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Molecular Physics

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Development of intermolecular potential models

for electrolyte solutions using an electrolyte SAFT-
VR Mie equation of state

Daniel K. Eriksen, Georgia Lazarou, Amparo Galindo, George Jackson, Claire

S. Adjiman & Andrew J. Haslam

To cite this article: Daniel K. Eriksen, Georgia Lazarou, Amparo Galindo, George Jackson,
Claire S. Adjiman & Andrew J. Haslam (2016) Development of intermolecular potential models
for electrolyte solutions using an electrolyte SAFT-VR Mie equation of state, Molecular Physics,
114:18, 2724-2749, DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2016.1236221

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Development of intermolecular potential models for electrolyte solutions using

an electrolyte SAFT-VR Mie equation of state
Daniel K. Eriksena,b , Georgia Lazaroub , Amparo Galindo a,b
, George Jackson a,b
, Claire S. Adjiman b
Andrew J. Haslama,b
Department of Chemical Engineering, Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre, Imperial College London, South Kensington
Campus, London SW AZ, United Kingdom; b Department of Chemical Engineering, Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College
London, South Kensington Campus, London SW AZ, United Kingdom


We present a theoretical framework and parameterisation of intermolecular potentials for aqueous Received  March 
electrolyte solutions using the statistical associating fluid theory based on the Mie interaction poten- Accepted  September 
tial (SAFT-VR Mie), coupled with the primitive, non-restricted mean-spherical approximation (MSA)
for electrolytes. In common with other SAFT approaches, water is modelled as a spherical molecule Electrolytes; equation of
with four off-centre association sites to represent the hydrogen-bonding interactions; the repulsive state; parameter estimation;
and dispersive interactions between the molecular cores are represented with a potential of the Mie SAFT; phase equilibrium
(generalised Lennard-Jones) form. The ionic species are modelled as fully dissociated, and each ion
is treated as spherical: Coulombic ion–ion interactions are included at the centre of a Mie core; the
ion–water interactions are also modelled with a Mie potential without an explicit treatment of ion–
dipole interaction. A Born contribution to the Helmholtz free energy of the system is included to
account for the process of charging the ions in the aqueous dielectric medium. The parameterisation
of the ion potential models is simplified by representing the ion–ion dispersive interaction energies
with a modified version of the London theory for the unlike attractions. By combining the Shannon
estimates of the size of the ionic species with the Born cavity size reported by Rashin and Honig,
the parameterisation of the model is reduced to the determination of a single ion–solvent attractive
interaction parameter. The resulting SAFT-VRE Mie parameter sets allow one to accurately reproduce
the densities, vapour pressures, and osmotic coefficients for a broad variety of aqueous electrolyte
solutions; the activity coefficients of the ions, which are not used in the parameterisation of the mod-
els, are also found to be in good agreement with the experimental data. The models are shown to
be reliable beyond the molality range considered during parameter estimation. The inclusion of the
Born free-energy contribution, together with appropriate estimates for the size of the ionic cavity,
allows for accurate predictions of the Gibbs free energy of solvation of the ionic species considered.
The solubility limits are also predicted for a number of salts; in cases where reliable reference data are
available the predictions are in good agreement with experiment.

1. Introduction the dissociation equilibrium of the constituent ions

Aqueous electrolyte solutions are liquid mixtures of salts in water. The ubiquitous nature of electrolytes
containing charged species, typically stemming from makes them relevant in many scientific and industrial

CONTACT Andrew J. Haslam

©  The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (./), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

applications. Examples of applications requiring a ther- solvent and fidelity of the representation of the solvent–
modynamic description of electrolyte solutions include ion interactions has been exploited in subsequent work
the sequestration of carbon dioxide, the clean-up of [14–22].
process chemicals from nuclear waste, hydrate forma- For applications where the partitioning of the charged
tion, scaling in pipelines, advanced process chemistry, species in different phases is of interest, further consid-
corrosion processes, and flue-gas cleaning. Electrolyte eration of the electrostatic contribution that arises from
solutions are also prevalent in geochemical and biological the interactions of the ionic species with the medium
environments and the development of molecular models is required. In the case of non-primitive models, where
to describe their properties remains of great interest. the polarity of the solvent is treated explicitly by includ-
The presence of charged species (ionic components) ing dipolar interactions, such a contribution arises nat-
in solution drastically alters the bulk thermodynamic urally [23,24]. The solvent is treated explicitly only in
properties of the mixture, usually leading to a lowering terms of its non-electrostatic nature for most studies
of the vapour pressure (with a corresponding increase with the SAFT or cubic EOS electrolyte framework and,
in the boiling temperature), an increase in density, and as a consequence, an additional contribution is neces-
changes in the viscosity and surface tension of the sys- sary for an accurate representation of the thermodynam-
tem. The theoretical description of thermodynamic prop- ics (in particular, the chemical potential) of the ionic
erties of electrolyte solutions has proved a challenging species due to the dielectric nature of the real medium.
task, and the body of work in this area has been less A simple treatment to account for the introduction of a
extensive than for non-electrolyte systems. The develop- charged species in a dielectric medium was provided by
ment of a successful theory of electrolyte solutions relies Born [25]. The Born contribution has now been incor-
on both the availability of accurate inter-particle poten- porated within cubic and CPA EOSs [26,27], and, more
tials for all of the species in the system and the ability recently, within the ePPC-SAFT [20] and SAFT-VRE [21]
to resolve the statistical–mechanical relations that lead to approaches. A non-primitive treatment that incorporates
the bulk properties of interest. Much of the difficulty can a polar solvent within a SAFT formalism has also been
be ascribed to the range of the electrostatic forces, and presented [17,28–30]. These studies highlight the impor-
the corresponding paucity of analytic theories that can be tance of accurately predicting the dielectric constant of
used to describe the relevant many-body effects. Avail- the system, as well as the impact of taking into account
able theories predominantly incorporate the Coulom- ion-pairing phenomena. The work of Maribo-Mogensen
bic nature of the ionic interactions with a much sim- and co-workers [22,31,32] is also particularly relevant in
plified representation of the neutral solvent molecules, this context, where the focus is on improving the descrip-
which are often polar and, as in the case of water, tion of the static permitivity, a key property of electrolyte
can exhibit hydrogen-bonding interactions. The intricacy solutions and which is commonly incorporated empiri-
of the solvent–solvent, solvent–solute and solute–solute cally from a knowledge of the experimental value.
interactions and their corresponding interplay makes this The SAFT-VRE [13] approach has recently been
a challenging area of research. revised [21] to acknowledge the specific importance of
A so-called primitive formulation is proposed in incorporating the Born [25] contribution to the free
the classical approach of Debye and Hückel (DH) [1], energy of the system, thus accounting for the charging
whereby the solvent is represented as a continuum dielec- process of the ionic species in the solvent medium. A
tric medium and the Poisson–Boltzmann equation [2,3] robust set of models for strong electrolytes was presented,
is solved in linear form. Waisman and Lebowitz [4] and providing an accurate description of a broad range of
Blum and Hoye [5,6] later solved an equivalent primitive properties, including the Gibbs free energy of solvation,
model using integral equation theory within the mean- with the aid of the Born treatment. The model and the-
spherical approximation (MSA). A formulation of the ory proposed in [21] are based on an underlying square–
MSA allowing for an explicit representation of the sol- well interaction potential following the original SAFT-
vent was then developed by Wei and Blum [7], among VR framework [33,34]. The SAFT-VR EOS has now been
others. In the late 1990s, molecular-based equations of reformulated for the more versatile and realistic Mie [35]
state (EOSs), specifically the statistical associating fluid potential form together with an improvement in the
theory (SAFT) [8,9] and the cubic plus association (CPA) underlying statistical–mechanical theory, now taken to
EOS [10], were combined with the classical approaches third order in the high-temperature perturbation expan-
for charged species [1,5,6] and shown to provide an sion [36]. The novel SAFT-VR Mie EOS has brought a
accurate description of the properties of strong elec- new level of reliability in the development of an accu-
trolyte solutions [11–13], extending the range of appli- rate platform for the thermodynamic properties of com-
cability to more-concentrated solutions. The increas- plex fluids and fluid mixtures [36–38]. The approach
ing accuracy in the description of the properties of the has also been cast as a group-contribution methodology

(SAFT-γ ) [39,40], where the molecules are represented the mixture. Here we consider only the dissociated ions
in terms of the underlying chemical functional groups, present in the solvent as solutes.
providing an enhanced predictive capability. Importantly,
the improved theoretical framework provides models that
2.2. SAFT-VRE Mie Helmholtz free energy
reflect more accurately the physics of the systems they
describe, reducing the reliance on re-adjusting the values In broad strokes, the theory as outlined in the present
of the intermolecular parameters to capture given ther- paper follows the approach developed in previous
modynamic properties of interest (although, of course, work [21], as applied to the SAFT-VR Mie formal-
the estimation of the key parameters is still necessary). ism [36] in conjunction with the Wertheim [41–46] TPT1
These advances have not yet been extended to include a treatment of the association in water [37] (based on
description of electrolyte solutions. The purpose of our the Lennard-Jones form of the association kernel). We
current work is to redress this: as will be shown, the intro- refer to the resulting theory as SAFT-VRE Mie. A short
duction of a more rigourous physical description in the overview of the main expressions is given here for com-
resulting SAFT-VRE Mie EOS allows for a reduction in pleteness; for further details, the reader is referred to the
the number of adjustable parameters, as compared with original publications.
the previous SAFT-VRE formulation [21]. In addition, The Helmholtz free energy A of the system is written
we develop electrolyte model parameters to represent the as a sum of terms, arising from a perturbation approach,
thermodynamic properties of a broad range of aqueous each of which corresponds to a specific physical contri-
solutions of strong electrolytes including monovalent and bution in addition to the usual ideal contribution repre-
divalent ions, and assess the performance of the models sented as Aideal :
by making appropriate comparisons with available exper-
imental data. A = Aideal + Amonomer + Achain + Aassociation
Our paper is set out as follows: in the following sec- + ABorn + Aion , (2)
tion, we describe the underlying SAFT-VRE Mie theory;
in Section 3, the technique for the development of our where the non-electrostatic and electrostatic contribu-
model intermolecular parameters is discussed in detail; in tions are treated separately. The residual non-electrostatic
Section 4, we present the models developed, which com- terms Amonomer , Achain , and Aassociation describe the com-
prise group-I metal cations, from lithium to rubidium, mon SAFT contributions: the effect of introducing
selected group-II (divalent) metallic cations, the hydro- monomeric spherical segments interacting through Mie
nium cation, the halide anions from fluoride to iodide, potentials; the effect of bonding the monomeric spherical
and the hydroxide anion; our models and theory are segments into molecular chains; and the effect of molec-
applied in Section 5 for the description of thermody- ular association through short-ranged directional forces,
namic properties, including the mean-ionic activity coef- such as those arising in hydrogen bonding. Collectively,
ficients, the osmotic coefficients, the vapour pressure, the these terms correspond to the non-electrolyte SAFT-VR
density, and the solvation energies of the ions for aqueous Mie EOS [36]. The electrostatic terms comprise Aion and
solutions containing these species; we present our conclu- ABorn , both represented within the primitive model for-
sions in Section 6. malism, where the solvent is described by a dielectric
medium (it is important to note, however, that the sol-
vent is treated explicitly in the non-electrostatic part of
2. Methodology
the free energy). The change in free energy associated
with the process of charging the ions in the solvent is
2.1. Thermodynamic system
incorporated in ABorn following the Born [25] model, and
At a specified temperature and total volume, we consider the effect of electrostatic interactions between charged
fluid mixtures consisting of water (the solvent) and a salt species is described with Aion using the primitive non-
which is fully dissociated into its constituent ions follow- restricted MSA [5,6] model.
ing an equilibrium reaction. For a salt MX, the equilib-
rium can be described as ... Non-electrostatic contributions
The non-electrostatic contributions are modelled follow-
Mν+ Xν−  ν+ MZ+ + ν− XZ− , (1) ing the SAFT-VR Mie EOS [36], in place of the SAFT-
VR SW EOS applied in previous work [21]. In the SAFT-
where the salt dissociates into the metal ion M of valency VR Mie formalism, molecules are modelled as chains
Z+ and the counterion X of valency Z− in the stoichiom- comprising mseg bonded spherical segments of diame-
etry ν + : ν − . The dissociation reaction is fully shifted ter σ , interacting through a spherically symmetric Mie
towards the products, i.e. no neutral salt is present in potential [35,36] characterised by a repulsive exponent

λr , an attractive exponent λa , and a dispersive interac- reproduce the critical point and fluid-phase equilibrium
tion energy ε. The Mie pair potential for the interaction of Mie fluids [36].
between two unlike spherical segments labelled i and j can Although not relevant in the case of the molecules con-
be expressed as sidered in our current work, for completeness and to pro-
vide a general framework, it is useful to mention briefly
  λr,i j λr,i j λa,i j /(λr,i j −λa,i j ) the contribution to the free energy due to the formation
uMie ri j = of chains of bonded Mie segments. This contribution, as
λr,i j − λa,i j λa,i j
   λa,i j  in other SAFT approaches, is obtained through the TPT1
λr,i j
σi j σi j formalism of Wertheim [46,53], which is expressed in
× εi j − , (3)
ri j ri j terms of the radial distribution function (RDF) of the
monomer fluid, evaluated at contact distance of the seg-
where rij is the distance between the centres of segments ments. In the case of a mixture, the expression is given
i and j. Additional off-centre, short-ranged square–well as
potential sites can be assigned to segments of particular
species to mediate hydrogen-bonding associative interac- Achain c n
=− xi mseg,i − 1 ln giiMie (σii ) , (6)
tions. NkB T i=1
The ideal Helmholtz free-energy term of the mixture
is given by [47] where giiMie (σii ) is the RDF of the monomeric Mie fluid
system at contact σ ii . Note that in our current work, the
Aideal c
= xi ln ρi i
− 1, (4) number of segments per chain is mseg, i = 1 for all of the
NkB T i=1 species i considered and, as a result, Achain is equal to zero.
The association contribution of the Helmholtz free
where kB is the Boltzmann constant, N is the number of energy is also derived from the formalism presented by
molecules, nc is the number of species (recalling that in Wertheim [41,42], which can be written as [45,46]
our work, we assume the salts to be fully dissociated so

nc nsites,i
that the anion and cation are treated as separate species), Xa,i 1
ρ i = Ni /V is the number density of component i at volume = xi na,i ln Xa,i − + , (7)
NkB T i=1 a=1
2 2
V, where Ni is the number of molecules of component i,
xi = Ni /N is the mole fraction of component i, and 3i is for the case of a mixture of nc species, and where the sec-
the de Broglie volume for component i which includes all ond summation is over the types of sites of species i; nsites, i
the relevant translational, vibrational and rotational con- is the number of site types on a molecule and na,i is the
tributions to the kinetic energy. number of sites of type a on component i. The variable
The monomer contribution of the Helmholtz free Xa, i represents the fraction of molecules not bonded at a
energy for the mixture of spherical segments interacting given site type a on species i and is obtained as the solu-
via Mie potentials is obtained as a third-order perturba- tion of a set of mass action equations for each bonding
tion expansion following the high-temperature perturba- interaction:
tion scheme of Barker and Henderson [36,48]:
Xa,i = nc nsites,j . (8)
A monomer
= AHS + A1 + A2 + A3 , (5) 1+ρ j=1 xj b=1 nb, j Xb, j ab,i j

where the reference hard-sphere term AHS is represented In this expression, indices i and j represent the compo-
with the expression of Boublík and Mansoori [49,50] nents, indices a and b represent the sites, and ab,ij is
for mixtures of hard spheres. An analytical expression the integrated association strength between site type a on
for the first-order mean-attractive energy A1 is obtained molecule i and site type b on molecule j. The integrated
through the use of the mean value theorem and a map- association strength can be expressed [37] as a product
ping of packing fractions, following the original SAFT- of the association kernel I, the Mayer function Fab of the
VR [33] approach, as applied for Mie fluids within a range bonding interaction of strength εab,i
j , and the bonding
of exponents of 5 ࣘ λ ࣘ 100 [36]. The second-order volume Kab :
fluctuation term A2 is calculated using the improved
macroscopic compressibility approximation (MCA) of ab = FabKab I. (9)
Zhang [51] with the modification proposed by Pari-
caud [52]. An empirical expression is used for the third- The association kernel I has been parameterised as a poly-
order perturbation term A3 , with coefficients obtained to nomial in the dimensionless temperature T∗ = kB T/ε,

dimensionless density ρ ∗ = Nσ 3 /V, and the repulsive

exponent λr , as reported in [37,38]; note that in our cur-
rent work, we employ the Lennard-Jones (12-6) form of
the association kernel.

... Electrostatic contributions

The Coulombic interactions pertaining to the charged
species are represented following an unrestricted prim-
itive model where each of the ionic species is considered
to be spherical with a central point charge; the diame-
ters of the ions are not restricted to be all identical. In
this approach, the explicit representation of the polar-
ity of the solvent molecules is replaced by a dielectric
medium, of relative static permittivity D. Such a treat-
ment of the solvent simplifies the inherently complex
model for the Coulomb potential of the charged ions [54],
while retaining the main feature of electrolytes. The other
ion–ion and ion–solvent non-electrostatic interactions Figure . Schematic representation of the Born cycle. () The sys-
(repulsion, dispersion and, if needed, hydrogen bond- tem consists of hard spheres and non-interacting charged hard
ing) of the ionic species are taken into account using the spheres in vacuum; () the charged hard spheres are discharged in
vacuum; () the system consists of (uncharged) hard spheres in a
SAFT-VR Mie expressions as outlined in Section 2.2.1. dielectric medium represented by the dotted background; () the
The change in the free energy due to the insertion of system consists of hard spheres and non-interacting charged hard
all of the ions in the dielectric medium is accounted for spheres in a dielectric medium.
by the free energy of solvation. In our work, the pro-
cess of solvation is described with the Born approach [25]
which, though simplistic, captures the basic thermody- model is expressed, does not represent a convenient
namic features. In the Born model, a spherical cavity is 1:1 mapping to the intermolecular potential parameters
created, of a size suitable for each of the individual ions. A utilised in the explicit solvent representation of the sys-
point charge of magnitude and sign commensurate with tem. It is common, however, to take the cavity diameter
that particular ion is then embedded, and an expression σiiBorn of the Born model as that represented by the diam-
for the free-energy change associated with this process eter σ ii of the intermolecular potential of the ion itself.
is obtained through the Born cycle, which is illustrated Ion–ion interactions are represented with the
in Figure 1: the system is first discharged to represent Coulomb potential in a dielectric medium, i.e.
a corresponding system of non-interacting hard spheres
in a vacuum; the dielectric medium is then switched on;
finally, a non-interactive recharging of the ions is carried   e2 Zi Z j
uion ri j = , (11)
out. The premise of the Born model is that a spherical cav- 4π 0 D ri j
ity of diameter σiiBorn is created in the dielectric medium
for each ion i, independent of any others, leading to the
following contribution to the Helmholtz free energy: where rij is the centre–centre distance between charges i
and j. In the case of the primitive model, one of two classi-
  nion cal theories is typically used to resolve the corresponding
e2 1 Ni Zi2
A Born
=− 1− . (10) residual free energy: either the Debye–Hückel theory [1]
4π 0 D i=1 σiiBorn or the mean spherical approximation (MSA) [6,55]. As
shown by Maribo-Mogensen et al. [56], both approaches
Here, the index i runs over all nion charged species, e = lead to a similar representation of the macroscopic ther-
1.602 × 10−19 C is the elementary charge, ϵ0 = 8.854 × modynamic properties of electrolyte solutions; the mate-
10−12 C2 J−1 m−1 is the static permittivity of the medium rial difference between the two is the parametrisation
in vacuum, D is the relative static permittivity of the procedure for the corresponding models. In our current
medium, and Zi is the valency of ion i. paper, the MSA theory is applied following the formu-
A particular challenge of implementing the Born lation of Blum [5,6], as laid out in previous work [21].
model is the interpretation and parameterisation of the The change in the Helmholtz free energy due to the elec-
cavity diameter. The primitive model, in which the Born trostatic interactions between charged species within the

MSA formalism can be expressed as obtained from the Debye–Hückel estimate for the screen-
ing length,
3 kB TV
Aion = U MSA + . (12) 
κ  e2
0 = = 0.5 Ni Zi2 , (19)
Here, UMSA is the MSA contribution to the internal 2 4D 0V kB T i=1
energy U, and is the screening length of the electrostatic
forces. The MSA internal energy is given by
where κ is the inverse Debye–Hückel length. The addi-
 n   tion of the Born term and the MSA term to the SAFT-

e2V ion
Ni Zi2 π VR Mie theory, detailed in Section 2.2.1, constitutes the
U MSA =− + P2 .
(4π 0 ) D V i=1 1 + σii 2 n SAFT-VRE Mie theory developed in our current work.
... Auxiliary model: the relative static permittivity
represents the packing fraction of the ions as a function The relative static permittivity D is calculated with a
of their diameter σ ii : Harvey–Prausnitz model [57] as outlined in a previous
paper [21]. This correlative model depends on the sol-
vent composition, density, and temperature, and thereby
=1− Ni σii3 . (14) exhibits an implicit dependence on the ion concentration.
6V i=1 The value of D in the case of a pure solvent j is charac-
terised by a volume parameter dV,j and by a temperature
The functions Pn and are coupling parameters, where parameter dT,J . A combined static permittivity parameter
Pn couples to the charge of the ions, whereas relates to d j is calculated for a given temperature following the rela-
the packing fraction of the ions. Both are functions of the tion
ionic parameters, as well as the screening length of the
ions: dT, j
d j = dV, j −1 . (20)
Ni σii Zi
Pn = , (15)
V i=1 1 + σii The relative static permittivity is then obtained as
Ni σii3
=1+ . (16)
2 V i=1
1 + σii D = 1 + ρ jd j, (21)

Finally, the screening length is a function of the relative where ρ j = Nj /V is the number density of the solvent.
static permittivity and the effective charge Qi ( ) of the
ions, leading to an implicit formulation through Qi :
2.3. Thermodynamic properties of electrolyte
πe 2
nion solutions
2 = Ni Q2i , (17)
(4π 0 ) DkB TV i=1 The concentration of a given salt MX is often quantified in
terms of the molality, denoted here by mMX , and defined
where the effective charge is related to the electric charge as the molar amount (mol) of salt per kilogram of solvent
of the individual species and the Pn coupling parameter: j. The mole fraction of a given ion i can be calculated from
the molality as
Zi − σii2 Pn (π/ (2 ))
Qi = . (18) νi mMX
1 + σii xi = (22)
νmMX + 1/MW j
The implicit nature of the MSA formulation requires
an iterative procedure to establish . In the present imple- where νi is the stoichiometric coefficient of ion i, ν =
mentation, a successive substitution procedure is fol- i=1 νi , and MWj denotes the molecular weight of the
lowed with an initial guess, 0 , for the screening length solvent in units of kg mol−1 .

In addition to the common thermodynamic proper- Here, Vp denotes the volume corresponding to the spec-
ties of equilibrium fluids, the activity coefficients γi of the ified pressure and Z = pVp /(NkB T) denotes the thermo-
ions and the osmotic coefficient  of the solution are key dynamic compressibility factor.
properties often reported for electrolyte solutions. The It is the usual convention to report properties of ions
generic activity coefficient of component i, denoted here in terms of the molality, whereby the activity coefficients
by γ i, x , is related to the chemical potential μi of compo- are presented in the molal-based scale, γ i, m . This scale
nent i through the following expression: employs a convention of a hypothetical ideal solution at
unit molality such that ࢣi mi → 0 ⇒ γ i, m → 1. The con-
version between the rational asymmetric scale and the
μi (T, p, N) = μ̃i (T, p, N) + kB T ln[ci γi,x (T, p, N)];
molal-based scale follows as [58]
γi,m = x j γi,∗ , (27)
the product ci γ i, x yields the activity ai of component i.
In Equation (23), μ̃i is a reference term, N is the com- with a corresponding change in the reference term
position vector, ci is a measure of concentration, and the utilised in the calculation of the chemical potential based
subscript x denotes that γ i, x is expressed in units com- on γ i, m , and where xj denotes the mole fraction of the
mensurate with those of ci . Depending on the nature of solvent.
the system in question, it may however be convenient to The electrolytic properties of the solution can be col-
express the activity coefficient in one of a variety of ways. lated in the mean ionic activity coefficient (MIAC), γ ±, m ,
For the standard symmetrical activity coefficient, the con- calculated as an average of cationic and anionic contribu-
centration is measured in terms of the mole fraction xi of tions:
component i:
 ν+ ν− 1/(ν+ +ν− )
γ±,m = γM,m γX,m . (28)
μi (T, p, N) = μ̃i (T, p, N) + kB T ln[ai (T, p, N)],
(24) The contribution of the solvent j to the thermodynamics
of the system can be characterised through the osmotic
where the reference term is identical to that of the chem- coefficient . The osmotic coefficient provides a conve-
ical potential of pure componenti at the nient re-scaling of the activity of the solvent, in order to
 system temper- accentuate its variation at low solute concentrations:
ature and pressure, i.e. μ̃i = μ0i T, p , and the activity
can be calculated as ai (T, p, N) = xi γi,x (T, p, N). As ions   1  
cannot be related meaningfully to the pure system, the  T, p, N = − ln a j T, p, N .
(ν+ + ν− ) mMX MW j
appropriate reference for the activity coefficients is the
rational asymmetric scale, for which the activity coeffi-
The properties of solutes and solvents are not indepen-
cient of ion i, γi,∗ , has a value of one in the limit of infinite
dent, and must fulfil the Gibbs–Duhem relation [59]. The
dilution of ion i. In practice, the calculation of γi,∗ is car-
MIAC and the osmotic coefficient  are related through
ried out through the fugacity coefficient ϕ i :
the following relationship:
ϕi T, p, N mMX
( − 1)
γi,∗ =  , (25) ln γ±,m =  − 1 + dmMX . (30)
ϕi T, p, N∗ 0 mMX

where N∗ is the composition vector at infinite dilution of Finally,  and γ ±, m can be related to the change in
ion i. the Gibbs energy of solvation Gsolv, i of ion i through the
The fugacity coefficient is obtained from the residual fugacity coefficient:
chemical potential μRes = μ − μideal , taking into account  
the ideal state conversion for properties expressed at a   p MW j m◦
Gsolv,i = NkB T ln ϕi T, p, N∗ , (31)
given pressure, obtained from an EOS expressed with vol- pref
ume as the independent variable. In this case, the fugacity
coefficient is obtained as where ϕi is the fugacity coefficient of component i at infi-
nite dilution in solvent j, pref is the pressure of the refer-
ence state for the change in the Gibbs free energy, and m◦
  1 μRes T, V p , N
ϕi T, p, N = exp i
. (26) is the standard state molality of 1 mol kg−1 .
Z kB T

2.4. Phase equilibrium ... Solid–liquid phase equilibria

The description of phase equilibrium between solid and
The conditions which enforce phase equilibrium of elec-
liquid phases containing electrolytes is linked to the
trolyte solutions are similar to those of non-electrolyte
chemical equilibrium governing the dissociation of the
systems, with additional constraints related to the charge
solvated electrolyte leading to the formation of charged
balances and the necessary charge neutrality of a given
species in solution. The solid phase consists of the pure
phase. First, the thermal and mechanical equilibrium
unsolvated crystalline salt MX in equilibrium with a liq-
conditions must be satisfied, i.e.
uid phase saturated in salt. Assuming complete dissocia-
tion of the dissolved salt, the phase and chemical equi-
T α = T β = · · · = T Nphases , (32) libria require that the chemical potential of the crys-
α β
p = p = ··· = p Nphases
. (33) talline salt in the solid phase μMX(s) is equal to the sum
of the chemical potentials of the solvated ions μi(aq) , with
Here, the index Nphases accounts for all of the phases, i =M,X:
denoted as superscript Greek letters. In addition, a rela-
tionship in each equilibrium phase is required for the μMX(s) (T, p) = ν+ μM(aq) (T, p, msat )
chemical potentials of each species in the mixture. As a +ν− μX(aq) (T, p, msat ) , (37)
consequence of treating electrolyte solutes as fully ionised
in solution, the additional constraints required to charac- where M represents the cation and X the anion. The molal
terise phase equilibrium will depend on the nature of the composition vector of the saturated aqueous phase is rep-
phases considered. resented by msat , and the molality of solvated ion i is
related to the salt molality through
... Fluid-phase equilibria
i = νi mMX ,
msat sat
In the consideration of equilibrium between two (or (38)
more) fluid phases, equality of chemical potentials is
required for each neutral species. Here it is assumed the where msat
MX is the solubility limit of salt MX.
solvent is pure and the only neutral species present so The chemical potential of the solid salt is obtained
that: from

μMX (T, p) = μ0MX (T, p) + RT ln(aMX (T, p))

μαj = μβj = · · · = μ j phases ,
= GMX(s) (T, p),
while for each pair of charged species i and i , a constant (39)
relative difference of chemical potentials across electro-
neutral phases is satisfied [60]: where μ0MX is the reference chemical potential of the pure
solid salt and aMX is the activity of the pure salt, taken to
    be unity; the reference chemical potential of a pure com-
μαi − μβi /Zi = μαi − μβi /Zi , (35) pound is also its molar Gibbs free energy of formation
.. GMX(s) .
Nphases N
The chemical potential of solvated ion i is expressed on
μi − μi /Zi = μαi − μi phases /Zi a molality basis as
∀i, i ∈ (Zi , Zi = 0). (36)
μi (T, p, msat )
mi γi,m (T, p, msat )
The solution to the equilibrium conditions is obtained = μ◦i (T, ◦
p, m ) + RT ln
with a Levenberg–Marquardt [61,62] algorithm, allow- m◦
ing for the presence of salts in all fluid phases, includ- f mi γi,m (T, p, msat )
= Gi(aq) (T, p) + RT ln , (40)
ing the gas phase. The volume dependence of the rela- m◦
tive static permittivity and the inclusion of the Born free
energy term in the underlying theory deliver a model where the reference chemical potential μ◦i (T, p, m◦ ) of
where the ions naturally partition predominantly into ion i refers to a hypothetical ideal solution of unit molal-
the denser liquid phase, with only trace amounts in the ity (m◦ = 1 mol kg−1 ), and γ i, m is the molal-based activity
gaseous phase, in agreement with experimental observa- coefficient given by Equation (27). The chemical potential
tion. of ion i at the reference state of unit molality corresponds

to the molar Gibbs free energy of formation Gi(aq) of

f corresponding bonding volume Kab,ij between site a on
ion i and site b on solvent j. For the development of molec-
1 mol kg−1 of the solvated ion.
ular ions, we propose that the model of the molecular
Using Equation (38) and the expressions for the chem-
ion should be physically consistent with the model of the
ical potential of the solid salt and solvated ions, the solid–
smallest neutral parent molecule giving rise to the ion.
liquid equilibrium condition for fully dissociated salts
The SAFT-VR Mie model of the neutral parent molecule
given by Equation (37) can be rewritten to obtain a sol-
is used as a reference for the molecular ion and conse-
ubility equation for the salt as
quently the parameters of the two species, including the
Ksp,MX association parameters, will be related.
(ν+ +ν− )
MX = ν+  ν− . The parameterisation of the intermolecular potentials
ν+ γM,m (T,p,m◦ ) ν− γX,m (T,p,msat )
m◦ m◦
for the solvent and solute species dictate the fidelity of the
proposed model. However, the complexity of our model
(41) demands the determination of a significant number of
parameters, both for pure species and for unlike binary
In this expression, Ksp is the solubility product of the salt interactions. This results in a large parameter space which
given by
is known to be degenerate, yielding significant variabil-
ity in the description of individual species. For charged
Ksp,MX =
 ν G f (T, p) + ν G f (T, p) − G f 
species, the model development of electrolytes with equa-
+ M(aq) − X(aq) MX(s) (T, p) tions of state is further complicated by the underlying
exp − .
RT premise that the ionic species can only be assessed in
(42) solution. In order to simplify the parameter estimation
problem, we seek to limit the number of free parame-
ters by assigning reasonable estimates to those parame-
3. Model development
ters for which it is possible to use physical relationships to
We consider aqueous solutions of strong electrolytes determine their value in the model. In our work, depend-
focusing particularly on the halide salts of alkali metals ing on the type of species i and j, the cross-interaction
and alkaline earth metals, as well as aqueous strong acids parameters are obtained either via combining rules or by
and bases. These solutions are modelled as ternary mix- parameter estimation, while pure-component parameters
tures composed of water, anions, and cations, under the are assigned a priori values whenever possible.
assumption of a fully dissociated solute. The electrolyte
solutes are therefore modelled via the constituent mono-
3.1. Solvent model and static permittivity
valent and divalent atomic ions in the case of salts, while
molecular ions are also considered for the acid and base We consider only aqueous electrolyte solutions and treat
solutions. the solvent using the Mie model for water based on the
In our current work, the ions are modelled as spher- Lennard-Jones association kernel developed in earlier
ical, consisting of a single segment mseg,i = 1) of diam- work [37,40]. In this model, the water molecule com-
eter σ ii , and carrying a single point charge qi = Zi e. All prises a single segment with four off-centre association
ions experience dispersion interactions, represented with sites, two of which are of the hydrogen type ‘H’ (nH, j = 2)
Mie potentials of variable range, both with the solvent and and two of the electron lone-pair type ‘e’ (ne, j = 2), which
with the other ions. A full description of the intermolec- mediate hydrogen bonding interactions. For complete-
ular potential requires the like energetic parameters as ness, the molecular potential parameters for this model
well as the cross-interaction parameters. The like param- of water are given in Table 1, together with the parame-
eters include the diameter σ ii , the interaction energy εii , ters required for the correlation of the dielectric constant
and the repulsive and attractive exponents of the Mie (cf. Section 2.2.3).
potential, λr,ii and λa,ii , respectively. Similarly, the cross-
interaction parameters include the unlike diameter σ ij ,
3.2. Ion–ion interactions
the unlike interaction energy εi j , and the corresponding
repulsive and attractive Mie exponents, λr,ij and λa,ij . We consider first the physical geometry of the ions,
We also consider associating molecular ions which addressing the diameters required to treat the ions in
interact with the solvent via hydrogen bonding, and our model: σ ii and σiiBorn . The segment diameters of
which are therefore characterised by additional asso- the ion models in previous work with SAFT-VRE were
ciation parameters: the number of sites of type a on determined either by assigning the values of experimen-
ion i (na,i ), the unlike bonding energy εab,i HB
j , and the tally determined sizes for the bare ions [13,14,63], or were

Table . SAFT-VR Mie intermolecular potential parameters for the model of water (described with the effective LJ association kernel)
used in our current work, taken from [], and parameters for the dielectric constant correlation, taken from [].
m σ /Å λr λa (ε/kB )/K nH ne HB /k )/K
(εab B Kab / (Å ) dV /(dm mol− ) dT /K

H O . . . . .   . . . .

estimated from experimental data of the thermodynamic Waals integrated form of each potential ψ ij :
properties of salt solutions [21]. In view of the number of
parameters characterising the models, we choose the for-  π  2π  ∞

mer approach and assign values for σ ii based on exper- ψi j = ui j ri2j dri j sin θdθdφ . (45)
θ=0 φ=0 ri j =σi j
imentally reported values of the ionic sizes. With these
values in hand, a standard arithmetic combining rule is
For the London interaction, this leads to the expression
used for the unlike diameter:

σii + σ j j ψiLondon
j α0,i α0, j Ii I j
σi j = . (43) =− , (46)
2 4π 2σi3j (4π 0 )2 Ii + I j

The Born cavity diameter is commonly taken to be while following the same procedure for the Mie potential,
equal to the ionic diameter, here represented as σ ii , or we obtain
less commonly, taken as a free parameter adjusted to pro-
vide best agreement between calculated and experimen- ψiMie
j Cεi j (λr,i j − λa,i j )σi3j
=− , (47)
tal data of the electrolyte solution. Here, we follow the 4π (λr,i j − 3)(λa,i j − 3)
work of Rashin and Honig [64] who define the value of
the Born cavity diameter σiiBorn such that the ion cavity with
experiences a minimum contribution from the electrons
of the surrounding dielectric medium. By analysing the   λa,i j /(λr,i j −λa,i j )
λr,i j λr,i j
electron-density maps of crystals of alkali fluoride salts, C= . (48)
λr,i j − λa,i j λa,i j
Rashin and Honig proposed a 7% increase in the cavity
diameter to correct for the non-sphericity of the actual
Equating and rearranging the expressions for the inte-
ion cavity, providing physically consistent values for the
grated potentials leads to a relation for the interaction
Born diameters. The ion Born cavity diameters needed
energy parameter εi j , which can be used to estimate the
for the models developed in our current work are taken
value of this cross interaction for any pair of ions:
directly for their original paper [64].
The dispersion energy εii between two identical ions
(λr,i j − 3)(λa,i j − 3) α0,i α0, j Ii I j
or εi j between any two unlike is obtained by analogy εi j = . (49)
to the work of Hudson and McCoubrey [21,65,66]. In 2C(λr,i j − λa,i j ) (4π 0 ) σi j Ii + I j
2 6

order to obtain the dispersion energy between two ions,

we relate the London [67] dispersion interaction poten- In this instance, the unlike attractive and repulsive
tial to the Mie intermolecular potential model given by Mie exponents are obtained using the combining rules
Equation (3). The London interaction potential can be derived from applying the geometric-mean criterion on
expressed as a function of ionisation potentials as [66] the van der Waals attractive energy [36]:

3 α0,i α0, j Ii I j λk,i j = 3 + (λk,ii − 3)(λk, j j − 3), k = a, r. (50)
uLondon =− 6 , (44)
2 ri j (4π 0 ) Ii + I j

Equation (50) requires knowledge of the like-ion Mie

where α 0 is the electronic polarisability, and I is the exponents, which are set a priori depending on the nature
ionisation potential of each species. In order to obtain a of the ion. For the atomic ions, we apply the Lennard-
physical relation for the dispersive interaction energy, the Jones (12-6) [68] potential (which is a special case of the
London and the Mie potentials must be related. For rea- Mie potential with λr = 12 and λa = 6), while for the
sons of practicality, it is easier to operate with the van der molecular ions, we adopt the form of the potential of their
reference parent molecule.

3.3. Ion–solvent interactions of a dielectric continuum was taken as 10 molal for 1:1
We consider two types of attractive interactions between
In order to maintain the integrity of the two aforemen-
the ionic and solvent species: the dispersive ion–solvent
tioned assumptions in the theory, here we choose to con-
interaction which is applicable to all ions; and the
sider experimental data only at moderate concentrations
hydrogen-bonding interaction between the solvent and
in the estimation of the ion–water interaction energy. The
the molecular ions possessing association sites. For the
consideration of experimental data for solute molalities
molecular ions considered here, H3 O+ and OH− , the
up to 3 molal allows one to avoid biasing the ion models
smallest parent molecule is water. Consistency between
towards either extreme of salinity, whilst simultaneously
these three inter-related species is achieved in part by
providing a good description of the non-ideal solution
relating their association parameters. Specifically, the
behaviour at low concentrations. Aside from the careful
ion–water association parameters are determined by scal-
selection of the molality range of the data sets, the tem-
ing the association energy and bonding volume to those
perature range considered is also restricted to a range
of the pure water–water interaction. To achieve this, the
between 278 and 473 K, so as to steer clear of the density
ion–water bonding volume Kab,H2 O-i is scaled by the cor-
anomaly of water close to its freezing temperature and the
responding unlike ion–water diameter σH2 O–i (obtained
region close to the critical temperature of water.
from Equation (43)),
The properties considered in the optimisation proce-
Kab,H2 O–i Kab,H2 O–H2 O dure are limited to the saturated vapour pressure p, the
= , (51) liquid and saturated liquid densities ρ, and the osmotic
(σH2 O–i )3 (σH2 O–H2 O )3
coefficient  of aqueous single-salt solution mixtures. We
find that the use of these properties leads to robust, phys-
and subsequently the ion–water association energy
ically sound models for the ionic species in solution, and
2 O−i
is scaled by the resulting bonding volume,
that other thermodynamic properties, such as the mean
ionic activity coefficients of the salts, can be determined
2 O–i
2 O–H2 O in a fully predictive manner with the resulting models. In
= . (52)
Kab,H2 O–i Kab,H2 O–H2 O previous work within SAFT-VRE framework [21], data
for the MIAC of the salts were included in the param-
At this point, the ion–solvent attractive dispersion inter- eter estimation procedure of the ion models instead of
actions remain to be determined. The exponents of the the osmotic coefficient. Our current choice of experimen-
unlike Mie interaction potential are obtained using the tal data reflects the fact that the osmotic coefficient has
combining rule given in Equation (50), while the unlike been studied experimentally much more extensively than
dispersion energy between water and each ion i εH2 O–i is the MIAC, with the latter often determined indirectly via
treated as an adjustable parameter optimised by compar- measurements of the former using the relationship given
ison to appropriate thermodynamic experimental data. by Equation (30).
The values of the εH2 O–i parameters are estimated by
... Parameter estimation minimising an objective function consisting of the rela-
As outlined in the previous section, our proposed model tive difference between the experimental and calculated
development procedure requires only one adjustable values of the selected properties. A least-squares objec-
parameter per ion in the case of single-solvent solu- tive function is used following the Levenberg–Marquardt
tions. The estimation approach to determine the εH2 O–i method [61,62]:
parameters makes use of experimental data for aqueous
single-solute solutions, which are modelled as ternary
mixtures consisting of water and the solvated ions arising
from the complete dissociation of the electrolyte solute.  ωo
np,o exp
Xo, j − Xo,calc
min Fobj = exp , (53)
The assumption of complete dissociation is commonly o
np,o j Xo, j
adopted in the modelling of electrolytes using EOSs; nev-
ertheless, the physical reality of the system under con-
sideration is known to deviate from this assumption to
varying degrees [69], especially at higher salt concentra- where np,o is the number of data points j for a property of
tions. Furthermore, as the concentration of ions in solu- type o, ωo is the weight given to property o (here we use
tion increases, the treatment of the solvent as a contin- ωo = 1 for all properties), and Xo, j and Xo,calc
j are the exper-
uous dielectric medium is less appropriate. In previous imental and calculated values of the property, respec-
work [21], an upper salinity limit for the approximation tively.

4. SAFT-VR Mie electrolyte models 2000

Monovalent anions
Monovalent cations
The potential models of the ions developed here include Divalent cations
nine cations and five anions, all of which can be used as 1600

−ΔGsolv,i /(kJ mol−1 )

constituent ions to describe multiple aqueous electrolyte
solutions. We present models for five monovalent cations 1200

(Li+ , Na+ , K+ , Rb+ , H3 O+ ), five monovalent anions (F− ,

Cl− , Br− , I− , and OH− ), and four divalent cations (Ba2 + , 800
Ca2 + , Mg2 + , and Sr2 + ).
The polarisabilities α 0, i and ionisation potentials Ii 400
required for the determination of the dispersion inter-
actions between these ions i are readily available [70– 2 3 4 5
74]. For the diameters σ ii of the atomic ions i, we select σBorn /Å
the experimentally derived ionic diameters presented by
Shannon [75] corresponding to ions with a coordination Figure . The values of the Born cavity diameters σiiBorn , denoted
by symbols, are shown to correlate linearly with the experimen-
number of 6 in a crystal lattice. Shannon reported a num-
tally measured Gibbs free energy of solvation reported in [–]
ber of values of the crystal ionic diameters for a range for  K and . bar. This provides a means of validating the val-
of coordination numbers; of these, a coordination num- ues assigned to σiiBorn in the SAFT-VR Mie models of the ions. (The
ber of 6 was reported for all of the ions of interest in our dashed lines are provided as guides for the eye.)
current work. The choice of σ ii is freed from any consid-
erations relating to the solvent environment as a direct
similar to that of our SAFT-VR Mie model of H2 O, which
consequence of introducing a distinct Born diameter;
supports our choice of approach for characterising this
the latter implicitly accounts for the structure of solvent
parameter. Helgeson and Kirkham [76] have shown that
molecules around the ions. We therefore assign the size
there is a linear correlation between the enthalpy of sol-
of the ions to be that of the experimentally derived crys-
vation of ions and the inverse of the effective ionic radius,
tal ionic diameter, rather than the effective ionic diameter
while Marcus [77] has also demonstrated a correlation
of the solvated ion in water, as the former is expected to
between the Gibbs free energy of solvation and the ionic
better represent the real size of the ions in the absence of
radius. In Figure 2, we apply these observations to assess
any influence from the solvent.
our choice of Born cavity diameters for the ions and find
In the case of the molecular hydronium cation H3 O+ ,
that they correlate linearly with the experimental Gibbs
we refer to the SAFT-VR model of water as the closest
free energies of solvation [77–79]. This lends confidence
neutral parent molecule in order to characterise its size.
to the values of σiiBorn chosen for the ions, particularly in
The protonation of water is assumed not to lead to a sig-
the case of the H3 O+ ion. The linear correlation of σiiBorn
nificant change in the size of the molecule, and hence we
with Gsolv, i can be used to estimate the cavity diameter
assign the diameter of the H3 O+ ion to be that of H2 O.
of ions as an alternative to the approach of Rashin and
This is considered to be a reasonable assumption given
that H3 O+ occurs only in aqueous solution as a solvated
The like εii and unlike εi j ion–ion dispersion attrac-
ion. By contrast, the hydroxyl cation OH− also exists in
tive energies are calculated using Equation (49) with
crystalline form so, for consistency with the choice of
the polarisabilities and ionisation potentials shown in
diameters of other ions, we also assign the ionic diam-
Tables 2 and 3. The ionisation potential of anions is taken
eter reported for OH− in the work of Shannon [75]. It is
to be (minus) the electron affinity of the parent species,
gratifying to find that this choice leads to a diameter value
and that of the atomic cations is taken as the higher-order
which is commensurate with the diameter of water in our
ionisation potential of the parent species. These values are
SAFT-VR Mie model.
obtained from [70] for the atomic ions, and from [71–74]
The Born cavity diameter σiiBorn of the atomic ions is
for the molecular ions. The resulting values for εii and εi j ,
obtained from the work of Rashin and Honig [64], as dis-
reported in Tables 4 and 5, respectively, follow physically
cussed in Section 3.2. For the molecular ions, however,
reasonable trends relative to the size and charge of the
we again refer to the neutral molecule and assume that
ions. For atomic ions of a given charge, εii becomes larger
the Born diameter of both H3 O+ and OH− is well repre-
with increasing ionic size. Furthermore, within a given
sented by the value for the diameter of the model of H2 O,
period, the εii of the divalent cation is larger than that of
which is estimated from the bulk fluid properties of water.
the monovalent cation but smaller than that of the mono-
Rashin and Honig do not report an optimised Born diam-
valent anion. The ion–ion dispersion energy is strongly
eter for H3 O+ , but the value they report for OH− is very
dependent not only on the size of the ions but also on the

Table . Values for the polarisabilities α , i and ionisation potentials Ii of the cations i, taken from [–].
i Li+ Na+ K+ Rb+ H O + Mg + Ca + Sr + Ba +

α , i /(− cm ) . . . . . . . . .
Ii / eV . . . . . . . . .

Table . Values for the polarisabilities α , i and ionisation poten- importantly, OH− and H3 O+ are modelled as associating
tials Ii of the anions i, taken from [,,]. ions. The hydronium ion is assigned three H-type sites,
i F− Cl− Br− I− OH− following the findings of MD simulations of the hydration
shell of H3 O+ in water by Markovitch and Agmon [80].
α , i /(− cm ) . . . . .
Ii /eV . . . . . The hydroxide ion is modelled with three e-type associa-
tion sites, in line with the spectroscopic evaluation of the
OH− hydration shells presented by Robertson et al. [81].
In aqueous solution, OH− and H3 O+ form hydrogen
form of the intermolecular potential. As well as follow- bonds with water molecules. The association parame-
ing the correct trends, the ion–ion dispersion interactions ters of these interactions are determined by scaling the
are of a reasonable order of magnitude. This substantiates hydrogen-bonding energy and bonding volume to those
both the choice of using the Lennard-Jones potential for of pure water using Equations (51) and (52), based on the
the atomic ions and the application of the Mie potential of sizes of the molecular cores. The H3 O+ –water association
the water model to represent the H3 O+ and OH− molec- parameters obtained with our approach are therefore the
ular ions. same as for pure water since the ion diameter is equal to
The ion–water dispersion energy εi−H2 O is estimated that of water in this case.
according to the procedure discussed in Section 3.3.1.
The ranges of the experimental data considered are
summarised in Table A1, and the sources are listed in 5. Results
Table A3. The estimation procedure is carried out in The adequacy of the models presented in Table 4 is
stages, starting first by considering all the monovalent assessed by comparing the SAFT-VRE Mie predictions
atomic cations and anions simultaneously, using exper- with experimental data for the saturated vapour pressure,
imental solution data for 15 1:1 salts. This is followed by density, osmotic coefficient, and mean ionic activity coef-
simultaneous estimation for all divalent atomic cations, ficient of 32 aqueous electrolyte solutions, as well as with
with experimental data for 12 1:2 salts. The molecular the experimental Gibbs energy of solvation of the ions.
ions are parameterised individually, using data for KOH The quality of the SAFT-VRE Mie description for these
and HBr to determine the OH− –water and H3 O+ –water thermodynamic properties is quantified by the percent-
dispersion energies, respectively. age average absolute deviation (%AAD) of each property
The optimal unlike εi-H2 O parameters are shown in with respect to the experimental data for that property:
Table 4, and are seen to follow physically meaning-
ful trends relative to the size and charge of the ions. np,o  exp calc 
100  Xo, j − Xo, j 
The dispersion interactions between the atomic cations %AAD = . (54)
np,o j  exp
Xo, j
and water molecules increase in strength as the cations
become smaller, due to the higher charge density and
therefore greater polarising effect on the water molecules.
5.1. Description of key thermodynamic properties
The ion–water interaction of each divalent cation is also
larger than that of a monovalent cation in the same Our SAFT-VRE Mie methodology provides a good
period, correctly reflecting the stronger polarising effect description of the thermodynamic properties used in
of the smaller, higher-charge-density, divalent ions on the the development of the ion models within the range
water molecules. For the interactions of atomic anions of thermodynamic conditions of the experimental data
with water, a larger dispersion energy is obtained with points used for parameter estimation. The %AAD values
increasing ionic size, as the ion becomes more polarisable. corresponding to the experimental dataset of Table A1
The εi-H2 O parameters of the molecular ions also adopt are shown in Table 6. For comparison, in Table 7, we
physically reasonable values, although a direct evalua- present %AAD values of the properties of the aqueous
tion relative to the atomic ions is not possible as they electrolyte solutions calculated with SAFT-VRE Mie from
differ in the range of the Mie potential and, more experimental data across a wide range of conditions,

Table . SAFT-VR Mie intermolecular potential parameters for the models of the solvated ions: the ion diameters σ ii and Born cavity
diameters σiiBorn are obtained from the literature [,]; the like ion dispersion attractive energies εii are calculated using Equation
(); and the ion-water unlike dispersion attractive energies εi-H2 O are estimated using the experimental electrolyte solution data
summarized in Table A. For associating ions, the number of each site type, nH, i and ne, i , the association energy with water εab,i-H
and the corresponding bonding volume Kab,i-H2 O are determined by considering the parent molecule (see section . for further
Ion, i σ ii /Å σiiBorn /Å λr, i λa, i (εii /kB )/K (εi-H O /kB )/K nH, i ne, i HB
(εab,i-H O /kB )/K Kab,i-H O /Å
2 2 2

Li+ . . . . . . – – – –

Na+ . . . . . . – – – –
H O + . . . . . .  – . .
K+ . . . . . . – – – –
Rb+ . . . . . . – – – –
Mg + . . . . . . – – – –
Ca + . . . . . . – – – –
Sr + . . . . . . – – – –
Ba + . . . . . . – – – –
F− . . . . . . – – – –
OH− . . . . . . –  . .
Cl− . . . . . . – – – –
Br− . . . . . . – – – –
I− . . . . . . – – – –

Table . Dispersion attractive energies (εi j /kB )/K between unlike Table . The percentage average absolute deviation %AAD of
ions, calculated using Equation (). the saturated vapour pressure p, liquid density ρ, and osmotic
coefficient  of aqueous salt solutions calculated with the SAFT-
F− Cl− Br− I− OH−
VRE Mie approach for the experimental solution data used in the
Li+ . . . . . parameter estimation procedure (cf. Table A). (The dashes indi-
Na+ . . . . . cate that experimental data for the comparison are unavailable.)
K+ . . . . .
Rb+ . . . . . Salt p ρ 
H O + . . . . .
Mg + . . . . . LiCl . . .
Ca + . . . . . LiBr . . .
Sr + . . . . . LiI . . .
Ba + . . . . . NaF . . .
NaCl . . .
NaBr . . .
NaI . . .
KF . . .
KCl . . .
well beyond those considered in the model development. KBr . . .
The expanded dataset, summarised in Table A2, includes KI . . .
KOH . . .
higher salt concentrations up to 10 mol kg−1 , as well RbF . . .
as data for acid and base solutions not included in the RbCl . . .
RbBr . . .
parameter estimation procedure. The sources of these RbI . . .
data are listed in Table A3. The high-quality performance HBr . . .
MgBr . . .
of the SAFT-VRE Mie models is exemplified here by cal- MgCl . . .
culating the osmotic coefficients and densities at ambient MgI – – .
conditions (298 K and 1.01 bar), and the vapour pressures CaBr . . .
CaCl . . .
at a range of temperatures. CaI . – –
The description of osmotic coefficients of a range of SrBr . . .
SrCl . – .
1:1 and 1:2 salts solutions, respectively, is illustrated in SrI . – .
Figures 3 and 4, while the osmotic coefficients of acid BaBr . . .
BaCl . . .
and base solutions are shown in Figure 5. The SAFT-VR BaI – – .
Mie calculations can be seen to follow the trends of the
experimental data, with particularly good quantitative
agreement in the highly non-ideal low-molality region.
Liquid-phase densities at 298 and 323 K at 1.01 bar are allows us to assess the methodology for the choice of
shown in Figure 6 for a selection of aqueous salt solu- diameters used to describe the ions, since this property
tions. The SAFT-VR Mie representation of the density is heavily dependent on the sizes of the species in the

Table . The percentage average absolute deviation %AAD of
the vapour pressure p, liquid density ρ, osmotic coefficient , MgBr2
and mean ionic activity coefficient (MIAC) γ ±, m of aqueous salt 2.5
solutions calculated with the SAFT-VRE Mie approach for exper- BaCl2
imental data across a wide range of temperature and pressure
conditions, subject the availability of data (cf. Table A). (The 2.0

dashes indicate that experimental data for the comparison are
unavailable.) 1.5
Salt p ρ  γ ±, m

LiCl . . . . 1.0

LiBr . . . .
LiI . . . .
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
NaF . . . .
NaCl . . . . m/(mol kg−1 )
NaBr . . . .
NaI . . . . Figure . The concentration dependence of the osmotic coeffi-
NaOH . . . . cient  for a selection of aqueous solutions of : salts at  K and
KF . . . .
KCl . . . .
. bar. The continuous curves represent the SAFT-VRE Mie calcu-
KBr . . . . lations, and the squares represent the experimental data obtained
KI . . . . from the sources listed in Table A.
KOH . . . .
RbF . . . . 1.8
RbCl . . . .
RbBr . . . . HI
RbI . . . . 1.6 HBr
HCl . . . . KOH
HBr . . . .
HI – . . . 1.4
MgBr . . . .

MgCl . . . .

MgI – – . . 1.2
CaBr . . . .
CaCl . . . .
CaI . – – . 1.0
SrBr . . . .
SrCl . – . .
SrI . – . . 0.8
BaBr . . . . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
BaCl . . . . m/(mol kg−1 )
BaI – – . .
Figure . The concentration dependence of the osmotic coeffi-
cient  for aqueous solutions of acids and bases at  K and
. bar. The continuous curves represent the SAFT-VRE Mie calcu-
lations, and the squares represent the experimental data obtained
from the sources listed in Table A.

1.6 NaCl mixture. We specifically assess the lithium salts because
Li+ is the smallest ion considered in our work, and the
assumptions made regarding the ion sizes are expected
to have a greater impact for the smaller ions. Given

the fair agreement between the calculated densities and

experimental data, we conclude that the selected crystal
ionic diameters can provide a reasonable estimate of the
ion size. The calculated vapour pressures of aqueous
NaCl for a range of temperatures are depicted in Figure 7,
0.8 exemplifying the capability of the proposed model to
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
m/(mol kg−1 ) reproduce the temperature dependence of the vapour
pressure to a high level of accuracy. The results presented
Figure . The concentration dependence of the osmotic coeffi- for these three key thermodynamic properties validate
cient  for a selection of aqueous solutions of monovalent : salts our implementation of the SAFT-VRE Mie approach
at  K and . bar. The continuous curves represent the SAFT-
VRE Mie calculations, and the squares represent the experimental for electrolytes, together with the ion models developed
data obtained from the sources listed in Table A. in our current work, as they are seen to provide a good

1.4 3.0
LiBr LiBr
LiCl 2.5 LiCl
2.0 NaCl
ρ/(g dm−3 )




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
m/(mol kg−1 ) m/(mol kg−1 )

Figure . The concentration dependence of the liquid-phase den- Figure . The concentration dependence of the mean ionic activ-
sity ρ for aqueous solutions of lithium salts LiI, LiBr, and LiCl. The ity coefficient γ ±, m for a selection of aqueous solutions of mono-
continuous curves and squares represent the SAFT-VRE Mie calcu- valent : salts at  K and . bar. The continuous curves repre-
lations and experimental data, respectively, at  K and . bar. sent the SAFT-VR Mie predictions, and the squares represent the
The dashed curves and circles represent the SAFT-VRE Mie calcula- experimental data obtained from the sources listed in Table A.
tions and experimental data at  K and . bar. The experimental
data are obtained from the sources listed in Table A. 5

4 CaBr2
100 BaBr2
373 K
80 3

60 2

353 K

323 K 0
298 K 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 m/(mol kg−1 )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
m/(mol kg−1 )
Figure . The concentration dependence of the mean ionic activ-
ity coefficient γ ±, m for a selection of aqueous solutions of : salts
Figure . The concentration dependence of the saturated vapour
at  K and . bar. The continuous curves represent the SAFT-VR
pressure p for aqueous solutions of NaCl for temperatures ranging
Mie predictions, and the squares represent the experimental data
from  to  K. The continuous curves represent the SAFT-VR
obtained from the sources listed in Table A.
Mie calculations, and the squares represent the experimental data
obtained from the sources listed in Table A.
solution. In our current work, the MIAC is not used in
description of the aqueous electrolyte solution properties the development of the ion models, and the prediction of
across a broad range of conditions and compositions, this property can hence serve as a benchmark for ensur-
with predictive capability well beyond the concentrations ing that the model parameters are physically sound.
considered in the parameter estimation procedure. The MIAC of aqueous solution of selected salts, acids,
and bases are shown in Figures 8–10; the %AAD of the
predicted values from the corresponding experimental
5.2. Mean ionic activity coefficient and osmotic
data for all of the salts considered are reported in Table 7.
The SAFT-VRE Mie predictions for the MIAC are in
A direct way of assessing the reliability of the ion mod- excellent agreement with the experimental data despite
els and the predictive capability of the SAFT-VRE Mie not having been considered in the model development.
approach is via the MIAC of the aqueous salts, which is By limiting the molality range of the dataset used in the
directly related to the chemical potential of the solvated parameter estimation procedure, the non-ideality of the
ions and consequently provides a measure of how well the solution at low salinity is well accounted for. As a result,
thermodynamic properties of the ions are represented in this leads to very good predictions for the MIAC. Four


3.5 1.00
3.0 KOH 0.96 288 K
298 K
318 K
2.5 0.92 333 K


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.76
m/(mol kg−1 )
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Figure . The concentration dependence of the mean ionic activ- m/(mol kg−1 )
ity coefficient γ ±, m for a selection of aqueous solutions of acids
and bases at  K and . bar. The continuous curves represent 1.0
288 K
the SAFT-VR Mie predictions, and the squares represent the exper- 298 K
imental data obtained from the sources listed in Table A. 318 K
0.9 333 K

isotherms of the MIAC of aqueous NaCl solutions are
shown in Figure 11 for temperatures in the range 288– γ±,m
333 K [82–88]. Correctly representing the experimental
trend at low concentrations, SAFT-VRE Mie allows one
to predict the decrease of the MIAC with increasing tem-
perature for aqueous solutions of NaCl, thereby illustrat- 0.5
ing the predictive capability of the approach. At high salt 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

concentrations, the SAFT-VRE Mie predictions continue m/(mol kg−1 )

to follow the temperature trend in the low-salinity region, Figure . The concentration dependence of the mean ionic activ-
which appears to be at odds with the experimental trend ity coefficient γ ±, m for aqueous solutions of NaCl at . bar for
where the MIAC at 333 K is seen to become larger than temperatures ranging from  to  K, shown both at low (top)
that at 288 K; the deviations of the theoretical predic- and high (bottom) salinity. The continuous curves represent the
tions from the experimental data are ∼20% at the high- SAFT-VR Mie predictions, and the squares represent the experi-
mental data [–].
est concentrations considered. We should note, however,
that there is a certain amount of scatter in the experimen- 1.30
tal data at high salinity, and that the trend for the MIAC 1.25
288 K
is inconsistent with that observed for the osmotic coef- 1.20
298 K
310 K
ficient  in Figure 12. As the MIAC and  are directly 323 K
1.15 348 K
related through Equation (30), one would expect a sim- 373 K
ilar trend with temperature, casting some doubt on the

quality of the experimental data for the MIAC at higher 1.05

temperatures and concentrations. On the other hand, the 1.00

approximate description of the polarity of the solvent 0.95
with a dielectric continuum in the SAFT-VRE approach 0.09
is expected to be less adequate at very high salt concen-
trations. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
m/(mol kg−1 )

Figure . The concentration dependence of the osmotic coeffi-

5.3. Gibbs free energy of solvation cient  for aqueous solutions of NaCl at . bar for temperatures
Our approach for the implementation of the Born contri- ranging from  to  K. The continuous curves represent the
SAFT-VR Mie predictions, and the squares represent the experi-
bution in the SAFT-VRE Mie EOS is evaluated by assess-
mental data obtained from the sources listed in Table A.
ing the description of the Gibbs free energy of solvation
Gsolv, i of the individual ions i in aqueous solution. The

Table . Free energy of solvation Gsolv, i of ions i in aqueous solu- Table . Values used in Equation () for the Gibbs free energies
f f
tion: the SAFT-VRE Mie predictions are compared to the experi- of formation of the solid salts Gsalt(s) and solvated ions Gion(aq)
mentally derived values reported in [–]. f
obtained from []. The Gsalt(s) of the salts correspond to the
− Gsolv, i /(kJ mol−1 ) crystalline anhydrous salt at  K and . bar; and the Gion(aq)

Ion, i SAFT-VR Mie Experiment of the ions correspond to the ion in aqueous solution at unit
molality at  K and . bar.
Li+ . .
Na+ . . Salt − Gfsalt /(kJ mol−1 ) Ion − Gfion /(kJ mol−1 )
H O + . . (s) (aq)
K+ . .
Rb+ . . LiCl . Li+ .
F− . . LiBr . Na+ .
OH− . . LiI . K+ .
Cl− . . NaF . Rb+ .
Br− . . NaCl . F− .
I− . . NaBr . Cl− .
Ba + . . NaI . Br− .
Ca + . . KCl . I− .
Mg + . . KBr . Ca + .
Sr + . . KI . Sr + .
RbCl .
RbBr .
CaCl .
CaBr .
SrCl .
predictions of Gsolv, i are presented in Table 8, along-
side the experimentally determined values obtained from
[77–79]. These predictions are a significant improvement exp.
Table . Values for the experimental solubility product Ksp at
over those achieved in the previous implementation of  K and . bar used for the calculation of the solubilities of the
SAFT-VRE [21], where the Born diameter was not dif- salts in aqueous solution.
ferentiated from the segment diameter of the ion.
Salt Ksp
exp. Salt Ksp
By adhering to the appropriate definition of the Born
diameter as the cavity formed by the ion in the solvent, LiCl . × a CaCl . × a
LiBr . × a CaBr . × a
we show that it is possible to obtain not only qualita- LiI . × a SrCl .a
tive agreement with the trend of the solvation energies, NaF . × −a
but also good quantitative agreement with the exper- NaCl .b
NaBr .b
imental values. The level of description of the solva- KCl .b
tion effects achieved with our current implementation of KBr .b
SAFT-VRE Mie is similar to that of SAFT approaches in KI .a
RbCl .a
which one treats the polarity of ion–solvent interactions
a Values calculated using Equation ().
explicitly [17,28,89]. b Values taken from [].

5.4. Aqueous solubility of salts absolute quantities. Alternatively, the experimental sol-
ubility product Ksp,MX can be calculated directly from
In addition to the Gibbs free energy of solvation, it is
experimental data for the mean ionic activity coefficient
also interesting to consider the limit of solubility of the
of the salt in saturated aqueous solution, by rearrange-
salt, which can be calculated with a classical thermody-
ment of Equation (41):
namic approach from knowledge of the activity coeffi-
cients of the ions using Equation (41). This requires the
activity coefficients of the ions, which are calculated using exp. sat,exp. (ν+ +ν− ) exp (ν+ +ν− ) ν+ν+ ν−ν−
Ksp,MX = mMX γ±,m . (55)
the SAFT-VRE Mie methodology, as well as the solubil- m◦(ν+ +ν− )
ity product Ksp, MX of the salt MX. One way of estimat-
ing Ksp, MX is via tabulated data for the Gibbs free ener- The solubility product of a salt obtained from Equa-
gies of formation Gf of the species using Equation (42). tion (55) can be used with greater confidence since the
The Gf of the salts and ions considered here are taken data used in the calculation is specific to the salt in ques-
from the literature [90] and are summarised in Table 9. tion. The experimental data for γ±,m at salt saturation are
It is important to note that these values should be used obtained from [91–100], and the values of Ksp calculated
with caution as they are not direct experimental mea- from Equation (55) or taken from [101] are presented in
surements and are reported as ‘best’ estimates rather than Table 10.

Table . The solubility limit msat for aqueous solutions of salts at 6. Conclusions
 K and . bar. The SAFT-VRE Mie predictions are compared to
the experimentally obtained values reported in [,–]. The The SAFT-VR Mie expression for the Helmholtz free
dashes denote that the Ksp for the salt is unavailable. energy of a mixture is combined with the mean-spherical
approximation for a non-restricted primitive model of
msat /(mol kg− )
SAFT-VRE Mie an electrolyte solution. The proposed molecular model
includes the solvent explicitly; in this instance, the solvent
Using Gf Using Ksp
is water, which is modelled in the usual SAFT manner, as
Salt (cf. Equation ()) (cf. Equation ()) Experiment spherical (and non-polar) with association sites to medi-
LiCl . . . ate hydrogen-bonding attractive interactions in addi-
LiBr . . . tion to repulsive and dispersive attractive interactions
LiI . . .
NaF . . . described with a Mie (generalised Lennard-Jones) poten-
NaCl . . . tial. The ion–ion interactions are included via Coulom-
NaBr . . .
NaI . – .
bic interactions as well as repulsive and dispersive inter-
KCl . . . actions (of the Mie potential form). Ion–solvent (ion–
KBr . . . water) interactions are also incorporated; the repulsive
KI . . .
RbCl . . . and dispersive interactions are again taken to be of the
RbBr . – . Mie form, and the contribution to the Helmholtz free
RbI . – .
CaCl . . . energy accounting for the charging of the ion in the sol-
CaBr . . . vent is included via the classical expression presented by
SrCl . . .
Born. We refer to our novel generalised description of
electrolyte systems as the SAFT-VRE Mie approach.
By combining literature values of ionic sizes with a
well-founded physical description of the molecular inter-
We predict the solubility limits at 298 K and 1.01 bar
actions, the parameterisation of ionic models for the elec-
for a number of aqueous salt solutions using the sol-
trolyte solutions is significantly simplified. Each model
ubility equation with the solubility product obtained
requires only one ion–solvent interaction parameter, in
from both Equations (42) and (55); the results are pre-
this case the unlike dispersion attractive energy, to be
sented in Table 11 alongside the experimental solubility
adjusted using experimental data for the ionic solution.
data [70,102–104]. It is immediately evident that our pre-
We chose to limit the range of concentration consid-
dicted solubilities for the most commonly studied salts
ered for the determination of this parameter to less than
are in better agreement with the reported experimen-
three molal in order to adhere to the inherent assump-
tal solubilities than for the less commonly encountered
tions of the MSA primitive model, i.e. the representa-
salts; it is possible that the tabulated reference data for the
tion of the solvent as a uniform dielectric medium, and
Gibbs free energy of formation and the solubility prod-
the assumption of complete dissociation of the ionic
uct for the more common salts are more reliable. This is
species. We note the importance of a careful evaluation of
supported by the fact that for the common salts, the two
the experimental data used for the determination of the
routes for the calculation of the solubility lead to similar
interaction parameters and the range of concentrations
predicted values. We should also point out that many of
considered. The performance of the resulting approach
salts considered here have a solubility limit which is well
is shown to be accurate, even when higher molalities
above the salt concentration for which SAFT-VRE Mie
are considered. The thermodynamic properties of the
is applicable. The range of application for the SAFT-VRE
aqueous electrolyte solutions such as the density, vapour
Mie approach is estimated to be at a maximum salt molal-
pressure, and osmotic coefficient are reproduced well.
ity of about 10 mol kg−1 [21], assuming a solvation shell
Furthermore, the robustness and thermodynamic con-
for the ions with six coordinated water molecules. Beyond
sistency of the approach is demonstrated by the high
this salt concentration, the dielectric constant of the mix-
level of accuracy seen in the predictions of the mean
ture can no longer be expected to be the same as that of the
ionic activity coefficient for a range of salts, in compar-
pure solvent, as is inherently assumed in our approach.
ison to available experimental data. It is also of interest
As a consequence, it is not surprising that we find bet-
to highlight the improved agreement in the prediction of
ter predictions of the solubility limit for the salts with a
the Gibbs free energy of solvation of the ions, which is
solubility which falls within the limits of applicability of
obtained by incorporating information of the cavity size
the theory. By contrast, for salts which have a solubility
required for the insertion of the charged species in the
limit well beyond the capability of SAFT-VRE Mie, such
solvent. The diameter of the cavity is taken from literature
as lithium salts, the solubility is highly overpredicted.
sources, or correlated from a linear relationship between

the solvation energy and the size of the ion when data are Park; the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council
not available. (EPSRC) of the United Kingdom [grant number GR/T17595],
We demonstrate the reliability of the SAFT-VRE Mie [grant number GR/N35991], [grant number EP/E016340],
[grant number EP/J014958]; the Joint Research Equipment Ini-
approach in modelling the thermodynamic properties tiative (JREI) [GR/M94426]; and the Royal Society-Wolfson
of aqueous solutions of strong electrolytes, including Foundation.
salts of monovalent as well as divalent ions. The models
presented for the ions are shown to be robust, in the
sense that the predictive capability for properties not ORCID
considered in the development of the models has been Amparo Galindo
confirmed; the parameters are also fully transferable George Jackson
to different parent salts. Importantly, the ion potential Claire S. Adjiman
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Table A. Overview of the experimental aqueous electrolyte solution data considered in the estimation procedure for the development
of the SAFT-VRE Mie ion models. The ranges of temperatures T, maximum molality mmax , and the number of data points np per property
(saturated vapour pressure p, density ρ, and osmotic coefficient ) are summarised for each salt.
Salt MX p ρ 

T/K mmax / (mol kg− ) np T/K p/bar mmax / (mol kg− ) np T/K mmax / (mol kg− ) np

KBr – .  – . .   . 

KCl – .  – . .   . 
KF  .   . .   . 
KI – .  – . .   . 
LiBr – .  – . .   . 
LiCl – .  – . .   . 
LiI – .  – . .   . 
NaBr – .  – . .   . 
NaCl – .  – . .   . 
NaF – .  – . .   . 
NaI – .  – . .   . 
RbBr  .  – . .   . 
RbCl – .   . .   . 
RbF  .   . .   . 
RbI  .  – . .   . 
HBr – .  – . .   . 
KOH – .  – . .   . 
MgBr  .   – .  – . 
MgCl – .  – – .  – . 
MgI – – – – – – –  . 
CaBr – .   – .  – . 
CaCl – .  – – .  – . 
CaI – .  – – – – – – –
SrBr – .   – .   . 
SrCl – .  – – – -  . 
SrI – .  – – – –  . 
BaBr – .   – .  – . 
BaCl – .  – – .  – . 
BaI – – – – – – –  . 

Table A. Overview of the experimental aqueous electrolyte solution data considered in the assessment of the SAFT-VRE Mie ion
models. The ranges of temperatures T, maximum molality mmax , and the number of data points np per property (saturated vapour
pressure p, density ρ, osmotic coefficient , and mean ion activity coefficient γ ±, m ) are summarized for each salt.
Salt p ρ  γ ±, m

T/K mmax /(mol kg− ) np T/K p/bar mmax /(mol kg− ) np T/K mmax /(mol kg− ) np T/K mmax /(mol kg− ) np

KBr – .  – . .  – .   . 
KCl – .  – . .  – .   . 
KF  .  – . .   .   . 
KI – .  – . .  – .   . 
LiBr – .  – . .  – .   . 
LiCl – .  – . .  – .   . 
LiI – .  – –. .   .   . 
NaBr – .  – . .  – .   . 
NaCl – .  – . .  – .   . 
NaF – .  – . .   .   . 
NaI – .   . .   .   . 
RbBr – .  – . .   .   . 
RbCl  .   . .   .   . 
RbF  .   . .   .   . 
RbI  .  – . .   .   . 
HCl – .  – . .   .   . 
HBr – .  – . .   .   . 
HI  .  – . .   .   . 
NaOH – .  – . .   .   . 
KOH – .  – . .   .   . 
MgBr  .   – .  – .   . 
MgCl – .  – – .  – .   . 
MgI – – – – – – –  .   . 
CaBr – .   – .  – .   . 
CaCl – .  – - .  – .   . 
CaI – .  – – – – – – –  . 
SrBr – .   – .   .   . 
SrCl – .  – – – –  .   . 
SrI – .  – – – –  .   . 
BaBr – .   – .  – .  – . 
BaCl – .  – – .  – .   . 
BaI – – – – – – –  .   . 

Table A. Sources of the experimental aqueous electrolyte solution data summarised in Tables A and A.
Salt p ρ  γ ±, m

KBr [–] [–] [] []

KCl [,,–,,] [,] [,–] []
KF [] [–] [] []
KI [] [,,–] [,] []
LiBr [,–] [,,] [,] []
LiCl [,–] [,,] [,] []
LiI [,] [–] [] []
NaBr [–] [,,] [,,] []
NaCl [,,] [,] [,,,–] []
NaF [] [–,] [] []
NaI [,,] [,,,] [] []
RbBr [,] [,,] [] []
RbCl [,,,] [,,] [] []
RbF [] [] [] []
RbI [] [,] [] []
HCl [–] [,] [,] []
HBr [,] [] [,] []
HI [] [] [] []
NaOH [] [,] [] []
KOH [,] [,] [] []
MgBr [] [] [] []
MgCl [,,–] [,] [,] [,]
MgI – – [] [,]
CaBr [,,] [,] [] [,]
CaCl [,,,,–] [] [,,,,–] [,,,,]
CaI [,] – – []
SrBr [,] [] [] [,]
SrCl [] – [] [–]
SrI [] – [] [,]
BaBr [,] [] [,,] [,]
BaCl [,] [] [,] []
BaI – – [] [,]

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