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Reviews and Commentary  n  How

Thyroid Imaging Reporting and
Data System (TI-RADS): A User’s

I Do It
Franklin N. Tessler, MD, CM
In 2017, the Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System
William D. Middleton, MD
(TI-RADS) Committee of the American College of Radi-
Edward G. Grant, MD
ology (ACR) published a white paper that presented a
new risk-stratification system for classifying thyroid nod-
ules on the basis of their appearance at ultrasonography
(US). In ACR TI-RADS, points in five feature categories
are summed to determine a risk level from TR1 to TR5.
Recommendations for biopsy or US follow-up are based
on the nodule’s ACR TI-RADS level and its maximum di-
ameter. The purpose of this article is to offer practical
guidance on how to implement and apply ACR TI-RADS
based on the authors’ experience with the system.

 RSNA, 2018

An earlier incorrect version of

this article appeared online
and in print. This article was
corrected on April 2, 2018.

 From the Department of Radiology, University of Alabama
at Birmingham, 619 S 19th St, JT N450, Birmingham, AL
35249 (F.N.T.); Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washing-
ton University School of Medicine, St Louis, Mo (W.D.M.);
and Department of Radiology, Keck School of Medicine,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif (E.G.G.).
Received May 31, 2017; revision requested July 10;
revision received July 22; accepted August 15; final version
accepted August 23. Address correspondence to F.N.T.
(e-mail: f

 RSNA, 2018

Radiology: Volume 287: Number 1—April 2018  n 29

HOW I DO IT: Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System Tessler et al

adiologists who interpret thyroid appearing (3,4). Because the threshold that might require further attention be-
ultrasonography (US) images fre- diameters for mildly and moderately fore capturing any images. He or she
quently face the dilemma of how suspicious nodules (TR3 and TR4) are should then proceed to scan the entire
to report nodules, which are extremely larger than in other systems, adherence gland following the sequence specified
common and overwhelmingly benign to ACR TI-RADS will result in fewer in the laboratory’s protocol. In this
(1). Like risk-stratification systems biopsies of benign nodules. Inevitably, step, the sonographer should measure
from other professional societies and however, it will also result in fewer bi- up to approximately four nodules that
investigators, the American College of opsies of malignant nodules, which is are likely to be reported as requiring
Radiology (ACR) Thyroid Imaging Re- why ACR TI-RADS recommends fol- biopsy or follow-up based on ACR TI-
porting and Data System (TI-RADS) low-up for some nodules that do not RADS, as well as obtain sufficient im-
aims to provide an easy-to-apply meet the size criteria for FNA. ages to document the architecture of
method for practitioners to determine Feature assignment and measure- the nodules.
management (2). We believe that this ment are both subject to inevitable inter- As with all sonograms, depth, gain,
will improve consistency across prac- observer variation. Scanning protocols zoom, focal zone, frequency, pre- and
tices and institutions and will benefit also come into play, as nodules must be postprocessing, dynamic range, frame
patients by applying guidelines that are captured and labeled on static images averaging, compounding, and other
based on evidence and consensus ex- and/or real-time clips to be classified. parameters should be optimized. We
pert opinion. Finally, the reporting process must be have also found that real-time clips
ACR TI-RADS is founded on the efficient and account for circumstances are very helpful to highlight certain
evaluation of US features in five cat- such as patient or referring physician features, notably comet-tail artifacts,
egories—composition, echogenicity, preferences, previous biopsies, inter- which may become more or less con-
shape, margin, and echogenic foci—in val growth, and lymphadenopathy. The spicuous as the scanning plane tra-
which each feature is assigned 0–3 purpose of this article is to present our verses the nodule. Nodules of interest
points (Fig 1). Features in the first four perspective on these issues and to pro- may be numbered sequentially, but if
categories each have a single score de- vide practical advice to US practitioners the sonographer identifies more than
rived from mutually exclusive choices, who adopt ACR TI-RADS. The opinions four, their numbering scheme may
whereas more than one feature may be expressed are ours and do not reflect or conflict with the one that the radiol-
present in the echogenic foci category. imply endorsement by the ACR. ogist reports subsequently. Therefore,
The nodule’s point total determines if this is the patient’s first US study,
its risk level, which ranges from TR1 we recommend that the sonographer
(benign) to TR5 (highly suspicious). Scanning Protocol and Labeling just label each nodule with its location
In conjunction with the nodule’s maxi- ACR TI-RADS recommends formally re- in the gland (Fig 2). In practices that
mum diameter, the TR level determines porting up to four thyroid nodules with use worksheets, the sonographer may
whether to recommend a fine-needle the highest point totals. Because sonog- indicate the location of nodules dia-
aspiration (FNA) biopsy, a follow-up raphers perform most US studies in ra- grammatically to make it easier for the
US examination, or no further action. diology practices in the United States, interpreting physician.
As with guidelines from professional they are often the first ones to encoun- If the sonogram is being performed
groups such as the American Thyroid ter nodules. Because it is often imprac- for follow-up, whenever possible, the
Association and the Korean Society of tical for sonographers to obtain images sonographer should review prior im-
Thyroid Radiology, the threshold size of and measure every nodule, they must ages and reports to determine if any
for recommending FNA decreases as become familiar with the criteria that nodules were described and measured.
the US features become more malignant determine which ones warrant further Not every such nodule will require
attention from the interpreting radiolo-
Essentials gist. Before the implementation of ACR
nn Reports need only provide struc- TI-RADS, we recommend that sonog-
tured descriptions of up to four raphers receive in-service training that
nodules that warrant further covers feature assignments and mea- Content codes:

attention. surement techniques. It also may be Radiology 2018; 287:29–36

helpful to post the ACR TI-RADS chart
nn An initial overview scan facili- in the scanning rooms, especially while
tates selection of nodules for fur- ACR = American College of Radiology
sonographers are becoming familiar FNA = fine-needle aspiration
ther attention. with the five feature categories. PEF = punctate echogenic foci
nn The position and shape of the For the patient’s initial US study, we TI-RADS = Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System
solid component of mixed cystic recommend that the sonographer take
Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.
and solid nodules may influence a minute or two to obtain an overview
management. of the entire gland to look for nodules See also the article by Hoang et al in this issue.

30  n Radiology: Volume 287: Number 1—April 2018

HOW I DO IT: Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System Tessler et al

Figure 1

Figure 1:  Sonographic features and associated points grouped according to the five American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System, or
TI-RADS, categories.

Figure 2 Figure 3
nodule’s volume should be occupied
by tiny cysts (Fig 3) (5). It should be
possible to make this determination by
observation; if the cystic components
comprise less than 50%, the nodule
should not be treated as spongiform.
Additionally, the presence of other
features such as peripheral calcifica-
tions or macrocalcifications, which are
usually easy to recognize, means that
a nodule should not be classified as
Figure 2:  Transverse sonogram of a nodule in Figure 3:  Spongiform 0.9-cm nodule in a spongiform. However, the small echo-
a 61-year-old woman. The annotation shows the 59-year-old woman. More than 50% of the nodule genic foci that represent the back walls
nodule’s location in the left isthmus. is composed of small cystic spaces. The nodule of minute cysts should not be misinter-
received 0 points for composition because of its preted as echogenic foci. Nodules with
formal reassessment on the current spongiform designation and no additional points in shadowing calcifications that preclude
scan, but it is helpful to know where other categories ( TR1). assessment of their architecture are
to look before reimaging. Additionally, assumed to be solid and therefore re-
if the previous sonogram was reported differentiating hypoechoic from mark- ceive 2 points for composition.
by using ACR TI-RADS, nodules should edly hypoechoic nodules may be more Distinguishing solid nodules from
be numbered as they were in previous challenging. In this section, we offer mixed cystic and solid nodules may be
reports. To maintain consistency, this guidance for the most problematic fea- difficult in practice, as they represent
applies even if a previously reported tures in each category. Readers may a continuum. Unlike with spongiform
nodule is no longer present. For exam- consult the ACR TI-RADS reporting lex- nodules, ACR TI-RADS does not re-
ple, if one of four nodules has resolved, icon white paper, which contains images quire that the observer estimate the
the fourth nodule should still be denot- illustrating many of these features (5). percentage of a nodule that is solid, as
ed as number 4 on the images and in this determination is often highly sub-
the report. Composition jective and is less important than the
In ACR TI-RADS, nodules classified as characteristics of the solid component.
spongiform are not subject to further This represents a departure from the
Feature Assignment: Improving feature assignment and are treated lexicon, which explicitly describes pre-
Accuracy and Consistency as benign, with no further follow-up dominately cystic and predominately
As noted previously, five feature cat- needed. Most investigators agree that solid nodules (5). As a general princi-
egories form the cornerstone of ACR spongiform refers to the presence of ple, however, otherwise-solid nodules
TI-RADS, and so it is critical to be as very small cysts that are akin to the that contain small cystic components
objective as possible in applying them. fluid-filled spaces in a wet sponge, but that occupy no more than approxi-
Some features are more straightforward there is some controversy as to how mately 5% of the overall volume should
than others—for example, it is usually much of the nodule must have this ap- be classified as solid (Fig 4).
not difficult to decide whether a nod- pearance to qualify (6,7). Per the ACR For nodules that contain more
ule is hyperechoic or hypoechoic, but thyroid lexicon, at least 50% of the than minimal solid components and

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HOW I DO IT: Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System Tessler et al

Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6

Figure 4:  Sagittal sonogram of a 4.6-cm benign Figure 5:  Mixed cystic and solid papillary cancer Figure 6:  Benign mixed cystic and solid nodule
colloid nodule in a 65-year-old woman. It was in a 39-year-old man has a lobulated solid mural (1 point) in a 40-year-old woman. The 1-point
classified as solid (composition score of 2), although component with punctate echogenic foci (PEF). The isoechoic solid component is distributed around the
small cystic components were present. With 1 nodule received 1 point for composition, 1 for its periphery. The nodule received 2 points ( TR2).
more point for isoechogenicity and none in other isoechoic solid component, and 3 for PEF, for a total
categories, its point total was 3 ( TR3). of 5 ( TR4).
shows that the solid material repre-
sents viable tissue rather than blood
Figure 7 with suspicious solid tissue that are clot, debris, or necrotic tissue.
too small to warrant FNA will still usu-
ally require US follow-up, lessening the Echogenicity
likelihood that clinically important ma- Assigning echogenicity by using the
lignancy will remain undetected in the adjacent thyroid parenchyma as a
long term. frame of reference is usually straight-
Other characteristics of the solid forward. However, relative reflectiv-
components, including their position ity may vary considerably depending
and shape, should also be considered. on scanning parameters, particularly
Position refers to the location and gain, transmit frequency, compres-
symmetry of the solid material rela- sion, and pre- and postprocessing.
tive to the whole nodule. Mural nod- When in doubt, we find it helpful
Figure 7:  Transverse sonogram shows 2.0-cm ules that are isolated, masslike, and to consider echogenicity in multiple
markedly hypoechoic papillary carcinoma (arrows) in protrude into the fluid are more sus- planes of section. Real-time clips are
a 24-year-old woman. The nodule received 2 points
picious. Shape refers to the interface valuable in problematic nodule as-
for solid composition and 3 for marked hypoecho-
between the solid component and ad- sessments. Because hyperechoic and
genicity, totaling 5 points ( TR4).
jacent fluid. As with solid nodules, lob- isoechoic nodules both receive 1 point
ulation is a suspicious finding (Fig 5). in ACR TI-RADS, distinguishing them
are therefore categorized as mixed Conversely, solid material that is rela- is not crucial. However, it is impor-
cystic and solid, the appearance of tively smooth and more-or-less evenly tant to differentiate hypoechoic from
the solid component helps determine distributed around the periphery of a markedly hypoechoic nodules, as the
management. For example, the pres- nodule is less concerning (Fig 6). Some latter feature receives 1 additional
ence of punctate echogenic foci (PEF) authors have also called attention to point in this category. Nodules that
or macro- or peripheral calcifications the interface between solid mural com- are definitively less reflective than the
increases the nodule’s suspicion level ponents and the cyst wall, with acute anterior neck muscles, which should
(8,9). These and other suspicious fea- angles being more worrisome (10,11). be visible on every image, are classi-
tures that also apply to uniformly solid Position and shape do not contribute to fied as markedly hypoechoic (Fig 7).
nodules contribute to the point score the nodule’s point total, but if the solid Here, too, scanning parameters play
of mixed cystic and solid nodules. In component exhibits any of these suspi- a critical role, so it may be useful to
addition, the nodule’s maximum di- cious features, we occasionally recom- obtain images at various gain settings.
mension, not the size of its solid com- mend FNA even if the nodule does not This maneuver may also facilitate
ponent, governs recommendations. If otherwise meet criteria for biopsy. The identification of completely anechoic
the solid component is smaller than presence of flow at color or power Dop- cysts that otherwise mimic markedly
the size threshold for a completely pler imaging does not reliably indicate hypoechoic nodules. Conversely, the
solid nodule at a given TR level but the that the solid component is malignant, presence of flow within a uniformly
overall nodule is above the cutoff, FNA nor does its absence mean that it is be- hypoechoic nodule confidently charac-
should be recommended. Nodules nign. However, when seen, vascularity terizes it as solid. If dense calcification

32  n Radiology: Volume 287: Number 1—April 2018

HOW I DO IT: Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System Tessler et al

Figure 8 Figure 9 therefore suspicious (12). We also note

that nodules that are perfectly round
in cross section are technically neither
wider-than-tall nor taller-than-wide.
When that occurs, it is acceptable to
report the nodule as either wider-than-
tall or not taller-than-wide. Rarely, it
may be appropriate to assess this char-
acteristic on a sagittal image if a nodule
is obliquely oriented in that plane, as it
may be round in cross section.

Figure 8:  Transverse sonogram of a taller-than- Figure 9:  Transverse sonogram in a 52-year-old Margin
wide papillary cancer in a 47-year-old man. In woman shows a benign follicular nodule with a A nodule’s margin, defined as the char-
addition to 3 points for shape, the nodule war- smooth margin (arrows). The nodule was assigned 2 acter of its interface with adjacent intra-
ranted 2 points for solid composition, 1 point for points for solid composition and 1 for isoechogenicity, or extrathyroidal tissue, is best appre-
isoechogenicity, and 3 points for numerous punctate for a total of 3 points ( TR3). ciated along its anterior border, which
echogenic foci, for a total of 9 points ( TR5). is orthogonal to the ultrasound beam.
This is facilitated by scanning with the
Figure 10 depth adjusted to show the part of the
nodule closest to the transducer. A
smooth margin is characterized by an
even, gradually curving interface (Fig 9).
If lobulation, angulation, or intrusion of
the nodule’s solid component into the
surrounding tissue is present to any
extent, the margin should be classified
as lobulated or irregular; both warrant
2 points, so it is not important to dis-
tinguish them (Fig 10). Extrathyroidal
extension is a 3-point feature that is
characterized by clear-cut invasion of
Figure 10:  (a) Sagittal image of a 2.2-cm carcinoma in a 61-year-old man shows a lobulated margin (arrows), adjacent structures. This appearance,
a 2-point feature. The nodule also received 2 points for solid composition and 2 for hypoechogenicity, for a total of which is pathognomonic for malig-
6 points ( TR4). (b) Sagittal sonogram of a 1.2 cm carcinoma with an irregular (spiculated) margin in a 39-year-old nancy, should not be recorded merely
woman. In addition to 2 points for its irregular margin, the nodule was assigned 2 points for solid composition, 3 because a nodule bulges the border of
points for very low echogenicity, and 3 points for punctate echogenic foci, for a total of 10 points ( TR5). the thyroid gland (Fig 11). US clips may
be helpful to demonstrate that a nodule
Figure 11 makes it impossible to determine a truly invades the soft tissues, as they
nodule’s echogenicity, it is assumed to will be fixed as the transducer moves.
be at least isoechoic or hyperechoic If the nodule’s border is not depicted
and receives 1 point in this category. clearly, it is categorized as ill defined
and receives 0 points for margin, as this
Shape is not a discriminatory feature.
Like echogenicity, a nodule’s shape
(wider-than-tall or taller-than-wide) is Echogenic Foci
rarely difficult to define. “Tallness” re- Macrocalcifications and peripheral cal-
fers to a nodule’s anteroposterior di- cifications rarely present diagnostic
mension and “width” to its transverse problems, as they are usually associ-
dimension on an axial image. A gestalt ated with at least some degree of acous-
Figure 11:  Papillary carcinoma bulging the thyroid impression of whether a nodule is tall- tic shadowing. However, PEF, which
border in a 24-year-old woman. No invasion was er-than-wide is usually sufficient (Fig 8). may represent psammoma bodies in
demonstrated at surgery. The nodule received 2 The goal is to ascertain whether the papillary cancers, are less straightfor-
points for solid composition, 2 for hypoechogenicity, nodule has grown more front-to-back ward. Many PEF are not psammoma-
3 for taller-than-wide shape, and 2 for a lobulated than side-to-side, which suggests that tous and actually represent the back
margin. Its point total was 9 ( TR5). it has violated tissue planes and is walls of minute cysts. Additionally, the

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HOW I DO IT: Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System Tessler et al

speckle pattern of normal or nonma- Figure 12 Figure 13

lignant thyroid tissue may at times
contain minute bright dots that should
not be misinterpreted as PEF (Fig 12).
Therefore, we do not report them un-
less they are discrete and appear only
within the nodule, not in adjacent thy-
roid tissue. This pitfall may be avoided
by scrutinizing the suspicious tissue
and adjacent parenchyma. If dots are
present in both, they are probably not
PEF for the purpose of ACR TI-RADS
classification. The only exception is the Figure 12:  Sonogram of the left thyroid lobe in Figure 13:  Small comet-tail artifacts and
diffuse sclerosing variant of papillary a 42-year-old man. Minute bright dots represent- additional echogenic foci (punctate echogenic foci
carcinoma, which should not present a ing the speckle pattern of normal or nonmalignant [PEF ]) in a papillary carcinoma in a 54-year-old
problem in diagnosis (13). tissue (arrow) should not be misinterpreted as woman. In addition to 3 points for PEF, the nodule
ACR TI-RADS distinguishes be- punctate echogenic foci. was assigned 2 points for solid composition, 2 for
tween small and large comet-tail arti- hypoechogenicity, and 2 for a lobulated margin, for a
facts. The latter, which are larger than usually lie parallel or perpendicular to total of 9 points ( TR5).
1 mm and are V shaped, are associated the sound beam, but they will be angled
with colloid and are reliable signs of be- if the nodule is obliquely oriented. Re- When this occurs, this limitation should
nignity when found in the cystic com- gardless, nodules should be measured be noted in the report.
ponents of nodules. On the other hand, by using the same technique that was
small comet-tail artifacts should be used in prior studies to assess growth,
treated as PEF and therefore receive 3 Reporting Considerations
which may be based on changes in lin-
points when embedded in hypoechoic, ear measurements or volume. Reports of thyroid sonograms should
solid tissue (Fig 13) (14). If both types To improve consistency on follow-up include the following elements:
coexist in a nodule, the more suspicious examinations, sonographers/sonologists 1. Tridimensional measurements of
one determines how many points to as- should review prior sonograms to deter- the right and left lobes and the antero-
sign. The central tenet is that the mere mine which nodules may warrant con- posterior dimension of the isthmus.
presence of any comet-tail artifacts tinued attention and see how they were 2. An overall description of the thy-
should not be grounds for concluding measured. Current US systems equipped roid parenchyma.
that a nodule is benign. with high-frequency linear array trans- 3. Formal description of up to the
When different types of echogenic ducers achieve very high spatial resolu- four most suspicious nodules.
foci are present, the points for each type tion. In practice, however, measurement 4. Recommendations for
are summed to determine the overall accuracy is hampered by interobserver manage­ment.
point total for echogenic foci. For in- variability that is chiefly related to poor Nodules not reported formally may
stance, a nodule containing both periph- border conspicuity. This limitation, which be mentioned in the overall description
eral calcifications and macrocalcifications is a property of the interface between the by calling attention to them and stat-
would be assigned 3 points in this cate- nodule and its surroundings, can be miti- ing that none warrant FNA or follow-up
gory (1 point for macrocalcifications plus gated by meticulous technique, but not US per ACR TI-RADS. The sole excep-
2 points for peripheral calcifications). eliminated entirely. tion is when a US study is performed
This differs from the other categories, in As with other features, scanning pa- to evaluate a nodule that was palpated
which the single finding with the highest rameters play an important role. Notably, or detected at another imaging exami-
point value is used to determine the point settings that would be inappropriate for nation. Even if no further action is re-
assignment for that feature. characterizing internal architecture may quired, the nodule in question should
enhance the visibility of a nodule’s mar- be formally reported, along with any
gin. For example, lowering the dynamic suspicious incidental nodules.
Measuring Nodules: How to Reduce
range or altering pre- and postprocessing Per ACR TI-RADS, glands that con-
settings may make it easier to distinguish tain multiple nodules with similar US
ACR TI-RADS recommends measuring the nodule from adjacent tissue, making characteristics usually do not warrant
a nodule’s longest axis and the largest it easier to tell where to place measure- biopsy because it is impractical to sam-
dimension perpendicular to the longest ment calipers. Despite the imager’s best ple every nodule. There is no evidence
axis on a transverse (axial) image and efforts, however, some nodules cannot be to suggest that performing FNA on the
the largest craniocaudal dimension on measured reliably if they are poorly de- largest nodule improves patient out-
a sagittal image. These measurements fined and merge with their surroundings. comes. For this reason, we recommend

34  n Radiology: Volume 287: Number 1—April 2018

HOW I DO IT: Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System Tessler et al

Figure 14 recognize that patients are increasingly that at least a brief assessment of
able to view imaging reports though nodes may be helpful in determining
portals and other means and that they the need for biopsy in the setting of
may be concerned that an 8-mm TR4 thyroid nodules. This practice is in
nodule described as “moderately suspi- keeping with scanning protocols from
cious” will not be sampled for biopsy professional organizations (3,4). If a
or even followed up. For this reason, node has a suspicious appearance,
radiologists may elect not to mention but there are no thyroid nodules that
the risk descriptors in reports. warrant FNA, the node should be
By no means are we advocating sampled. In some patients, it may be
withholding information; rather, we appropriate to biopsy a suspicious
wish to avoid misinterpretation by pa- nodule that does not meet the size
tients who may not fully understand threshold for its ACR TI-RADS level.
the difference in clinical importance A comprehensive evaluation of nodes
between a moderately suspicious thy- is required in patients known to have
roid nodule and a similarly suspicious or suspected of having thyroid cancer.
pulmonary lesion. Alternatively, radi- It may be performed at the time of the
Figure 14:  Structured template for American Col- ologists may report aggregate risks or initial thyroid US examination, in con-
lege of Radiology (ACR) Thyroid Imaging Reporting risk ranges. We also believe that radiol- junction with a US-guided biopsy, or
and Data System ( TI-RADS) reporting. ogists should discuss reporting prefer- as a separate preoperative US evalua-
ences with referring physicians to avoid tion after a cancer diagnosis has been
against the designation “dominant misunderstandings. made with biopsy.
nodule,” which is often applied to the Every report that includes one or ACR TI-RADS does not specify
largest nodule in the gland. Biopsy is more formally reported nodules must what to recommend for nodules that
recommended only if one or two nod- also provide recommendations for man- have been sampled previously. Radi-
ules have high point totals that would agement, whether FNA, follow-up US, ologists may defer decisions regard-
warrant FNA, regardless of whether or no further action. We believe that ing follow-up US or repeat FNA to
multiple nodules are present. statements such as “clinical correlation is referring physicians, who may have
We have found that formal report- needed to determine the need for biopsy” information regarding previous bi-
ing is faster with structured report tem- should be avoided. Endocrinologists and opsy results that are unavailable to
plates that include the elements in ACR other referring physicians should be ex- the radiologist interpreting a thyroid
TI-RADS (Fig 14). Such templates are pected to apply reasonable standard-of- sonogram. Decisions regarding the
easy to implement in any voice recog- care principles in deciding whether to fol- need for repeat biopsy will usually be
nition system. With practice, we have low the radiologist’s recommendations. made by the referring physician based
found that it takes no more than ap- For example, a highly suspicious nodule on guidelines from the American Thy-
proximately 20 seconds to report each in a patient with a limited life expectancy roid Association or other professional
nodule. This approach also makes it eas- or other issues may not require biopsy. groups (3).
ier for referring physicians to read and Conversely, patient or referring It is also important to recognize
understand reports, as well as to imple- physician preferences may at times that even benign nodules may as-
ment quality assurance and control pro- warrant deviation from the strict ACR sume a more suspicious appearance
cedures and peer review. TI-RADS guidelines. Patients with a following biopsy, causing them to
The ACR TI-RADS chart provides strong personal or family history that appear more solid, hypoechoic, or
descriptors for each of the five suspi- increases the likelihood of cancer, or calcified. These so-called mummi-
cion levels: benign (TR1), not suspi- patients who are highly concerned for fied nodules will have a higher ACR
cious (TR2), mildly suspicious (TR3), other reasons, may require FNA and/or TI-RADS score, but recent evidence
moderately suspicious (TR4), and follow-up of nodules that fall below suggests that such nodules should be
highly suspicious (TR5). In a recent ACR TI-RADS size thresholds. This in- approached more conservatively and
study, they were associated with aggre- volves the radiologist in shared decision can likely be safely followed with US
gate cancer risks of 0.3%, 1.5%, 4.8%, making that is appropriate for effective rather than repeat FNA, regardless of
9.1%, and 35.0%, respectively (15). medical care. Similarly, ACR TI-RADS their score (17).
The ACR TI-RADS recommendations recommends FNA of no more than two
for FNA and follow-up were in part in- nodules in one gland, but circumstances
formed by the growing recognition that may rarely require tissue sampling of Growth and Follow-up
many thyroid cancers are indolent and more than two nodules. ACR TI-RADS borrows from the
unlikely to cause harm to patients dur- ACR TI-RADS does not encompass American Thyroid Association guide-
ing their lifetime (16). Nevertheless, we regional lymph nodes, but we believe lines and defines clinically important

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36  n Radiology: Volume 287: Number 1—April 2018

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mri-burn-prevention-poster/. Published No- the article by Dr Kuhl and colleagues, 2. Kaji Y, Inamura K. Diagnostic ability with

vember 16, 2015. Accessed January 25, patients were considered having a pos- abbreviated biparametric and full multipara-
2018. metric prostate MR imaging: is the use of PI-
itive index test result when they had a
RADS version 2 appropriate for comparison?
5. Expert Panel on MR Safety, Kanal E, Barkov- Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data Radiology 2018;286(2):726–727.
ich AJ, et al. ACR guidance document on MR System (PI-RADS) score of 3, 4, or 5
safe practices: 2013. J Magn Reson Imaging 3. Kuhl CK, Bruhn R, Krämer N, Nebelung S,
(2–3). In this setting, considering that
2013;37(3):501–530. Heidenreich A, Schrading S. Abbreviated bi-
dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) parametric prostate MR imaging in men with
evaluation allows only for an upgrade elevated prostate-specific antigen. Radiology
of PI-RADS score from 3 to 4 (4), it 2017;285(2):493–505.
Biparametric Prostate MR Imaging Proto-
is clear that its possible contribution to
col: Time to Revise PI-RADS Version 2? 4. Weinreb JC, Barentsz JO, Choyke PL, et

a correct diagnostic assessment is not al. PI-RADS prostate imaging–reporting
From significant. Our opinion, which is con- and data system: 2015, version 2. Eur Urol
Arnaldo Stanzione, MD, Sirio Cocoz- sistent with data available in the liter- 2016;69(1):16–40.
za, MD, Renato Cuocolo, MD, and ature, is that biparametric MR imaging 5. Stanzione A, Imbriaco M, Cocozza S, et al.
Massimo Imbriaco, MD offers clear and significant advantages Biparametric 3T magnetic resonance im-
Department of Advanced Biomedical over standard multiparametric MR im- aging for prostatic cancer detection in a
aging, providing a similar diagnostic ac- biopsy-naïve patient population: a further
Sciences, Federico II University
improvement of PI-RADS v2? Eur J Radiol
of Naples, Via Pansini 5, Naples curacy but leading to a significant re-
2016;85(12):2269–2274 [Published correc-
80131, Italy duction of acquisition time, which is tion appears in Eur J Radiol 2017;87:125.].
e-mail: directly related to both patient discom-
6. Rud E, Baco E. Re: Jeffrey C. Weinreb,

fort and costs (5). Future studies are
Jelle O. Barentsz, Peter L. Choyke, et al. PI-
Editor: strongly warranted to better identify RADS Prostate Imaging—reporting and data
and evaluate all possible strategies and system: 2015, version 2. Eur Urol 2016;69:16-
With great interest, we read the Let-
combination of T2-weighted imaging 40. Is contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance
ters to the Editor by Dr Scialpi and col-
and diffusion-weighted imaging, con- imaging really necessary when searching for
leagues (1) in the January 2018 issue prostate cancer? Eur Urol 2016;70(5):e136.
sidering all advantages and disadvan-
of Radiology and Drs Kaji and Inamura
tages of their combination. However, in 7. Barth BK, De Visschere PJL, Cornelius A, et
(2) in the February 2018 issue of Radi-
the transition from PI-RADS version 1 al. Detection of clinically significant prostate
ology commenting on the article by Dr cancer: short dual-pulse sequence versus
to PI-RADS version 2, the role of MR
Kuhl et al in the July 2017 issue of Ra- standard multiparametric MR imaging—a
spectroscopy and DCE imaging was al-
diology (3) about a possible reduction multireader study. Radiology 2017;284(3):
ready reappraised and reduced, and at
in acquisition time of multiparametric 725–736.
the time further concerns regarding the
magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of
usefulness of DCE were raised (6). In
the prostate. In particular, Dr Kuhl and
light of the recently published articles
colleagues investigated the diagnostic
on shortened biparametric MR imaging Erratum
accuracy of a shortened biparametric
prostatic protocols (3,5,7), our opinion
MR imaging protocol composed by the Originally published in:
is that DCE should no longer be consid-
sole evaluation of axial T2-weighted and Radiology 2018;287(1):29–36
ered mandatory and its role further re-
diffusion-weighted imaging. The au- DOI: 10.1148/radiol.2017171240
vised within a new and up-to-date ver-
thors showed how this approach led to
sion of PI-RADS. Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data
a similar diagnostic performance in the
System (TI-RADS): A User’s Guide
detection of prostatic lesions compared Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest: A.S. dis-
with the standard multiparametric MR closed no relevant relationships. S.C. Activities Franklin N. Tessler, William D.
imaging protocol. In the first letter, Dr related to the present article: disclosed no rele- Middleton, and Edward G. Grant
vant relationships. Activities not related to the
Scialpi and colleagues (1) pointed out present article: received payment for lectures Erratum in:
that the elimination of sagittal and co- including service on speakers bureaus from
Radiology 2018;287(3):1082
ronal T2-weighted images could make Sanofi Genzyme. Other relationships: disclosed
no relevant relationships. R.C. disclosed no rele- DOI:10.1148/radiol.2018184008
it difficult to measure both prostate
vant relationships. M.I. disclosed no relevant
and lesion volume, as well as to per- relationships. Figure 9 legend should read as follows:
form targeted biopsy when using fu- Transverse sonogram in a 52-year-old
sion systems that require these planes. References woman shows a benign follicular nod-
Furthermore, Dr Scialpi and colleagues ule with a smooth margin (arrows). The
1. Scialpi M, Martorana E, Aisa MC, Rondoni
suggested that the sagittal plane is es- nodule was assigned 2 points for solid
V, D’Andrea A, Brunese L. Abbreviated bipa-
sential for the assessment of extraglan- rametric prostate MR imaging: is it really an composition and 1 for isoechogenicity,
dular disease. On the other hand, Drs alternative to multiparametric MR imaging? for a total of 3 points (TR3).
Kaji and Inamura pointed out that, in Radiology 2018;286(1):360–361.

1082  n  Radiology: Volume 287: Number 3—June 2018

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