Light Pollution and Possible Remedies

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Light pollution and possible remedies

Light pollution is excessive or obtrusive artificial light. Light sources may be partly
directed towards the sky or downward directed light may be reflected upward. It is
caused by unnecessary use of artificial light. Street lights,over illumination,
advertising and display lighting,Over lights in sign boards etc. make more light at
night.Waste light at night can have a strongly negative impact on our environment.
Most light pollution is found in urban areas where artificial light sources are more
than rural areas. More than 80 % of the world's population lives under light polluted
skies.It is not practical to make complete darkness during night but we can reduce
the harmful effect of light pollution by taking some remedial measures.


Light pollution has a wide range of negative effects.Artificial light including sky
glow,glare,light trespass,light clutter,decreased visibility at night and energy waste.
Light pollution not only a hindrance to astronomy, but it also impacts us directly.Light
pollution washes out starlight in the night sky, Interferes with astronomical research
and it disrupts the ecosystem and has adverse health effects.Nocturnal animals
sleep during the day and are active at night. Light pollution affects their night time
environment by turning night into day. Artificial lights disrupt this nocturnal
activity,interfering with reproduction and reducing population. It affects the human
health such as disrupting our circadian rhythms, messing with our melatonin levels,
and generally contributing to sleeping disorders. Disruption of these rhythms can
result in insomnia,depression,cancer,and cardiovascular diseases.Light pollution
affects the growth and flowering plants and even a number of insects that depend on
those plants for food will be affected by this. Increase of some harmful insects and
decrease of some useful insects also an after effect of light pollution.Sea turtles and
birds guided by moonlight during migration get confused, lose their way and often
they die. Light pollution is also impacting animal behaviors, such as migration
patterns, wake sleep habits and habitat formation.
Sea Turtles,frogs,zebrafish,monarch butterflies are the one of the most affected
animals by light pollution. Light for night walking and going through midnight is very
useful but it is harmful to our environment.


● Shades are the one of the effective tools to reduce excess light.We can use
shades behind the light. It can prevent more light that directly enters the night
sky. Shades decrease the over sky glow by preventing the excess light from
the sky. This may help the astrologers because of the increase in the sky
darkness. We have some light Shades. Hence we can use this Shades more
effectively. We can use different types and shapes of shades.The shades can
play a major role in reducing the light pollution. We can use the light shades
as solar panels. These shades must be wide and it can reduce the glow of
light into the sky. It can also be used in day time as solar panels. We can
change these shades as different types and shapes of solar panels. Through
changing the shades into solar panels we are conserving nature by double
strength. It's more effective than a simple shade.

● Light sensors - integrated motion sensors automatically dim the light when
nobodys around in places. The sensor detects lighting changes caused by
movement in its field of vision,and this disturbance causes the light to
activate. There is no use of excess light,through using the sensors we can
reduce the intense light. Use of light sensors in street light,parking lights,etc
will help to avoid unnecessary light there.
● Planting trees (natural shade) - trees can make more shades during night.
Trees can reduce the over scattering of light. By planting trees on roadside
the over light from street lights can be reduced. The animals that sleep day
and are active during night depend more on trees.The shades of trees help
them from these artificial lights.

● Dark coloured window curtains - the light pollution also affects our health.
Sleep disorder, depression etc. by using dark curtains we can prevent flow of
artificial light from outdoors towards the bedroom. Dark colored Curtains will
reduce the intensity of light and help us to smooth sleep and better health.

● Street light should be designed and installed so that the light is concentrated
only on the road.using Led, neon bulbs for making ads and more should be
● Public awareness - light pollution is less discussed matter. It is important to be
aware of the harmful effects of light pollution on our environment. Light
pollution is very harmful like air pollution, water pollution etc. So we should
conduct public awareness programmes,seminars campaigns to aware about
light pollution.


● Light shades are very familiar to us. Now we can use the light shades in two
ways. One is shade and the other is a solar panel. Low cost and double
usage is the advantage of these shades. We know that shade can play a
major role in reducing light pollution. Through these shades we can
accumulate sunlight and directly use it as street light.

● Light sensors are not very familiar. We can see that in five star hotels,
hospitals etc. but can use these in public areas. The companies should make
the light with sensors. It will help to prevent loss of light energy. If we use
sensors in street lights it surely reduces the light and helps nocturnal animals.

● Planting trees is another measure that can be taken to reduce light pollution.
Planting trees in the road side, courtyard everywhere the artificial light will be
prevented by the tree. Trees can also play a major role in these cases. Trees
are valuable, it not only helps to reduce light pollution it can help to reduce all
the problems faced by our environment. So planting trees is very precious.

● Dark coloured curtains are available everywhere. So it is a very easy and

helpful method to prevent excess light that disturbs smooth sleep.

● By conducting public awareness programmes we can reduce the light

pollution by making people aware of the harmful effects of light pollution.
Conducting seminars, making posters etc can be done by different
organizations. By conducting these we can quickly access the aftereffects of
light pollution.

Light pollution is excess artificial light that leads to sky glow, etc. light pollution has
many harmful effects but many of the peoples didint know about the light pollution
and its after effects. It has many remedial measures to prevent light pollution. Using
shades, public awareness, planting trees,light sensors, dark colcured curtains are
some of the remedial measures. We must take steps to protect our environment from
all kinds of pollution including light pollution. Human beings are only responsible for
light pollution.

Parthiv krishna. S
G K Smaraka GOVT V & H S S Vellanad

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