Comprehensive Working Plan: For The Year 2021

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Comprehensive Working Plan

For The Year 2021

Alhamra Academy of Performing Arts is a vital contribution in the field of Art & Culture from
Lahore Arts Council. Over the past few decades it has been serving the artist at a very low price
so every individual can be benefited by it. The idea of this academy was to provide a stage for
those who want to learn the art of music as a hobby. Keeping that in view and the change in time
it is important to upgrade this academy to have a better contribution towards art & culture. For
this purpose following recommendations are given

 Improvement in Infrastructure
 Purchase of Furniture
 Purchase of Instruments
 Maintenance of Instruments

Activity Calendar
 Admissions and Exams in January, April, July, and October for regular classes
 Admissions in January for master classes
 Biweekly talent shows for regular and master classes
 Monthly sessions from renowned artists of their respective fields

Budgetary Requirements
Infrastructure, Furniture, and Instruments

Product Items Amount in Rs.

Sr No.
1. Iron stairs with railing purchase and 3 180,000
2. Wood Partition and change of stair 3 160,000
3. Wash Basin with drain pipe and water 1 30,000
4. Glass, Curtains and railings for 12 80,000
windows for classes
5. Dismantling and repair of wall of 1 45,000
class store and its material
6. Electricity work of classes 6 150,000
7. Paint for classes 6 300,000
8. Carpet 300x12 size for class 6 540,000
9. Fall sealing and panel dismantling of 1 60,000
10. Fall sealing of corridor 2 50,000
11. Cushions for classes 60 210,000
12. Iron frame and sheet for corridor 3 90,000
stairs passage
13. Chairs 17 136,000
14. Stools 50 175,000
15. Purchase of Instruments 1 700,000
16. Repair and maintenance of 1 300,000
17. Teacher hired for master class 12 1,080,000
Total 4,286,000

Evaluation Mechanism
It is proposed that 3 months certified courses are introduced and admissions are opened 4 times a
year i.e. in January, April, July, and October. Certification will be given on the basis of
attendance, punctuality, good conduct, and final examination. For the purpose of final exam an
outsider must be involved who evaluates the artist on the basis of what was learned. Attendance
must be 80% in order to qualify for the examination. Also, it is proposed that some master
classes are to be introduced with a different scenario then the regular hobby classes. These
master classes could be for a whole year in a form of diploma. A separate curriculum may be
developed for this purpose. These classes will be conducted by some recognized professionals in
the respective fields and the fees of these classes will also be different than the regular classes.
For the purpose of evaluation same criteria will be used as in regular classes.

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