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Bhalchandra Institute of Education & Management BBA401

BBA (Semester-IV) - 2018

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
1. Explain the following: 10*3 = 30
a) Define Indian Contract Act.
b) Distinguish between Express and Implied contract.
c) State the Doctrine of Caveat Emptor.
d) What do you understand by capacity to contract?
e) What is the difference between misrepresentation and fraud?
f) What are the different types of goods?
g) Distinguish between a condition and a warranty.
h) What do you mean by ‘Price’?
i) Define the term ‘partner’, ‘firm’ and ‘firm name’.
j) Define the term ‘negotiable instrument’. What are its essential characteristics?
Attempt the following questions as per internal choice: 4*10 = 40
2. Define partnership. What are essential elements of a partnership?
Define the mutual rights and duties between the partners.
3. What is a contract of sale of goods? Discuss the essential characteristics of a contract of sale of
Discuss the rights available to a buyer against the seller for breach of contract.
4. Explain the distinguishing features of Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange and Cheques.
What is a Hundi? State the more popular types of hundis used in India.
5. What do you understand by breach of contract? Discuss briefly the remedies for breach of
Write short notes on the following?
(i) Accommodation bill
(ii) Endorsement
(iii) Fictitious bill
(iv) Presentment
(v) Dishonor of negotiable instruments

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