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Activity Journal Three

Instructions: Complete all three parts of this activity journal and submit in lesson 02.06.

Part One: Fitness Snapshot

Complete the log below to describe your activity level for four days this week:

 The total time for the four days must be at least 240 minutes.
 Some days you may log multiple activities and go over the minimum requirement;
some days you will log only one activity and be under. That's okay! Remember, 240
minutes of total activity time is the minimum.

Day Activity Total Activity Notes

Day One Bike ride to store and back 30 minutes I think this used to
take me longer!
Walk/run intervals for two miles 30 minutes I did a two-minute
on a neighborhood trail run/one-minute
walk interval
Day Two Basketball practice 90 minutes Got 10 rebounds
Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Total Minutes
Part Two: Self-Sleep Analysis
Complete the chart below to describe your sleep patterns for two consecutive days this w eek.

Day Time Time of Time you Estimated Time Total How did you
you last turned off time you you time feel
went meal or electronics: fell woke asleep: throughout
to bed: snack asleep: up: the day?
before Rested?
bed: Tired?
Day One 11:00 10:30 11:55 12:30 5:30 5 hours I woke up
p.m. a.m. tired and
wanted to
nap on my
desk all day.
Day Two 9:45 8:00 9:45 10:15 5:30 7 hours I felt rested
p.m. a.m. and 15 because I
mins went to bed
earlier, and I
think it
helped me do
well on my
math test.
Day One
Day Two

Part Three: Reflection Questions

1. Choose one of the activities you listed in Part One: Fitness Snapshot and reflect
on any proper etiquette you used or observed during this activity.

Example: While on the trail during my run/walk intervals, there was a group of walkers
who were taking up the entire width of the trail. While coming up behind them I yelled,
“on the left” and they promptly moved over to the right so I could pass. While they failed
to use the proper etiquette, I remembered.

2. Review your sleep analysis chart. What is one change that you could make in your habits
that might allow you to get a more restful sleep?

Activity Journal Three Rubric

Excellent Good Needs Improvement Poor

Part 36–40 points 32–35 points 28–31 points 0–27 points

 All exercise  Most exercis  Some exercis  Few exercis
s are moderate es are moderate es are moderate es are
Snapshot to vigorous to vigorous to vigorous moderate to
intensity. intensity. intensity. vigorous
 At least 240  At least 215  At least 190 intensity, or
activity activity minutes activity minutes intensity is
minutes are are recorded. are recorded. not
recorded. indicated.
 Fewer than
minutes of
minutes are
Part 36–40 points 32–35 points 28–31 points 0–27 points
 The sleep  The sleep  The sleep  The sleep
Sleep analysis chart analysis chart is analysis chart is analysis
Analysis is complete mostly somewhat chart is
and complete and complete and incomplete
thoughtfully adequately lacks detail and or
detailed and detailed and support. inaccurate.
supported. supported.

Part 18–20 points 16–17 points 14–15 points 0–13 points

 Reflection Reflection Reflection responses Reflection
responses responses are somewhat responses are
are are mostly complete and lack incomplete or
complete complete and detail and support. inaccurate.
and adequately detailed
thoughtfull and supported.
y detailed

Total Points: 100

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