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A Thesis Presented to the College Dean of Business Administration

of Bulacan State University

City of Malolos


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science
Major in Business Economics

Angeles, Bobbi C.

Crisostomo, Joy Marie F.

Cunanan, Alfred Jenart

Delarosa, Joy B.

Gozo, Rachel N.

Pagsanjan, Hans Michael P.

Santiago, Pamela Rei G.


This thesis entitled “Singkaban FESTIVAL: BUSINESS CULTURE





partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science Major

in Business Economics, is hereby endorsed for final defense.



June 2021

This thesis entitled “Singkaban FESTIVAL: BUSINESS CULTURE





was finally presented and successfully defended before the hereunder-named

panel of examiners on June 24, and is hereby accepted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science Major in Business Economics,

is hereby endorsed for final defense.










The authors are indebted to GOD THE OMNIPOTENT for without His

grace this study would not have been possible. For giving strength

Inestimable appreciation and deepest gratitude to the following people and

institution for this thesis has come to reality with their help and support. The

authors would like to extend their deepest and sincerest gratitude to all of them.

To Bulacan State University for allowing the authors to enroll in their

Degree of Business Administration program and for the continued supervision

and support they provide to each student up until they graduate.

To Dr. Emerlita Naguiat, Dean of Business Administration, for all the

help she has extended to the authors and for imparting her knowledge and

proficiency in this study.

To Dr. Elizabeth C. ALEGRE-CHUA, adviser, for her advices,

guidance, and valuable suggestions that benefited the authors in the completion

and success of this study. The authors are very thankful for having an adviser like


To Dr. Gualberto Magdaraog , the authors’ thesis critic and the

Members of the Panel, who also shared their intellectual comments and


To the Entrepreneurs of the Singkaban Festival and the Local

Government Unit of the City of Malolos, who gave their time and responses to

answer the thesis problems and make this research possible.

At last, to the Family of the Authors, who has always supported them

morally as well as economically. Our heartfelt thanks.

Any omission in this brief acknowledgement does not mean lack of



We dedicate this study to the Almighty God wholeheartedly, thank you for the

guidance, strength, power of mind, skills and for giving us a healthy life. All of these, we

offer to you.

And to our beloved parents, who continuously provide their moral, spiritual,

emotional, and financial support. And for being the source of our inspiration to keep on

going and finish our studies.



Bulacan is known for its historical and cultural beliefs and events. One of the

most famous events that celebrated in the province of Bulacan is Singkaban Festival. The

Singkaban festival is a weeklong celebration every September that consist of different

program and activities. This festival is considering to develop the cultural, historical and

arts of the province. So, this study is aimed to answered on how the Singkaban festival

contribute to the opportunities that it gives to the Bulakenyos of the province of Bulacan.

The study sought to answer the effect of the festival to economic growth and business

opportunities for Bulakenyo entrepreneurs. The study sought to answer how does the

festival intensify and nurture the business opportunities of every Bulakenyo entrepreneur.

The researcher believed that accurate results can be best obtained using

Ethnographic type of qualitative research as this described the experiences of

entrepreneurs and organizer of the festival during and after the celebration. Through this,

the proponent had in-depth conversations and interviews with the chosen informants.

These informants were the following, ten (10) business owner that yearly participated in

the said festival and three (3) organizers that expert in planning and organizing this event.

The researcher believed that these informants provided accurate responses for the

interview guide.

Results revealed that the Singkaban festival gave a business opportunity to

Bulakenyo entrepreneur and to promote the localize product of every town of Bulacan,

The study also revealed that singkaban festival have an effect to the cultural and

economic growth of the province. The festival is being part of the Bulakenyos culture

because of the different activities that promote the history, arts and culture of the

province. For the recommendation, the future researcher can used this study to sought for

the other events and festival that celebrated in Bulacan.






APPROVAL SHEET…………………….…………………………………………...iv




TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………...……………...x

LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………..……xiv



Introduction 1

Statement of the Problem 4

Significance of the study 5

Scope and Delimitation of the study 6



Relevant Theory 8

Related Literature 10

Related Study 13

Conceptual Framework 18

Definition of Variables 19



Methods and Techniques of the Study 21

Population and Sample of the study 22

Research Instrument 22

Data Gathering Procedure 23



I. Business Owner in the Singkaban 24

A. Celebration of Singkaban Festival 24


Business Owner 1: 24

Business Owner 2: 24

Business Owner 3: 25

Business Owner 4: 25

Business Owner 5 25

Business Owner 6 25

Business Owner 7 26

Business Owner 8 26

Business Owner 9 26

Business Owner 10 26

Analysis 26

B. The Product and Services in Festival 27

Business Owner 1 27

Business Owner 2 27

Business Owner 3 27

Business Owner 4 27

Business Owner 5 28

Business Owner 6 28

Business Owner 7 28

Business Owner 8 28

Business Owner 9 29

Business Owner 10 29

Analysis 29

C. Support of Government 29

Business Owner 1 30

Business Owner 2 30

Business Owner 3 30

Business Owner 4 30

Business Owner 5 30

Business Owner 6 30

Business Owner 7 30

Business Owner 8 31

Business Owner 9 31

Business Owner 10 31

Analysis: 31

D. Nurture the Business Culture 31

Business Owner 1 31

Business Owner 2 31

Business Owner 3 31

Business Owner 4 32

Business Owner 5 32

Business Owner 32

Business Owner 7 32

Business Owner 8 32

Business Owner 9 32

Business Owner 10 32

Analysis 33

F. Festival Business Opportunities 33

Business Owner 1 33

Business Owner 2: 33

Business Owner 3 33

Business Owner 4 33

Business Owner 5 33

Business Owner 6 33

Business Owner 7 34

Business Owner 8 34

Business Owner 9 34

Business Owner 10 34

Analysis 34

G. Effect of Festival in Economic Growth 34


Business Owner 1 34

Business Owner 2 34

Business Owner 3 34

Business Owner 4 35

Business Owner 5 35

Business Owner 6 35

Business Owner 7 35

Business Owner 8 35

Business Owner 9 35

Business Owner 10 35

Analysis: 36

II. Organizer of Singkaban 36

A. Singkaban Festival Description 36

Organizer 1 36

Organizer 2 37

Analysis 37

B. Singkaban Preparation 38

Organizer 1 38

Organizer 2 38

Organizer 3 38

Analysis 38

C. Budget of Singkaban 38

Organizer 1 38

Organizer 2 38

Organizer 3 38

Analysis 38

D. Influence of Festival in business culture 39

Organizer 1 39

Organizer 2 39

Organizer 3 39

Analysis 39

E. Singkaban Intensifying Business Opportunities 39

Organizer 1 39

Organizer 2 39

Organizer 3 39

Analysis 40

G. Government support in Singkaban Festival 40

Orgaizer 1 40

Organizer 2 40

Organizer 3 40

Analysis: 40




Summary of Findings 41

Recommendations 43

References: 44




One of the provinces in Central Luzon is Bulacan, this is known for many things;

history, tradition, land, culture and its people. The province of Bulacan is noted as the


of heroes, beautiful women, progressive cooperative, small and medium-scale industries.

Bulakenyos is known for excellence in craftsmanship making jewelries, leather crafts,

buntal hats, pyrotechnics, bone in-laid furniture and garments. The great talent of

Bulakenyos in arts and crafts is celebrated and supported by the provincial and municipal

government to give tribute to the artistry of the people.

The local government unit of Bulacan set an ordinance for One of the arts and


that is famous in the City of Malolos, province of Bulacan which the Singkaban Festival

(Decorated Bamboo Arch) and a code of ORD. NO. 78-2019. Its content says that the

celebration of the Singkaban Festival is set to be observe every eighth until the fifteenth

of September.

The term Singkaban is refers to “Sining at Kalinangan ng Bulacan” which means

in English as “art and heritage of Bulacan”. The Singkaban festival is a weeklong

occasion in Bulacan where the culture and articulations of the Bulakenyo is remembered.

It exhibits the conventional crafts of the scholarly framed “Balagtasan”, folk moves, and

customary tunes. The fundamental concentration of this festival is the Bulakenyo craft of

making passage curve and other enlivening materials from the parts of the bamboo. The

most awaited scene in the celebration is the road move and buoy parade where agents

from different towns (23) travel to Malolos amidst the celebration season. The Singkaban

bamboo expressive arts, after which the festival was named, is an observable subject,

especially in the town of Hagonoy.

The culture of Bulacan can be seen in the baro’t saya styled Maria Clara that is

use in the Singkaban Santa Cruzan, the camisa chino, and the singkaban prolific. These

celebrations displayed Bulacan’s very own culture, heritage and creativity of the province

highlighting specification of different town and barrios.

In the last celebration of the festival the former Governor Wilhelmino Sy-

Alvarado quote that “The bamboo, like the Filipino, will stand up against the wind. It is

stronger than steel and harder than rock. The singkaban is a manifestation of Filipino

creativity in transforming plain bamboo into a work of art”. The province remarkable

brand of artistry has drawn huge followers through the festival spectrum of activities

depicting arts and culture as its best.

Aside from Singkaban, there are different festivals in the province that are

essential part of Bulakeno in their life. Of which talents and craftsmanship from the 21

towns and 3 cities are demonstrated during the weeklong celebration. The occasion

served as platform to strengthen the city competition. The function of the festival is to

improve the cities, towns as well as the image of the province in attracting visitors and

investment as well as to stimulate the urban development and boost the local economy.

Festivals can help in addressing unemployment especially when the occasion is

celebrated more than one day, since long celebration requires many people needed in the

preparation and other opportunities to sell products as “tiangehan” or plea market is

allowed. With it comes the opportunity to put own stall to display and sell their own

unique products.

Kenon (2002) expressed that, festival is the season for most of the people to

revisit and display their own unique history, culture and the art of the city/towns. Such

that participating in this occasion will increase the cultural tourism viewed as tourist

destination where business is prolific with small and large business promoting their

products, eventually contributes to the provincial economic growth. In fact, a kind of

cultural strategies that is being pursued by the local government.

The Entrepreneur always take every minute as chances and opportunity to the

growth and development of any business. The entrepreneur is not allowed to lose any

small chances and opportunity because small chances can have big impact in the growth

and development of the business. The Bulakenyo Entrepreneur traditionally partake in the

different festival and celebration as an opportunity to introduce unceasingly and exhibit

the products and services they offer. The supply of unique products is a way of meeting

the intention of visitors of seeing and buying locally made product. Visitors coming for

the festival demands locally-produced products as every town present their famous

products, art, and crafts, but the people did not notice what festival really promote to us,

that this really want to show their culture and identity.

Community values festival and special events because they enhance the

community’s image and provide activities and spending outlets for locals and visitors. A

festival is also a way to attract visitors to come to the province, town or municipality

festival so it will have impact in hosting place (Luna, 2015). The residents of the town

and people from neighboring provinces join in celebrating the festival and served as

drivers of tourism industry by promoting the said event to the other people. Old folks

celebrate festival to sustain their traditional practice, beliefs and tradition.

The present generation may have the lens of looking at festivals as a frolic event

of having fun and enjoy the holiday. But, without knowing the historical, cultural and

traditional meaning of it. The Singkaban Festival may be the mother of the festivals in

Bulacan but it seemed like it is not well-known by the town that has been the host of the

said celebration. Another problem is that the festival holds different merchandise

throughout the entire days of celebration and probably earn from it, but the residents

cannot feel the effect of it. It is on this basis, that the researchers will conduct this study

to validate and document the real intention with the end note of contributing to promoting

and sustainability of holding the annual festivity.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is: How does the Singkaban Festival contribute

to the opportunities that it gives to the Bulakenyos of the province of Bulacan?

Specifically, the study will seek answers to the following questions:

1. How does the Singkaban festival be described by the Bulakenos?

2. How does the festival nurture the business culture of the province?

3. How does the festival intensify business opportunities of the province?


4. What are the initiatives and limitations of the local government units in

supporting the provincial government and business owners in improving the

observance of Singkaban festival?

Significance of the study

This study is aimed to conduct an evaluation on how Singkaban Festival affects

the business culture and its landscape. The following person/people that will benefit to
this study are:

Entrepreneurs. The result of the study will contribute to the entrepreneur,

specifically the Bulakenyos entrepreneur, this will help them to give opportunities to
offer product and services related to the Singkaban Festival that will benefit the City of
Malolos in terms of this economy and in history.

Local Government. This study will contribute to the local government because if
the Singkaban Festival will offer and will be famous to all the product and services offer
in every celebration. The City of Malolos will excel in terms of tourist attractions and
help in the economy of the province of Bulacan.

Bulakenyos. the result of the study will contribute to the Bulakenyos by giving
them a chance to earn and to develop their skills in arts and crafts. This will be their
stepping stone in acquiring opportunity to enter in business. This will also give chance to
be known the province in different celebration and familiar in the history of Bulacan.

Community of Malolos City. the study is an example of ethnographic research

whereas it is study of the culture of the community, that why this study will benefit in the
community. This will give them a change to know the lifestyle of every person in the
community specially the people in the City of Malolos, Bulacan. This will explain the
culture and economics of the community.

Tourists. The study will surely benefit to the tourism of the City of Malolos, this
will explain how they celebrate the feast and the culture of the city. This will also
consider the lifestyle of every person the talent and the product and services they are

offer. The program of the feast will help in the tourism of the city especially it explains
the history of the province of Bulacan.

Future Researchers. The study will benefit to the future researcher. This will
give them the detail and information about the Singkaban Festival and about the
ethnographic research. This will help the future researcher to conclude whether the study
is related to the present study.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

The study is limited to the Singkaban Festival and the effect of it in the business

culture and economic of the province of Bulacan. It is also limited to the arts and crafts

about Singkaban other arts and crafts that are available in the said province is not

included. The study is limited in explaining and enhancing how the singkaban nurture the

business culture. This study included in the intensifying the economic growth of the

province. The study is limited to as qualitative research under the ethnographic where it

will observe and study the people and how singkaban festival celebrated for the past two

years, the study covers the year 2018-2019 celebration to have more accurate data and

observation. The respondents are divided into two groups the people that always join the

festival it can be the committee, government, people in the other town and others in the

second groups are the business owner or the people that have booth yearly in the festival.

The questionnaire and survey will conduct via online.



This chapter constitute relevant theory, literature, and study. Also include are the

different articles, books and study that will support and supplement to answer the

research questions. This chapter is an important chapter, without the previous study and

literature the researcher will do not have data to gather.

This chapter contain the conceptual framework, hypothesis and definition of

variables. In the gather data about the related study theory and literature, the researcher

can express the idea and opinion in the research topic. The hypothesis will be the basis to

predict what will be the result of the study. The definition of variables, identify the

meaning of the variables in the study.

Relevant Theory

The study is sought to assess the contribution of Singkaban Festival in the


and cultural landscape of the province of Bulacan. One of the most supportive theory that

will describe this study is the culture theory.

This theory was introduced by British Marxist, it defined the totality of a society’s

distinctive ideas, beliefs, values and knowledge. These are the characteristics of culture

theory, it examines the subject matters in terms of cultural practices and its relation. It is

also committed to ethical evaluation of society and in political action. The culture theory

is really related in this study to explain what is the impact and how the Singkaban

Festival is related to the economic and cultural aspect in the province of Bulacan. This

theory strengthens expectation of markets work because it is powered by social beings

and the distinctive ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge. This can contribute to the

understanding and promoting development wherein the group relationships predominate

and individualism is tempered. The culture theory also expressed that it is the exhibits

way the humans interpret the environments, so this can help to explain the participants

and other people that have connection and became part of the festival and how this event

affect their life and community. The study of the culture concentrated in how the

particular phenomenon relates to the matters of ideology, nationality, ethnicity, social

class, and gender. The study is focus in one of the cultures of the province the celebration

of festivals and how this celebration will explain the culture and economic development

of the community. This also explain the mindset of every business owner to promote the

local products of the province and the interest of the people that will participate the

celebration. Another is the application of Social Identity Theory because in festival it

tries to demonstrate the province own identity for promotion and marketing strategy.

Likewise, the gathering itself is best illustrated in your paper this paper. Distinctive

capacity of the people is highlighted with their produced goods and services. Social

identity theory aims to specify and predict the circumstances under which the group

members think of themselves.

Social economics is a branch of economics that focuses on the relationship

between social behavior and economics. Social economics may attempt to explain how a

particular social group or socioeconomic class behaves within a society, including their

actions as consumers or as a producer. This social economics is related to the study


because of different group of people are involve and what is their behavior about the

annual celebration of the Singkaban Festival in their lives and in the community.

The socioeconomic can be used in this study because the method that apply in this

study is ethnographic research, that involve the culture and economy of the particular

group. The study will give information about the people in the City of Malolos in

celebrating the Singkaban Festival. This can also explain the culture and history that the

city has in the kind of program they have. Every festival aims to promote tourism to be

known the community in talent, product and services the community have.

Related Literature

According to Lopez (2019), the “Singkaban” is a Filipino term for decorated

bamboo arch, that is used for the welcome signage of the town, city or village. In this

year the Governor Daniel Fernando wants the festival to be a weeklong celebration that

called the “mother of all festival”, because Singkaban Festival is the must awaited even

that happened in the City of Malolos that join by most of the town in the province of

Bulacan. The festival always happens every September with the celebration of Malolos

Congress. The celebration is consisting of 20 floats from different town in Bulacan that

join the rich heritage of Bulakenyos. The floats were festooned with bamboo, that is the

main material in the celebration, this represents the history, culture, arts and products of

different towns.

According to Balbin (2019), he explained how the festival is being celebrated in

the City of Malolos, province of Bulacan. In this year the guest speaker of the festival

was Mrs. Cynthia Villar, wife of Mr. Manny Villar. In her messaged, she said that she

was happy seeing bamboo as the most important component of the festival. In addition,

Mrs Villar was very happy being part of the celebration. She adores how the young

people exposed in the festival to promote bamboo. After the messaged of the guest

speaker, the Governor of the province also gave his overwhelm message to every

Bulakenyos joined the festival. He said that Bulakenyos have common and collective

goals that contributes to the progress and development of the province.

In an article written by Marasigan (2016), explained that province of Bulacan is

known from different celebration. It explained thet the province festivals are focus in

history, culture, economics and tourism. The Bulakenyos is famous to their beautiful arts

and crafts. one of the famous arts and crafts in the Bulacan is bamboo. The bamboo most

traditional and oldest used of this is in making “singkaban. The Bulakenyo that said to be

expert in singkaban making was Francisco Eligio. The Singkaban festival was a

celebration for the patron saint of the province, the festival is also known as Our Lady of

Victory. The festival showcases the traditional Balagtasan, folk dances/songs and display

of singkaban.

A book written by Romulo (2012) about the Filipino Different Celebrations. It is a

children book that explained the different holidays in the Philippines and how Filipinos

celebrated those holidays and celebration. It involves the history of the holiday, its

cultural influences and the ways of people in celebrating it in different region in the

Philippines. The book introduces that people in the said country really like to celebrate

holidays, it filled with music and dancing, it also includes colorful costumes and most

especially with great food.


National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009 also known as RA No.10066, it aims to

protect, preserve, conserve and promote the nations cultural heritage, the property history

and the ethnicity of local communities. It establishes and strengthens cultural institutions

and protect cultural workers and ensure their professional development and well-being.

The law also states endeavors that create a balanced atmosphere where the historic past

co-exists in harmony with modern society, and to administer the heritage resources in a

spirit of stewardships for the inspiration and benefit of the present and future generations.

It stated that all cultural properties declared as important cultural property that receive

government funding for its protection, conservation and restoration.

In the book written by Tsundoda and Mendlinger (2009), they stated business

attraction such as festivals will create an economic and social impact to the small local

communities. The small towns will experience infrastructure expansion, inflation it is due

to the increase of prices to target the tourist, loss of quality of life and an increase in the

cost of living as the prices of goods and services are increased. Economic costs will

include increased in tax burdens by developing infrastructure used primarily by tourist

cost of this usually falls on the local government, so it has to come out of tax revenues.

Social costs can include increased crime rates, frictions between the tourists and residents

and changes in traditional cultures and the host community’s way of life.

Related Study

Related studies are the previous research that are related to the research topic.

This study consists of Foreign and Filipino study. This previous study will support the

result of the research topic.


In the study of Vanessa D. Gonzales (2017), she proposed an action plan in the

promotion of the cultural activities and tourism of the Batangas. The study used

qualitative research to determine and described the cultural activities of the Batangas.

According to the result of the study that most of the respondent of the Batangas Festivals

agreed that celebrating festivals have cultural and economic benefits it preserved the local

traditions and culture that uplift the tourism industry in the province of Batangas. The

assessment of the cultural and economic benefits of festivals the income class is highly

significant, the respondents answer is based on their income class. This study is similar to

the present study because the cultural activities of the Batangas have a positive feedback

in the tourism and culture of the province.

According to the study of Albert C. Santos and Teodica M. Villegas (2017) about

the “Impact of the Minasa Festival on the Cultural and Socio-Economic Life of

Bustosenyos. The study explained the effect of the festival in the life of people in Bustos,

Bulacan. The Minasa Festival is one of the cultural activities happened annually in

Bustos. In the study it uses an ethnographic research with observation and questionnaire.

The result of the study is computed by percentage score, mean and interpretation of the

data. In the result of the study rated positive or have a great impact the Minasa Festival in

the life of Bustosenyos. The study is related to the present study because it used the same

method, the ethnographic research, that study the culture on how the festival is influence

in the community.

According to the study of Ande Luna (2015), this study used a qualitative

research wherein the respondent are the people joined the Los Banos Festival, the festival

became the tourist attraction in the community. The study about the Festival in Los

Baṅos, Laguna had a great impact in the tourism of industry wherein it can showcase the

talent of the people in the community and increase the entertainment. In terms of the

impact in the economic the result of the study stated that it has great impact in the

economy. It helps in the increased the investment of the local products, providing jobs

opportunities and increase the local businesses sales and capital. The study is inter-related

to the present study wherein it uses a qualitative research that focus in the impact of the

festival in the economic, cultural growth and development of the community.

Gwen Shelthon (April 2017), studied the economic impact of festivals on small

towns. Based on the study the festivals provide an opportunity to the awareness of what

need to offer that reflected in the community effort and displaying the pride of the

communities. The result of the study stated that festivals is served as a fundraiser for

local organizations and local groups and much of the income generated is stays in the

community. It also concluded that this is an opportunity for tourism of the community

and towns because it explains the culture, arts and life of the community, in that the it

offers work opportunities. There are similarities this study to the present study in terms of

the focus of the study the culture, tourism and job opportunities that the festival is given

to the town or the community.

According to Singh et al cited by Gerda Shelton (2017), it stated that the

increasing of economic development is based in the increasing of revenues so that it also

increases the savings, investments and consumption. In that point, it explained that if the

festival is successful and generate positive revenues then the towns can experience an

elevated level of revenue, higher levels of consumption, can improved the level of

employment and increase investment. Singh also included the employment opportunities

that the festivals can gave these are vendors, stage performers, art installation, concert

staff, patrons, show directors, registered nurses and other that can contribute and needed

in the preparation of the festivals.

Apostolakis and Viskadouraki (2017), the study is about the impact of the cultural

festivals in the local economy. The paper is utilized survey questionnaire as an instrument

to collect the data for the result of the study. Based in the empirical results, there is a

strong relationship between the demographic characteristics and expenditure patterns.

Overall the result of the study is the influencing visitor’s expenditure patterns could

facilitate a better understanding of visitor’s preferences and satisfaction levels. The study

is related to the present study because of the fact that the city can benefits from the


The study of Gerda Lill from Aalborg University (2015), evaluated the extent of

impact of the local event of the community in Estonia. The study has 3 objectives that

answered. The result of first objective was found out that there is a positive impact in the

improvement of facilities that are part of the events and in this it showcasing and

introducing the local culture and artist to visitors. In the second objective, found out that

there is a positive impact in survey that showed the increased in pride while showcasing

local culture, escaping from routine and spending time with friends and family. It also

showed that the local events were result to the increased of profits for the local business

and gave job opportunities. This is the same as the present study that wants to answer if

there is a relationship between the festival and the business opportunities that it can gave

to the local entrepreneurs.


Deidering and Kwiatkowski (2015), the study was aimed to provide a concise

summary about the relate literature on economic and its impact in the events and

festivals. The study concluded that the general economic impact analyses are useful tool

to assess possible impacts to the economic. The outcome is very dependent on the

respective commissioner, ambitions and expertise of the executer as well as the political

and financial background. In order to diminish biases, the responsive economic impact of

the studies should have conducted but read with caution and best-case scenario.

According to Frost and Laing (2015), the study seeks the understanding in the

impact of festivals and highlights the research in particular emphasis of the actors and

processes that support the festivals. In the study stated the impact of the festival have a

significant impact if provide valued activities and spending outlets for local visitors and

enhancing the image of the destination. It also stated that the development of the festival

is increases regarded the strategy for local economic development and greater place

attachment. In this the results found out that the festivals become the important target of

the economic policies regional and local levels. it is concentrated in the profiling of the

participant in the festivals and the operational of managerial aspects.

According to Chelsea Mae Tolle (2014), that the study showcases the economic

impact of the host communities experience direct, indirect and induced impacts in the

festivals of community events. The host community experience the sales, income and

employment impact of the event. It stated that there is no set time frame on how long thus

the community experience the impact of festivals in the local economy. The longer event

will encourage visitors to stay in the area the longer the impact in the local community. It

is important to the host community the impact of festivals because it can add to the tax

generated revenues. The survey in the Sturgis Falls Celebration reveals opportunities in

the increased of marketing to attract more of the first-time visitors, from Black Hawk and

other neighbor countries it should put in place. In this the partnership and collaboration of

tourism and tourism related business should develop to enhance large and longer

visitation in the community by this it will be a great help in the larger economic impact.

According to Getz (2012) cited by the study of Chelsea Tolle, the researcher

cannot explain the sudden increase in the interest of the people in the festivals and events.

In the hypothesis of the study it because of the many societies is now in multi-cultural

where offer opportunities to enrich the lives of many people in a particular society. It

added that many of the people is in stress that that need to have time to enjoy and

discover need things in another place. The special events and celebration gave an

opportunity to have bonding time to the family, friends and other relatives and share

identities and places of significance. The study stated that the festival especially the host

of the event run the festival correctly it will generate an extra income in the province and


Humaira Irshad (2011), the study shows that the more local people and suppliers

of the food, beverages, attractions and other products the greater the benefits in the

economic region. Some of the local vendors, hotelier, artisans, craftsman, restaurateurs,

and innkeepers, can provide the large portion in the annual income of the events in the

province or city. The organizers should communicate and build partnership with the

greatest number of local operators. It concluded that community events or festivals can

make a significant contribution in the rural development with the used of strategic

planning, well-defined goals, local level partnership and funding.


The foregoing studies read by the researches gave a lucid role of festival

celebration directly connected to preservation of culture and tradition that eventually

provides economic benefits. That by keeping such event annually enriched Filipino’s

value of visiting its roots and promote the festival. The foregoing studies help the

researches to identify the data, method and principle that will used in the current study.

The studies include the celebration of singkaban festival and how it will affect the culture

and economic of the province. The related study include some different festival

celebrated in province of Bulacan and how this celebration affects their culture, art and

history. In this studies, this will serve as the bridge in determining the aim of the current


Conceptual Framework

The major concept of this study is focused on the business opportunities that

support small local brands.

The Figure 1 presents the paradigm of the study.

relevant theories, Presentation and Identified Singkaban
literature and studies Evaluation of the Festival
Singkaban Festival Identified nurturing
Written record of the Nurturing business business culture
previous celebration of culture Identified intensifying
Singkaban Intensifying Business business opportunity in
Opportunity in the the province
province Identified initiatives
Initiatives and and limitations of the
limitations of the local local government units
government units in in supporting the
supporting the provincial government
provincial government and business owners in
and business owners in improving the
improving the Singkaban Festival
Singkaban Festival

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual Model of the Study

The conceptual framework of the study, as reflected in Figure 1, is the Input,

Process, Output model. The first frame is the Input which shows the review of related

literature and studies and apposite documents and records of the previous celebration of

Singkaban used by the researchers in the conceptualization of the study like video,

presentations and blog sites and giving out survey questionnaires. The second frame is

the Process which focuses on planning and scheduling, observation of the respondents,

percentage and frequency of the respondent answer, and analyzing the data. Lastly, the

researchers’ Output includes the assessment of the business opportunities brought about

by the Singkaban Festival, identified business opportunities to support small local

ventures, and a plan for the future Singkaban festival.

Assumptions of the Study

From the theoretical framework described above, assumptions were formulated

for this research.

The Singkaban Festival is one of the most remarkable festival in the province of

Bulacan especially at City of Malolos.


The study further assumed that there are lot of contributions the Singkaban

Festival gave to the province of Bulacan. The festival nurturing the business culture. It

also intensifying the business opportunities to Bulakenyo entrepreneur. It also indicated

all limitations and initiatives that the business owner received in the Singkaban Festival.

Definition of Variables

The definition of variables is a concept or abstract idea how the variables is being

used and measured in the study.

Business Culture. It refers to the behavioral and procedural norms that can be

observed in the business. It also explained the procedures, opportunities, management of

business and promotion of the products and services offer.

Business Opportunity- it is the initiator of business venture and it consists a

series of circumstances in the market that enable turning a business idea into a business


Business Culture- it is a metaphor that may be used to explore the identity of a

business. It is not only about how others see the business, it is also about the individuals

who work there understand it. It also offers us a powerful insight into the business and

what it is like to work within it.

Singkaban Festival- it is one of the famous festival that celebrate yearly at City

of Malolos, Bulacan every September, this festival promotes tourism, culture and

economic growth to the province.



In this chapter it explains and discuss methods, techniques, population,

research instruments, data gathering and statistical treatment of the study. The researcher

will describe how will be the procedure of the study in gathering data and do some

survey. The kind of instrument that will used and who will be the respondents need in

this study.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

The research is a qualitative research where it conducted in naturalistic setting,

data gathering and analysis occur simultaneously, content analysis is in terms of audio,

text and videos and it explore complex issues and interactions between human reasons for

the outcomes and processes. The qualitative research is more on focus groups, interview,

human observation and phenomenon. There is different type of qualitative research but in

this study, it uses an ethnographic research.

An ethnographic research is applicable to this study because of the group of

people the researcher wanted to study and these are the people joined the celebration of

the festival and the people in the town. The ethnographic research refers to some

qualitative procedures in describing, analyzing and interpreting a cultural group in terms

of the behavior, beliefs and language that develop in time. The research studied on how

the people joined in the celebration, reacted in the annual celebration of the festival and

what are the effects of these in their future and lives. The study included the technique of

online interview and online answering of questionnaires because of the pandemic. The

researchers used the previous video, audio and tape in the celebration happened for the

last 2 years. It is more on observation and an open-ended question used by the researcher.

The research is a qualitative- ethnographic research that described the singkaban

festival in the business culture and economics driver in growth and development in the

province of Bulacan.

Population and Sample of the study

The population of this study comprises the people that joined yearly in the

celebration of Singkaban Festival in the City of Malolos, Bulacan. The sample of the

study are the local government person that have a big role in the festival and the owners

of the “tiangean” or plea market in the town. The informants will be identifying based on

the role of them in the Singkaban Festival. The informants were chosen in terms of

asking and looking for the people that mostly joined and known the festival well. The

researcher asked the list of the business owner joined in the festival and then list of the

informants needed. The researcher will have a face to face interview if possible to the

organizers of the festival. The study will use non-probability sampling because this

sampling is applicable to use when the research is in qualitative method. The type of non-

probability used in this study is purposive sample. The purposive sampling is also known

as judgement sampling wherein the study is not required a large number of respondents.

In this study the researcher will look to the respondent that will represent the entire

participants of the study.

Research Instrument

In describing the answer in the research question the researcher used instruments

that are structured text (survey questionnaire), unstructured text (interview) and audio-

visual records. This type of instrument is applicable to support and gathered the data that

are needed to answer the research question. The instrument is validated by an expert

including the appointed adviser. In line with the pandemic, the respondents answered the

survey questionnaire online. The researcher asked the permission to have the list of the

participants and the business stall in the festivals.

Data Gathering Procedure

In the approval of the adviser and the municipality of Malolos, the researcher

started to gathered data needed. The researcher listed the participants and contacted them

to know if they can interview for the researcher about the singkaban. The researcher

asked the local government to had an online interview about the preparation of the yearly

celebration of the festival. The researcher asked the attendance of the participants in the

festival that served as the respondents of the study. It included the observation to the

town before, during and after the celebration. Those data had purposed in the analysis and

evaluation of the research questions. In answering the survey questionnaire, the

researcher will assist the respondents by explaining it in Filipino and the items that

needed to be answered.



This chapter presents the results of the study on the basis of the problems

presented in Chapter 1. The qualitative data and information were presented with

corresponding analysis and interpretation.

The chapter was divided into two parts. Part one present the business owner

answered to the interview about the business they offer, the benefits of the singkaban and

the effect of it in the economy. The second part present the organizer answered to the

questions about the singkaban festival and how it organized.

I. Business Owner in the Singkaban

A. Celebration of Singkaban Festival

Ten of the business owner that participated in the Singkaban Festiwal was asked

to describe the celebration of the Singkaban Festival in the province of Bulacan.

Business Owner 1: “Ito ay yearly Celebration tuwing September sa Bulacan.

Maraming ibat ibang mga events. Street Dance, Hari at Reyna ng Bulacan, Trade Fairs at

ibat ibang contest.”

English Translation: “This is a yearly Celebration every September at the

province of Bulacan. There are lots of events that this festival has like: Street Dance,

Hari at Reyna ng Bulacan, Trade Fairs and other contest.”

Analysis: The business owner one believes that the celebration of the festival is to have

contest that related to the history and culture of the province.

Business Owner 2: “Maraming paraan pano nila icelebrate yung singkaban

festival. isa na dun yung nag-iinvite sila ng mga business owner para mashowcase ang mga

products nila at maipagmalaki kung ano ang meron sa lugar nila. Meron din cooking show,

pageant, concert at pagandahan ng bahay kubo ng iba’t ibang lugar. Sa singkaban festival

mo makikita kung gaano kasipag at kagaling ang mga Taga-Bulacan.

English Translation: “there are many ways how the singkaban festival is being

celebrated. One of this is they invited business owners and it showcase their best

products in their town. They also have cooking show, pageant, concert and floats. In the

celebration of Singkaban Festival you can see that Bulakenyos are hardworking and


Analysis: For business owner 2, believes that the celebration is part of the culture

of every Bulakenyos and they enjoyed the celebration because of the different events


Business Owner 3: “Sorry I prefer not to answer since I don’t know much about

“Singkaban” and it’s cultural importance”

Analysis: The business owner 3, you can consider that he/she is not familiar in the

festival, either she/he is not a Bulakenyo or it is his/her first time to joined the celebration

of Singkaban.

Business Owner 4: “Based on my experience Singkaban Festival in the province

of Bulacan celebrate our culture and articulation it was a week-long festivity. Everyday

every day have a different program on exhibited where the business owner from the

different part of the province come together and join the event and showcase their

specialties. It is also a part of culture exchange in the different municipaloties in


Analysis: The business owner 4 believes that Saingkaban festival is part of lives

of every Bulakenyo especially people living at City of Malolos. They enjoyed celebration

because it is 7 days’ celebration and lots of events is being celebrated.

Business Owner 5: “Ang Singkaban Festival ay ang pinakamahaba at

pinakamalaking pistang ipinagdiriwang sa Bulacan. Sinasabing ito rin ang Ina ng mga

Pista sa Bulacan sapagkat nagsasama-sama dito ang iba’t ibang pista o tradisyon ng

mga bayan tulad ng Gulay Festival ng San Ildefonso, Halamanan Festival ng Guiguinto,

Buntal Hat Festival ng Baliwag, Goto Festival ng Plaridel, Minasa Festival ng Bustos,

Baro’t Saya Festival ng Pandi, Carabao Kneeling Festival ng Pulilan at iba pa. Ito ay

isinasagawa sa “Linggo ng Bulacan” kung saan itinatanghal ang mga katangi-tanging

sining at kulturang tatak Bulakenyo. Ito ay bilang pagbabalik-tanaw na rin umano sa

nakaraan ng lalawigan na naging pundasyon ng progreso at tagumpay nito sa


English Translation: “Singkaban Festival is the longest and biggest program that

celebrated in the province of Bulacan. It also believes that Singkaban Festival is the

mother of all the festival in the province like the Gulay Festival ng San Ildefonso,

Halamanan Festival ng Guiguinto, Buntal Hat Festival ng Baliwag, Goto Festival ng

Plaridel, Minasa Festival ng Bustos, Baro’t Saya Festival ng Pandi, Carabao Kneeling

Festival ng Pulilan and others. This celebrated during “Linggo ng Bulacan” where =n

they showcase the talent and the extraordinary culture of Bulacan. It also celebrated as

the way of looking back to the historic culture and arts of the province”

Analysis: The business owner 5 described the singkaban festival as the mother of

all the festival because when celebrating singkaban there are many other small festival

that is being celebrated and almost all the towns in Bulacan joined the celebration.

Business Owner 6: “At least 20 floats from different towns in Bulacan province

took part in the annual “Singkaban” festival to celebrate the rich heritage of

Bulakenyos. Most of the floats were festooned with bamboo, the main material for the

“singkaban,” and showcased the history, culture, arts and several other festivals for

which each town is known. The weeklong Singkaban Festival opened here on Tuesday to

highlight the history, culture and tradition of the 437-year-old province of Bulacan. Gov.

Wilhelmino Sy-Alvarado said the annual celebration has been promoting the province

not only as an economic hub but also as a historical, art, culinary and cultural district.

“Singkaban,” Filipino word for decorated bamboo arch, is used as a welcome signage of

a town, city or village in the country. It is widely used as decoration during town fiestas

in Bulacan”.

Analysis: The business owner 6 described the festival as the historical celebration

of Bulacan it showcased the history, culture and arts of the towns. It is also decribed that

the festival is possible because of the support of the local government.

Business Owner 7: ‘Sa aking pagkakaalam, ang singkaban ay ginugunita ng

pitong araw. Iba't ibang event at program ang isinasagawa para maibida ang kultura,

sining, kabuhayan, produkto at iba pang pagkakakilanlan sa Bulacan”

English Translation: “For me, Singkaban festival is a 7-day celebration of

different event and program, and celebration is for showcasing the culture, art, works

products and other that have in Bulacan”.

Analysis: The business owner 7 described that Singkaban Festival is a celebration

of the arts, culture and works that have in the province.

Business Owner 8: “They have an opening of the Singkaban Festival which is

anchored on the theme “Sining at Kalinangang Bulakenyo, Dangal ng Filipino,” signals

the start of the celebration with numerous activities lined-up to showcase the province’s

history, arts, culture, and tourism”.

Analysis: The business owner 8 described singkaban festival as the yearly

celebration with yearly theme that is all about the culture and about the province

performance and progress.


Business Owner 9: It is a celebrated art wherein intricately structured bamboo

arches which compliment streets and church entryways during town holidays. One will

likewise observe these decorated bamboo arches during Santacruzans and parades. It

displays the traditional artworks of the scholarly frame “Balagtasan”, society moves,

and standard tunes known as kundiman”.

Analysis: The business owner 9 described the festival as celebration of art that

have in the province and explained how the province became known because of the

product they have.

Business Owner 10: “What I know is that Singkaban Festival has many activities

all throughout the week. BUFFEX is just a component of the festival”.

Analysis: the business described as singkaban festival is a acelebration of many

activities that make the festival enjoyable.

Synthesis: Based on the above responses of respondents, most of them described

Singkaban Festival as a weeklong celebration that contain different programs like

pageant, floats and exhibits. It was also highlighted that the Singkaban Festival showcase

the history and culture of every town that join in the celebration by selling and presenting

their specialties. However, there is one respondent that answered he/she do not know

about the Singkaban even he/she participated in the celebration on a business purpose.



This chapter present the answered of the respondents about the festival nurturing

the business culture. The respondents that answered in this chapter consist of the

organizer and the business owners.

Organizer 1: “Festivals and special events provide economic benefits in addition to

extending the tourist season of a destination, providing cultural and educational

opportunities, fostering a sense of community pride, assisting in the conservation of

sensitive natural, social, and cultural environments, and contributing to sustainable


Analysis: the respondents identified that the singkaban festival contributed to the

sustainability and development of the province

Organizer 2: “Yes, Various businesses are recognized in the festival celebration and it is

enjoyed by the tourists.”

Analysis: the festival nurture the business opportunity because the cliet are enjoyed in

buying and seeing the local products.

Organizer 3: “Yes, if only there’s a lot of Business Owners will participate in the festival

the business opportunities of one business will get more intense since they are competing

with the other participant.”

Synthesis: The respondents agreed the festival intensifying the business opportunities in

the province of Bulacan. By this special celebration it offers the big opportunities to

know the business especially if the business are local products. This also attract tourism

and cultural opportunities to every participants.

Business Owner 1: “Sinusuportahan nila nung mga starmarting and small business.”

English Translation: “They support the starmarting and small business”

Analysis: It described that the business culture nurture I terms of starmarting and small


Business Owner 2: “Maraming Taga-ibang lugar na dumadayo talaga para makita ang

mga gawang Bulakenyo at bumibili pampasalubong sa pamilya, kaibigan o katrabaho.”

English Translation: “There are many people that joined the celebration of Singakaban

Festival to buy local products”.

Analysis: This nurture the local products to be known in the province

Business Owner 3: ”I believe this helps promote the local businesses in the province

and opens up bigger opportunities to each members.”

Analysis: The owner described the festival that nurture business by giving them the

bigger opportunities to every member.



Analysis: It showcasing the municipalities pride and the products available in the


Business Owner 5: Annual celebration of Singkaban Festival has been promoting the

province not only as an economic hub but also as a historical, art, culinary and cultural


Analysis: it promoting the economic hub and also the historical, art, culinary and cultural


Business Owner 6: “By supporting and Joining the festival every year so we could show

more and more what we have to offer, it is a great experience for a business owner to

contribute and participate in this kind of festival to nurture the business culture of the


Analysis: By participating yearly and showcasing the products of the towns and province.

Business Owner 7: Dahil sa singkaban festival, napagsasama sama ang kultura noon at

ngayon. Mas nakikilala at nasasariwa ng mga bulakenyos ang mga nagpasalin salin na


English Translation: “Because of the Singkaban Festival, the culture in the past and

today became known by the Bulakenyos”.

Analysis: the festival nurture the business culture of past and today.

Business Owner 8: “The festival maintains the historical culture of our province by lot

of things and it nurture the business culture of the province by reminding the people

where we came from using the themes of the festival.”

Analysis: it nurtures the business culture by reminding the people what are the products

offer in every town.


Business Owner 9: “Because of the singkaban festival, past and modern cultures

collide. The bulakenyos gain a deeper understanding of and refreshment on the

translated cultures.”

Analysis: The singkaban festival gain deeper understanding and refreshment on the

translated cultures.

Business Owner 10:” The idea and purpose of Singkaban is to promote arts, culture,

history, businesses and other Bulakenyo what have you. In terms of “business culture,”

I’m not sure how the festival can nurture it because it is entirely organizational. Maybe if

similar festivals are done more frequently within a year, it can have a nurturing effect

because “business culture” is developed over time.”

Synthesis: Most of the respondent answered, that to be able to nurture the business

during festival they will join yearly to promote not only the pride of their towns but also

the art, culture and history of the province. The business owner will continue to support

the festival yearly.



The respondents asked about the products they offer during singkaban festival and

if their product is representing the culture of the town they belong. This chapter also

answered the question about intensifying the business opportunities of the festival.

Organizer 1: “promoting the province as a historical, art, culinary, and cultural district

in addition to an economic hub.”

Analysis: the festival intensifying the business opportunities because of this art, historical

and culture.

Organizer 2: “The festival has a significant impact on a province's business culture

because different businesses are recognized and enjoyed by tourists.”

Analysis: It intensify the business culture because the tourist and local people support the

local business and products.

Organizer 3: “By promoting and maintaining the history and culture of Bulacan.”

Synthesis: The respondents answered that the Singkaban Festival influence in the

business culture by promoting not only the products of their town but also the culture , art

and history of the province.

Business Owner 1: “Hinahayaan nila ma showcase namin ang mga produkto sa mga

ibat ibang bisita ng kapitolyo.”

English translation: “They gave us a chance to showcase our products that visit the


Analysis: The festival gave them a chance to showcase their products freely

Business Owner 2: “Yes”

Analysis: the respondents react that he/she believe that singkaban festival have a great

effect in the business opportunities


Business Owner 3: “I basically don’t know much but this trade fair gives opportunities

from local businesses to gain prospect clientele.”

Analysis: The festival intensifying the business culture because it showcases all the

product that is Tatak Bulakenyo.



Analysis: the festival gave them a chance to know their products and gain more clients

Business Owner 5: “Among the exhibits and galleries opened during the festival are the

Bulacan Food Fair Exposition, where products of the province are on display, and the

One-Stop Tourism Information Center, which guides visitors on local tourist


Analysis: The respondent did not believe that their products promote and intensifying the

business culture.

Business Owner 6: “The famous festival is such a great way to promote the local

businesses it gives us opportunities to gain more customers, attract tourists and to be


Analysis: The respondent did not believe that their products promote and intensifying the

business culture.

Business Owner 7: “mas nakikilala kami at tumatatak ang aming produkto sa mga

sumubok. Hanggang sa yung iba nagchachat na sa aming fb page at nagpapakilala na

galing sila yung customer nung festival.”


English Translation: “Our products became known and other tried it. Until some are like

it and they chat us to buy our products again and they said that they know about our

product because of the festival”

Analysis: the festival promotes our products and to be known by other people. This

served as the starting point of our business to be known

Business Owner 8: “Singkaban Festival is a huge way to promote the local businesses

like us, it gives us opportunities to gain more customers, attract tourists and to be


Analysis: It intensifying the business culture by offering all the local products in Bulacan

Business Owner 9: “We are more well-known, and those who try our goods brand it.

Until the others started chatting on our Facebook page and introducing themselves as

festival attendees.”

Analysis: the festival promotes our products and to be known by other people. This

served as the starting point of our business to be known

Business Owner 10: “I think it’s just through sales and promotion, which is already

beneficial in itself. Everything else is up to the businesses and the owners. Like what I’ve

mentioned above, we can just take advantage of any glimpse of hope the festival may


Analysis: the respondent described that the festival is just promoting the products but it

not actually promotes the business opportunities all the business owners.

Synthesis: Based on the respondents answered the festival gave huge opportunities to

promote the local businesses that offer the local products of Bulacan. It also gave them

the opportunity to gain and meet more client and customers from all walks of life. On the

other hand, two of the respondent answered that this is only for promotion and sales that

only the business owner will benefit.

Synthesis: It was found that most of the products that respondents offer during festival

are foods representing specialties of their town. Most of the respondents said that their

products are related to the purpose of the festival where the aim is to showcase the

“Tatak ng Bulacan” products, but one of the respondent offerring milk tea is not actually

product that can be categorize as pride of Bulacan. Also, noticeable that all municipalities

take part in bringing their own food specialty. It demonstrates cooperative spirit among

municipalities across directive to participate in an annual activity of the province.




The respondents are asked if the government gave support to the stall and

business offer during the singkaban festival.

Business Owner 1: “Yes. The Department and Trade and Industry support us. they offer

subsidy for Trade Fair fee . Nalibre kmi sa FEE sa booth dahil sa kanila.”

Business Owner 2: “Yes, thru marketing strategy gumawa sila ng mga poster and also

sa extend ng araw naming, 3 days lang dapat ginawa na nilang 5 days mas nadgdagan

pa yung chance na mas dumami pa ang makakita sa mga products namin.”

Business Owner 3: “We are pine of the sponsors of this event headed by Bulacan

Chamber of Commerce and Industry which is a private organization so I don’t know

much from government’s support about this project. Though there ar e Municipalities all

over Bulacan that also put up stalls during the event showcasing their Municipalities’






Business Owner 5: “DTI subsidized the booths in 2019. We also received free

promotion from Singkaban”.

Business Owner 6: “Yes, the government showed their support for our business during

the festival since they gave us permission to participate and aside for that the cheered us

up by buying one of our product”.

Business Owner 7: “Oo. Sa pamamagitan ng pagpopost sa social media o pagpapakalat

ng event program kung saan malapit ang aming mga booth. Pinupuntahan kami ng iba't

ibang lokal at turismo dahil sa kanilang programa”.

Business Owner 8: “We could tell that they supported our business during festival

because they allowed us to participate and aside for that they also give us an opportunity

to be known”

Business Owner 9: “Yes. By using social media to promote our booths or by

disseminating the event program where our booths are located. Because of their

program, we get a lot of residents and tourists.


Business Owner 10: Yes. During Singkaban 2018, Zuka was displayed on three different

booths: 1. As featured OTOP at BUFFEX 2. As part of Guiguinto booth, also at

BUFFEX 3. Part of our group supported by DTI (booth outside BUFFEX)

Synthesis: Most of the respondents answered that the provincial government supports

installation of stall that housed their products for the singkaban festival operation. There

are different organization or group that support operationalization of the event. Some of

them are the Department of Trade and Industry and Bulacan Chamber of Commerce and

Industry. The government is not supportive on the financial aspects of the inputs to the

stall but gave support in the promotional aspects of the products they offer thru social

media and by having tarpaulin posted everywhere in the town.

Effect of Festival in Economic Growth

Business Owner 1: “Yes, it attracts TOURIST. nakakatulong itonsa turismo”

Business Owner 2: “Yes.”

Business Owner 3: “Definitely yes, it opened many opportunities. And I think one of the

purposes of the program is to promote local economic growth.”




Business Owner 5: “Oo dahil sa oag diriwang na ito nabibigyan ng pag kakataon ang

mga small and medium enterprises na makilala ang kanilang produkto. There is

significance of celebration of singkaban festival to the economy of Bulacan because this

kind of celebration helps the Small and medium enterprises to promote their local

products. Additionally on that, they give every business owner whose participated on

said event to be known their products not only in the province of Bulacan but also in

different places.”

Business Owner 6: “Yes, based on how the people who participated in celebrating the

festival show support in the local businesses. Our profit will give contribution for the

economic growth of the province.”

Business Owner 7: “Yes. Mas nakikilala mas tumatatak. Mas tumatatak mas dumarami

ang customer. Mas dumarami ang consumer mas lumalakas ang benta.”

Business Owner 8: “During the festival we witnessed that the people like tourist who

participated in celebrating the festival show support in the local businesses. And the

profit will surely contribute on the economic growth of the province.”

Business Owner 9: “Yes. More stamping to make it more recognizable. The more you

brand, the more customers you'll get. The stronger the sales, the more customers there


Business Owner 10: “It’s a question that can be validated by data. So I’m not quite sure

if it has an effect on the province’s economy.

“But if I’ll be positive about it, the festival can help boost businesses if they’ll come up

with creative ways to do it. If businesses that’ll join Singkaban will get an upgrade

because of it, it will have ripple effect in the long run.”

Synthesis: Most of the respondents answered that the festival help in the tourism of the

province and the people that joined in the celebration support the local products of the

province. The respondents also included that the more brand of products they offer the

more income and customer they gained. On the other hand, there is a respondent that if

the business owner upgrade and show creative ways to introduce their products it has a

great effect in their business.

II. Organizer of Singkaban

A. Singkaban Festival Description

Organizer 1: “Ipinapakita nito ang gawain nuong unang panahon na hangang

sa ngayon ay kapakipakinabang sa lahat, maraming pagkain na mabibili at mga

kasiyahan na makikita mo lamang sa ibang bayan pero dahil sa singkaban festival ay

pinagsama sama upang mapanood ng maraming tao”

English Translation: “this festival promotes the past culture of every bulakenyos, it also

promotes the local products of every town”.

A. Ang pagtitinda ng ibat ibang bayan ng bulacan para ipagmalaki ang sarap at

kalidad ng kanilang produkto tulad ng pagkain, mga bagay o dekorasyon sa

bahay. Meon pssiklaban ng sayaw o indak kalye na makikita ang magaganda

at magagarang damit. Meron ding kosierto na panoorin. Masaya at

magandaa ang singkaban para sa kabataan ng bulacan.

B. Singkaban Festival showcases Bulacan’s arts, history, culture and all

C. Local & Tourist

Organizer 2: “Singkaban Festival is an annual event in Bulacan that

commemorates Bulakenyo culture and expression over a seven-day period. Singkaban

can be alternatively translated as "Sining at Kalinangan ng Bulacan" (Sining at Kultura

ng Bulacan). It is a famous art where intricately framed bamboo arches compliment the

streets and church entrances on town holidays. One will also notice these decorated

bamboo arches at the Santacruzans and parades. It features the scholar’s traditional

artwork “Balagtasan”, social transitions, and common tunes known as kundiman”.

A. Last 2018, the theme of the festival is “Pamanang Kalinangan ng Nakaraan,

Gabay sa Maunlad na Kinabukasan” the activities and program are Parada

ng Karosa. Singkaban Brass Band Competition. Other activities also include

Tatak Singkaban ng Central Luzon, Bulacan Business Conference, 1st

Bulacan Poultry Show, Kasalan at Okasyon, Bahay Kubo, Bahay Gulay,

Exhibit, Buffex and many more.

B. It contributes to the preservation of our culture and history. Promotes

harmony and festivals help to attract Tourists.

C. 24 municipalities/cities in the province of Bulacan, tourists, business owners.

Synthesis: The respondents answered that Singkaban festival is a weeklong celebration

where local people promote the culture, arts and history of their town and the province in

general. There are different programs and activities that offer during festival these are the

pageants, exhibits, buffex and floats. This festival contributes in the preservation of the

province culture, beliefs and traditions. Most of the participants of this event are the

local people and walk in tourist.

B. Singkaban Preparation

Organizer 1: “We do meeting with the sponsors and business owners. Nag iinvite kmi

gamit ang social media, naglalagay kami ng mga tarpauline in the part of telco


Organizer 2: “A lot of work goes into organizing a festival, from defining goals. We

need careful planning and preparation to guarantee that everyone has a fun and safe

time at festival.”

Organizer 3: “There’s a lot of preparations we had to do when the festival is coming.

Aside from listing the business who will participate the festival we also looking for a

sponsor for the event. Assuring the safety and happiness of the tourist are also part of the


Synthesis: The respondents answered that the preparation that they do is to contact

enthusiastic sponsors and list the participant that will join in the BUFFEX and other

activities that the event offers. The organizer also prepares for the safety of every


C. Budget of Singkaban

Organizer 1: “Yes. There is a Government fund for this kind event. Meron din naman na

sponsors like telco etc..”

Organizer 2: “Yes”

Organizer 3: “Yes, came from the sponsors of the event and support by the


Synthesis: The respondents answered that the budget of the festival came in the

government fund and others are sponsored by NGO’s.


G. Government support in Singkaban Festival

Organizer 1: “Huwag taasan ang presyo at ilagay sa tamang halaga ang mga produkto

upang marami ang makabili nito. Nagbigay lang din ng palugit na araw para ipakilala

ang kanila produkto sa mga taga bulakan. Nagbigay din ng tamang sukat para sa

kanilang tindahan upang ang lahat ay mapagbigyan na makapag tinda.”

English Translation: “Over pricing of products is not allowed, the price should right so

that the bulakenyo can buy it. They also gave enough time so that we can promote are

product in the exact time and day. The division of space is accurate so that every stall

can place there product right”.

Organizer 2: “The festival has many limitations, one of festival limit is a few days of

selling traders and maintaining cleanliness in their respective shops. Business owners

also need to know that what they sell is only at a low price and in good quality so that

visitors can enjoy it more.”

Organizer 3: “The government gives a due date to promote their products to the local

residence and tourist. The business owners also got a place given by the government with

a limited size.”

Synthesis: The respondents agreed in the limitations of the Singkaban Festival that the

products in the stall offer should be in low price that all the participants will enjoy the

celebration. There is also limitation in introducing and selling the products they offered.

The place where the product place should maintain the cleanliness.





This chapter includes the reinstatement of the foreshadowed problems,

summay of the findings, conclusion drawn and recommendation for said study.

Summary of Findings

From the results of the study, the proponent was able to answer below


1. How does the Singkaban Festival being celebrated?

The Singkaban is celebrated about 7 days or 1 week. This event is celebrated with

different programs and activities offers. Some of these activities are pageant, competitive

of floats and stall of different local products or what we called the BUFFEX. The aim of

the festival is to promote the arts, culture and history of the province. Most of the

participants of the event are both local people and tourist that came from different


2. How does the festival nurture the business culture of the province?

The festival gave big opportunities to introduce the products of every

town, it also attracts customers and clients to know the business especially if the business

is small that can have the opportunity to introduce it to the social media or even in

different brochures or tarpaulin.

3. How does the festival intensify the business culture of the province?

There are many products that offer during festival. most of the product

that the business owners offer during festival are food. Different food that Bulakenyos

they offer, they are some offer desserts, snake and even the main course for your meal.

The products that offer by them are related to the purpose of the festival because the

product they sell are came from their town and that product is their town pride. The

government is really supportive to the business owner in the festival. they gave a 1 week

to promote and sell their products during festival and also they gave budget that came

from the different group or organization. The government also gave they full support to

introduce the products the stall offers in the BUFFEX and exhibits.

4. Is the festival can affect the economic growth of the province?

The festival can affect the economic growth of the province because most

of the products that offer are local and the prize is affordable for the participants of the

event. The government also support the products that the festival has that is why not only

the local customers like the products but also the tourist customers.

From the results of the study, the proponent concluded that Singkaban festival is

one of the most event in the province that implement the cultural, arts, and history of the

province of Bulacan. The festival offers different events and activities that the

participants enjoyed the celebration. The festival contributes to the business culture of the

province by selling and introducing products that came from the different town in the

province. the product that the business offer is one of the specialties or the pride of their

towns. The festival intensifying the economic growth of the province by offering the

local products in a low prize but in good quality. The government also gave a financial

support to the stall that joined in the festival. The government extend their help to the

stall by promoting the products of the business thru social media and posting tarpaulin

and announcement in the surrounding of the event. The government make sure that the

businesses will gain more opportunities and festival will be the starting point of the small

businesses that join in the festival.


Based from the result of the study, the proponent would like to recommend the


1. It is recommended to specify the business opportunities of other festival in the

different towns in Bulacan. It also explained how the other festival can nurture the

business opportunities that can help in the province of Bulacan.

2. It is recommended to study more the effect of the festival in intensifying the

business opportunities that offer the local products in Bulacan.

3. It recommended to study the local government preparation and support that given

to the business owner in the Singkaban Festival and also to the clients or


4. Lastly, for future related study/ research, it is recommended to have it consider in

the study, to study the other events or festival that celebrated in the province of

Bulacan. It is also recommending to used other method of study not limit to

qualitative research.


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The authors in PCEDO


June 10, 2021


Province of Bulacan
Department Head
Provincial History, Arts, Culture and Tourism Office
Dear Sir:
We BSBA students who are currently conducting a research paper Singkaban Festival:
would like to request a list of the businesses that participated in the Singkaban Festival
last 2018 to 2019.
Thank you very much and hoping for a favorable response on this request.

Very truly yours,




Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

Tel/Fax (044) 791-0153


Tel No.: (044) 919-7800 local 1112

Dear Sir/Ma’am:


We, the graduating students of the College of Business Administration are currently
conducting a data of the business owners who participated in Singkaban Festival year
2018 and 2019 as part of our Thesis Writing subject.

We would like to ask for your permission to interview and give some survey form for you
to answer.

Thank you for the consideration and we hope for a favorable response.

Very truly yours,



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