Activity No. 4: Simple and Complex Tissues

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Activity Simple and Complex Tissues

No. 4
Title of the Activity


1. All questions and answers should be typewritten. Font: Arial, size 12 and justified
2. Questions in black color and your answers in red color.
3. Submit as pdf file.
4. FILE NAME should be: Act4_MCPH10_SURNAME

I. Objectives:
a. Identify the different parts of simple permanent tissues and complex permanent

b. Discuss the functions of each.

II. Results, Discussion, and Questions

1. Label the the epidermis, parenchyma, collenchyma and schlerechyma cells.
Provide the scientific name of each sample.

Common name: Sunflower

Scientific name: Helianthus annuus


Common name: Corn

Scientific name: Zea mays




2. Label the Stomata and guard cells. Provide the scientific name of each sample.

Common name: Flame of the

woods, Santan-pula

Scientific name: Ixora coccinea

Guard Cell

3. Label the complex permanent tissues; identify the xylem and phloem. Provide the
scientific name of each sample.
Common name: Sunflower

Scientific name: Helianthus annuus



Common name: Corn

Scientific name: Zea mays


4. Label the vessel elements, sieve tube, and companion cell. Provide the scientific
name of each sample.
Common name: Corn

Scientific name: Zea mays

Sieve Tube
Companion Cell

Vessel Elements

5. Give the function of each.

Specialized cells Function

Epidermis  Provides protection against water

 Regulates the process of gas
 Epidermis secretes metabolic
 Absorption of water and essential
Parenchyma cells  Photosynthesis
 Food storage
 Wound healing and tissue
 Sap secretion
 Gas exchange
Collenchyma cells  Provides support, structure,
mechanical strength, and
flexibility to the petiole, leaf veins,
and stem of young plants,
allowing for easy bending without
Schlerenchyma cells  Provides mechanical stiffness or
support and tensile strength to
the plant
Stomata  Allow for gas exchange acting as
an entryway for carbon dioxide
(CO2) and releasing the Oxygen
 Regulates water movement
through transpiration
Guard cells  Provides a conduit for
atmospheric photosynthetic gas
exchange (CO2 uptake and O2
release) and transpirational
release of water (H2O) in
terrestrial plants
 Defence against pathogenic
Vessel elements  Efficient system for transporting
water (including necessary
minerals) from the root to the
leaves and other parts of the
Sieve tube  Conduits of food (mostly sugar or
carbohydrates) transport
Companion cells  Regulate the activity of the
adjacent sieve element and to
take part in loading and unloading
sugar into the sieve element

6. What is the difference between the epidermis and periderm?

Both the epidermis and periderm are dermal tissues that make up an outer
part of plants. The epidermis is the outer layer of leaves, young stems, and young
leaves that have undergone primary growth. Whereas, the periderm is the outer
layer of roots and stems that have undergone secondary growth.

7. Which has more stomata, the upper or lower epidermis? Why?

All surfaces of the leaf contain some amount of stomata for regulating gas
exchange for photosynthesis. However, if compared to the upper epidermis, the
lower epidermis (the underside of the leaf) has more, because it is more often in
the shade and so it is cooler, which means evaporation would not take place as
much. Evaporation would mean the plant loses water, vital for life.

8. What is the role of meristetamic tissues and how do they differ from other cells?

Plants have the impressive abilities to reproduce asexually and regenerate

damaged parts. The secret to these abilities lies within a tissue type called
meristem. Meristematic cells are fully developed and functional at maturity, but
unlike other cells in the plant, they remain totipotent. This means that when
induced, they can develop into any specific plant tissue at any point during the life
of the plant. Other cells in the plant are fully differentiated (meaning that they are
specialized in both form and function) and do not divide. Cells in the meristem,
however, divide and produce all of the new cells in a plant.

While meristem tissue is the source of the regenerative potential of a plant,

meristems also play a pivotal role in normal plant growth. Primary meristematic
tissue helps the plant increase in length or vertical growth, meaning it helps the
plant grow up toward the sun and down into the soil. Secondary meristematic
tissue helps the plant increase the girth or lateral growth of its stems, branches,
and roots.

9. How are vascular tissues different between a monocot and dicot?

Although monocots and dicots all have the same basic tissues and cells,
their arrangement varies considerably. Dicotyledons have vascular bundles
arranged in a circle or broken rings in cross section while monocotyledons have
irregularly scattered vascular bundles embedded in the ground tissue system. For
dicots, the internal tissues are arranged in concentric layers. The vascular bundles
are also less in number but uniform in size. For monocots, there is no concentric
arrangement of layers but they have numerous vascular bundles in different sizes.

Furthermore, monocot stems have most of their vascular bundles near the
outside edge of the stem. The bundles are surrounded by large parenchyma in the
cortex region. There is no pith region in monocots. Dicot stems have bundles in a
ring surrounding parenchyma cells in a pith region. Between the bundles and the
epidermis are smaller (as compared to the pith) parenchyma cells making up the
cortex region. Dicot roots have their xylem in the center of the root and phloem
outside the xylem.

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