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GRADE:- ** Blooms Taxonomy:- R-REMEMBERING, U-Understanding, Ap- Applying , An- Analyzing, E-Evaluating, C-Creating

SUBJECT:- Science **Question Type:-E-Essay type/ Long Answer, S- Short answer, O-Objective

Taxonomy Question
Lesson Topic Type (E/ Question Heading Question
Name (R/ U/ S/ O)
Ap/ An/ C

Write T for True and F 1. The outermost whorl of a flower is called the
4 Pollination An O
for False. corolla.
2. The androecium is called the male reproductive
part of a plant.

3. A pistil has three parts-stigma, style, and ovary.

4. Tulip is an example of a monosexual flower.

R S Name the following.

1. Brightly coloured, scented leaf-like structures

that attract insects towards the fower

2. Dust-ike particles that contain the male

reproductive cells of a plant

3. Flowers that contain both male and female

reproductive parts ..
4.Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the
stigma of the same flower

5. The whorl that protects the fower in lts bUd s

6. The long and slender part of the stamen

B. Choose the correct

An O 1. Which of the following is not the part of a flower
a. Corolla
b. Calyx
d. Petiole
C. Stamen

2. which of tne following is present inside the anther

of a stamen?
a. Pollen grains
b.Male gametes
c. Male reproductive cell
d. All are correct

3. Stigma receives
a. style
b. pollen grains
C. Ovules
d. seeds

4. which of the following is not an example of a

monosexual fiower?
a. Hibiscus flower
b. Papaya flower
C. Pumpkin flower
d. Watermelon flower

5. Pollination leads to the formation of

a. Ovules
b. seeds
C. male gametes
d. None of these
C. Choose the correct
An O option to fill in the
1. The outermost whorl of the flower is

2. The(anther/filament) is present at the tip of the


3. The.... (style/stigma) is the sticky, swollen tip of

the pistil that receives pollen grains.

4. After fertilization, the

. (Ovary/style) forms the fruit.

D. Short answer

1. What are the two reproductive parts of a flower?

2. What is the importance of corolla present in a

3. Mention the various parts of the androecium.
4. What is a bisexual flower?
5. Define unisexual flowers with examples.

Label the different

parts parts of a flower
are given below

C E Long answer question 1. Write a paragraph on parts of a flower

E-Evaluating, C-Creating

Answer Marks Correction Criteria(Marking Scheme)

0 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

1 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

1 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

0 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

Corolla 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

Pollengrains 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

Bisexual flower 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

Self Pollination 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

Sepal or calyx 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

Filament 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

d. Petiole 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

a. Pollen grains 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

pollen grains 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

Hibiscus fiower 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

seeds 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

sepals 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

anther 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

stigma 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

Ovary 1 correct answer carries 1 mark

Androecium , Gynoecium

Since the petals are coloured , they

attract insects that help in pollination
4 half mark of each correct labelling

A flower generally contains four parts:

calyx, corolla, androecium, and 4

These are also called the four whorls of

a flower. The stalk of a flower is called 1 mark for each correct part
the pedicel. The swollen end of the description and function
pedicel is called the thalamus

The outermost whorl of a flower is
called the calyx.
The main function of sepals is to
protect the flower in the bud stage
They can also prepare food for the
corolla. generally consists of a ring of
brightly coloured leaf like structures
he petals are generally brightly
coloured, they aftract insects
Thathelp in pollination. They may also
produce different scents to attract
insects towards the flower

lt is the collection of stamens. Each
stamen has a slender stalk called

An anther is present at Tne Tip of the

stamen . Anthers produce dust-like
particles Called pollen grains. Pollen
grains contain the male gametes or male
reproductive cells.

It consists of the pistil whoch ha
sthree parts stigma, style and ovary

After fertlisation the ovary forms the

fruit and the ovules form the seeds .
Blooms Taxonomy Question Type Question Heading
R E Answer as per instruction
U S Answer the following in one sentence
Ap O Choose the correct answer
An Classify the following
E Creative Writing
C Diagram based questions
Do as Directed
Fill in the Blanks
Match the following
Multiple choice questions
Name the following
Read, Reflect and Write
Reference to Context
Seen Reading comprehension
Solve the following
True or False
Unseen Comprehension
Write/Choose the meaning and frame sentences for th
nd frame sentences for the words given.
4/29, 20:42] Archana gupta: Write T for True and F for False.
1. The outermost whorl of a flower is called the corolla.
2. The androecium is called the male reproductive part of a plant.
3. A pistil has three parts-stigma, style, and ovary.
4. Tulip is an example of a monosexual flower.
[4/29, 20:43] Archana gupta: Name the following.
1. Brightly coloured, scented leaf-like structures that attract insects towards the
********** * **
2. Dust-ike particles that contain the male reproductive cells of a plant
3. Flowers that contain both male and female reproductive parts ..
Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same fiower
[4/29, 20:44] Archana gupta: A. Name the following.
1. The colourful and reproductive part of a plant
The various parts of a flower
[4/29, 20:45] Archana gupta: 3. The whorl that
rotecis the fower in lts bUd s
4. The long and slender part of the stamen
5. The female product unit of the gynoecIum
stamen and pistil
Flowers that contain both
B. Choose the correct option.
Which of the following is not the part of a flower
b. Calyx
d. Petiole
C. Stamen
O Tne following is present inside the anther of a stamen?
a. Pollen grains
C. Male gametes
3. Stigma receives
a. Corolla
b. Male reproducfive cells
d. All are correct
d. seeds
C. Ovules
a. style
b. pollen grains
4. wnicn of the following is not an example of a monosexual fiower?
a. Hibiscus fiower b. Papaya flower
5. Pollination leads to the formation of
C. Pumpkin flower d. Water
b. seeds
C. male gametes d. None
a. ovules
C. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.
1. The outermost whorl of the flOwer is
. (sepals/petals).
(anther/filament) is present at the tip of the stamen.
3. The.
... (style/stigma) is the sticky, swollen tip of the pistil that
pollen grains.
4. After fertilization, the
.. (Ovary/style) forms the fruit.
D. Short answer questions.
1. What are the two reproductive parts of a flower?
2. What is the importance of corolla present in a flower?
3. Mention the various parts of the androecium.
4. What is a bisexual flower?
5. Define unisexual flowers with examples.
[4/29, 20:47] Archana gupta: ee TP
fferent parts of
nt parts of a flower are given below. Draw them individually, in the space
Draw them individually, in the space
provide Also, write their main function.
Part of the flower
Draw diagram of the part
S. no
Function of the part

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