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In FCP, Maximum change in elevation between the interior of a door to the outside

of it other than a balcony; 20.5 centimeters.

In FCP, Maximum force in kilograms required for a panic hardware; 7 kilograms.

In FCP, Maximum height required for a panic hardware installation; 112 centimeters.

In FCP, Minimum height required for a panic hardware installation; 76 centimeters.

In FCP, Maximum number of occupant for a subdivided room or space by a folding

partition; 20 partition.

In FCP, Minimum width of a door for family day care homes; 61 centimeters.

In FCP, Minimum stair width for a class B stair serving an occupant load of less
than 50; 91 centimeters.

In FCP, Length of a nosing or effective projection over the level immediately below
it for tread below 25 centimeters in dimension;
25 millimeters.

In FCP, Maximum height of a handrail; 86.5 centimeters.

A combustible liquid is any liquid having a flash point at or above; 37.8 celsius
OR 100 fahrenheit.

The time duration that a material or construction can withstand the effect of
standard fire test is known as; Fire resistance rating.

In FCP, Any material which by its nature or as a result of its reaction with
other elements produces a rapid drop in temperature of the immediate surrounding;

In FCP, Classified as mercantile occupancies, the travel distance from exits shall
be; 30.50 meters.

Under what classification of occupancy does pool rooms fall; Assembly.

Under what classification of occupancy does home for the aged fall; Institutional.

Under what classification of occupancy does court houses fall; Business.

Under what classification of occupancy does refineries fall; Industrial.

Under what classification of occupancy does drugstores fall; Mercantile.

In FCP, Minimum width of an aisle in a store for mercantile occupancies; 71


In FCP, Minimum number of aisles for Class "A" stores; 1 aisle.

In FCP, Minimum clear width of aisles for a Class "A" store; 1.50 meters.
In FCP, Minimum clear width of an exit access through a covered mall; 3.66 meters.

In FCP, Minimum height of buildings requiring automatic sprinkler protection; 15


In FCP, Standard inner radius of a curved stair in business occupancies; 763


In FCP, Maximum height of riser for Class "A" stairs; 19 centimeters.

In FCP, Maximum height of riser for Class 'B' Stairs; 20 centimeters.

In FCP, Minimum width of stair for Class 'B' stairs serving more than 50
persons;112 centimeters.

In FCP, Minimum width of stair for Class 'B' stairs serving 50 persons and below;
91 centimeters.

In FCP, Maximum horizontal projection of a handrail over a stair; 38 millimeters.

In FCP, Minimum width of a stair width for Class "A" stairs; 25 millimeters.

In FCP, Maximum height between landings for a Class 'B' stairs; 3.70 meters.

In FCP, Minimum width of landings in direction of travel for Class "A" or B'
stairs; 112 centimeters.

In FCP, Minimum width of Class "A" ramp; 112 centimeters.

In FCP, Minimum width of Class 'B' ramp; 76 centimeters.

In FCP, Standard slope of Class 'B' ramp in percentage; 10 to 17%

In FCP, Maximum height between landings for Class "A" ramp; No limit.

In FCP, Maximum height between landings for Class 'B' ramp; 3.66 mts.

In FCP, Minimum width of ramps of 3 stories or more in height; 1.20 mts.

In FCP, Minimum width for fire escape for existing stairs; 55.9 centimeters.

In FCP, Minimum horizontal dimension of any landing of platform for existing stairs
for fire escape; 55.9 centimeters.

In FCP, Maximum rise for a fire escape for very small buildings; 30.5 centimeters.

In FCP, Maximum height between landings for fire escape for existing stairs; 3.66


In FCP, Minimum distance travel to an exit for storage occupancies of high hazard
commodities; 23 meters.

Class of fire involving combustible metals, such as magnesium, sodium, potassium,

and other similar materials; Class D.

Class of fire involving ordinary combustible materials, such as wood, papers,

cloth, rubber, and plastics; Class "A".

A tank, vat or container of flammable or combustible liquid in which articles

or materials are immersed for the purpose of coating, finishing, treating or
similar processes; Dip Tank.

An integrated system of under ground or overhead piping or both connected to a

source of extinguishing agents or medium and
designed in accordance with fire protection engineering standards which when
actuated by its automatic detecting device,
suppresses fire within the area protected; Automatic Fire Suppression System.

A continuous and unobstructed route of exit from any point in a building to a

public way; Means of Egress.

In FCP, Minimum distance of an incinerator containing kindled fire or rubbish fire

or bonfires; 5 meters.

Under what classification of occupancy does museums fall? Assembly.

Under what classification of occupancy does town halls fall? Business.

In FCP, Maximum width of a single door in a doorway; 1.22 meters.

In FCP, Minimum tread for a fire escape stair for existing stairs; 22.9

In FCP, Maximum spacing of rungs for a fire escape ladder; 30.5 centimeters.

In FCP, Minimum spacing of rungs for a fire escape ladder; 25 centimeters.

Class III combustible liquids shall mean any liquid having a flash point at how
many degrees Celsius? 60 Celsius.

In standard seating, the minimum spacing from back to back; 0.83 meters.

In FCP, Minimum space from the back of chair to the front of the chair behind; 30

In FCP, Maximum slope for aisles for public assembly structures; 1 is to 8 or


In FCP, Size of standpipe provided for each stage for public assembly building;
63.5 millimeters.

Occupant load per person for classrooms; 1.8 square meters.

In FCP, Where exterior corridors or balconies are provided as means of exit, they
shall open to the
outside and shall be spaced blannk meters apart; 76.25 meters.

In FCP, Minimum dimension of a rescue window for educational occupancies; 55


In FCP, Maximum height from the floor for a rescue window for educational
occupancies; 82 centimeters.

In FCP, Minimum width of corridors, aisles, and ramps for exits in hospitals and
nursing homes; 2.44 meters.
In FCP, Minimum width of corridors, aisles, and ramps for exits in residential-
custodial care; 1.83 meters.

Any room for sleeping in institutional occupancies if subdivided shall have a

area of how many square meters? 465 square meters.

In FCP, Includes buildings or groups of building under the same management in which
there are
more than 15 sleeping accommodations for hire; Hotel.

In FCP, Includes buildings containing three or more living units independent

cooking and bathroom
facilities, whether designed as rowhouse, apartment house, tenement, garden
apartment,or by any other name; Apartment Buildings.

In FCP, Minimum number of stories of apartment buildings requiring fire alarm

system; 3

In FCP, Minimum number of apartment units requiring fire alarm system; 12

In Egyptian architecture, the tomb of the pharaohs is the;Pyramid.

The great pyramid at Gizeh was built during the 4th dynasty by;Cheops.

The beginner of the great hypostyle hall at karnak and the founder of the 19th
dynasty;Rameses 1.

The mineral of greatest importance to Greek architecture of which Greece and her
domains had ample supply of was;Marble.

Greek architecture was essentially;Columnar trabeated.

Forming the imposing entrance to the acropolis and erected by the architect
Mnesicles is the;Propylaea.

The building in the acropolis generally considered as being the most nearly perfect
building ever erected is the;Parthenon.

With the use of concrete made possible by pozzolan, a native natural cement, the

Romans achieved huge interiors with the;Arch and vault.

Which of the order was added by the Romans to the orders used by the

From the 5th century to the present, the character of Byzantine architecture is the

practice of using;Domical roof construction.

The finest and remaining example of Byzantine architecture;St. Sophia,

The architectural character of the Romanesque architecture is;Sober and dignified.

Romanesque architecture in Italy is distinguished from that of the rest of Europe

by the
use of what material for facing walls;Marble.

The most famous and perfect preservation of all ancient buildings in Rome;Pantheon.

The space between the colonnade and the naos wall in Greek temple;Pteroma.

Amphitheaters are used for BLANK ;Gladiatorial Contests.

An ancient Greek Portico, a long colonnaded shelter used in public places;Stoa.

The fortified high area or citadel of an ancient Greek City;Acropolis.

An upright ornament at the eaves of a tile roof, concealing the foot of a row of
tiles that cover the joints of the flat tiles;Antefix or Antefixae.

Strictly, a pedestal at the corners or peak of a roof to support an ornament, more

the ornament itself;Acroterion or Acroterium.

Also called a 'Honeysuckle' ornament;Anthemion.

In ancient Greece and Rome, a storeroom of any kind, but especially for storing
The characteristic of Greek ornament;Anthemion.

The use of BLANK for facing walls distinguishes Romanesque architecture in Italy
from that
of the rest of Europe;Marble.

The outstanding group of Romanesque is found in BLANK;Pisa.

The dining hall in a monastery, a convent, or a college;Refectory.

The architecture of the curved line is known as BLANK;Baroque.

The open court in an Italian palazzo;Cortel.

The ornamental pattern work in stone, filling the upper part of a Gothic window;

Japanese tea house;Cha-sit-su.

A Muslim temple, a mosque for public worship, also known as place for

Domical mound containing a relic;Stupa.

Ifugao house, southern strain;Bale.

In Mesopotamian architecture, religion called for temples made of sun-dried


The style of the order with massive and tapering columns resting on a base of 3

Tomb of the pharaohs;Pyramid

Earthen burial mounds containing upright and lintel stones forming chambers for

consecutive burials for several to a hundred persons; Tumuli.

A semi-circular or semi-polygonal space, usually in church, terminating in axis and

intended to house an altar;Apse.

Temples in Greece that have a double line of columns surrounding the naos;Dipteral.

Senate house for chief dignitaries in Greek architecture;Prytaneion.

Architect of the Einstein Tower;Erich Mendelsohn.

Founder of the Bauhaus School of Art;Walter Gropius.

What architectural term is termed to be free from any historical style?Art Noveau.

From what architecture is the Angkor Wat?Cambodian.

The architect of Chrysler building in New York;Van Alen.

Another term for crenel or intervals between merlon of a battlement;Embrasures.

Taj Mahal temple is located in BLANK;Agra.

In the middle kingdom, in Egyptian architecture, who consolidate the administrative

system, made a survey of the country, set boundaries to the provinces, and other
works;Amenemhet first.

Who erected the earliest known obelisk at Heliopolis;Senusret First.

Jubilee festivals of the pharaohs;Heb-sed.

The world's first large-scale monument in stone;Pyramid of Zoser.

The highest sloped pyramid in Gizeh;Pyramid of Khufu.

A vault created when two barrel vaults intersect at the right angles;Groin Vault.

Sarimanok is a décor reflecting the culture of the BLANK;Visayan.

Caryatid porch is from what architecture?Greek.

Female statues with baskets serving as columns;Canephora.

A small tower usually corbelled at the corner of the castle;Bartizan.

A hall built in Roman Empire for the administration of justice;Basilica.

The Parthenon is from what architecture;Greek.

A roof in which 4 faces rests diagonally between the gables and converge at the
roof;Helm Roof.

A compound bracket or capital in Japanese architecture;Masu-gumi.

A concave molding approximately quarter round;Cavetto.

Architect of Iglesia ni Cristo;Carlos Santos Viola.

A Filipino architect whose philosophy is "the structure must be well

oriented";Caesar Homer Concio.

What is not required as a feature in modern Muslim mosque;Pinnacle.

Architect of Robinson's Galleria;William Cosculluela.


Major contribution of the Renaissance Architecture;Baroque for of Ornamentation.

"A house is like a flower pot";Richard Joseph Neutra.

Richly carved coffins of Greece and Mesopotamia;Sarcophagus.

King Zoser's architect who was deified in the 26th dynasty;Imhotep.

The council house in Greece;Bouleuterion.

Elizabethan Architecture is from what architecture;U.S. or English Renaissance.

Art Noveau style first appeared in what structure;Tussel House or hotel tassel.

A faced without columns or pilaster in renaissance architecture;Astylar.

Art Noveau is known as the international style, in Germany it is known as


Less is more; Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe.

First school which offered architecture in the Philippines;Liceo de Manila.

Other term for Embrasures; crenel.

Formal architecture, one of the principles of composition;Balance.

Different historical styles combined;Eclecticism.

Architect of T.W.A airport;Eero Saarinen.

The falling water by Frank Lloyd Wright is also known as BLANK;Kaufmann House.

First president and founder of P.A.S or Philippine Architects Society ;Juan Nakpil.

"Modern architecture need not be western";Kenzo Tange.

Architect of the national library, Philippines;Felipe Mendoza.

The xerxes hall of hundred columns was introduced during the Mesopotamian
architecture, which palace was it used;Palace of Persepolis.

Taj Mahal is a building example of what architecture;Saracenic Architecture.

The convex projecting molding of eccentric curve supporting the abacus of a Doric

Pantiles used for Chinese roofings;S-tiles.

Greek equivalent of the Roman forum, a place of open air assembly or market;Agora

A slight vertical curvature in the shaft of a column;Entasis.

The very ornate style of architecture developed in the later renaissance


A multi-storied shrine like towers, originally a Buddhist monument of diminishing

size with corbelled cornice and moldings;Pagoda.

"cubicula" or bedroom is from what architecture;Roman.

From the Greek forms of temple, the three where it lies is known as

From the Greek temples, a temple that have porticoes of columns at the front and

Memorial monuments of persons buried elsewhere in Roman architecture;Cenotaphs.

The three pyramids in Gizeh;Cheops or Khufu ; Chephren or Khafre ; Micerinus or


The cistern storage of collected rainwater underneath the azotea of the bahay na

A shallow cistern or drain area in the center of a house;Impluvium.

In Greek temples, the equivalent of the crypt is the BLANK;Naos.

The tomb beneath a church;Crypt.

A raised stage reserved for the clergy in early Christian churches;Bema.

A decorative bracket usually taking the form of a cyma reversa strap;Console.

Semi-palatial house surrounded by an open site;Villa.

A roman house with a central patio;Atrium House.

Revival of classical Roman style;Romanesque.

The style emerging in western Europe in the early 11th century, based on Roman and
Byzantine elements, characterized by massive articulated wall structures, round
and powerful vaults, and lasting until the advent of Gothic

Architect and furniture designer;Alvar Aalto.

First registered architect in the Philippines;Tomas Mapua.

The public square of imperial Rome;Forum.

Architect of Manila Hilton Hotel;Welton Becket.

Finest example of French-Gothic architecture;Chartres Cathedral.

How many stained glass are there in the Chartres Cathedral?176.

Agora is from what architecture?Greek.

Sacred artificial mountains of Babylon and Assyria;Ziggurat.

A plant whose leaves form the lower portions of the Corinthian capital;Acanthus

Structure of wedge-shaped blocks over an opening;Arch.

The space between the sloping roof over the aisle and the aisle vaulting, so also
a blind story;Triforium.

A windowed wall that rises above the roof of adjacent walls that admit light into

A standard, usually of length, by which the proportions of a building are


The triangular or segmental space enclosed by a pediment or arch;Tympanum.

A line of counterthrusting arches on columns or piers;Arcade.

In the classical order, the lowest part or member of the entablature; the beam that
from column to column;Architrave.

In classical architecture, the elaborated beam member carried by the


Parts of an entablature, in order of top to bottom;Cornice;Frieze;Architrave.

Plan shape of a Chinese pagoda;Octagonal.

Usual number of stories for a Chinese pagoda;13.

A special feature of Japanese houses, used to display a flower arrangement or


Plan shape of a Japanese pagoda;Square.

The most famous structure of Byzantine architecture and notable of its large
dome;Hagia Sophia.

Triangular piece of wall above the entablature;Pediment.

A spherical triangle forming the transition from the circular plan of a dome to the
plan of its supporting structure;Pendentive.


A long arcaded entrance porch in an early Christian church;Narthex.

The principal or central part of a church, extending from the narthex to the choir
or chancel and usually flanked by aisles;Nave.

The covered walk of an atrium;Ambulatory

A basin for ritual cleansing with water in the atrium of an early Christian
A large apsidal extension of the interior volume of a church;Exedra.

An ornamental canopy of stone or marble permanently place over the altar in a

A decorative niche often topped with a canopy and housing a statue; Tabernacle.

A recess in a wall to contain a statue or other small items; Niche.

A tower in the Muslim Mosque used to call people to prayer;Minaret.

Coffers, sunken panels in the ceiling; Lacunaria

The Buddhist temple in ancient Cambodia which feature four faces of the
compassionate Buddha;Bayon.

A term given to the mixture of Christian, Spanish, and Muslim 12th-16th century
Projecting blocks of stone carved with foliage, typical in Gothic
A slab forming the crowning member of the capital;Abacus.

The crowning member of a column;Capital.

A rectangular or square slab supporting the column at the base;Plinth.

A low screen wall enclosing the choir in early Christian church;Chancel.

The cold section of a Roman Bath;Frigidarium

This church in the Philippines is the seat of the Malolos Congress;Barasoain

The palace proper in Assyrian palaces; Seraglio.

Holy mountains;Ziggurat.

Architect of the famous propylaea, Acropolis;Mnesicles

Private family apartments in Assyrian palaces;Harem.

The most stupendous and impressive of the rock-cut-temples;Great Temple, Abu


The four-seated colossal statues of Rameses II is carved in the pylon of the

___;Great Temple, Abu Simbel.

Favorite motifs of design of the Egyptians;Palm; Lotus; and Papyrus.

Two main classes of temples in Egyptian Architecture; Mortuary and Cult Temples.

Egyptian temples for ministrations to deified pharaohs;Mortuary Temple.

Structure whose corners are made to face the four cardinal points;Ziggurat.

Structure whose sides are made to face the four cardinal points;Pyramid.

Egyptian temples for the popular worship of the ancient and the mysterious
gods;Cult Temple.
The use of monsters in doorways is prevalent in what architecture?Persian.

The Greek male statues used as columns;Atlantes.

A recessed or alcove with raised seats where disputes took place;Exedra.

A single line of columns surrounding the Naos;Peripteral.

The uppermost step in the crepidoma; Stylobate.

The lowest step in the crepidoma;Stereobate.

A building in Greek and Roman for exercises or physical activities;Gymnasium.

The three chamber of a Greek temple; Pronaos; Naos; and Epinaos.

A Greek building that contains painted pictures; Pinacotheca.

Temple with a portico of columns arranged in front; Prostyle.

The clear space in between columns; Intercolumniation.

Intercolumniation of 2.25 diameters;Eustyle.

Intercolumniation of 4 diameters;Areostyle.

Intercolumniation of 2 diameters;Systyle.

Pycnostyle intercolumniation has how many diameters?1.5 Diameters.

Diastyle intercolumniation has how many diameters;3 Diameters.

A kindred type to the theater;Odeion.

Roman building which is a prototype of the hippodrome of the Greek; Circus.

Roman building for which gladiatorial battles took place;Colosseum.

What sporting event takes place in the Palaestra?Wrestling.

A foot race course in the cities;stadium.

A temple with 1-4 columns arranged between antae at the front;In Antis.

A temple with 1-4 columns arranged between antae at the front and rear;Amphi-Antis.
In Greek, it is the Roman prototype of the Thermae;Gymnasium.

Greek order that has no base;Doric.

The most beautiful and best preserved of the Greek theaters;Epidauros.

What orders did the Etruscans and the Romans add making 5 in all? Tuscan and
What allowed the Romans to build vaults of a magnitude never equaled till the birth
of steel for buildings; Use of Concrete.

The finest of all illustrations of Roman construction;Pantheon.

The oldest and most important forum in Rome;Forum Romanum.

Who commenced the 'hall of hundred columns'? Xerxes.

Who completed the 'hall of hundred columns'?Artaxerxes.

Architects of the Parthenon; Callicrates and Ictinus.

Master sculptor of the Parthenon;Phidias.

In Roman fountains, the large basin of water;Lacus.

Spouting jets in Roman fountain;Salientes.

The oldest circus in Rome;Circus Maximus.

The colosseum in Rome also known as the "flavian amphitheater" was commenced by
whom and completed by whom? Vespasian or Domitian.

Architect of the Erechtheion;Mnesicles.

A water clock or an instrument for measuring time by the use of water;Clepsydra.

The finest of Greek Tombs, also known as the 'tomb of Agamemnon';Treasury of

Architect of the Temple of Zeus, Agrigentum;Theron.

Architect of the Temples of Zeus, Olympia;Libon.

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