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Exercise 1

September 5, 2020

Ms. Donna Karan

Chief Designer, DKNY
New York, United States

Dear Ms. Karan

I am writing to you earnestly requesting DKNY to stop using fur in its products. Since 1980, PETA
has been striving against animal abuse and their inhumane treatment. PETA has been protesting for
several years and in several ways, directly and indirectly, against the use of fur in the fashion industry.
Despite this, DKNY continues to use fur in some of its products.

PETA tried to approach you on numerous occasions asking to stop designing and selling clothes that
used fur. Progress appeared in 2006, but DKNY did not stop using fur. We tried to send our message
across through a disguised PETA member by making you watch the cruelty behind what seems to you
as just purses and accessories. Being unheard for a noble cause is not something anyone wishes for.
So, we were forced to start social campaigns and protests. We also allied with fashion icon Tim Gunn
to narrate the story of animal suffering through graphic footage of animal cruelty. Your announcement
that the fall 2009 fashion lines would be fur-free, and that fur would not be used in the future was
much appreciated. But it was disheartening to see the inclusion of fur items the very next year. Taking
on to the Facebook page was the last resort.

We often view animals as mere objects. But I would like you to give deep thought to the words of Dr.
Albert Schweitzer - "Anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as
worthless is in danger of also arriving at the idea of worthless human lives." There is no logical or
practical reason for animal cruelty to continue. We do not need animal pelts to survive. As the world's
top designer, your philosophy centered around providing functional and interchangeable clothing.
And your journey towards expanding to new avenues is inspiring, but it is possible to create bags,
shoes, belts, and interior accessories with synthetic and animal-friendly material. Making such
products is where your creativity will be put to the test.

I want you to consider animals as living beings with feelings who deserve the right to live for the
least. As our civilization is expanding, we are already stealing their homes. The last thing we need to
do is cause more suffering to them.

Being the voice of the people protesting animal cruelty, I sincerely request you to stop using animal
fur in your products. I hope my words were able to strike a chord and lead to substantial changes in
the vision of DKNY as a responsible international fashion company.

Ingrid E Newkirk
President, PETA

(WORD COUNT – 451 words)

Exercise 2

September 5, 2020

Mr. Ingrid E Newkirk

President, PETA
Norfolk, Virginia, United States

Dear Mr. Newkirk

I am writing to you regarding your letter requesting DKNY to stop using fur in its product line. We
have noted all your concerns.

You had correctly pointed out that my vision in fashion started with functional and interchangeable
clothing pieces. But the fashion industry runs on what the people want to wear, what they want to see,
and what they want to experience. As an international fashion brand, we are very sensitive to people's
needs and wants and strive to create everything they need to pull themselves together. So at the end of
the day, what you see in our collection reflects our society and mindset. For centuries, animal fur and
skin have been used to symbolize wealth and power. Many social views changed on animal fur being
used in fashion for the need to maintain an ecological balance. But as per a poll conducted recently,
64% of Americans viewed buying and wearing fur morally acceptable. As long as people are ready to
eat meat, they won't shy away from using animal products in clothing. The fur industry has also
directly contributed to the employment of millions of people.

So, I request people to introspect on their behavior and actions and accordingly make decisions in our
society and the environment's best interests, before joining protests, as we are in this together.

I hope that you understand our need to serve our stakeholders and society in general.

Donna Karan
Chief Designer, DKNY

(WORD COUNT : 259 words)

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