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1. Explain how nationalism started among Filipinos.

The nationalism started when Dr. Jose Rizal broke the idea of “nation”. He was
the one who led the Filipinos to start a revolution against the Spanish Government to
attain freedom and to gain control of the country. He is well-known for being a
propagandist and his way of fighting the Spanish Government through his writing by
revealing the inhumane manipulation of the Spanish Government in the Philippines. He
chose to have a silent war and not a bloody war because he thinks that it is the only way
to gain freedom. Through that, other Filipinos were motivated to get that freedom. They
started many revolts against the Spanish Government.
2. Cite five (5) advantages when Filipinos are united.
Sustainable world to live
3. What did you learn from the Topic, The birth of Filipino Nationalism?
What I have learned about the topic, The Birth of Filipino Nationalism:

1. I learned that the nationalism did not begin as the kind of nationalism we know today.
Nationalism back then was simply redefined.
2. Filipinos are brave enough to fight for their rights and freedom from the colonizers.
3. Nationalism is the sense of solidarity that we feel with our own country- in most cases,
the country we were born in. And I realize that nationalism brings unity in diversity or
brings people together.

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