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Glands (group of cell/tissues)

A group of cells that secrete special chemicals (enzymes and hormones) are called glands.

1. Exocrine glands
These are ducted glands and they secrete their secretions through special ducts or pipes.

 Zeis eye (white material at the corner of eyes)

 Lacrimal eye (foreign particle tears)
 tear glands eye (tears)
 wax glands ear (wax)
 olfactory glands nose (liquid)
 salivary glands oral cavity (saliva)
 pancreas abdomen (pancreatic juice)
 sweat glands skin (Sweat)
 sebaceous glands skin (sebum)

2. Endocrine glands
These are ductless glands and they secrete their secretions directly into the blood.

 Hypothalamus (brain) normal brain + water consevation

 Oxytocin (controls all brain functions)

 Anti-diuretic hormone ADH (water conservation)

Thyroid (neck) Metabolism Ca2+ ion level in blood

 Thyroxin (controls metabolic rate)
 Calcitonin (lowers Ca2+ ions level in blood) and locks this calcium into

 Parathyroid (thyroid)

 Parathyroxin (increases Ca2+ ion level in blood) Diet + dissolving bones

 Adrenal (kidney)

 Cortisol (steroid) (increases blood glucose level, regulate metabolism,

reduce inflammation, healing, new cells growth, immunity)

 Adrenaline/epinephrine (increases flow of blood to muscles)

 Emergency, fear/anger, fight-flight mode (self-defense)
 exams/interviews (shivering)

 Nor-adrenaline (increases flow of blood to brain) (artist, scientist)

 Pancreas** (endocrinal gland)

 Insulin (decreases sugar level)
 Glucagon (increases sugar level)

Pituitary gland

Pituitary gland is known as master gland and it regulates all other glands
present in the body.

Pituitary gland has 3 lobes

 Anterior
 Median
 Posterior

Anterior lobe

 Somato-trophin hormone STH (Growth hormone) Gigantism/Dwarfism

 Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH (acts on thyroid)
 Adrenocorticotrophic hormone ACTH (regulates adrenal gland)

Median lobe

 Melanophore stimulating hormone MSH (produce melanin, determines skin


Posterior lobe

 Oxytocin (during delivery of baby/parturition process)

 ADH (water level)

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