Emperical Design Method of Pelton Turbine

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Collect as much empirical design methods of Pelton Turbine components you can
from the available resources. Bucket, runner, nozzle, manifold, others.

Pelton turbine is an impulse-type water turbine. The Pelton wheel extract energy from the
impulse of moving water, as opposed to water's dead weight like the traditional overshot water
wheel. The major components of Pelton turbine are wheel assemble and bucket, nozzle assemble
and manifold. These major components are explained below:

 Bucket
Bucket is a component where water jet strikes and results the rotation of wheel. Bucket is
attached at the outside rim of wheel. The Shape of the bucket is of a double hemispherical cup or
bowl. Each bucket is divided into two symmetrical parts with splitter at the middle where water
jet get strike. The splitter splits water jet in both opposite direction and makes the water to
provide proper impulsive force in turbine. The bucket is shaped in such a way that the jet gets
deflected through 160 degrees or 170 degrees. The bucket is made of cast iron, cast Steel bronze
or stainless steel depending upon the head at the inlet of the turbine.

. The empirical design methods for a bucket are as follows:

Velocity of jet (v) = Cd √2 ∗ 𝑔 ∗ 𝐻

Where H = net head of the turbine

And, Cd = coefficient of velocity (0.98 to 0.99)

Diameter of jet (d) = √

Where Q= flow rate

And, Z = Number of Nozzles.

Bucket axial width (B) = 3.4*d

Bucket radial length (L) = 3*d

Bucket depth (e) = 1.2*d

Number of Buckets (N) = 15 +2𝑑

Where, D is the pitch diameter of the runner.

 Runner
Runner is a rotating part of the turbine. It is a circular disc on the periphery of which a number of
bucket evenly spaced are fixed. . The detachable buckets are attached to the runner using nuts
and bolts.

Diameter of runner can be calculated as,

= 0.005*H + 8

Where H and d are already calculated parameters.

Also, if the velocity of wheel is required,


Where N is the speed of the turbine.

 Nozzle:
A nozzle is designed to control the direction or characteristics of a fluid flow (especially to
increase velocity) as it exits (or enters) an enclosed chamber or pipe. A nozzle is often a pipe or
tube of varying cross sectional area, and it can be used to direct or modify the flow of a fluid
(liquid or gas). Nozzles are frequently used to control the rate of flow, speed, direction, mass,
shape, and/or the pressure of the stream that emerges from them. In a nozzle, the velocity of fluid
increases at the expense of its pressure energy.

The Nozzle works in the principle of

continuity given as,

A1 *V1 = A2 * V2 = Q (constant.)

Which means that when area of cross section decreases velocity increases and so does the kinetic

The nozzle is horizontal and the nozzle axis is assumed as datum for elevation and hence head at
nozzle is given by:

v^2 𝑝
H= +𝜌

Coefficient of velocity is given as :

Cv =

Where, H1 = gross head;

Efficiency of Nozzle,

ᶯ = Cv 2
The efficiency ranges from 90 to 98 percent.

 Manifold
Most of the time a single nozzle with a horizontal shaft is used in a pelton turbine but number of
jets are adopted depending upon the specific speed required. The manifold decreases in size
along the circular pathway to increase velocity and provide equal flow through each nozzle and
make the turbine rotation smooth.

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