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ssignment on:

echnical Writina
Oubmitted To: Submitted By:
Dr Nimal Kumar Swain - Komal
HoD 2538
ibnery&Tnfo. Sci Mib.T. Sc.
h sem.
Technical niting:
Technical witing is thpe o wnting whee
the Quthors S wting about a pakicular
Stubject thot Juaputres olirtction, inumuctionso
obbreviate, dufine he teum in
|Clauity: 9h ou

tts s t occwmante and Put abbruiations in paran

cal thi bility to say ls
-Hhei. Some might
and ofu me breuihy with clauity. Say what

you mean and only what you mean pmg the

Lndv in mind, and Qauoioing LnneccsaHtly
Coropicatd word,

2. Comprthensive: A COmputhtnsive kchnical

olocument the
havt all
have necceuaty informatffon
t. Reoolrs who mut act on a documet nuto
o be able t apply the infomation elfidenty
anel etectivel
3Consis+ency Consiskncy is fomating the documur
4. Coherence Cohemente in witing the logienl
bicdge betuween words, Antncus Qund paagaphs

Coheunt duvitus to connect dsas

writing s
Main ideas
within each senttnce and paa raph.
the reacliv
Ond meani ng Con be dlitficult for
ncks Coheunce.
to jollow ithe witing
e. to Contrast, finally, in ooldition.
5. Corectness: Expressing onesel in he ftwest
mumbe o words at the same tme Jetaining
Complutens n muaning. Good echnical epot
mut okso be Corecd, 9+ mut be ree tom
guamotical ors, punthuaion mistaCes, and shouls
have apgropiatc fomat standaud.

eg. we end theu than euminatc.

we Soom athor than Pesently,
6. Comciseness Conciseness in Hechnical w
ting the use o propu 40mmar Punchu-

-ation nd Apelling.

lechnical Writing Rsrocoss

o Tdnti}y the audience.
o Detemine h objective.
o Gather normation.
o Oganiae data,
o Edit revise and finalize.

Kuapose o Technical Wniting

o Give information that uads to aCComplishm1nt

ok Scienti ic tuk,
Analy2e event and their impli cations.
2 inutnce ducisions.
o Pexuuacle
The main pwipost o
kchnical wmin t o
normafon. This rs he
provide ScmtHmu compux
wnting hat will aisist a peon with
pe o iHtm.
mot abôuf a pauticuloz
Non- Techni cal Writing
ry wstitig that txpettes
tht ttee thinking
technicnl witing
lls inrto the Catasoty og

9+ alio nown as Cutativue ting. my wit

that oes Outside tht boundls onoma prefëy
-10nol jounalishic ,
academic, 07 fechni cal
forms ob tiuaturu calld mon- 4echnícal witing
94 puns the wits thoughts Peelings
, nal
motions in an imaymative way insttad ok mes
Hing facs.
Non- Techmical
Wniting ocess
o Activate Knowudge
o Take in infomation
o Geneuak idLas
o Oganine cognize them
o Publish.

luspose ok Non- Technical

The pwpote og
o nonBechnical witing is to
entutain and sha human expestienee. like lov
and les. eiks atempt to 94t at th hth

about humaníty through Po etic wy. oy m o n .

Hechmical wmtin jut keep it in mind whether
going Ho cxpes atelin ov thouçht|
the hst kp s to just ust yeur oun inoinatio.
s t
Non Tec hnicol witing is ala known as

Cuativc wnting
eg. Mg3ines Poety
o fictions
DiPlmunce between Technical & Non- Technícal
Non- tchnical witing is
1 Technical Lwiting is o

fo ct based. ficHona & imaginative.

Technical wning cano Non - kchnicnl witng

be intomative, instvis entutaining , promochfiin,
-fional 07 pealuasive. captivating
Technical witing is o Non- kchnical writing
Cluany pcise annd asttistic, guative , symbolia|
0 even vasu.
o Non-technical wnting
4 Technical wntina
is Subyeckive.
has some objectiv.

5 Speciali2e vocabulay o No nud ok winq Speunli

is e d in echnícal Vocabulaty in non- echni

witing. wing.
No hethnical wnting is
6 Active vocabulauy o

Is used wmten in elaborattd fommat

4.Techmical wnting s Non- technical wmhing

plain. has Some tronsitions.

8.Technical witing Non- 4tchnical

easyto undustand. s coanitive. Cogütotive,

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