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Opening the Inner Temple Meditation

Opening the inner temple, chakra alignment meditation. Find a quiet place
where you can sit comfortably. Make this a special time for yourself. A time to
go inside to your inner temple, that sacred space within your skin that you
identify as yourself. Let the images of the day fall away as your attention
turns inward into the peaceful sanctuary of your inner world. Begin to focus
on your breath, naturally coming in and coming out. Letting the inhalation be
just a little bigger and then letting it out all the way, even with a soft sigh.
Wait for the natural inclination to inhale again, and imagine the air streaming
into your inner temple like a fresh breeze through a window and release
again, releasing any tension in your body and settling in to the depth of your

Say hello to this inner temple. Take up residence here. This is your sacred
space, yours and yours alone. Begin to align your chakras. By pressing your
tailbone toward the back of your seat, widening your base, notice what
happens to your body, to your posture, to your breath. From the center of
that wide base, press down into the earth, pressing down through any floors
or foundations to imagine strong and vital roots, penetrating the earth below.
Feel the sense of settling into the floor of your inner temple, into your
foundation of being, into the home of your body. Now keeping your roots
down, lift the top of your head up toward the heavens. Inhale into the vast
spaciousness of the starry night sky and feel yourself expand into the infinite.

Imagine you can lift higher and higher, yet still keep your roots anchored in
the earth, extending upward and downward at the same time, lengthening
your spine. When you come to your next exhalation, draw that cosmic energy
downward into the crown of your head, and down through the core that runs
through the vertical center of your temple. See that core in your mind's eye
as a vertical column of sparkling bright energy. Imagine that column of
energy as the capital letter I, a straight line with a little hat at the top and a
foot at the bottom. Feel that core as your personal I, the sacred center of
your inner temple. As you breathe in, silently utter the word I and affirmed
that core, bringing in beautiful golden energy from your crown.

Now as you breathe out, imagine the words I am. Moving the energy all the
way down to the earth. Affirm the I on the in breath and the I am on the out
breath. I on the in breath and I am on the out breath, and then feeling that I,
the presence that is you. Now give it a location. I am here. I am in here. I am
here now. Now that you have established your core, imagine that strong like
spinning, shining jewels along the cord of your central column of energy are
the seven chakras, seven chambers in your inner temple, each one handling
a different type of energy. We will now charge up each one of these sacred
chambers with the breath, beginning at the base of the spine where the first
chakra is located.

Imagine a red glowing ball of energy, roots moving down to the earth,
pushing into the solid body of the mother. Inhale and draw that earth energy
up your legs and into your body and exhale and push it back down to the
earth, pressing your tailbone to the back, your sitting bones down, your feet
into the floor say I am in here. Inhale and draw the earth energy up the way,
roots drop nutrients and exhale and let your roots penetrate even deeper.
One more time inhaling up and exhaling, pressing the roots deep and wide
all the way around you like the roots of a tree. On the next breath, bring your
attention to your second chakra. Just below the navel, midway between front
and back.

It's name Svadhisthana means one zone place so acknowledge this as your
own private place, an intimate place. The chakra of water whose flow is the
river of life flowing through you moment to moment. Allow those rivers to
flow through your body right now, making little micro movements where ever
you're sitting, oscillating back and forth with your spine according to what
feels good to you. Imagine a warm orange color expanding out to your skin
as you inhale, and then with a sensuous caress, draw that energy in to your
own place. Inhale and expand into the orange. Exhale and gather that light
into your core, seeing the light brighten right in the center of your own inner
place. Imagine this center directly above the red first chakra in alignment.
The radiant core connecting them, and as that radiant core moves to the
second chakra, it rises up into the fire of the third chakra. Here the energy of
matter and movement combined to create friction and sparks and energy,
that energy can bring you power. Imagine that fire burning inside you,
burning with purpose, burning with strength. Feel the energy of that fire. Feel
that charge to go forth and take action to do what needs to be done. As you
inhale, imagine the yellow of fire expanding, and as you exhale, draw those
flames in to embers, knowing you can breathe in those sparks any time and
move it into a fire, and you can let go of the breath and come into a calm.

Now your red first chakra, your orange second chakra, your golden yellow
third chakra are connected along the radiant core, which now rises out of
that fire up into the air of the heart. Take a breath of this glorious air. Fill
yourself with its presence and let it out. Softening the body as you release.
Let the next breath in be breathing in the love that brings everything in this
world into relationship, the love that is provided this earth and all the beings
on it. As you breathe out, let that love flow through your heart. Loving
creation in return and gratitude and hailing the love in like a divine caress to
your heart, filling your heart with beautiful green energy and then releasing.
Opening the chest, softening the shoulders, opening the arms wide.

Then maybe you would like to bring your hands over your own heart, holding
this precious jewel, this sacred center of the heart chakra. Anahata, sound
that is made without any two things striking and as the heart settles into the
peace, the unity, and expansion of the air, we spread our wings and fly up to
the throat chakra, the realm of sound, vibration, the bright blue of
communication, expression, creativity. Allow the music to be a caress to your
fifth chakra. Sea waves of radiant blue light oscillating sound waves moving
out from your throat and moving inward to your inner listening. Imagining
your expression to be effortless. Your deepest truth abides here.

As the vibrations of the sound massage your being, imagine rising to even a
higher, faster vibration of light. The light of the sixth chakra, the place of
vision, intuition, imagination. Now we feel the charge of our life for us is a
luminous light that comes pouring in from the sunlight, pouring in like light
through a window, and illuminating the inner temple cascading down
through the center where we see these beautiful colored jewels spinning and
sparkling, strung together by the luminous radiant core. As you breathe in,
imagine this light expands and floods your being, and as you breathe out,
imagine you focus that light into a laser beam, penetrating focus to see
forward, to shine a light on whatever you need to see, and inhaling and
expanding into the light.

Exhaling and focusing what is yours to do, what is your vision, what is your
dream, and then we finally take the last step up to the crown chakra.
Sahasrara, the thousand petaled lotus fully blooming at the crown of the
head consciousness itself. Who is it that is hearing these words? Who is it
that is hearing this music, that is living in your body? Whose lives in this
sacred temple? The answer to this is the same as what is asking,
consciousness itself, but it is not you alone that is conscious but everything
around you. Open to the divine cosmos the way a flower drinks in the
sunlight, pulling it down, letting it tumble into your inner temple, filling each
chakra overflowing to the one below.

Radiant nectar of the gut caressing you with divine intelligence, guidance,
wisdom. Let this wisdom settle within you and from your mind's eye, see this
radiant inner temple, seven rainbow jewels spinning on a radiant core, the
core of the eye, the core of the self. This radiant jewel shining out into the
world around you, radiating love and light and truth and power and pleasure.
The infinite presence of your being. Know that this is what you are, a rainbow
bridge from heaven to earth, complete and whole and present.

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