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NO: rtrrrttrt"rtrtt"tot"tt"ttttt'rtr3"'t.." Mathematics '|-

I Timei,zfi? hours

Answer 2 marks all for the each questions questions on of this part paper A and it self'
marks for each questions'of part B'
loan of Rs. g5
(1) 000 borrowed at an annual simple
irrterest rate of 12Y8"

(2) Findthe firstamroximation of

(3) Solve- x tr - 3) = $
n the information given inthe diagram.


* ,...ssary to engage 3 men for 5 days at 8 hours.per day to complete a certam task' I{ow manY extr (6) It {,g
find the value ofx'
.r = 3 ,.
Arade l1 - Mtths - N$J

(A Find the Least Common *ufultiple af Ssb, abz and Za

(8) Name 2 isoscetes triangles bassd on:the information

(9) Draw the sketch af ?different faces,wiih measurements of the gtvenprism. ," .. _ .. '. . . -1..
(10) ABCD and ABEFare 2parallelograms.Accordingtothe givendata, O Findthe length ofthe side CD.

(ii) Find the magnitude of nif

(l I) \ryrirc down the set P'nO

(12) Make {, the subject ofthe formula K + !:pT:

(13) The radius ofthe circle with centne o is l3cm.

If PT: l2cm, Findthe length ofTY

Orade tl - Maths - NWP

(14) 'What is the probability of obtaining a multiple of 2 or a multiple of 5, when I 0 cards with the mumbers I to l0
marked on its faces is drawn randomly?
(15) Inthe circlewithccntne Oj illustratedin*refigure;AC isthe diameteirndthe
pointsA, B and C are on the circle. In the givur table, ptrt '/" infrcntofeachinc-orrcctstatemsnt., mark inftont
ofeach , conect $atement and "Jf' mar*,

',1 I

t__ ABO -: OBC lt (16) Sin$ry, --
II A 23x * ,, (lf) Find the time in mirurtes, taken by a vehicle

travelling at a uniform speed of 60 kmh{ to tavel a distance of

of x, based on the information giyen in the diagrarn.
{18) Find the value
(19) Apart 3r'4, ofa 4, 6,7,8, certain group 10, ll, of data 12,..........
rmitten in ascending otder is given belotrr.

(i) Ifs median Find and th€ the total interquatile nurnbcr ofdata range is in l1 the and group 8 respectively. 0i)

Cratle II - Matlrs - NWP

(20) , Find the perimeter ofthe parallelogramABcD based

on the given information

{2U -34-I 0I23

Write down the inequality repressnted on the given number line.

. .: . (ii) How many integer solutions ofthe inequality are there? {n} Find the Frirneter ofthe shaded
region usingthe given data.

,I4cm -a.. . (23) required In the figure, to find draw the point a sketch rrs" that of the is equidistant construction
from lines
the sides PQ and QR, and 3 cm away frorn the point Q.

Q4) formof Write the equation y - ofthe straight line mx+c " t,",in the (25) Find the 8e term ofthe
geometric progression
Grede ll - M*ths )

- NWP {r
l1 (l) Tobuildahouse,Nimalborrowed i ofthetotalamountfromabank*d i

parents. Then he borrowed

of the remaining amount frcm his friend

:, (t) Find what fraction ofthe total amount was borrowed frorn the bank and parents.

ti* Find what ofthe total amountwasborrawed from his friend.

6ri) NimalspendRs. the housecompletety.Findthetotal

amountofmoneyhe spendto opuildthe house.


*3m-B The sketch ofthe floorplan ofa *roppingcomplex is shown in the figure. The shaded region is allocated
for vehicle parkandthe building is inthe remainingpart. ' (i) Find the radius ofthe semi-circular section ofthe
vehicle park.
Grade ll * Maths - NlV
.ji :.

Findrhm#riclepark. ,' $il)

Itisproposedtolayconcreteslabsontheparkin$lot Thepriceof h*afacancteteslabis Rs.1500. Calcularc the
total expenditre for laying concrrete slabs on the parking lot.

(3) Thefrequencydistributionprepard&om&edatacollectedbymeasuringthetimetakenby30studentstoread
a short-story book is given below.
Tiriie (mimses) 0-5 5-I0 1S- l5 15-2S 20-35 35 -45
No ofsildents

246 I 4 (ftequency)
(i)Fill in the blanks in the table.
CO Illustrate this information in a hi$ogram.
Grade ll - Maths - NWP
(tu), Drawthe frequency pnlygsn on this histogram'
(iO :. fxpess the number ofstudents who read the short-story boolq less than I 5 minutes, as a percentage of
the total number of students.
4 ' rr '

(4) (a) piyal deposited Rs. 1 75 000 in an account payrog I I %o annual interest compounded yearly' How much

(b) Tharindu invested Rs. 360 000 and bought shar€s in a compny at marketprice ofRs. 60 per strare. The
company G) Fys
annual dividends of Rs- 8 per share.


6i; FindtheannualdividendsincometrxCanesfr.r..iu"afro*thisiniesment.
(O Atdre end of the year, he sold his shares on an occation when the market price increased. His
capitalgainftomthissalewasRs.gito0.WhatwasttreseIlingpriceofa.share?' , : ..:Grade 11 * Maths - NWP
(5) In a bag, there are 4 red apples and 2 green apples are of the same sizeand.shape. Nisal drawl an apple
randomty the bag notis down ifs colour and retums it back to the bag. Then Sapumal tepea* this prccess.

Representthe relevant sample. Space in the grid shown below.

GD Find the probability ofthe event of drawing a red apple by bothNisal and Sapumal
0D Find the probability of the event of drawing a red apple by Sapumal and green apple by Nisal

(rv) Find the probability ofthe event ofnot drawing a red apple byNisal.

19 ' Nam' the above events in (ii), (i ii) and (iv) as A, B and C respectively. Select and urite 2 mutually exclusive
even8 fromA, B and C.

Grade llr - Maths - N14rP

s2 Ir lrl
Time: $3houreand
10 minutes
Answei 10 questions selecting frve qutstions frcm part A and five questions fiom part B. Each qnestion
carries l0 marks. Denote the rcIevant steps and concct unib. The volume of a right circular cone of base
radius r and height Ir t|"r% of radius tb4 xr'.

t aud the volu$re of e sphere

(1) ta) When importing a certain electrical equipment, oustoms dut5r of 55% of its value has to be paid. Ifthe
. value ofthe equipment which was imported is Rs. 28 000,
(i) Find the value of the equipment after the customs duty is paid. (r) Ifit is marked Rs. 56 420 as the selling price
ofthat equipmenL frnd the expected pnrfit percenage. fi[) It is eamed a profit of289lo when selling the above

equipment by giving a discount Find the discount


(b) Rs. 1 800 has to oe..' paid as quarterly rates for a certain house. Ifthe relavent provincial council charges

15% ofthe assessed annual value ofthe house as rates, find the assessed annual value ofthe house.

, ,An
@ incomplete table values preparcd to draw the graph ofthe function .y = ()+ Z)' - S is given below.
.r -5 4

-J a -1 s +l

{4 -l *4 4 -l +4
(ri) UsingthescaleoflOsmaltdivisionsrepresentingoneunitalongthex-axisandalongthey-axis,
draw the graph ofthe above ftmction.

(h) Usingthe graph,

(O lVrite down tlre interval ofvalues ofx for which y < .

the rooti ofthe equation (x + 2\2 = 0 and there by find the' value of
Sii)Firrd -5 ofr .
Srade lI - Maths - NWP

{3} The and (il (x length, - -L) breadth cmrespectively, and height ofa cuboid are (r +3} cffiz 4 crn ftfre volume
ofthecuboid is 23 ctrt|, Show that x satisfies the quadratic equation
to the nearest first decimal place.

0D Find snpemtelythe length andheight ofthe cuboid.


(Thke fi=3.31?i

$) 14 It is spent Rs. I 75 to buy two apples aird five guavas. I 0 guavas can be bought to the amount which is
(D By taking the price of an apple as Rs. r and the price of a guava as Rs, y, build up a pair of
(b) (a + &)' = s3 + 3a2b + 3abz + bj
Using the above result write the sxpansion of (x -2)'
Nimal hastravelled to thebus stopAinthe town. Then reachesto the bankB.Afterthat bytravelling 300m on
hetavels adistanceof200m onabearingof04S&and

abearingof 1000, he reachestothe ma*et. O 0i) RepresentthewayofNimalinasketch

Byusingasuitable scale drawa scale diagram to rcpresent abovc information.
GD Usingthe scale diagram findthe
distance frombus stoptothemarket.

(6) [nformation on the number ofyoghurts whieh is sold during 30 days in a canteenof,a hospital is given in the
following table. The selling price ofayoghurt is Rs. 35.
No. of yoghurts 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 7* -79

No.of days I 2 6 I 741 b


,: Find the mean number of yoghurts wtrich is sold in a day to the nearest whole nurnbi'r; The markA by selling
owner atthe yoplrurts of price the canteen ofRs.25 at *e endoftwo buys pereach. a stock weeks Butthe of does
yoghu*swhich ownerofthe not excd Rs. canteen isneeded 8000, saidthattheprofitthatheobtained Explain for
2 weeks with reasons from a whether whole sale this ,Lt"*"n1lt true or false
Grads 11 - Maths - N1VP
$, (D

jO Findthe ,*O *, firstterm number of andtlre initial commonratio terms ttrat need ofthe to added progression'
for the sum to be equal to 48'
(8) useonlyas6aigtrtedge'withacm/mmscaleandapairofcomrygrysforthefollowingconstructions

consffuction [i*es clearlY.

(i) 6 ConstructthetriangleABDwhereAB=8cm' a""*", * (ri)
ofdiagonalAC Draw ttre $raffi AD=5cm

,and BA,D = 6oo qua&ilateral is9ffn. tine which ABCD is gallet such to that BD c through lies at equidistance c

srd r n*me from the 1r-_ point _-:_r_-_L_ tlre points where B it and meetsAB D' and dre produced length
of a ADE.
as E. (iv) show that, the aiea ofABcD = the area
(9) TrnrosolidmetalspteresarcTlle,by.]lsinghalf-o{$gvolumeofmeatryeivcdbymehingarightcircularcone
plankismade O (i) Find the volume of metal plank in terms of a'
Find the side length of the cubical shaped metal
Findthendius ofone sphere intermsofa' GD (rg lf tr
c = 12.5 cm by using logarithms plank in terms ofa'
table find the side length ofthe rnetal plankio ttre

nearest first decimal Place

In the parallelogram PQRS shown in the firy* to

t10) perpendicUlars drarvn: from ttre points S and Q
*|r" the
*iugonal (1) PR meets at U and T respectively'
showthat STQU isaparatlelcgram'
Area Areaof cf STQU PQRS
l) ln a mix school Zb rUd"ntr are newlyjoind for gra{e 6. They have to
E- TU PR (l

Accordingto resultofthe writtentest, it is revealed that 38 sttrdents have (D passedthetestand

20 ofthem are boys'

'', ..-..represerrtttreaboveinformationinitNamethesetA. Si)

Inthevet,diagram,stradetheregionwhichrepresent&egirls , 0o Ifthenumberofgirlswhofaildtretestis

(rv) \ /'l what is the probability ofa selected studentbeing a boywho

j,B "' students who
passed the test
,.i a

Grade 1l - Maths - NWP

1tZ;,,A.citcle,.wifiicentre,,O,is,shown'in perperdicularly. the,figure-:The'diameter PQ -
and the chord SR are intersected,at,'T . ..: : : _ . ,'_.:: . I :

: (r)
Showthatthe triangles PRT and SQT are equiangulan
If .ST=9cm and PT=3cmnfind thelengthofTQ.

Showthat pQn AA
: SQn
Crade tl - Maths -NIY?

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