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Is Graph Structure Necessary for Multi-hop Question Answering?

Nan Shao† , Yiming Cui‡† , Ting Liu‡ , Shijin Wang†§ , Guoping Hu†

State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Intelligence, iFLYTEK Research, China

Research Center for Social Computing and Information Retrieval (SCIR),
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
iFLYTEK AI Research (Hebei), Langfang, China


Abstract by ablation experiments. However, in experiments,

Recently, attempting to model texts as graph we find when we use the pre-trained models in the
structure and introducing graph neural net- fine-tuning approach, removing the entire graph
arXiv:2004.03096v2 [cs.CL] 29 Oct 2020

works to deal with it has become a trend in structure may not hurt the final results. Therefore,
many NLP research areas. In this paper, we in this paper, we aimed to answer the following
investigate whether the graph structure is nec- question: How much does graph structure con-
essary for multi-hop question answering. Our tribute to multi-hop question answering?
analysis is centered on HotpotQA. We con-
To answer the question above, we choose the
struct a strong baseline model to establish
that, with the proper use of pre-trained mod- widely used multi-hop question answering bench-
els, graph structure may not be necessary for mark, HotpotQA (Yang et al., 2018), as our testbed.
multi-hop question answering. We point out We reimplement a graph-based model, Dynami-
that both graph structure and adjacency matrix cally Fused Graph Network (Qiu et al., 2019), as
are task-related prior knowledge, and graph- our baseline model. The remainder of this paper is
attention can be considered as a special case organized as follows.
of self-attention. Experiments and visualized
analysis demonstrate that graph-attention or • In Section 2, we first describe our baseline model.
the entire graph structure can be replaced by Then, we show that the graph structure can play
self-attention or Transformers. an important role only when the pre-trained mod-
1 Introduction els are used in a feature-based manner. While
the pre-trained models are used in the fine-tuning
Different from single-hop question answering,
approach, the graph structure may not be helpful.
where the answer can be derived from a single sen-
tence in a single paragraph, more and more studies • To explain the results, in Section 3.1, we point
focus on multi-hop question answering across mul- out that graph-attention (Veličković et al., 2018)
tiple documents or paragraphs (Welbl et al., 2018; is a special case of self-attention. The adjacency
Talmor and Berant, 2018; Yang et al., 2018). matrix based on manually defined rules and the
To solve this problem, the majority of existing graph structure can be regarded as prior knowl-
studies constructed a graph structure according to edge, which could be learned by self-attention or
co-occurrence relations of entities that scattered Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017).
across multiple sentences or paragraphs. Dhin- • In Section 3.2, we design experiments to show
gra et al. (2018) and Song et al. (2018) designed when we model text as an entity graph, both
a DAG-styled recurrent layer to model the rela- graph-attention and self-attention can achieve
tions between entities. De Cao et al. (2019) first comparable results. When we treat texts as a
used GCN (Kipf and Welling, 2017) to tackle en- sequence structure, only a 2-layer Transformer
tity graph. Qiu et al. (2019) proposed a dynamic could achieve similar results as DFGN.
entity graph for span-based multi-hop QA. Tu et al.
(2019b) extended the entity graph to a heteroge- • In Section 3.4, visualized analysis show that there
neous graph by introducing document nodes and are diverse entity-centered attention patterns exist
query nodes. in pre-trained models, indicating the redundancy
Previous works argue that a fancy graph structure of entity-based graph structure.
is a vital part of their models and demonstrate that • Section 4 gives the conclusion.
2 The Approach Setting Joint EM Joint F1
Baseline (Yang et al., 2018) 10.83 40.16
We choose the widely used multi-hop QA dataset, QFE (Nishida et al., 2019) 34.63 59.61
HotpotQA as our testbed. We reimplement DFGN DFGN (Qiu et al., 2019) 33.62 59.82
(Qiu et al., 2019) and modify the usage of the pre- TAP2 (Glass et al., 2019) 39.77 69.12
HGN (Fang et al., 2019) 43.57 71.03
trained model. The model first leverage a retriever SAE (Tu et al., 2019a) 45.36 71.45
to select relevant passages from candidate set and Our Model 44.67 72.73
feed them into a graph-based reader. All entities in
the entity graph are recognized by an independent Table 1: Results on the test set of HotpotQA.
NER model.
Setting Joint EM Joint F1
2.1 HotpotQA Dataset
Baseline (Fine-tuning) 45.91 73.93
HotpotQA is a widely used large-scale multi-hop w/o Graph 45.98 73.78
Baseline (Feature-based) 36.45 63.75
QA dataset. There are two different settings in w/o Graph 32.26 59.76
HotpotQA. In distractor setting, each example con-
tains 2 gold paragraphs and 8 distractor paragraphs Table 2: Ablation of graph structure under different
retrieved from Wikipedia. In full wiki setting, a settings.
model is asked to retrieve gold paragraphs from the
entire Wikipedia. In this paper, all experiments are
eral extra modules in the graph fusion block, in-
conducted in the distractor setting.
cluding query-entity attention, query update mech-
2.2 Model Description anism, and weak supervision.
Prediction Layer. We follow the same cascade
Retriever. We use RoBERTa large model (Liu
structure as Qiu et al. (2019) to predict the answers
et al., 2019) to calculate the relevant score between
and supporting sentences.
the query and each candidate paragraphs. We filter
Entity Graph Construction. We fine-tune a pre-
the paragraphs whose score is less than 0.1, and
trained BERT base model on the dataset of the
the maximum number of selected paragraphs is 3.
CoNLL’03 NER shared task (Tjong Kim Sang and
Selected paragraphs are concatenated as context C.
De Meulder, 2003) and use it to extract entities
Encoding Layer. We concatenate the query Q from candidate paragraphs. Connections between
and context C and feed the sequence into another entities are defined as following rules:
RoBERTa large model. The results are further fed
into a bi-attention layer (Seo et al., 2016) to obtain • Entities with the same mention text in context
the representations from the encoding layer. are connected.
Graph Fusion Block. Given context representa-
• Entities appear in the same sentence are con-
tions Ct−1 at hop t − 1, the tokens representa-
tions are passed into a mean-max pooling layer to
get nodes representations in entity graph Ht−1 ∈
R2d×N , where N is the number of entity. After 2.3 Model Results
that, a graph-attention layer is applied to update In Table 1, we show the performance comparison
nodes representations in the entity graph: with different models on the blind test set of Hot-
potQA. Our strong baseline model achieves state-
(t) (t−1) (t−1)
βi,j = LeakyReLU(Wt> [hi , hj ]) (1) of-the-art results on the official leaderboard.
exp(βi,j ) In order to analyze how much the graph structure
αi,j = P (t)
(2) contributes to the entire model, we perform a set of
k∈Ni exp(βi,k ) ablation experiments. We remove the whole graph
(t) fusion block, and the outputs of the pre-trained
X (t) (t−1)
hi = ReLU( αi,k hk ) (3)
model are directly fed into the prediction layer.
By the reason that the main difference between
where Ni is the set of neighbors of node i. We our baseline model and DFGN is that we use a
follow the same Graph2Doc module as Qiu et al. large pre-trained model in the fine-tuning approach
(2019) to transform the nodes representations into instead of the feature-based approach, we perform
the tokens representations. Besides, there are sev- the experiments in two different settings.
E1 E1
Supporting Fact 1:
The 2016 presidential campaingn of Rand Paul, the junior
United States Senator from Kentucky, was announced on April E2 E3 E2 E3
7, 2015 at an event at the Galt House in Louisville, Kentucky. Degeneration
Supporting Fact 2: E4 E4
The Galt House is the city's only hotel on the Ohio River.
The Ran Paul presidential campaign, 2016 event was held at a
hotel on what river?
Answer: Ohio River Degeneration

Figure 1: Entities in raw texts are modeled as an entity graph and handled by graph attention networks. When the
entity graph are fully connected, a graph-attention layer will degenerate into a vanilla self-attention layer.

The results are shown in Table 2. By using can only do reasoning based on entities, and the
the fine-tuning approach, model with and without adjacency matrix assists the model to ignore non-
graph fusion block can reach almost equal results. adjacent nodes in a hop. However, it is probably
When we fix parameters of the pre-trained model, that the model without any prior knowledge can
the performances significantly degrade by 9% for still learn the entity-to-entity attention pattern.
EM and 10% for F1. If we further remove graph In addition, considering Eq.1-3, it is easy to
fusion block, both EM and F1 drop about 4%. find that graph-attention has a similar form as self-
Taken together, only when pre-trained models attention. In forward propagation, each node in
are used in the feature-based approach, graph neu- the entity graph calculates attention scores with
ral networks can play an important role. Never- other connected nodes. As shown in Figure 1,
theless, when pre-trained models are used as a graph-attention will degenerate into a vanilla self-
fine-tuning approach, which is a common practice, attention layer when the nodes in the graph are
graph structure does not contribute to the final re- fully connected. Therefore, the graph-attention can
sults. In other words, the graph structure may not be considered as a special case of self-attention.
be necessary for multi-hop question answering.
3.2 Graph Structure May Not Be Necessary
3 Understanding Graph Structure According to the discussion above, we aimed to
Experimental results in Section 2.3 imply that self- evaluate whether the graph structure with an adja-
attention or Transformer may have superiority in cency matrix is superior to self-attention.
multi-hop question answering. To understand this, To this end, we use the model described in Sec-
in this section, we will first discuss the connec- tion 2 as our baseline model. The pre-trained model
tion between graph structure, graph-attention, and in the baseline model is used in the feature-based
self-attention. We then verify the hypothesis by approach. Several different modules are added be-
experiments and visualized analysis. tween the encoding layer and the prediction layer.
Model With Graph Structure. We apply graph-
3.1 Graph Attention vs. Self Attention attention or self-attention on the entity graph and
The key to solving the multi-hop question is to find compare the difference in the final results. In order
the corresponding entity in the original text through to make a fair comparison, we choose the self-
the query. Then one or more reasoning paths are attention that has the same form as graph-attention.
constructed from these start entities toward other The main difference is that the self-attention does
identical or co-occurring entities. As shown in Fig- not keep an adjacency matrix as prior knowledge
ure 1, previous works usually extract entities from and the entities in the graph are fully connected.
multiple paragraphs and model these entities as an Moreover, we define that the density of a binary
entity graph. The adjacency matrix is constructed matrix is the percentage of ‘1’ in it. We sort each
by manually defined rules, which usually the co- example in development set by the density of its ad-
occurrence relationship of entities. From this point jacency matrix and divide them by different quan-
of view, both the graph structure and the adjacency tiles. We evaluate how different density of the
matrix can be regarded as task-related prior knowl- adjacency matrix affects the final results.
edge. The entity graph structure restricts the model Model Without Graph Structure. In this experi-
Setting Joint EM Joint F1 45.0
Graph Attention Graph Attention
Baseline 32.26 59.76 Self Attention 66 Self Attention
+ Graph Fusion Block 36.45 63.75
+ Self Attention 35.41 61.77
+ Graph Attention 35.79 61.91 37.5
+ Transformer 36.23 63.82
32.5 60

Table 3: Performance comparison in terms of joint EM 30.0 58

and F1 scores under different module settings.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Quantile 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 avg
Density 18.7 23.6 29.0 36.8 100 28.8 Figure 2: Results of graph-attention and self-attention
on examples with different adjacency matrix density.
Table 4: The Adjacency Matrix density at different
for 3 epochs with a batch size of 8. The initial
learning rate is 2e-4 and 3e-5 in the feature-based
ment, we verify whether the whole graph structure setting and fine-tuning setting respectively.
can be replaced by Transformers. We directly feed
the context representations from the encoding layer 3.4 Entity-centered Attention Pattern in
into the Transformers. Pre-trained Model
The experimental results are shown in Table 3.
Compared with the baseline, the model with the Inspired by Kovaleva et al. (2019), we leverage an
graph fusion block obtains a significant advantage. approximate method to find which attention head
We add the entity graph with self-attention to the contains entity-centered attention patterns. We em-
baseline model, and the final results significantly ploy an NER model to identify tokens belong to a
improved. Compared with self-attention, graph- certain entity span. Then, for each attention head
attention does not show a clear advantage. The in the pre-trained model, we sum the absolute at-
density of examples at different quantile are shown tention weights among those tokens belong to an
in Table 4, the adjacency matrix in multi-hop QA is entity and tokens not belong to an entity. The score
relatively dense, which may causes graph-attention of an attention head is the difference between the
can not make a significant difference. The results sum of weights from entities and non-entities to-
of graph-attention and self-attention in the different kens. We then average the derived scores over all
intervals of density are shown in Figure 2. Despite the examples. Finally, the attention head with the
the different density of the adjacency matrix, graph- maximum score is the desired head that contains
attention consistently achieves similar results as entity-centered attention patterns.
self-attention. This signifies that self-attention can We find four typical attention patterns and visu-
learn to ignore irrelevant entities. Besides, ex- alized it in Figure 3. In case 1-3, we visualized
amples with a more dense adjacency matrix are the attention weights of each token attending to the
simpler for both graph-attention and self-attention, subject entity. In case 4, we visualized the attention
this probably because these adjacency matrices are weights of each token attending to the last token of
constructed from shorter documents. Moreover, the sentence. The results show pre-trained models
as shown in Table 3, Transformers show a power- are pretty skillful at capturing relations between
ful reasoning ability. Only stacking two layers of entities and other constituents in a sentence.
the Transformer can achieve comparable results as Entity2Entity. We find entity-to-entity attention
DFGN. pattern is very widespread in pre-trained models. In
this case, ‘American Physicist’ and ’Czech’ attend
3.3 Training Details to ‘Emil Wolf’ with very high attention weights.
For all experiments in this paper, the number of Such attention pattern plays the same role as graph
layers of different modules is two, and the hidden attention plays.
dimensions are set to 300. In feature-based setting, Attribute2Entity. In this case, ‘filmmaker’, ‘film
all models are trained for 30 epochs with a batch critic’ and ‘teacher’ obtain higher weights, indicat-
size of 24. In fine-tuning setting, models are trained ing the occupation of ‘Thom Andersen’. Note that
structure into NLP tasks should explain their neces-
sity and superiority.

We would like to thank all anonymous reviewers for
their thorough reviewing and providing insightful
comments to improve our paper.

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