Bachillerato en Línea de Veracruz: Ingles 3

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Bachillerato en Línea de



“Cuadernillo de actividades
Actividad I

Complete the sentences with used to… and the verbs in the
box. (valor 5 puntos)
Completa las oraciones con used to… y el verbo que esta en la
Play listen to have read
live like

When I was seven years old I used to eat ice-cream.

1. When I was a child I____________hide and seek.

2. Ten years ago I ____________ in an apartment.
3. When I was in elementary school I__________a bicycle.
4-5. My grand’pa ____________ to the radio and ____________many
Actividad II

Ten years ago, Michael was a student, now he is an engineer.

Use the columns “A & B” to ask and answer questions about

Michel, as the example. (valor 10 puntos)

Use las indicaciones para hacer y responder preguntas sobre Michael, como en
el ejemplo, en la columna “A” usa el auxiliar did+ use to (recuerda que con did
va en presente “use to” sin la “d”) en la columna “B” usa la forma negativa, el
punto(.) y used to y lo que el solía hacer como esta en el ejemplo(recuerda
que en forma afirmativa se escribe “used to”, revisa muy bien el ejemplo.

Be very messy Be very neat
Live with his parents Have his owm house
Take the bus to the university Have his own car
Play baseball Go to the gym
Wear long hair Wear short hair
hang out with his friends on Go camping on weekends


A: Did Michael use to be very neat?

B: No, he didn’t. He used to be very messy.






Actividad III
Read the following text and then answer the questions below.
(valor 10 puntos)
Lee el texto y contesta de forma completa las preguntas, utiliza
la forma used to

Mr. And Mrs. Brown do not know what to do with their son,
Jeremy, he used to read a lot but he doesn’t΄t even look at
a book any more.
They feel that reading is very important, so they are very
disappointed that Jeremy does not feel the same way, they
are surprised by this attitude.
After all, when he was a small child, they used to read him
tales every day. Jeremy used to love those story times,
when he learned to read on his own, he used to stay up late
every night finishing the books they bought him.
But as he got older, Jeremy began to read less and less.
Now he rarely goes near a book, except for his schoolbooks.
When his parents complain about this, he says that he does
not need books any more, since the computer gives him all
the information he needs.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown know that things are different nowadays
from what they used to be. They didn’t΄t use to have a
computer; cable T.V and video recorders, but somehow they
feel that Jeremy is missing out of something.

1.- What did Jeremy do in the past that he doesn’t anymore?

2.-What did Jeremy parents use to do when he was a small

3.-What did Jeremy do when he learned to read?

4.- Why doesn’t Jeremy read nowadays?

5.-What didn’t Jeremy’s parents have in the past?

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