Motivational Essay

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My name is Moise Maria-Emilia and I am writing to apply for the sociology

program,in which I am greatly interested.I strongly believe that it is going to be a

great start in my passion for understanding the roots of society and its evolution.
First of all,as an introverted person I’ve always prefered to sit back and
observe people’s behaviours and social connections as I tried to understand their
motivations.In addition to this,I found out what sociology is to me,a process of
decoding the society,a study of human behaviour from large institutions to small
groups.I believe that sociology plays a major part in everyone’s everyday life as its
task is to discover how organizations affect the behaviour of people,how they are
established,how they interact with each other,how they decay,and,ultimately,how
they disappear.
In my highschool years,studying in a social sciences program,I have
encountered different subjects that caught my attention such as psychology or
english studies but none of them picked my interest as much as sociology as I’ve
always been drawn to studying the depths of society.
On the other hand,the biggest reason I’ve considered attending this college
to earn a sociology degree is the ability it grants students to make a real difference
in the community as it equips them with a wide understanding of topics that effect
people on local,national and international scales.
By studying sociology and moving into a career within government,local
community programmes or charities,you can really help induce a positive change
where you live or even on a wider range.Also,you could also look to impact people
on a personal level in roles such as a youth worker or family support officer which
is a career path I would greatly enjoy.
As a teenager I started caring about inequality and the underlying causes of
social problems somewhat late in my young adulthood,probably around my third
year of highschool when I can wholeheartedly can say I really picked on the fact
that the world is a more complicated place.Before I was about 16,it never occured
to me to question the patterns of the world,what they mean,or whether they would
always be that way.I was granted the opportunity to meet an excelent sociology
proffesor that,in the end,showed me that this subject is going to be more helpful
than I ever thought.However,I know without a shadow of a doubt that it changed
how I understood the world and what I wanted to be my place in it.It pushed
forward my burgeoning interest in social change and activism and made me feel
inspired and hopeful,while also introducing me to a great deal that was the real
world with its worst and best parts.
In the end,I would be extremely grateful to be able to study sociology as it
would allow me to be able to understand more of the world,to understand
poverty,immigration,educational inequality,racism,sexism,prisons,social
movements and human interactions with the environment and most of all to get the
chance to help and make an impact on every one of them.

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