Vegan Japanese Sushi and Ramen: Coursebook

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Vegan Japanese

Sushi And Ramen

Table Of Contents

3 Welcome
4 What You Will Learn In This Course
5 Meet Your Instructor
6 How To Replace Ingredients
7 Japanese Shopping List
9 Dashi Stock
10 Gyoza Sauce
11 Vegan Gyoza
14 Making Ramen Noodles
15 Ramen Topping - Shiraga Negi
16 Ramen Topping - Fried Soy Meat
17 Dandan Ramen
19 Cold Ramen - Tsukemen
20 Shoyu Ramen
22 Miso Ramen
23 Make The Perfect Sushi Rice
24 Tofu Mayonnaise
25 Miso Soup
26 Gari - Pickled Ginger
27 Sushi Roll
28 Inside-Out Sushi Roll
29 Nigiri And Gungan Sushi
32 Sushi Cake


Thank you for joining

Thank you for joining the “Vegan Japanese - Sushi and Ramen” course
- and a warm welcome!

You are about to take a culinary journey to Yokohama, Japan, and

cook with Akiko - a Japanese chef with a passion for sharing her
secrets about vegan Japanese food.. Have fun!

Lukas & Samuel - Founders of Veecoco

What You Will Learn In This Course

Make traditional vegan Japanese recipes

In this course, you will learn the essentials about making “Vegan
Japanese - Sushi and Ramen” - in a fully vegan way.

You will get to know the essential ingredients and recipes that will
bring you the traditional flavor of Japan right into your kitchen.

You will learn about the basics of making vegan ramen - from making
the stock, to toppings, to several ramen variations.

You will also learn about preparing your own homemade sushi - from
making the rice, to rolling the sushi, to several classic sushi variations.

After this course, you will be confident in preparing your own Japanese
recipes and amaze your friends and family with your creations.

Meet Your Instructor

Meet your instructor Akiko from Bentoya Cooking

Akiko is passionate about teaching the beauty of Japanese vegan

food. Growing up in a small village in Japan, Akiko has learned from a
very early age about the secrets of Japanese food. While her family
was working on their rice farm, Akiko gladly prepared local dishes for
the whole family. Having successfully run a Japanese catering in
Vancouver, Akiko met her business partner Rina after returning to
Japan. The two immediately
bonded over the idea of a
healthy, sustainable and plant-
based cooking school and the
Bentoya cooking school was
Learn more about Bentoya here:



Japanese Shopping List

Essential Japanese ingredients for your kitchen

Having these ingredients will allow you to cook authentic Japanese

recipes at home.

You will find them in some organic supermarkets, in your local Asian
supermarket, or you can order them online.

Gyoza wrappers - Gyoza wrappers are small round pieces of dough

that are used to make gyoza.

Kombu kelp - Kombu kelp has a strong umami flavor and is used for
making vegan dashi stock which you need for many other recipes.

Mirin- Mirin is a Japanese rice wine and it is used for some of the sushi
recipes in this course.

Miso paste - Buy the white miso paste preferably, but you can use
other miso paste as well.

Nori seaweed - Nori seaweed is essential for making sushi rolls and
miso soup.

Japanese shopping list

Essential Japanese ingredients for your kitchen

Having these ingredients will allow you to cook authentic Japanese

recipes at home.

You will find them in some organic supermarkets, in your local Asian
supermarket, or you can order them online.

Sesame oil - Sesame oil is usually roasted and is used to add

additional flavor to recipes.

Sesame seeds - Sesame seeds are used as a common topping for

many recipes.

Sushi vinegar or rice vinegar - This vinegar is important for making

traditional sushi rice.

Soy sauce - Any soy sauce can work, but try to find Japanese soy
sauce if you can.

Tofu - Tofu is used in many different recipes, such as tofu mayonnaise,

miso soup, and miso ramen.

How To Replace Ingredients

What to do if you can’t find an ingredient

The ingredients in this course are widely available in Japan, but some
could be difficult to find in other countries (depending on where you
live). Here is a list of possible replacements so you can adjust recipes
to your liking.

Beet sugar - brown sugar, or regular sugar

Daikon - white radish, turnips
Fu (baked gluten) - fried tofu
Sushi vinegar - apple cider vinegar
Kombu kelp - nori seaweed, edamame seaweed
La-yu (chili oil) - replace with other chili oil, or make vegetable oil with
chili flakes
Lotus Root - Water Chestnut
Miso Paste - soy sauce (for saltiness), tahini (for creaminess)
Mirin (Japanese rice wine) - sweet sherry wine or dry sherry wine with
a bit of sugar added
Mizuna - arugula
Seasoned bamboo shoot - water chestnuts, artichokes
Shiitake - any other mushroom
Shio koji - salt, soy sauce
Yukari (Japanese red basil for color) - beetroot juice

Dashi Stock
Ingredients: 4 stalks kombu kelp, 2 shiitake mushrooms
alternative: nori seaweed, 1 l (4 cups) water


Long version
1. Add all of the ingredients in a bottle and leave overnight.
Fast version
1. Add the water, kombu kelp and shiitake into a pot.
2. Simmer for 10 minutes on low heat.

Use dashi stock for later recipes. You can keep it in the fridge for several
days. Do not wash off white dots from kombu kelp. Don’t cook kombu kelp
on high heat, otherwise the dashi stock will become slimy.
Gyoza Sauce
Ingredients: 1/2 tbsp roasted sesame 1/2 tbsp miso paste
seeds 1 tbsp beet sugar, or other
1/2 tsp sesame oil sugar
1/4 cup rice vinegar Few drops of chili oil la-yu
1 tbsp soy sauce (optional)


1. Grind the sesame seeds in a mortar (or use a blender alternatively).
2. Add the other ingredients and continue to grind.
3. Add a few drops of chili oil to add spiciness (optional).

Vegan Gyoza I - Filling
Ingredients: 10 g cabbage - 3-4 leaves 1 tsp sesame oil
1 shiitake mushroom 1/2 tsp soy sauce
30 g (1.05 oz) firm tofu 1 clove garlic - grated
20 g (2 tbsp) quinoa - 1/2 cm piece ginger - grated
1/2 tsp potato starch, or


To prepare the filling

1. Boil the cabbage for 3 minutes, then rinse shortly.
2. Mince the shiitake mushroom and the boiled cabbage.
3. Mix with all other ingredients in a bowl and combine well.
4. Use your hands to crush the tofu and combine everything.

Vegan Gyoza II - Wrapping
Ingredients: 8-10 gyoza wrappers
Filtered water
Gyoza filling


To wrap the gyoza

1. Take a gyoza wrapper, use your fingers and slightly wet the edge of
the gyoza wrapper on one half.
2. Take 1/2 to 1 tbsp of gyoza filling and place in the middle.
3. Fold the gyoza in a series of pleats as shown in the video.
4. Repeat with the rest of the gyoza wrappers.

Alternative: Use a gyoza press instead of folding with your fingers.

Vegan Gyoza III - Frying and Serving
Ingredients: 1-2 tbsp vegetable oil
Fresh or frozen gyoza
2 tbsp filtered water


To fry and serve the gyoza

1. Add the oil to the cold pan, spread evenly.
2. Place the gyoza in there, add the water and cover with a lid.
3. Turn to medium-high heat, and fry for 3 minutes until golden brown.
4. Check the bottom for the color. If golden brown, take off. If not, keep
for another minute.
5. Serve with the gyoza sauce.

Making Ramen Noodles
Ingredients: 100 g (3.52 oz) all-purpose 4 g (1 tsp) salt
flour 2 g (1/2 tsp) baking soda
45 ml (1.52 fl oz) water 2 tbsp of potato starch


1. Add the flour to your mixing bowl.

2. Combine the water, salt, and baking soda and mix well. Add to the
3. Knead with your hands into a ball, then place it into a zipper or
plastic bag. Let it rest for 20 minutes.
4. Push flat with your feet or hands. Fold the dough and repeat 3
5. Add starch to the surface, then flatten the dough with a rolling pin.
6. When the dough is flat and strong, fold it and cut into thin noodles.

Ramen Topping - Shiraga Negi
Ingredients: 1 leek - white part
1 bowl of water


1. Cut lengthwise into the leek from one side, remove the core.
2. Place the outer layer upside down, slice very thinly.
3. Place the leek slices in the water, massage lightly with your fingers.
4. Remove and keep in a bowl. Use in later recipes.

Ramen Topping - Fried Soy Meat
Ingredients: 1/2 cup textured soy 1 tbsp soy sauce
protein 1 tbsp sweet miso paste,
1/2 tbsp vegetable oil alternative: miso paste and


1. Soak the textured soy protein in hot water for 5 minutes (depending
on the brand used).
2. Bring a pan with oil to medium-high heat. Add the soy protein, soy
sauce and miso paste, fry and continue stirring.
3. Fry for about 4-5 minutes, then remove and keep it in a bowl.
Serve as topping for dandan and other ramen.

Dandan Ramen I - Soup
Ingredients: 1 onion 2 cups dashi stock
1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tbsp tahini
1 piece (2x2 cm) of ginger 2 tbsp miso paste
1 clove of garlic 3/4 cup soy milk
1/2 cup (30 g, or 1.05 oz)
shimeji mushrooms


To make the soup

1. Mince the onion, fry in a pan with oil until golden brown.
2. Grate the ginger and garlic. Remove the end of the shimeji, press
flat with your fingers.
3. Add the ginger, garlic and shimeji to the pan, fry for another 3
minutes. Set aside.
4. Bring dashi stock in a pot to medium-high heat. Add the fried onion
and mushroom mix, simmer for a few minutes.
5. Add the tahini, miso paste and soy milk in this order to the soup.
Stir well and turn off the heat.
Dandan Ramen II - Final Noodle Bowl
Ingredients: 1 serving ramen noodles 1/2 cup soy meat
Dandan amen soup Few slices red chili pepper
1 cup boiled spinach 2 tbsp roasted sesame
Few slices shiraga negi seeds
(sliced leek) Few drops chili oil (optional)


1. Boil the ramen noodles in hot water for 3 minutes.

2. Pour the ramen soup into your ramen bowl.
3. Add the boiled ramen noodles to your ramen bowl.
4. Garnish with the spinach, soy meat, shiraga negi, sliced red chili
pepper, and roasted sesame seeds.
5. Sprinkle chili oil on top (optional).

Cold Ramen - Tsukemen
Ingredients: 1 portion ramen noodles 1/2 cup boiled spinach
10 leaves mizuna, 2 tbsp fried soy meat
alternative: arugula 1 tbsp shiraga negi
1/4 red bell pepper 1 tbsp roasted sesame seeds
2 cups ramen soup
1 tbsp miso paste


1. Boil the noodles in hot water for 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

2. After boiling, add them to a bowl filled with cold water. Remove
from the water with a sieve, drain well. Add to a plate.
3. Bring the ramen soup to simmer, add 1 tbsp miso paste.
4. Cut the mizuna and bell pepper into long thin strips.
5. Add the spinach, fried soy meat, mizuna, red bell pepper, shiraga
negi, and sesame seeds to the noodles.
6. Serve the soup on the side. For eating, dip the noodles into the
Note: You can use any type of seasonal vegetable for this dish.
Shoyu Ramen I - Vegetable Broth
Ingredients: 3 cups dashi stock 1/4 cup dried daikon,
1/2 onion alternative: white radish
1 clove garlic 1 tbsp chickpeas
1 piece (2x2 cm) of ginger 1 tbsp brown lentils
1/3 leek (white stem)
1 cup shimeji mushroom,
alternative: other

1. Add the dashi stock to a pot and simmer at low heat.

2. Slice the onion, garlic, ginger, and leek. Press the shimeji mushroom
flat with your fingers. Wash the daikon/radish lightly.
3. Add the vegetables and beans to the pot. Simmer for 40 minutes.
4. Remove any bubbles that might appear at the sides.
5. Separate the vegetables from the broth with a strainer.
6. Use the broth for ramen soups.

Shoyu Ramen II - Final Noodle Soup
Ingredients: 2 cups ramen vegetable shoot, alternative: water
broth chestnut
1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp shiraga negi
1 tsp shio koji, alternative: 1/2 tbsp shredded red chili
salt pepper
1/2 tbsp sesame oil 1/4 nori seaweed, cut
1/4 cup boiled spinach 3 slices fu (baked gluten),
1 tbsp seasoned bamboo alternative: fried tofu

1. Heat up the vegetable broth, add the soy sauce, shio koji and
sesame oil in. Stir well, then add to your bowl.
2. Boil the noodles in hot water for 3 minutes. Get rid of the water, then
add to your soup bowl.
3. Garnish the ramen soup with the toppings.

Miso Ramen
Ingredients: 2 cups shoyu ramen broth 1 tbsp bean sprouts (cooked)
2 tbsp miso paste 1 tbsp wakame seaweed,
1/2 tbsp sesame paste, or alternative: other seaweed
tahini 3 slices bamboo shoot
1 tsp sesame oil 1 tbsp corn
1 tbsp soy milk 1 tbsp shiraga negi
1/2 tsp chili oil (optional) 1/2 tbsp sliced red chili
1 portion ramen noodles pepper

1. Use the shoyu ramen soup (earlier video). Bring to simmer in a pot,
add the miso paste, sesame paste, sesame oil, and soy milk. Stir
well, add to your ramen bowl.
2. Boil the ramen noodles for 3 minutes. Add to your ramen bowl.
3. Add the bean sprouts, seaweed, bamboo shoot, corn, shiraga negi
and chili pepper on top.

Sushi Rice
Ingredients: 3 cups rice vinegar mixture
3 cups of water 4 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tbsp of sugar
1/2 tsp of salt


1. Gently wash the rice with your hands, discard the water. Repeat 2-3
2. Drain the rice, add to a bowl with the measured water, soak for 30
3. Bring the rice in a pot to boil covered with the lid. Once boiling, turn
down the heat, cook for 10 minutes.
4. After the 10 minutes, bring to high heat for 5 seconds, turn heat off.
Let it rest with lid closed.
5. Prepare the vinegar mixture by mixing vinegar, sugar and salt.
6. Flip the rice gently with a spatula, add vinegar mix, let it cool down.
Tofu Mayonnaise
Ingredients: 1 block of drained, 1 tbsp of miso paste
firm tofu (200 g, or 7 oz)
2 tbsp of rice vinegar
(or apple cider vinegar)


1. Add all ingredients to a food processor and blend until smooth.

2. You might have to scrape down the sides occasionally depending
on the blender you use.
3. Set aside to use for the sushi.

Miso Soup
Ingredients: 1 tbsp of wakame 1 - 2 tbsp of miso (depending
seaweed, soaked and on how salty you like it)
drained 30 g (1.05 oz) of tofu
300 ml (10.14 fl oz) of dashi


1. Add the dashi stock to a pot and bring to a boil.

2. Add the wakame seaweed, cut the tofu into small cubes and add
both to the pot.
3. Cook for 1 minute and turn down the heat.
4. Add the miso paste, stir until the miso paste dissolves and turn off
the heat.
5. Pour into small bowls and enjoy.

Note: Never boil miso soup once the miso is added because it loses its
flavor and aroma.
Gari - Pickled Ginger
Ingredients: 200 g (7 oz) ginger root 2 tbsp beet sugar
100 ml (3.4 fl oz) rice (or any sugar of your
vinegar choice)
½ tsp salt


1. Peel the ginger and cut into super thin slices.

2. Add salt and leave it for 5-10 minutes.
3. Boil the ginger with 2 cups water for about 2 minutes.
4. Drain and add 1 tbsp of vinegar.
5. Squeeze firmly and discard the water.
6. Heat 100 ml rice vinegar and 2 tbsp sugar in a pot until the sugar
7. Combine everything in a jar and close the lid.
8. Let it cool down and place in the fridge.

Sushi Roll
Ingredients: 1 nori sheet 8 tbsp sushi rice
1 avocado 1 tbsp sesame seeds
1 cucumber 1 bowl of water to wet your
1 bell pepper hands and the knife
1 tbsp tofu mayonnaise


1. Place the nori sheet with the smooth surface facing down on a
cutting board or bamboo mat.
2. Wet your hands and spread the rice evenly on the nori sheet. Leave
about 1 finger-width free at the side away from you.
3. Slice the vegetables into long thin slices.
4. Add the vegetables in the middle of the nori sheet.
5. Add the tofu mayonnaise.
6. Sprinkle the sesame seeds on top.
7. Roll forwards while keeping gentle pressure on the nori sheet.
8. Cut into 7-8 pieces. Make sure to clean and wet your knife.
Inside-Out Sushi Roll
Ingredients: 1 nori sheet 1 tbsp tofu mayonnaise
1 avocado, cut into long 8 tbsp sushi rice
thin slices 1 tbsp sesame seeds
1 cucumber, cut into long 1 bowl of water to wet your
thin slices hands and the knife
1 bell pepper, cut into long
thin slices


1. Place a plastic wrap on a cutting board or bamboo mat.

2. Place the nori sheet with the smooth surface facing down.
3. Wet your hands and spread the rice evenly on the nori sheet. Leave
about 1 finger-width free at the side away from you.
4. Flip the roll with the rice side down.
5. Add the vegetables on top in the middle of the nori sheet.
6. Add the tofu mayonnaise.
7. Roll forwards while keeping gentle pressure on the nori sheet.
8. Sprinkle the sesame seeds on top.
9. Cut into 7-8 pieces. Make sure to clean and wet your knife.
Nigiri And Gunkan Sushi
Ingredients: Mushroom “Scallop” Nigiri Cucumber Gunkan Sushi
1 tbsp sesame oil 1 cucumber
1 king oyster mushroom 4 tbsp tofu mayonnaise
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp mirin (Japanese rice “Tuna” nigiri
wine) 1/4 red bell pepper, long
1 tbsp sprouts slices
1 thin stripe nori sheet 1/4 cup dashi stock
1 cherry tomato, diced 2 tbsp soy sauce

10 tbsp of cooked sushi Avocado nigiri

rice 1/4 avocado, long slices
1 thin stripe nori sheet

Nigiri and Gunkan Sushi

Wet your hands and form the rice (using 2 tbsp at a time) into oval nigiri

Cucumber gunkan sushi

1. Slice the cucumber with a vegetable peeler into long flat strips. Set
2. Wrap the nigiri sushi with 1 cucumber slice on the side.
3. Top with corn or diced tomato and tofu mayonnaise.

“Tuna” nigiri sushi

1. Bake the bell pepper in the oven until the top gets slightly black
(about 8-10 minutes).
2. Peel off the dark skin and add to a bowl with dashi stock and 2 tbsp
soy sauce to marinate.
3. Place the marinated bell pepper on top of the nigiri ball.

Nigiri and Gunkan Sushi (Cont.)

Avocado nigiri sushi

1. Place 1 slice of avocado on top of the nigiri.
2. Secure with 1 thin strip of nori sheet.

Mushroom “scallop” nigiri sushi

1. Cut 2 slices (about 1 cm) from the bottom of the mushroom.
2. Make about 8 incisions on each slice. Flip the knife 90 degrees and
make 8 more incisions. Be sure not to cut through the mushroom.
3. Add sesame oil to a pan, bring to medium-high heat and add the
mushroom slices.
4. Flip after 2-3 minutes once they are brown.
5. Add mirin and soy sauce to the pan.
6. Take of the stove once both sides are golden brown.
7. Place the fried mushroom piece and a bit of sprouts on top of the
nigiri ball.
8. Secure with a strip of the nori sheet.

Sushi Cake
Ingredients: Rice Base Diced Bell Pepper
2 cups of white sushi rice 1/4 bell pepper (or any
2 tbsp black rice vegetable of your choice)
4 cups of water
Lotus Root
Scrambled Tofu 50 g (1.06 oz) peeled lotus
1/4 tsp turmeric root
50 g (1.06 oz) firm tofu 1/4 cup sushi vinegar
pinch of black pepper 1 cup water for soaking
and salt (optional) 2 cups water for cooking
1 tsp red perilla, yukari or
Flower-shaped Carrots beet juice
1/4 carrot
1 tsp sugar Decoration
1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tsp sesame seeds
1/4 cup water 1 tbsp corn
1 tbsp tofu mayonnaise
Cucumber Ribbons 4-5 cherry tomatoes
1/4 cucumber
Sushi Cake

Rice Base
1. Cook 1 cup of sushi rice with 2 cups of water and set aside.
2. Mix 1 cup of sushi rice with 2 tbsp of black rice. Cook with 2 cups of
water and set aside.

Scrambled Tofu
1. Crumble the tofu with your hands into a non-stick frying pan.
2. Add the turmeric and pepper.
3. Fry until all liquid has come out (about 3-5 minutes). Set aside.

Flower-shaped Carrots
1. Cut the carrot into slices (about 5-8 slices).
2. Use a cookie cutter if available to cut out shapes.
3. Bring a pan with the water to high heat.
4. Add the carrots, soy sauce, and sugar.
5. Cook until the carrot gets soft and most of the water evaporates
(about 10 minutes).
6. Discard the water and set the carrots aside.
Sushi Cake (Cont.)

Cucumber Ribbons
1. Cut the cucumber into 4-6 slices.
2. Make a hole in the middle of each slice.
3. Make a small incision on each slice on one side.
4. Connect 2 slices through the incision to form a ribbon shape.
5. Set aside for garnishing the cake.

Lotus Root
1. Peel the lotus root and cut it into 2 mm thin slices.
2. Soak the lotus root in the vinegar-water mixture. (1 cup of water/1
Tbsp of vinegar)
3. The reason is to prevent discoloration and remove stains.
4. Boil the lotus root in a pot for 2 minutes.
5. Drain and add to a bowl with vinegar and 1 tsp of red perilla, yukari
or beet juice to create the pink color.

Sushi Cake (Cont.)

Final Plating
1. Add the white rice to a round-form and press firmly.
2. Top with the black rice and press firmly.
3. Make sure to wet your hands.
4. Flip the form on a plate.
5. Top with tofu scramble and the other garnishes.
6. Sprinkle sesame seeds and corn on top.
7. Optional: Add tofu mayonnaise, tomatoes, and sprouts.

Note: you can use any of your favorite vegetables and seeds
for decoration.


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