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Evaluation of a Turbidimetric Denka Seiken C-Reactive Protein Assay for

Cardiovascular Risk Estimation and Conventional Inflammation Diagnosis

Article  in  Clinical Chemistry · April 2003

DOI: 10.1373/49.3.511 · Source: PubMed


10 82

4 authors, including:

Stefan Mustafa Helmut Rumpold

Medical University of Vienna Medical University of Vienna


Oswald Wagner
Medical University of Vienna


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Clinical Chemistry 49, No. 3, 2003 511

Evaluation of a Turbidimetric Denka Seiken C-Reactive

Table 1. PPT1 and TPP1 activities in dried blood samples
Protein Assay for Cardiovascular Risk Estimation and
from patients with different forms of neuronal ceroid
Conventional Inflammation Diagnosis, Thomas Christian
lipofuscinosis and from healthy controls. Vukovich,* Stefan Mustafa, Helmut Rumpold, and Oswald
PPT1 activity, TPP1 activity,
Patient Diagnosis nmol/spot nmol/spot
Wagner (Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory
Diagnostics, University Hospital of Vienna, AKH Leit-
1 CLN1 0.02 0.22
stelle 5H, Waehringerguertel 18, A-1090 Vienna, Austria;
2 CLN1 0 0.34
* author for correspondence: fax 43-1-40400-5389, e-mail
3 CLN1 0.02 0.39
4 CLN1 0.02 0.27
5 CLN1 0.03 0.31
Measurement of C-reactive protein (CRP) is used for
6 CLN1 0.01 0.3
conventional inflammation diagnosis (1 ) and diagnosis of
7 CLN2 1.13 0
low-grade inflammation for risk estimation of cardiovas-
8 CLN2 0.8 0
cular events (2, 3 ). Because diagnostic measurement
9 CLN2 0.49 0
ranges for those two indications differ by two orders of
10 CLN2 0.41 0
magnitude, different methods or different applications of
11 CLN2 0.88 0
one method must be used at present to cover both
12 CLN2 carrier 0.42 0.05
diagnostic measurement ranges (4, 5 ). The aim of this
13 CLN2 carrier 0.46 0.04
study was to evaluate the analytical performance of the
14 CLN3 0.54 0.21
Denka Seiken turbidimetric CRP assay compared with the
15 CLN3 0.49 0.11
Dade Behring nephelometric assay across a concentration
Controls 0.4–1.52 0.1–0.67 range of 0.2–300 mg/L. For this evaluation, leftover
(n ⫽ 70) material was used, which is in concordance with the
European Law for Medical and Diagnostic Products.
For precision and linearity studies, we prepared serum
Additionally, because the enzyme activities remain stable pools from blood samples with previously measured CRP
over several days, mailing to specialized centers is easier (BN II nephelometer; Dade Behring). The low and high
and less expensive. Furthermore, the assay requires only pools were prepared by combining samples with CRP ⬍1
a few drops of blood in contrast to the 2–5 mL of EDTA and 200 –300 mg/L, respectively. The high pool was
blood needed for leukocyte assays. We consider the dried diluted with the low pool to the following final percent-
blood tests for PPT1 and TPP1 a very useful approach to ages of high pool: 100%, 33%, 11%, 3.7%, 1.2%, 0.41%,
the diagnosis of CLN1 and CLN2. However, the diagnosis 0.14%, and 0%. The dilutions were aliquoted and stored at
should be confirmed by DNA tests, electron microscopy, ⫺20 °C for a maximum period of 4 weeks until use. Both
and enzyme measurements in skin fibroblasts if only very CRP methods were used according the manufacturers’
low or no enzyme activities are detectable. instructions. The turbidimetric wide-range CRP assay
provided by Denka Seiken [CRP-latex (II)X2 assay, cali-
brated against reference preparation CRM 470] was per-
formed on a Hitachi 911 (Roche), and the nephelometric
1. Goebel HH, Mole SE, Lake BD, eds. The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses assay provided by Dade Behring was performed on a BN
(Batten disease). Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1999:197 pp. II nephelometer (Dade Behring).
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dase activity of tripeptidyl peptidase-I/CLN2 protein which is deficient in days (Table 1). CVs were ⱕ6.8% for the Denka Seiken
classical late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Biochem Biophys Res method and ⱕ4.4% for the Dade Behring method. For all
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Denka Seiken (Hitachi 911) Dade Behring (BN II)
5. Vanhanen SL, Raininko R, Autti T, Santavuori P. MRI evaluation of the brain in
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6. Salonen T, Jarvela I, Peltonen L, Jalanko A. Detection of eight novel palmitoyl 1 254 1.3 243 2.1
protein thioesterase (PPT) mutations underlying infantile neuronal ceroid
lipofuscinosis (INCL; CLN1). Hum Mutat 2000;15:273–9. 2 84.7 1.1 84.2 0.6 82.9 2.5 80.2 3
7. Steinfeld R, Heim P, von Gregory H, Meyer K, Ullrich K, Goebel HH, et al. Late 3 29.7 1.6 28.3 5 28.9 2.3 27 7
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77:867–72. 7 0.81 3.7 0.74 9 0.68 2.6 0.66 3
8 0.38 6.8 0.32 4.4
512 Technical Briefs

Fig. 1. Method comparison of selected serum

or plasma samples with results ⬎5 mg/L (A;
n ⫽ 102) and ⬍5 mg/L (B; n ⫽ 108).

pools, values measured by the Denka Seiken method were 3.76 mg/L; r ⫽ 0.998). This bend in the slopes might be
somewhat higher than those measured by the Dade attributed to the opposite nonlinearity between the Denka
Behring method. Seiken method and the Dade Behring method, as shown
To study the linearity of each method, we calculated the in Table 1.
target concentrations of pools 2–7 from the mean concen- To evaluate the concordance of both method in cardio-
trations of pool 1 (100% high pool) and pool 8 (100% low vascular risk assessment, the recently proposed cutoff
pool) as measured by the respective methods. Table 1 values for the Dade Behring method (6 ) were adjusted for
shows the calculated target concentrations of the pool the Denka Seiken method by the regression equation
dilutions as well as the percentages of deviation of the calculated from patient samples ⬍5 mg/L (Fig. 1B). At
measured concentrations from the respective targets. The these adjusted cutoff values, 96% of patients were allo-
Denka Seiken method revealed positive deviations, cated to identical risk groups. No patient was mismatched
whereas the comparison method revealed positive as well more than one adjacent risk group.
as negative deviations. Deming regression of measured- In conclusion, the linearity of the Denka Seiken CRP
vs-target pool values revealed that the slopes of the Denka assay is slightly better than that of the comparison
Seiken method were closer to 1 when calculated for the method. Because of the bend in the linearity curve for the
whole range (pools 2–7; slope, 1.01; intercept, 0.09 mg/L; Dade Behring method, correlation of patient values re-
Sy兩x ⫽ 0.43 mg/L; r ⫽ 1) as well as for the low range (pools vealed different slopes at high and low CRP concentra-
4 –7; slope, 1.03; intercept, 0.06 mg/L; Sy兩x ⫽ 0.09 mg/L; tions. Therefore, sufficient concordance between methods
r ⫽ 0.999) than were the values obtained with the Dade for cardiovascular risk estimation might be obtained only
Behring comparison method (pools 2–7; slope, 1.04; inter- after adjustment of cutoff values by the regression equa-
cept, 0.16 mg/L; Sy兩x ⫽ 0.72 mg/L; r ⫽ 0.999; and pools tions. The Denka Seiken CRP assay covers in a single
4 –7; slope, 0.92; intercept, 0.09 mg/L; Sy兩x ⫽ 0.10; r ⫽ determination the ranges for diagnosis of both conven-
0.999). tional and low-grade inflammation. This method there-
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plasma and serum samples, we analyzed 30 pairs of number of retests with different sample dilutions or a
heparin and serum samples from the same blood dona- different method.
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