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Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Puntland State of Somalia Dawladda Puntland
Ministry of EducationWasarada waxbarashada



This report covers the period September 2012 to January 2013 and it captures the work of the
Regional Gender Focal Points whose tasks include the collection of data, the monitoring of the AFPE
recipients in terms of their attendance and performance. According to existing MoE educational
policies and developments geared towards upgrading the education and participation of girls in
Puntland, the Ministry of Education of Puntland in collaboration with UNICEF employed the
Regional Gender Officers. One of the main duties of the RGFPs is to monitor and document any work
on related to gender in their respective region. Another core task of the RGFPs is to collect formal
and non-formal data on girl’s education. A final core responsibility of the RGFPs is to report on
AFPE recipients in that respective region.

MOE determined various ways through which female education can be enhanced in all levels in all
regions and takes the leads in coordinating and advancing all female educational activities in
Puntland. It has also developed policies and advocates for gender-sensitive frameworks. Based on
the existing gabs in the specific area of female education which is well known and identified in
educational statistics, the Regional Gender Officers were hired to prepare a monthly data base with
monthly report on female educational situations, coming up with strategies that promote female
education in the region, to enhance the equality of female education, to identify female education
gabs in wide approach to development of education in Puntland. The main purpose of the task of
these Regional Gender Officers is to guide the progress of female educational advocacy between all
education partners and Ministry of education in Puntland to establish effective advocacy and
development, procedures, and polices to be adopted and followed by all education stakeholders.


 To monitor and document any work related to gender in their respective region
 To collect formal and non-formal data on girl’s education
 To report on AFPE recipients in that respective region
 To enhance the equality of female education
 To identify female education gabs in wide approach to development of education in


Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013
The regional gender focal points sent reports regularly from September to 2012 to January 2013
under their duties and responsibilities so that the achievement was show below:
 The RGFPs reported general situation of the regions which is related to gender particularly
gender in education. They reported the number of female students gradually increased
these two years but number of female teachers are less in primary schools
 183 female students are attending 146 schools/education facilities in all Puntland regions.
All Regional Gender focal Points monitored regularly for the beneficiaries of AFPE and
updated their data such as names, grades, contact of head teachers.
 To process the Third installment of AFPE funds, the regional gender focal points reported
the updated list of the beneficiaries and their locations.
 The RGFP carried out follow up to all the affected AFPE beneficiaries in term of technical
issues and financial while they corrected all the issues related to beneficiaries for all
regions. See emerging issues report after AFPE first installment in the Annex


1. Ashoyuusuf Mohamed in Bandarbayla who attends Al-rashid primary school has

transferred her education to Ras Al-macbar upper primary within the same town.
2. Safio Hassan Sheikh in as well as Benderbayla felt discomfort at the salivary glands. There
is a suspicious of Glands TB. She did not still visit to any doctor. Her family cannot afford to
send her to required doctor due to lack of economy, so that she needs extremely to get
medical emergency support immediately.
3. Asha Yusuf Mohamed lived in Benderbayla who suffered pain with the kidneys. She is
from poor family who cannot help her because of their financial situation.
4. Hamdi Said Farah at Sherbi Village within Wa’iya District of Karkaar Region got burned on
the upper part of her body. In warm seasons, plentiful sweat excreted from her body. She
feels pneumonia, fever and perspiration. On the contrary, during the cold weather her skin
chaps and then scratching on her body because of the body is itching and irritating. In the
right now, she is in a hospital at Gardo, but this hospital seems not able to support her with
sufficient medical health.
5. Fadumo Ali Ahmed at Galwo Village under Rako District of Karkar Region was burned at
lower part of her body particularly in legs. She has not taken to any hospital. She does not
go to school when she feels soren from the hurt so she needs urgent medical support.


6. Farhiyo Ahmed Hussein from Sool region, dropped out the college and went out the whole
AFPE scholarship


Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013
7. Raxmo Xabiib Yuusuf Salaama primary Galkaio standard 3, She is out of the school for a
month due to moving other resident ( Xagardheer)
8. Xaawo Farxaan Suulay Nuur Al-Yaqiin primary Bursalah, standard one, She got very low
marks due to doing household chores at home, according to her and the family and the
9. Khadro Xuseen CaliCiro primary school St. 7 didn’t get semester one money due to
unavailability of the money from the MOE.
10. Najax Yuusuf C/salaam from Galdogob primary school ST. 7 moved to Abdudwaaq


11. Safiyo Deeq Dahir Who is studying in B/qasim primary school in Bosaso Grade 6; school
management transferred her class in to G7. Finally safiyo is in grade 7 instead of grade 6.
12. In East Africa University BBA faculty’s fee was 250 as they told us one month ago then after
Hawo Ahmed Abdi who is studying BBA says that she pays $ 300so the difference should
be given due attention.


13. Saynab Abdullahi Hassan and Fawsiyo Siciid Abdirahman , transferred from Garowe
College of Management to Ahmed Haji College in Garowe


In any work setting, though varying in degree and length, there are constraints and challenges. With
regards to the Regional Gender Focal Points in term of large region with far districts which is
difficult to get direct car for it also the transportation cost which is always released lately. In below
showing as precise
1. Delay in the release of salary and transportation costs budgeted for the for last months
and it is difficult to visit districts and villages
2. The regional genders focal points do not have any equipment to carry out their regular


After having monitored the quality and quantity of the work done by the RGFPs, we at the Gender
Unit are satisfied with the work and progress done and accomplished by the focal officers. We
receive the necessary reports.

We are thereof recommending the following;

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013
1. That the salary and transportation cost of the RGFPs be released as soon as possible for
to carry out their duties and tasks.
2. That they are given the necessary equipment such as computers, camera and etc to
facilitate their work

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Emerging issues list after monitoring and verification AFPE first installment

Region Name of the School & level The issue affecting the Recommendation of
& beneficiary girls GU
Sickness Cases
-Sucad Ali Salama School  she has a problem
Xarfo Abdirahman G1 from right eye while  Needs medical
she feel a pain when support
learning in the class

Sanag -Asho Mahamed Cakara School  She is sick from her  She needs special
Fiqifuliy Said G2 eye there is a tumor in medical support
e her eye

Sool -Sahra Maxamed Darwish  She is handicap in her  Needs support to go

Xudun Cabdullahi School Form1 legs, her sister is school like wild
handicap. She feel chair
difficult to come
school because of

Karkar  She is physically  She needs

- Fadumo ali Qalwo School handicap in her legs, emergence support
Rako ahmed, G1 her older brother is to continue her
physically handicap education
and her father is

-Miski Abdirishid Waberi School  The health and the  Needs family
Garowe Mohamud G2 moral of this girl is not support through
well, because her paying the school
father was died fees of her siblings
HIV/AIDS,and her
mother is sick at this
some diseases

Bari - Firdaws Karin School  She has paralyzed part  Needs support to
Karin mahamed ali G6 of her body (one hand continue her
and leg in one side). education like
movable chair

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Bari - Amino abukar Iskushuban  This girl has a  Needs medical

Iskushub mumin School G1 problem from her support
an hearing, she is deaf
approximately 65%.
Bari - Safio deeq dahir Bandarqasim  She is disabled girl,  Needs educational
bandarqs School G5 she is physically support such as
im handicap from one leg moveable chair
-Asho Yusuf Al-macbar  She has a problem  Needs medical
Bandarb Mohamed School G7 from kidneys she feels Support
yla pain she cannot sit
long time in a chair

-Amina Nur Artan Buran School  She always sick, she is  Needs vitamins and
Dhahar Gelle Form 2 anemia due to the other nutrition food
malnutrition because or drinks like
she from very poor vitamins syrups
Nugaal - Bilan maxamed Godob School  This girl her father  Needs to give
Godobjir nur G1 was died before now, additional support
an she was live her uncle,
unfortunately her
uncle was died before
two week, her
mother is old woman
Sool - Sahra dahir Jeerin School  She is physically  Needs support such
Taleex farah Form 1 handicap , also her as walking chair or
sister is handicap and tool
from very low income
Financial Cases

Sanag -Asia Mohamed

Lasqoray Mohamud Shaca School  She did not receive the  Head teacher
G6 money properly the should subtract only
head teacher shared the school term fee
her with other poor

Karkar - Adna Gedi Waciya School  The head teacher  GRO should check
Waciya Adan G6 Qasim Ismail Ahmed and make sure such
which took the money case and give brief
from Dahabshil Bank about the process of

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013
and managed the the money to
money, each month he teacher and the
gives some amount to beneficiary
parent of the

Sool -Xamdi Jamac Awrboges  This girl is not a real  Stop any release fun
Xudun cashuur School G3 girl,the head teacher of per term to this girl
this school Ismail Idle through this school.
Mohamed who has  To cancel any
090626422 confirmed AFPE relation to
that this girl is from this school
very low income  To search and
family during check the reliability
selection process, he of this girl
argued that could not
able to take a photo
and has no tell number
he took the money
from Dahabshil while
this girl is not the
student list of this
Bari Ubah osman Bosaso public  This girl is grade 8,  To release the fun
Bosaso jibriil shool G8 the next term she will of the next
be from1, so she needs semester as a
to consider as a secondary budget
secondary student in
the next term
Technical error Cases

Galkacay -Ifrah abdishakur HE center G7  These two girls are  GU should take a
o jama and Astur and Form1 already got a proper action
duran abdi scholarship because  RGO should report
they learn a school suck case
that is free no charge

Galdogo -khadra Hussein Ciiro School  This girl did not  To correct and
b Ali G1 receive any money, change her exact
because she replaced name and then
another missed girl release the money
and the money to her address
released the name of
other girl

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Karkar -Amina Yasin Maygag  She applied as a grade  GU with the DG

Rako Mohamed School G3 six and the money should take an
released as an upper appropriate action
primary level, but she  The next term
is in class three should conceder as
grade three
Ayn The families are all poor no additional problem, money received all beneficiary properly;
there is only one girl who moved to other village, whereby a girl in Ceegaag village did not
visited and verified because the conflicts and the war started that places.

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013

Accelerated Female Participating in Education (AFPE) Final version
updated 19-02 2013
Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013
Selected candidates AFPE third installment
Nu Name of Grade& Name of Names of Contact Guardian Contact of Budget School Money
candidate location School/Ins Head of H/T Name Guardian 50% fees for
titution teacher Educatio
n Kits
Region: Sanag                  
Lower primary                  
1.    Amina Ahmed 2 Badhan Dawli Cawed 674812 Anab Omar 500907 $104.50 $35 $69.40
      Abdi Mahamud school Isse
2.    Hawo Ahmed 3 Badhan Rad school Mohamed 764552 Fadumo 380104 $104.50 $35 $69.40
      Mahamud Ibrahim Ahmed
3.    Aasiyo Ahmed 2 Badhan Kulmiye Abdilahi 710434 Caasho 336649 $104.50 $35 $69.40
      Jamac Xanuje school Abdi Ali Maxamed
celbuh Siciid
4.    Shukri Hassan 4 Badhan Laako Ali Jibriil 782327 SaadoAhmed 557696 $104.50 $35 $69.40
      Ali school
5.    Khadra 4 Badhan Sinay Mohamed 763788 Sahro Omar 366148 $104.50 $35 $69.40
      Mahamud Ali school Adan Firin
Salah Ashuur
Sub-total             $522.50 $175 $347.00
Upper primary                  
6.    Asho Mahamed 5 cakara Abdalle 024201 Hodan 24202474 $189.50 $50 $139.50
      Said Hirsi Fiqifuliye Farah 172/43 Faarax
Mohamed 3485 Maxamed
7.    Amal 7 Dhahar Mubarak Ahmed 785195 Rodo 541055 $189.50 $50 $139.50
      Sh.Hussein school Mohamed Abdullahi
Mohamed Abokor
8.    Hibaq Farhan 7 Badhan Farjano Abdirahm 375823 Fatima 209203 $189.50 $50 $139.50
      MuseWarsame school an Hasan Mahamud
yubbe Farah
9.    Suad Muse 6 Badhan Tayo Ahmed 799255 Hodon Yusef 761038 $189.50 $50 $139.50
      Awad school Mohamed Hassan
10.  Mustalifa 6 Badhan Iqra school Sicid 866810 Saynab Jama 631177 $189.50 $50 $139.50
   Mahamed Abdirahm Ali
Ahmed Muse an
11 Hawo ali 7 Saldun Husen 799592 Sacdiyo 671555 $189.50 $50 $139.50
hussein Hadaftim abdisalam Abdi abdullahi
o secondary Wadaad
12 Asiyo Mahamed 7 Shaca Mahamuu 711326 Khadija 728363 $189.50 $50 $139.50
Mahamud Laasqoray School d Hamud Dawad Mire
Subtotal             $1,326.5 $350 $976.50
13 Rodo Said Isse Form 2 Al-noor Mohamud 799886 Fadumo 652872 $371.50 $85 $286.50
Badhan secondary Mohamed Hasan Abdi
school Umar
14 Hamda From 2 Saldun Husen 799592 Faiso 613424 $371.50 $85 $286.50
Mahamud Badhan abdisalam Abdi Mahamud
Mahamed Salah secondary Wadaad Ahame
15 Aamina Nuur Form Buraan Osmaan 607033 Haliimo Ali 723726 $371.50 $85 $286.50
Artan Gelle 3Dhahar secondary Ali Muse Awad
Subtotal             $1,114.5 $175 $859.50
Colleges /Universities                  
15.  Muna cabdi Year 1 Public Jama Haji18 791330 Halimo 343477 $407.00 $150 $257
   bashir nuur Bosaso Health Warsame ahmed cabdi
16.  Asia Year 1 Muqdisho Adan 799512 Sirad Ahmed 764332 $696.00 $250 $446
Girls Education Progress Report September 2012 -January 2013


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