Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: Theoretical Basis, Identification, and Management

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ACN Advanced Critical Care

Volume 32, Number 2, pp. 188-194

© 2021 AACN

Post–COVID-19 Syndrome: Theoretical

Basis, Identification, and Management
Kristine Anne Scordo, PhD, APRN, ACNP-BC, FAANP
Misty M. Richmond, PhD, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Nancy Munro, MS, APRN, ACNP, FAANP

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As COVID-19 continues to spread, with the chronic inflammation (eg, fatigue), sequelae
United States surpassing 29 million cases, of organ damage (eg, pulmonary fibrosis,
health care workers are beginning to see chronic kidney disease), and hospitalization
patients who have been infected with SARS- and social isolation (eg, muscle wasting, mal-
CoV-2 return seeking treatment for its longer- nutrition). Health care providers are instru-
term physical and mental effects. The term mental in developing a comprehensive plan
long-haulers is used to identify patients who for identifying and managing post–COVID-19
have not fully recovered from the illness after complications. This article addresses the
weeks or months. Although the acute symp- possible etiology of postviral syndromes and
toms of COVID-19 have been widely described, describes reported symptoms and suggested
the longer-term effects are less well known management of post-COVID syndrome.
because of the relatively short history of the Key words:  long-haulers, post-COVID syn-
pandemic. Symptoms may be due to persistent drome, symptom management

A s COVID-19 continues to spread, with

the United States surpassing 29 million
cases,1 health care workers are beginning to
Theoretical Pathophysiology
Coronavirus affects multiple systems,
including the nervous, respiratory, cardiovas-
see patients who have been infected with SARS- cular, musculoskeletal, and gastrointestinal
CoV-2 return seeking treatment for the physi- systems.4 Thus, symptoms of COVID-19 are
cal and mental effects of the virus. The term numerous, vary from person to person, and
long-haulers is applied to patients who have may include fatigue, hallucinations, “brain
not fully recovered from the disease after fog,” delirium, memory loss, numbness and
weeks or months.2 Although the acute symp- tingling, tachycardia, and shortness of breath.4
toms of COVID-19 have been widely described, In trying to develop a pattern for diagnosis,
the longer-term effects are less well known experts are comparing these symptoms to a
because of the relatively short history of the
pandemic. Symptoms may be due to persistent
Kristine Anne Scordo is Professor Emeritus, Wright State
chronic inflammation (eg, fatigue), sequelae
University, Dayton, Ohio, and Acute Care Nurse Practitioner,
of organ damage (eg, pulmonary fibrosis, Infectious Diseases, TriHealth,10506A Montgomery Rd, Cin-
chronic kidney disease), and hospitalization cinnati, OH 45242 (
and social isolation (eg, muscle wasting, mal-
Misty M. Richmond is Assistant Professor, Wright State Uni-
nutrition).3 Health care providers are instru- versity, Dayton, Ohio.
mental in developing a comprehensive plan
Nancy Munro is Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Critical Care
for identifying and managing post–COVID-19
Medicine Department, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
complications. This article addresses the Maryland.
possible etiology of postviral syndromes and
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
describes reported symptoms and suggested
management of post-COVID syndrome. DOI:

VO L U M E 3 2 • N U MB E R 2 • SUM M ER 2021 P OST – COVID - 19 SYND ROM E

postviral syndrome that emerged with the smooth muscle contraction and increased
first severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) glandular secretions.8 Although ß2-adrenergic
that appeared in 2002, which was also caused receptors and M3 acetylcholine receptors have
by a coronavirus.2 Anthony Fauci, MD, direc- other functions, these functions are pertinent
tor of the National Institute of Allergy and to understanding the theoretical cause of ME/
Infectious Diseases, has suggested that the CFS. These receptors balance each other’s activ-
long-hauler presentation is similar to myal- ity to maintain physiological stability. The pro-
gic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syn- duction of autoantibodies for ß2-adrenergic
drome (ME/CFS).2 Exploring the etiology receptors and M3 acetylcholine receptors
of ME/CFS can provide insight into post- theoretically would lead to the reversal of
COVID syndrome. these receptor actions and result in significant
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue smooth muscle dysfunction with consequent
syndrome is defined by the Institute of Medi- fatigue as well as other significant functional

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cine as impairments.7 Chronotropic incompetence
an acquired, chronic multi-systemic disease charac- during exercise in patients with ME/CFS
terized by significant relapse after physical, cognitive, suggests impaired activation of cardiac ß2
or emotional exertion of any sort. The disease includes receptors. Mental fatigue and “brain fog”
immune, neurological and cognitive impairment, may be due to reduced cerebral blood flow
sleep abnormalities, and autonomic dysfunction, secondary to excessive sympathetic vasocon-
resulting in significant functional impairment accom- striction in the presence of dysfunctional ß2
panied by a pathological level of fatigue.5 receptors.6 Polymorphisms and desensitiza-
tion of ß2-adrenergic receptors by chronic
This syndrome is thought to be due to com- high sympathetic tone also contribute to
plex dysregulation of the immune and auto- the pathophysiology of ME/CFS.6 These
nomic nervous systems.6 The hallmark of ME/ abnormalities may play a role in the contin-
CFS is postexertional malaise, an inappropri- ued symptoms of patients after the acute
ate loss of physical and mental stamina fol- phase of COVID-19.
lowing any physical or emotional exertion. An additional finding that may explain
Multiple metabolic changes noted in ME/CFS the fatigue and behavioral symptoms associ-
include exercise-induced reduction in oxygen ated with COVID-19 is that the SARS 2002
supply of muscles, skeletal muscle acidosis or virus invades multiple tissues, including the
dysregulation of protons, and impaired glu- central nervous system.9 Viral particles were
cose uptake and reduced adenosine triphos- isolated from the cytoplasm of neurons; how-
phate levels in skeletal muscle cells during or ever, how the virus crossed the blood-brain
after exercise.6 These changes are believed to barrier remains unclear.10 It may be that the
be due to ß2-adrenergic receptor and M3 ace- virus crosses the blood-brain barrier into the
tylcholine receptor autoantibodies.6 Removal hypothalamus via the olfactory pathway, simi-
of these autoantibodies by IgG apheresis leads lar to what has been suggested in ME/CFS
to improvement in patient fatigue.7 patients who have disturbances of lymphatic
Normal functioning of ß2-adrenergic recep- drainage from the microglia in the brain.11,12
tors is complex and beyond the scope of this This lymphatic system drains spaces around
article. In general, these receptors are found the olfactory nerve through the cribriform
in various tissues, the most important of which plate into the nasal mucosa.11,13 If the current
are liver, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, and coronavirus pathogenesis follows the same
the myocardium.8 The receptors are responsible pathway, this could be a possible cause of the
for vasodilation of vascular smooth muscle taste and smell disorders noted with COVID-
tissue in the periphery and bronchodilation in 19.12 Abnormalities of this lymphatic system
the lungs. Stimulation of ß2 receptors in the may lead to an accumulation of proinflam-
myocardium has positive inotropic and chro- matory cytokines that eventually affect the
notropic effects (increased contractility and autonomic nervous system with resultant
heart rate, respectively). The M3 acetylcho- cognitive dysfunction and severe fatigue,
line receptors are also located in many areas which are also noted in ME/CFS patients.12,14
of the body, including the brain, smooth mus- Although more research is needed, understand-
cles, and endocrine and exocrine glands. Gen- ing ME/CFS may facilitate understanding of
erally, when stimulated, these receptors cause post–COVID-19 syndrome.


Post–COVID-19 Symptoms both the central nervous system (CNS) and

In addition to the wide variation of symp- the peripheral nervous system.4 The virus is
toms seen in post–acute COVID-19 syndrome, known to be neurotropic, meaning that it
patients with the condition who initially had replicates in neurons.25 Factors involved in the
mild to moderate acute symptoms and were emergence of neuropsychiatric symptoms are
not hospitalized continue to have long-term similar to those that cause fatigue and cogni-
symptoms.15,16 These symptoms include fatigue, tive difficulties and include cytokine storm,
cough, headache, shortness of breath, chest blood clotting dyscrasias, and hypoxic events
pains, joint pains, brain fog, gastrointestinal related to the respiratory symptoms.26 A small
issues, and loss of taste and smell, along with case study of patients with neurologic symp-
neuropsychiatric symptoms such as insomnia, toms resulting from COVID-19 (N = 127)
anxiety, depression, and delirium.17 In addi- was completed in the United Kingdom. The
tion, a wide variety of skin manifestations, researchers examined the breadth of compli-

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substantially more than seen with other viral cations that affected the brain.27 In addition
infections, have been reported.18 to the acute occurrence of altered mental status
These symptoms are similar to those seen and new-onset psychosis, significant physiolog-
in patients affected by previous outbreaks of ical events were also reported. Cerebrovascular
viral disease. A systematic review of data col- events were reported in 62% of patients, and
lected from patients hospitalized with SARS and 31% experienced altered mental status related
Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome revealed to encephalopathy with evidence of CNS
long-term complications including depressed inflammation. A small segment of study par-
mood (10.5% of patients), insomnia (12.1%), ticipants experienced peripheral neurologic
anxiety (12.3%), irritability (12.8%), memory symptoms. Although the long-term conse-
impairment (18.9%), and fatigue (19.3%).19 A quences of cerebrovascular events have been
meta-analysis of the same data set found high extensively studied,2,3 the impact of the inflam-
prevalence rates for posttraumatic stress dis- matory process, both in the CNS and periph-
order (32.2%), depression (14.9%), and anxi- erally, is much less understood.
ety disorders (14.8%) during the postillness As the long-term picture of COVID-19
stage. Such findings are useful for developing gradually unfolds, a clearer understanding of
treatment approaches and research foci while the long-hauler syndrome will emerge. Other
the complete picture of the COVID-19 pan- surveys performed in conjunction with social
demic is still unfolding.20 media sites such as Facebook and Survivor
Regardless of ethnicity or body mass index, Corps28 have yielded similar findings, includ-
females report more fatigue than males weeks ing fatigue, muscle or body aches, shortness
after being discharged from an intensive care of breath, difficulty concentrating, headache,
unit.17,21,22 In Paris, France, clinicians reported psychological effects, and loss of smell and
that after the lockdown ended, they saw an taste after recovery from COVID-19.29 Some
average of 30 individuals per week who of these findings, particularly fatigue, are sim-
remained symptomatic, with young women ilar to those noted with post–intensive care
(mean age of 40 years) outnumbering males syndrome and other postviral syndromes such
in a ratio of 4:1.22 Fatigue was reported more as Epstein-Barr virus infection.29 Data gathered
frequently in females with a preexisting diag- thus far are largely patient collected and indi-
nosis of depression.23 Interestingly, the degree cate a common and disabling condition with
of fatigue was unrelated to the severity of ini- a wide variety of symptoms that can persist
tial acute symptoms. for many months.
Five cutaneous patterns have been noted in
patients with COVID-19: maculopapular, urti- Post-COVID Symptom
carial, pseudochilblain, vesicular, and livedoid Assessment and Management
(see Table).24 Characterizing these skin changes How long symptoms last and whether they
may help to identify mechanisms involved. are exclusive to COVID-19 or due to existing
For instance, livedoid changes are associated comorbidities or other disease states is un-
with occlusion of cutaneous vessels that may known. What is known is that the pandemic
portend systemic thrombosis.18 has led to a major decrease in the use of
Neuropsychiatric manifestations of COVID- health care services unrelated to COVID-19.30
19 are abundant, with evidence of impact on In addition, continued symptoms may limit

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Table: Skin Change Patterns Seen in Patients With COVID-19a

Description and Additional
Skin Change Distribution Pattern Considerations
Flat or raised red rash Lasts for a shorter period of
May be perifollicular time
Frequently appears concur-
rently with other symptoms
Associated with more severe
Sometimes involves itching

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Red, raised welts (eg, hives) Lasts for a shorter period of time
Truncal or widespread; some Frequently appears concurrently
palmar with other symptoms
Associated with more severe
Usually involves itching

Painful, swollen red bumps with Tends to occur in younger
some vesicles or pustules patients
Typically appears on fingers and Occurs later in disease
toes; may be asymmetrical Associated with less severe

Blister, monomorphic lesions Tends to occur in middle-aged
Appears on trunk, limbs patients
Associated with medium
severity of disease
May appear before other
Frequently involves itching

Necrotic Uncommon
Truncal or on fingers/toes Usually occurs in elderly
Associated with severe disease
Suggestive of coagulopathies
or vascular changes

Data were derived from Casas et al.24 Sources of images: Microsoft Bing images (pseudochilblain, vesicular), National Institutes of Health (urti-
caria), authors’ files (maculopapular, livedoid). Vesicular image republished under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (http://cre- Urticaria image republished under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.0 (https://


patients’ ability to work, with resultant loss of be useful to identify patients who were infected
employer-based health insurance. This situa- with SARS-CoV-2 and whose symptoms may
tion, coupled with the increasing number of be related to post-COVID syndrome. The find-
patients with post-COVID symptoms, places a ings may offer some reassurance to patients.
further burden on the health care system and
presents clinicians with increasing challenges. Fatigue Assessments
Post–COVID-19 clinics have opened in a few and Interventions
states and provide a multidisciplinary approach Fatigue, along with shortness of breath,
to management of symptomatic individuals.28 may be multifactorial and shares features
However, many areas lack these resources. with chronic fatigue syndrome described after
Patients with persistent symptoms should other serious viral or bacterial infections.16
first consult their primary care provider for A complete blood count to rule out anemia
an initial evaluation and appropriate referrals, as one cause, along with chest radiography,

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as needed. It is important that these patients’ chest computed tomography, and/or pulmo-
concerns are taken seriously. One female nary function testing to rule out residual lung
patient who experienced symptoms of post- disease, may be required. Pulse oximeters may
COVID syndrome relayed to one of the authors be helpful to monitor respiratory symptoms.
of this article that she was told by health care For chest pains, measurement of erythrocyte
providers that her symptoms might be “all in sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level,
her head” (imaginary), despite the fact that and troponin level, along with an electrocar-
she had been hospitalized with documented diogram and transthoracic echocardiography
COVID-19 for 15 days. Thus, emotional sup- (2-dimensional echo), can help to rule out
port is crucial. A careful history and physical myopericarditis or acute coronary syndrome.
examination are paramount and can help deter- Further testing may require cardiac magnetic
mine differential diagnoses along with appro- resonance. A 2-dimensional echocardiogram
priate initial testing. For instance, are complaints is valuable to determine whether dyspnea is
of cough and shortness of breath in a patient due to a reduced ejection fraction, along with
with uncontrolled asthma due to an increase N-terminal pro–brain natriuretic peptide for
in asthma symptoms or to post-COVID syn- diagnosis of heart failure. A complete blood
drome? Is a complaint of chest pain related count with differential can also identify lym-
to increasing myocardial ischemia or due to phopenia or leukocytosis possibly indicative
post-COVID syndrome? Comorbidities such as of reinfection or secondary infection. Increased
diabetes, hypertension, renal disease, or heart ferritin levels may indicate inflammation and
disease must be managed in conjunction with a continued prothrombotic state. If the patient
COVID-19 symptoms. With respect to physical was diagnosed with a thrombotic event, such
assessment, new murmurs or gallop rhythm as a pulmonary embolus, anticoagulation should
might suggest cardiac involvement, pulmonary be continued per current guidelines. How long
crackles or rhonchi could suggest continued patients remain in a hypercoagulable state, or if
lung infection, neurologic testing may indicate anticoagulation therapy is beneficial after acute
cognitive impairment, or palpable tenderness COVID-19, is currently being studied.
or engorgement of lymph nodes could sug- Fatigue secondary to physical disability may
gest immune system abnormalities.10 be improved through rehabilitation programs
To determine if patient symptoms are related with assistance from physical therapists and
to COVID-19, serologic testing has been sug- exercise physiologists. An exercise program
gested.31 Serologic testing involves the detection should involve strengthening, flexibility
of specific antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in blood, exercises, aerobic exercises, and exercises
serum, or plasma, which are usually measur- intended to improve gait and balance.33 Patients
able a minimum of 7 to 14 days after symp- should start slowly and be monitored for wors-
tom onset.31 Negative results, however, do not ening symptoms such as breathlessness and
rule out acute or previous SARS-CoV-2 infec- muscle aches. In addition to exercise training,
tion.31 In mild cases, antibody response may patients with significant respiratory symptoms
not reach a level high enough to be detected.32 may also benefit from pulmonary rehabilita-
In addition, recent data have not shown that tion programs. Many programs offer various
detectable antibodies confer durable immu- virtual models, including video-linked classes,
nity against reinfection. Serologic testing may printed materials, and telephone support.

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Additional System Assessments Summary

and Interventions Evidence suggests that acute COVID-19
Older patients are at higher risk for sarco- symptoms are attributable to a severe inflam-
penia, depression, malnutrition, and delirium.34 matory response and cytokine storm syndrome
Nutritional assessment should include serum triggered by dysregulated cytokine production,
albumin and prealbumin levels and lymphocyte particularly involving interleukin 6.14 Regard-
counts. SARS-CoV-2 infection may induce or less of the exact mechanism, it is now well
exacerbate anorexia and worsen malnutrition, known that relapse or reinfection, weak or
leading to a poor recovery. Detailed information absent antibody response, and other factors
on the nutritional management of patients may contribute to the degree and type of
with COVID-19 can be found in the recently symptoms.15 Although the acute effects of
published guidance of the European Society SARS-CoV-2 infection have been widely
for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.35 In described, the long-term effects are less well

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cases of continued gastrointestinal symptoms, understood. How many individuals will have
such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, continued or new symptoms after infection
or abdominal discomfort, referral to a gastro- with the virus is unknown. Patients who were
enterologist may be needed. healthy before their illness are now facing
Because physiological damage to the central unexpected symptoms, while others with
and/or peripheral nervous systems may include comorbidities must manage new or worsen-
neuropsychiatric sequelae—and given the psy- ing symptoms. Many have avoided seeking
chological impact of COVID-19 and the socio- health care during the pandemic. While clini-
economic impact of a pandemic—a thorough cians continue to battle COVID-19 on the
psychological assessment is required. Patients front lines, we also need to develop compre-
should be screened for acute psychiatric com- hensive, evidence-based plans to manage post-
plications such as suicidality as well as insomnia, COVID-19 symptoms and encourage those
anxiety, depression, and delirium.36,37 Long- affected to seek appropriate care. Patients and
term follow-up is crucial, not only to monitor families who experience these debilitating
and treat these patients, but also to fully under- symptoms require targeted treatment as well
stand the long-term impact of infection with as ongoing support.
the virus.
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