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SESS – Group 7

449 456 461 462 434

Participants (Homogenous group)

Group: Customer perception and demand towards reopening of dining facilities in restaurants
(fast-food and full service) - Single purpose

Introduction, Process, Consent

● Greetings, I’m Mr. Mod and will be guiding the focus group discussion
● The purpose of this study is to understand the demand and perception of people towards
visiting restaurants and hotels in Covid-19 pandemic
● The session would be videotaped and confidentiality of all the participants would be

Ground Rules
● We will be open to viewpoints, discussions and opinions, regarding everyone’s
● We would appreciate patience from your side and everyone will be allowed to raise their
opinions but in a gente manner to maintain the decorum
● Mr Mod has the right to guide the timing and flow of the session topics but will allow the
group to determine the importance and focus of the conversation, as appropriate
● Maintaining privacy is of utmost importance to us, will maintain Identities of group
members confidential such as first names only will be used for name tags during the

Ice Breaker Question (60-90 seconds per participant)

- Please introduce yourself (first name, area of work, hometown, interest, and hobbies)

Introductory Question (90-120 seconds per participant)

- Do you enjoy eating out at restaurants and whom are you usually acoompanied with
and what adds to your experience when you go for dinning out with your family or

Transition Question
- Tell us about the first dine-out experience you had post Covid and how comfortable
did you feel going out post the pandemic
- What made your experience good or great or any kind of discomfort/inconvenience
that you faced?

Content Questions:

❖ Content 1: Pre Covid Scenario

➢ What was the frequency of visiting a restaurant before the pandemic?
➢ What were the general factors you considered before selecting a restaurant?
➢ Was cost the major factor in any of the above criteria or any specific parameter to
which you gave the most weightage in selecting a restaurant?
➢ Did you prefer weekdays or weekends for visiting the restaurants and why?
➢ Did you prefer conducting an office or a professional meeting at the restaurant
and why?
➢ How much did the restaurant hygiene mattered in your selection of restaurants
and frequency of visit?
➢ How many times did you visit a hotel before the pandemic?
➢ Was it mostly for leisure or a professional visit?
➢ Was the restaurant a major consideration for travelling or was the destination
carried more weightage?
❖ Content 2: Covid Scenario
➢ How has your experience been coming to restaurant post lockdown?
➢ Did you receive any additional benefit because of being a past consumer?
➢ Did you like the new arrangement that we have followed keeping in mind covid
➢ Do you feel any additional facilities for betterment of experience in the

❖ Content 3: Post Covid Scenario: Perceived Risk

➢ How do you feel about the restaurants reopening post the pandemic and how safe
would you feel in visiting one?

➢ What factors are extremely crucial when it comes to perceiving a restaurant and
the restaurant food as safe o consume given the current scenario?

➢ Does Government Trust in the restaurant busineeses and societal influence in any
way affect you in your choices to go out for dining?

➢ Do you feel to add any additional facility post lockdown?

❖ Content 4: Post Covid Scenario: Changing Preferences

➢ What are a few fundamental and visible changes in your cuisine preferences that
you inculcated in this lockdown?
➢ Has the importance of factors that affect your restaurant choices changed post the
➢ Do you believe that your frequency to visit a restaurant and the reasons for the
same have changed post the pandemic?
➢ Does spending on and going out for dining in restaurants considered to a cut on
saving and budgeting of money after the coronavirus threat passes?
➢ Can you compare ordering food online and going out for eating in a restraunt
from a perspective of safety and hygiene.?

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