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What Makes a good group member?

Group Rules

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Eileen- Actions and Choices
Discipline: Citizenship
Standard 2: Students will recognize their roles and responsibilities in the school and in the
Objective 1: Describe and demonstrate appropriate social skills necessary for working in a
Indicator A: Describe behaviors that contribute to cooperation within groups at school and in a
Essential Question: What are the characteristics that contribute to cooperation within our
Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that they play a vital role in groups and the

Read “The Grizzly Bear who Lost his GRRRR”

Discussion Questions:
Ask the students what did fred lose?
Why did he need his GRRR?
Who helped Fred?
What would have happened if Fred’s friends did not help out?
Why is it important to help each other?

Fred needed his friends because he lost his grr and they worked as a team to grr for him. We use
groups all the time in class and our class is one big group. Today we are going to learn about
what characteristics of a group are.

We will be working in our table groups- I want your groups to brainstorm some words that would
describe a good group member, what are some examples may be: helpful, listens, encouraging,
nice etc. (write on board). And write them on the worksheet at your table
Your groups came up with words that make a good group member, but do these words also relate
to friendship?
What is something you want in a friend? Turn and tell your elbow partner.
See how being a good group member and a good friend have a lot in common

Now I want everyone as a group to come up with three guidelines or rules for when you are
working in your table groups, that may be no talking when someone else is talking or share
materials. But I want one person from your group (who I will assign to write the rules down)
Students will now be handed a blank piece of paper, everyone should trace their hands and write
their name in their hand. Take turns and help each other. After everyone has traced their hands I
want each person to write a characteristic of a group member in your hand.
So I am going to write “Ms. Schwab” in my hand and after everyone has traced their
hand and written their name, my group members and I are going to take turns writing the
characteristics from our first list in our hands. Each person will only write one word. So I am
going to write “helpful”, because I think the members of a group should be helpful to one
Assessment- Students will fill out worksheet with prompts- they will need to write one sentence
about what they can contribute to a group and one sentence about what they would want in good
friend/ group member. On the top half of the paper they can draw a picture of their classroom/
table group
Adaptations for student with disabilities/ gifted and talented/ ELL- students will be pre-taught
contributing words (friendship, nice, helpful), that way they can contribute those words to their
group. For students that use communication devices- words for this unit will be pre-loaded and
Name: ,

Draw a picture of your class group

What do you contribute to your group?

What is something you want in a good group member and


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