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his c theamework o
ac all chlden aced from5-13 1
Kqland an kale Anc le a hoduca on 1 fe 8ao affex
Campans y the Oohonal Eckuobon Lacugue
pR ahonal Fcucahion Leoque uaS polihtol move Met Enalanc L

and les h i promated elomendory eclucahon for al children

Can d

ree ro m Yeli1o Conbol

iy lacal horih es ere orced by khe las enhance suhcient sohoo

accomodab on for exe dld An heir ehsi
Cosk onc mantaininq Such Scho olc Shol
iyThe o ounding be provic
out o locol xoer cinc Supplemen kee ooy qorern mant grants

i) All chol oudled pCal akes shcal be under lhe manog ament
Oloco outhonhr and Geec to qovernmgntinspechon

A shuol éded oy loca Xores Shallbe ingectarian-Ut

10rolv ingq relahaq o dit reuqiouSec poliiCo Crounc
V)Al hool aded by local Yote Odmission shal be rea
chuo accomoeabon ben Pronded, the stoke or the locol
Outhor h chall have pouser s ompal the cHendeue q
chldren ok koble 0ge not ohextw tSe reoevinq education


Man Ppla remaun ed hile the Ldea ot mais

Acaon camecd sEwauo aake Laloouriu

alasses ink' and thot theia clastes auto
hnk ies as clikcabishy1ng
ther possi bl
enc.oNee rerlt rebel

i Othes teered ans eldren co aCen bre

akhoih Coutd ead o n d o chrineabosef t beles
eould scamhose wout Cnedeotusn

churdhes on Sodalaoup nterest Since he s ere

fneded the Sote pablit ont. eproviee
educahon for. he pooy hente Aha dd noh t
to lose thot Lntluence ot

yn g7o280 - 3000-000 Schools wre storted anc

ak on oYeY byscheol b oardi

Bar dambers areelected by therutepaer
P ot Bard Meaber determines b
he Siae ot
e populah on he cshi
Eoch vofe Could chode 8o more Bodd a berz rom tha. lu

hoo wd no macde Connor Mmedeohely oo

Since manyfotory wner
earec the emora of
s C
hldren Sour ce o
oth eah'ci, factory
Ohesp obour, Houevex
he Enqluh andCAc owners had CwoLers who
Measurem errs

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