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(Lembar Kegiatan Siswa 1)

Materi: Simple Past Tense

1. Let’s roll the video about expanation of Simple Past Tense! (Simak kembali penjelasan
materi pada bahanajar berupa video tentang Simple Past Tense!).
2. Complete this table with past frm of the verbs/ V2! Use dictionary to help you! (Lengkapi
table berikut dengankata kerja ke-2 (V2)/ bentuk Past! Gunakan kamus untuk membantu

NO V1 (Present) V2 (Past) MEANING

1 Play Played Bermain
2 Call
3 Close
4 Want
5 Work
6 Start
7 Enjoy
8 Stay
9 Clean
10 Wash
11 Study
12 Fly
13 Read
14 Cut
15 Put
16 Teach
17 Buy
18 Go
19 Write
20 Swim

3. Send the photo of your project result as your report to fulfill your attendance List! (Kirim
foto hasil pekerjaannya sebagai laporan tugas untuk mengisi absensi kalian!)

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