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Performance of Top Customs Administration School in Customs Brokers

Licensure Examination in Year 2015 - 2019: A Guideline for First Year

Students in Choosing their University Campus

A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of Customs Administration

Lyceum of the Philippines University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration

Bautista, John Paul De Jesus

Pabon, Mary Sapphire Baguino
Tagarao, Karen Claire Diploma

April 11, 2021
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 2



Related Literature

Student’s selection of their respective University campuses is a major

factor in their interpersonal and character development and will impact the

students’ future in employment. However, this paper will focus on the Lyceum of

the Philippines University Manila campus’ first-year students taking up Bachelor

of Science in Customs Administration thus all the related literature given will be

reviewed in detail and will only be referred to as appropriate.

General Factors that influence the college selection of students

College selection, as defined by Bergerson (2009), is a process wherein

students will decide where to attend and what kind of institution is compatible for

them. A research by Furukawa (2011), aims to determine the factors that affects

the high-achieving students’ college choice. A qualitative single case study

design was used which composed of individual interviews with admission staff,

student focus group interviews, content analysis of recruitment approach

materials, and individual follow-up interviews.

The study shows that the focal point of an institution recruitment tactics targeted

the population, parents or guardian, and increased interaction with the potential

students. Findings (students) suggest that the most prevalent influence on their

decision is from the parents or other family members. In the admission staff

perspective, it is identified that overall cost of education, on-site tours, college

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 3

comparisons are the factors considered by the high-achieving students on their

final stage of their decision (Furukawa, 2011).

Choosing a college to attend is a stressful process and a life-changing decision

for senior high school students according to Whitehead et. al (2006).

Considering the organizational image influences and using a multi-method

analysis, school characteristics (e.g., academic programs, reputation) were more

influential than interpersonal or informational sources. The study suggests that

presenting more information that highlights the institution’s strengths and able to

effectively address the student concerns, will more likely the students select that

college (Pampaloni, 2010).

One study examines the main priorities of the students among the given four (4)

categories namely, program characteristics, institutional characteristics,

marketing and recruitment approach, and significant other characteristics.

Quantitative survey was used for data collection, distributed to the selected

participants from Eastern Kentucky University. Descriptive statistics were used

for data analysis (Abdolalizadeh, 2014).

The said study indicates that program characteristics, which consists of

academic reputation and individualized faculty attention is the most important

factor that contributes in the college choice process than the overall institutional

reputation. The duration of the degree course, program requirements flexibility

and wide range of course/program offerings under the program characteristics

category were also considered as significant influences (Abdolalizadeh, 2014).

In order to determine the major factors that influence the decision of upcoming

college students in choosing their university to attend, a study used a Unified

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Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model which intercepts

key concepts such as Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Effort

Expectancy and Facilitating Conditions. The results presented that only

performance expectancy (overall performance) and facilitating conditions

(facilities management) were found significant as main contributors on students’

college choices (Moody, 2020).

Early studies are more focused on the external factors and the characteristics of

the students which includes significant individuals, college recruitment efforts,

school reputation, students’ socio-economic status and academic aspirations

while others established decision-making process models. In recent studies, the

impact of technology and social media on college selection are now more

evident (Moody, 2020).

Ranking, its Indicators and Influence on students’ college choice

Rankings are mainly utilized as a measure of quality using various indicators

and criteria which depends on the perspective of the ranking creator. The quality

and accountability of ranking system, in line with the context of national goals,

differs from every country and region. Having a standard measure of success as

an annual basis would be effective in producing accurate data in evaluating

university rankings (Sanoff, et. al, 2007).

Achiever students and/or students with higher income tend to use rankings as

one of their guides in choosing their school, while disadvantaged students are

more likely to choose community colleges or institutions which are not included

on rankings by any organizations. Rankings may also influence the student’s

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 5

employment opportunities and earning outcomes especially on business school

graduates (Sanoff, et. al, 2007).

Improved ranking has a positive impact to academic reputation of an institution

which leads to increased number of applicants and enrollees. However, it was

also emphasized that top performing schools does not equate as a best choice

for every student. Academic ambitions, career choices, financial capabilities as

well as the school facilities, size and location are must be considered more as

major standards in choosing university (Sanoff, et. al, 2007).

A study by Schmidt et. al. (2011) implies, that college rankings is not necessarily

an indicator of quality education. The basis of the success of those who

graduated from prestigious colleges could be considered as selection bias, in

which the institution’s reputation and price signaling attracts outstanding

students. It may result to advantages in terms of social networking and peer

effects but not considered as indicators of good education. Selectivity measures

specifically SAT scores, wages and career data were commonly used assess

the quality of colleges or higher educational institutions. Value added measures

or the need to determine whether the students were able to acquire additional

academic capabilities from a certain educational program provided by the

university, must also be considered to be able to effectively evaluate the

performance of the institution and produce accurate results for ranking (Schmidt

et. al., 2011).

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 6

Quality Assurance (QA) and Ranking are correlated altogether but have different

fundamental purposes. Rankings is used to determine “excellent quality” based

on higher education institutions (HEIs) and for promotion purposes. It is typically

managed by private companies which relies on available research-related

criteria. Quality Assurance on the other hand, is run by independent non-profit

QA agencies. QA tends to focus more on areas such as teaching and learning

since, its aim is to meet the minimum standards (mostly for accreditation) for

further quality enhancement. In addition, QA may be utilized as a framework and

basis for recognition and facilitation of mobility (Wächter, B. et.al, 2015).

Ranking results may be easier to comprehend than QA reports, its functionality

is not considered enough as one of the effective metrics in measuring the

“quality” of higher education because of its reliance to a single data source and

limitation on citations or publications. Its impact concentrates on student

recruitment and admission, as well as marketing, academic reputation, operation

and management of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) (Wächter, B. et.al,


This study by Wächter, B. et.al. (2015) aims to compare and contrast the current

methods and approach of selected countries to Europe in assessing the quality

assurance and ranking indicators of colleges. The researchers conducted (1)

desk research – based on literature and studies, (2) Comparative assessment,

(3) Semi-structured Expert Interviews to gather their data. And in order to avoid

incorrect findings, the researchers seek high-level academic experts in the field
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 7

of quality assurance and rankings to assist them on reviewing draft reports and

provide them with reliable feedback.

Global ranking focuses on smaller set of indicators based on research outputs,

while National ranking, uses larger set of teaching or student-related indicators.

Since Quality Assurance is one of the common indicators to determine the

ranking of an institution, Accreditation (an indicator of QA) is now considered as

an essential metric for ranking (Wächter, B. et.al, 2015).

Voluntary accreditation and certification of the institution’s Quality Management

System under quality assurance tools were used as measurements for

organizational effectiveness (Javier, 2012). Lyceum of the Philippines is ISO

certified and continues to strive for further improvement. LPU Batangas,

specifically, the pioneer to be awarded by Accreditation among all the LPU

branches. These instruments were provided by certifying agencies and

accrediting entities such as the Philippine Association of Colleges and

Universities (PACUCOA) (Laguador, et.al, 2014).

Related Studies

There are a large number of studies of school performance trends in

terms of their respective licensure examination results such as the analysis on

the five-year performance of accountancy schools as well as the study of CBLE

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 8

performance trend in the Philippines where they found the fluctuating pattern of

schools’ performances. However, since the focus of this research is on creating

a guideline for students in choosing their University Campuses by using the

trend of performances of schools, these will not be reviewed in detail and will

only be referred to as appropriate.

Foreign Studies

In a study conducted by Hidayat et al (2018), the variables that the researchers

have observed were: institution fee, marketing, brand image, motivation and

facility as exogenous variable and student decision as endogen variable. Quota

sampling on one hundred fifty (150) students as respondents was used in this

study. The gathered data was acquired by questionnaires, interviews and

survey. Factory tests with regression weight and Confirmatory Factory Analysis

was used by the researchers for the data analyzation. The result of the collected

data signifies that the institution fee, marketing, brand image, and facilities have

a significant effect on the student’s decision when selecting a private university

in Medan City, Indonesia. Likewise, the data analysis of the respondent’s

answers implies that the school accreditation is one of the determining factors

affecting the student’s choice since it ensures them that the institution will

provide a high quality of education and experience. The researches conclude

that the aforementioned variables in their study is vital on helping the students to

decide on choosing their private school in Medan therefore they also provide

suggestions and recommendations for the school to attract the interest of the

students in form of; (1) private schools should market their campus by providing
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 9

more brochures that encompasses information about the quality and reputation

of the school (2) private schools must be competitive with other campuses (3)

media promotion (4) affordable institutional fees (5) improved learning facilities.

University Choice Process: A Literature Review on Models and Factors

Affecting the Process

This literature review conducted by Oya Tamtekin Aydin focuses on the

development and planning of higher educational institution in order to have a

better strategy in recruiting students. This paper reviewed the following models:

Economic Model, Sociological Model, Combined Model, Marketing Approach

and the main factors of university choice process where the paper elaborates

the effects of family, reference group, reputation and attributes of universities,

personal factors, location, job prospect for a good career cost of education and

financial aid-scholarship offered by universities and presented a conceptual

framework based on the relevant literatures.

Economic model is used to discuss how students maximizes their utilities while

minimizing their risk, though it has limitation because the said model is only

reliant on the influence of rationality to the students choice, on the other hand,

Sociological model is used because it relay that student’s socioeconomic

backgrounds affect the choice of students with regards to what colleges or

university they will be enrolling in, while combined models showcases the stages
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 10

of the student’s decision making namely, predisposition, search and choice

where the first step, predisposition is the stage where the students ponder

whether he/she will continue education after that is the second stage or search

where students obtain the information about their prospected universities and

after those steps is the choice. This paper also reviewed the marketing model of

the university in terms of the recruitment of students for the university as a

business, it showcases how advertisement and promotion affect the students’

school of choice.

In a study entitled, “Trend of Customs Broker Licensure Examination of the

Philippines” written by Tan, et al (2015), it analyzes and evaluates the

performance trend of different Customs Administration universities from the year

2009 to 2012 through their performance in the Customs Broker Licensure

Examination (CBLE). The study used a quantitative trend analysis to understand

and monitor the school’s performance. Moreover, it is mainly focused on a four-

year trend analysis of the Customs Licensure Examination of thirty selected

schools on a per region basis in order to measure the gathered data and

analyze numerical data. The result of the study was explained precisely since

graphs and aid tables were provided together with its analysis and evaluation.

On the result and discussion section of the paper explains that school in region

IX illustrates a gradual declining trend. While on the regions IV, VII, and NCR

exemplifies a notable increase in trend. Gradual growth in trend denotes that

these schools employ intensive programs that enhance their students’ skills and

intellect. Lastly, regions III, XI and XII have a fluctuating pattern due to the
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 11

number of examinees and passers. In year 2009-2012, based on the gathered

data by the researchers the Customs Broker Licensure Examination was usually

unstable and fluctuating over that time frame. The author of this paper concludes

that result in trend analysis of the Customs Broker Licensure Examination

fluctuates varying on the students’ performance as well as the university itself.

Students must be skilled and intellectual prepared for the licensure examination

in order to achieve good result and pass the exam because the student’s

performance reflects to university’s competency. Furthermore, the school should

improve their curriculum and conduct an in-depth study that will help to improve

their student’s performance in order to increase the passing rate of the school as

well as the Customs Broker Licensure Examination in the Philippines.

On the other hand, in a similar study conducted by Castillo (2018), entitled, “Six-

Year Performance Trend in Customs Broker Licensure Examination of a State

University in the Philippines”, the study analyzes the six-year performance trend

of a particular state university in the Philippines by collecting the data result of

the Customs Broker Licensure Examination of that state university. The six-year

performance trend of that state university was compared to the performance of

the other schools. Moreover, the schools deemed to use for comparison are the

top ten performing schools that offers customs administration program in the

Philippines for the year 2011-2016. The gathered data used in this research

came from the databased of the Philippine Regulation Commission, a

government agency responsible for professional examination in the Philippines.

Quantitative approach was used in conducting this study; graphs and statistical
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 12

data were used to present the findings and analysis. According to the result and

discussion, the performance of the subject state university of this study in

Customs Broker Licensure Examination is considered exceedingly satisfactory

because of its yearly passing percentage. Additionally, the aforementioned

university placed as the second-best customs school in the Philippines because

of its performance in the Customs Broker Licensure Examination for the past six

years. Nevertheless, the subject university has declining passing percentage as

well its national average. Therefore, the rival schools in the region and

neighboring region started to catch up with the performance of the subject

school and had been performing better than its usual performance in year 2015-

2016. Likewise, the difference among the passing rate of the subject school and

leading customs administration school in the Philippines skyrocketed whilst the

margin over the other top performing customs school shrunk in year 2016.

In a journal also written by Castillo (2018), the study evaluates and determines

the performance of top ten customs administration schools in the Philippines

through the result of the Customs Broker Licensure Examination from year 2011

up to 2017. The study also includes statistical graphs which shows the

correlation between the number of examinees and performance ratings of each

school. The gathered data used by the author were based on the website of the

Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Qualitative trend analysis and

descriptive design were used in conducting this study. The results of the study

show that the majority of the top customs administration university in the

Philippines have varying and changing performances in every year. The graphs
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 13

presented in this paper relatively show that schools that have fluctuating

performance should conduct a study to determine what are the reasons of their

volatile and unstable performances. On the other hand, universities that show

mostly a good performance and increasing passing rate every year should

maintain their good performance. As of the conclusion of the entire study, the

graphs and result of the study reveal that there is non-significant difference

among the performances of schools whether it is located Metro Manila or other

regions in the Philippines. This concludes that students residing in provinces

does not need to go to Metro Manila but instead select a university that offers a

customs administration program in their nearest region. Aspiring customs

administration students should evaluate their chosen universities through the

performance its graduates and most importantly the passing rate of the

university in the Customs Broker Licensure Examination every year.

According to Briones and Bueno (2019), there are several factors that affects the

decision of students when choosing their university or degree program. The

quality and standard of the school is one of the main factors that students

consider when choosing their school followed by the skilled professors, learning

capabilities, infrastructure, school’s atmosphere and the ability of the school to

produce board passers. In their study entitled, “Factors Affecting the Decision of

First Year Students in Choosing their Degree Program and School” it examines

the factors affecting the choice of first year’s student in determining what degree

program they will take and what university will give them the high quality of

education in their chosen program. The researchers applied the descriptive

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 14

survey method in conducting their study together with first-year students from a

teacher education college as respondents. Likewise, the researchers prepared a

questionnaire containing all the variables on a four-point Likert scale. The

gathered data come up with result that students choose their school due to the

school’s reputation and image, qualified instructors, teaching facilities and the

probability to get a scholarship. School marketing is also important to attract the

interest of the students. Therefore, school administrators should consider the

aforementioned factors that affects the student’s decision when choosing their

degree program and school. Also, school accreditation and autonomous status

ensures the student’s they could provide the best quality education for them.

School administrators should improve their education quality to strengthen their

image and reputation with that there is a high probability that student’s will

choose to enroll in their school. With the gathered data and result of the study,

the researchers concluded that the various factors that affects the student’s

decision were influenced by their friends and family.


The various sources indicate the similar behavior of students in terms of

choosing their universities. (Aydin,2015) reviewed the factors that affects the

choice of students with regards to their family socioeconomic background,

personal factors etc, and (Castillo, 2018) together with the other sources’ relays

how the performance and quality of education plays a major role in the process

of students decision making, the related literature also suggests that the

students decision correlates to their future employability and earnings.

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 15


Abdolalizadeh, M. (2014). Influential Factors in International Students' College Choice

of A Rural, Regional University. Online Theses and Dissertations. 240.

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Bergerson, A. A. (2009). College choice and access to college: Moving policies,

research, and practice to the 21st century. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Briones, E. R., & Bueno, D. C. (2019). Factors Affecting the Decision of First Year
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Brokers Licensure Examination in the Philippines. Journal of Social Sciences and
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Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila 16

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the Malcolm Baldridge Model, Asian Journal of Business and Governance, 2(1):

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Philippines University – Batangas in Getting Ahead of Accreditation and
Certification. International Journal of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.

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Educational Measurement and Evaluation Review

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