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The importance of search engine rankings for e-commerce

Search engine advertisement strategy

Marketing strategy on the Internet

E-commerce Marketing Mix – Wholly online, or one foot in both worlds?

Pay-per-click vs. Pay-per-impression – A comparison

An advertising strategy for an e-business (case study)

Critical evaluation of an e-commerce company’s advertising strategy (case study)

Analytical Issues and empirical evidence of marketing strategies in e-commerce

Measuring e-commerce advertising success (case study)

Measuring e-commerce advertising success (proposal of a new technique/algorithm)

Measuring customer retention for e-commerce portals

Analysis of customer behaviour as an input for marketing strategy

What draws repeat customers to an online retailer?

Internet marketing for traditional retailers

Internet marketing for new (born on the Internet) retailers

Internet marketing – new strategy proposal

How can social media be used to market and advertise to the customer?

Digitalised word of mouth, how important is this to marketing an organisation online?

Brand loyalty, the development of the internet on marketing and e-commerce

Critical evaluation of current technology enabling e-commerce security

Analysis of previous attacks and vulnerabilities that led to those attacks

Security vulnerabilities and possible attacks methods – firewalls

Security vulnerabilities and possible attack methods – SSL

The effectiveness of current intrusion detection technology

Critical evaluation of security policies of a website

Critical evaluation of the firewall policies of a website

Perception of security among the lay public

Educating the public about security

Encryption – State of the Art.

How effective is today’s encryption to prevent spying/snooping?

Customer confidence and how they perceived their data is being handled

Security limitations and challenges in the online environment

How much more can online retailers, banks etc do to provide more security to online transactions?

Digital certificate, encryption and public key infrastructure weakness analysis

Trust models in e-commerce

Analysis of the effectiveness of trust-building mechanisms

Analysis of public perceptions of trust

Data privacy issues in e-commerce

Data Protection Act 2002 – Implications for e-commerce

Managing reputations online

How important is trust in e-commerce and how it can be built up?

Trust in e-commerce – Myth or Reality?

The antivirus business

The protection business – how effective is today’s antivirus software?

Adware vs. spyware – where is the line drawn?

Impact of trust on consumer behaviour

Comparing tradition commerce to e-commerce and the understanding of trust for the consumer

How can online retailers build trust in potential and existing customers using security and risk management strategies?

Critical analysis of current technology employed for e-commerce customer service.

Potential Web 3.0 applications for customer service.

Developing a new Web 3.0 application for customer service.

Emerging semantic web applications in marketing.

Effectiveness of principles of usability of e-commerce websites.

Do W3C standards help promote usability?

Analysis of any one major e-commerce website (such as Amazon) from the usability point of view.

The monetary impact of low usability of retail e-commerce websites.

Quantifying usability for e-commerce.

Evaluating the key aspects of usability of e-commerce websites based on users’ preferences.

Usability survey for one or more e-commerce website(s).

Applying business processes refactoring to improving usability in on e-commerce websites.

The role of usability in customer satisfaction with and commitment to a fashion retail website.

Usability and user experience with mobile geo-referenced apps in the travel and tourism industry.

Wireless security for m-commerce.

Exploring geographical boundaries of m-commerce.

Payment processing methods for m-commerce.

Custom e-commerce applications for m-commerce.

Analysis of m-commerce business models.

Usability of m-commerce applications.

Mobile client technology problems and bottlenecks.

Mobile networks technology problems and bottle necks.

User interface design for m-commerce.

Wireless networks capacity problems: Issues facing m-commerce.

E-commerce application with wireless to wired interface.

User identification for m-commerce.

Data security in m-commerce.

Differences in customer decision-making across e-commerce and m-commerce platforms.

What are the barriers to more extensive adoption of m-commerce in developing countries?

Does the reputation of the payment provider affect consumers’ willingness to undertake m-commerce transactions?

m-commerce to achieve strategic business objectives

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