can meet the social world. 
3. What often stops us from sharing is the communication we have with ourselves. 
You first have to get out of your own way. 


Day 32: Manifesting Heart Chakra: Love 

Key Summary Points 
1. Manifestation moves faster when we start doing from a place of service. 
2. When committed individuals gather their energies, build a web of relationships, 
and apply the structures necessary to get things done, nothing can stop us.  

Day 33: Manifesting Solar Plexus: Power 

Key Summary Points 
1. Realize that everything you do is because you are choosing to do it. Everything. 
2. To follow through with your plan, you have to be determined to reach it. That 
means dealing with all the obstacles that might be in your way. 
3. Five common obstacles are: 
a. A. Shoulding on Yourself 
b. Distractomania 
c. Otherizing 
d. Don’t-have-itis 
e. Tomorrow-crastination 

Day 34: Manifesting Sacral Chakra: Pleasure 
Key Summary Points 
1. In any dream, there are things you want and things you need. Both are 
important, but the needs are necessities. 
2. Unmet needs will sabotage because your wants will take over in unhealthy ways. 
3. Identifying the difference between wants and needs is the first step. Asking to 
get your needs met is the second. Often, it means expressing what we ​don’t w
​ ant 
or need. 

Day 35: Manifesting Root Chakra: Matter 

Key Summary Points 
1. This is the point of manifesting when your ideas have fully birthed and have been 
witnessed by others. 
2. Even with success, we often self-sabotage – not believing we are worthy of 
having our successes. One of the most common root chakra issues being money. 
3. It first starts with believing our capacity to HAVE, then only can we receive. 



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