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The Assessment

of Mitral Stenosis and Prosthetic Mitral Valve Obstruction,

Using the Posterior Aortic Wall Echocardiogram

SUMMARY The echocardiographic motion of the aortic root ing index, defined as the fraction of passive posterior aortic wall mo-
reflects, in part, left atrial filling and emptying. Patients with mitral tion occurring in the first third of diastole, was significantly related to
valve obstruction were studied to determine whether clinically im- the mitral valve area index (r = 0.86), and thus provides a noninva-
portant alterations in patterns of left atrial emptying would alter mo- sive quantitation of the degree of mitral stenosis. Determination of
tion of the posterior aortic wall. Patients with mitral stenosis had a the atrial emptying index also proved useful in the evaluation of
characteristic pattern of slowing of left atrial emptying in early dia- patients with prosthetic mitral valve obstruction and in documenting
stole, with loss of the conduit phase in mid-diastole. The atrial empty- improvement in left atrial emptying after mitral valve surgery.

ONE OF THE EARLIEST CLINICAL APPLICA- ford University Hospital and the Palo Alto Veterans Ad-
TIONS OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY was the diagnosis ministration Hospital from 1973 to 1976, and most, but not
of rheumatic mitral valve stenosis by the detection of specific all, were analyzed retrospectively. All echocardiograms had
abnormalities of mitral valve motion.' However, attempts to be of good quality and recorded within 24 hours of car-
to quantitate the degree of mitral stenosis by measuring the diac catheterization or cardiac surgery. No patients were in-
initial velocity of closure of the anterior mitral leaflet, the cluded who had more than trivial mitral regurgitation.
E-to-F slope, have been disappointing. Many echocardiog- Mitral valve gradients were approximated using simulta-
raphers agree with the view that although the echocardio- neous pulmonary capillary wedge and left ventricular
gram is qualitatively accurate, it is unreliable in quantitat- pressures. The mitral valve areas were calculated using the
ing the degree of mitral stenosis.2 Obstruction to flow of Gorlin formula.* A total of 25 patients with mitral stenosis
blood from the left atrium into the left ventricle due to a were studied, eight of whom later had mitral valve replace-
stenotic mitral valve or an obstructed prosthetic mitral valve ment with postoperative echocardiograms. In addition,
should alter the pattern of left atrial emptying. We have seven patients with nonobstructed prosthetic mitral valves
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recently reported that the posterior aortic wall echocardio- and normal left ventricular function, 13 patients with non-
gram approximates the left atrial volume curve.3 Here we obstructed mitral prosthetic valves and abnormal left ven-
report the use of the posterior aortic wall echocardiogram to tricular function, and three patients with obstructed pros-
grade the severity of rheumatic mitral stenosis and pros- thetic mitral valves, were studied. For establishment of
thetic mitral valve obstruction. "normal" values, echocardiograms were recorded in ten
adult subjects with no evidence of cardiac abnormalities.
Echocardiographic Quantitation of Mitral Stenosis
Echocardiographic Studies
It was necessary to devise an echocardiographic measure-
All echocardiograms were performed using a Smith-Kline ment of the pattern of left atrial emptying based on the mo-
Ekoline 20A ultrasonoscope, with a 0.50 inch, 2.25 MHz tion of the posterior aortic wall echocardiogram. Normal
transducer collimated to 5 cm and an Irex 101, Cambridge, left atrial emptying occurs in three distinct phases: early
or Honeywell strip chart recorder. All examinations were rapid emptying phase, middle conduit phase, and late atrial
conducted with the patient in a 300 left lateral decubitus systolic phase (fig. 1). To quantitate the early rapid phase of
position. The transducer was placed along the left sternal left atrial emptying, we calculated an echocardiographically
border at the interspace where the mitral valve echo is well measured atrial emptying index from the posterior aortic
seen when the transducer is perpendicular to the chest wall. wall echocardiogram. The following guidelines were used in
To obtain the left atrial echocardiogram, the transducer was calculating the atrial emptying index:
tilted cephalad and medially to record the aorta (at the level
of the aortic valve) and left atrium. 1) The aortic echocardiogram is obtained in the usual
manner, as previously described. An aortic echocardiogram
Patients obtained from nonstandard transducer locations is not used
for calculating the atrial emptying index.
The patients in this study were identified from the echo- 2) The scale should be expanded so that only the anterior
cardiographic, catheterization, and surgical files of Stan- and posterior aortic walls are included in the recording, to
From the Cardiology Division, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Stanford, California.
Supported in part by NIH grant HL-5866 and Program Project Grant CO
I -POI-HL- 15833. *MVA= DFP X 44.5 V hV
Address for reprints: William H. Barry, M.D., Cardiology Division, Stan-
ford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305. where MVA = mitral valve area; CO = cardiac output; DFP = diastolic fill-
Received August 30, 1976; revision accepted January 10, 1977. ing period; MV gradd = mean diastolic mitral valve gradient.
886 CIRCULATION VOL 55, No 6, JUNE 1977

$l 1'Oft-'')MI"

---- ---

AAW OfS , FIGURE 1. Normal aortic and mitral valve

AV -,N,.,N,,, _
echocardiograms recorded at different times and
matched for cycle lengths. The posterior aortic
wall moves anteriorly following V (onset of ven-
PAW tricular systole and mitral valve closure) to 0
(mitral valve opens) during left atrialfilling. Note
that the aortic wall continues to move anteriorly
PLAWj_ after the aortic valve closes and until the mitral
valve opens. The posterior motion of the pos-
terior aortic wall occurs in three stages cor-
responding to the three phases of left atrial
emptying: O-R = rapid emptying phase; R-A =

W' !¶¶ conduit phase; A-V atrial systole phase. R is

,A t >
r v
where the posterior aortic wall motion becomes
_-tx o.__-r,W' _ o flat. A is where the posterior aortic wall moves
posteriorly corresponding to atrial contraction.
AA W = anterior aortic wall; A V = aorric valve;
posterior aortic wall; PLA W pos-
.'- --
terior left atrial wall; LA left atrium; IVS - in-

v. .--l:
MO., terventricular septum; AML = anterior mitral
e~ .. -'- j! --

11 :.-.
valve leaflet; PML =
posterior mitral valve
leaflet; L VP W = left ventricular posterior wall;
ECG = electrocardiogram.
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AML --4


~~~~~~.~~~~ .i .&

increase the ease of measurement of the excursion of the ing period, and approximates the amount of left atrial emp-
posterior aortic wall. tying that occurs during the first third of passive left atrial
3) The patient's heart rate should not be greater than 85 emptying. The left atrial emptying index is the ratio of
beats/min, because of the influence of increased heart rate X/OA and approximates that fraction of total passive left
on left atrial emptying pattern.3 Carotid massage or other atrial emptying that occurs during the first third of the O-A
measures may be used to reduce the heart rate. period.
4) For patients in normal sinus rhythm, the total excur-
sion of the posterior aortic wall is measured from point 0 to For patients in atrial fibrillation, the posterior aortic wall
A (fig. 2, left). 0 is defined as that point where the posterior excursion during atrial emptying is described from point 0
aortic wall begins to move posteriorly following the opening to point V (fig. 2b). 0 is defined as above. V occurs at the
of the mitral valve. A is defined as an abrupt posterior move- onset of ventricular systole as the mitral valve closes to end
ment of the posterior aortic wall following the P wave on the left atrial emptying. Point V on the posterior aortic wall
electrocardiogram. The time from point 0 to point A is the echocardiogram is taken either at the end of the QRS com-
period of passive left atrial emptying during ventricular dia- plex on the electrocardiogram or at the abrupt posterior mo-
stole. The distance X is the posterior aortic wall motion that tion of the posterior aortic wall echocardiogram, whichever
occurs during the first third of this passive diastolic empty- occurs first. The abrupt posterior motion of the posterior
~ *4&|%-X



FIGURE 2. Left) Calculation of the atrial emptying index (AEI) from the posterior aortic wall echogram in patients in
sinus rhythm. Time ofpassive atrial emptying (tpAE) occurs between points 0 and A. 0 is where the posterior aortic wall
begins to move posteriorly reflecting the onset of left atrial emptying. A is where the posterior aortic wall begins to move
posteriorly following the P wave on the electrocardiogram, corresponding to atrial systolic emptying. Right) Calculation
of the atrial emptying index (AEI) in patients in atrialfibrillation. Time ofpassive atrial emptying (tPAE) occurs between 0
and V. V occurs at the end of the QRS complex of the electrocardiogram, or where the posterior aortic wall moves
abruptly posteriorly, whichever occurs first. Other abbreviations as in figure 1.

aortic wall echo is assumed to be related to contraction of posteriorly, indicating left atrial emptying, as the mitral
the heart, as it coincides with the onset of ventricular sys- valve opens at the onset of ventricular diastole. Since this
tole. Passive left atrial emptying time is defined as the time patient is in atrial fibrillation, the passive atrial emptying
from 0 to V. The posterior aortic wall moves a distance X period ends with the onset of ventricular systole. Note the
posteriorly during the first third of this emptying phase. The slow initial posterior motion of the posterior aortic wall, and
atrial emptying index is X/OV or that portion of the total the lack of a diastasis period in diastole, as compared with
posterior aortic wall motion that occurs during the first third the echocardiogram in a normal subject (fig. 1). Figure 4 is a
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of passive left atrial emptying. postoperative left atrial echogram from the same patient
Results after aortic and mitral valve replacements with porcine
heterograft valves. Preoperatively the posterior aortic wall
An aortic echocardiogram from a patient with moderate motion at the onset of passive atrial emptying was slow and
mitral stenosis and a mitral valve area index of 0.7 cm2/m2 is gradual; postoperatively the posterior aortic wall motion at
shown in figure 3. The posterior aortic wall begins to move the onset of left atrial emptying is rapid, with an average


} ~ ~~~~~~~

AEJ- 86
M VA1 ='f.7 FIGURE 3. Aortic echocardiogram from a
patient with a mitral valve area index (MVAI) of
0.7 cm2/m2 and no mitral regurgitation. The aor-
tic echocardiogram was recorded with expanded
depth scale for accuracy in calculating the atrial
emptying index. (See figure 2 (right) for calcula-
tions and abbreviations.)

888 CIRCULATION Vot, 55, No 6, JUNE 1977

PHONO ~_ ^ t _tl+;
I. 1

FiGURE 4. This figure shows the aortic echo-

., N E ||=g - -
cardiogram from the patient shown in figure 3
subsequent to mitral valve replacement. The atrial
emptying index (A EI) has increased, reflecting the
improved early atrial emptying with relief of the
mitral stenosis. The AEI varies from 1.0 with a
AWt\\-- 'I t\,- passive left atrial emptying time (tPAE) of I sec
PAW (illustrated calculation) to 0.8 with a tpAE of 0.4
sec (following beat), illustrating the influence of
tpAF, on the calculation at extremes of ventricular
diastolic filling periods.

emptying index of 0.9. This set of posterior aortic wall echo- found to have normal prosthetic mitral valves with "nor-
cardiograms illustrates that with relief of mitral stenosis, mal" left ventricular function, as defined by a left ventric-
early passive left atrial emptying once again becomes rapid, ular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) 12 mm Hg and a
and a conduit stage of left atrial flow (with presumed equili- cardiac index 2 2.0 L/min/m2, or with normal fractional
bration of left atrial and left ventricular pressures) reap- shortening by echo, if no hemodynamic data were available.
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Figure 5 shows a plot of the atrial emptying index versus I I

the mitral valve area index. There is a direct correlation
between these calculated values with an r value of 0.86. As O NT N 10
the severity of mitral stenosis increased, the fraction of the NI
SN 25
V | ea MS + r 0.86

passive atrial emptying occurring during the first third of

passive atrial emptying decreased. While there is a good cor- 1.2-
relation between the atrial emptying index and the mitral
valve area index, there is a range of error, and an atrial emp-
tying index of 0.4 corresponds to a mitral valve area index 1.0 _
ranging from 0.4 to 0.6 cm2/m2. It appears that an atrial
emptying index of 0.4 or less indicates severe mitral stenosis, Q 0.8 /
an atrial emptying index of 0.5 or 0.6 indicates moderate
mitral stenosis, and an atrial emptying index of 0.7 or
greater indicates mild mitral stenosis. In this same group of 0.6 S/l
patients, there was not a significant correlation between
mitral valve E-F slope and the mitral valve area index. 0.4 /l
Figure 6 shows a plot of the atrial emptying index versus
the mitral valve area index calculated before and after mitral
0.2 *
valve replacement with a porcine heterograft valve. In every
case the atrial emptying index increased in the postopera-
tive study, suggesting that rapid early left atrial emptying in-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
creased. Postoperatively, the atrial emptying index ranged
from 0.7 to 1.0, with an average of 0.9. This index value is AEI
slightly lower than the atrial emptying index in normals, and FIGURE 5. Plot of the mitral valve area index (MVAI) calculated
reflects the hemodynamic limitations of the prosthetic mitral by the Gorlin form ula versus the atrial emptying index (AEI)for 25
valve replacement as compared to the normal mitral valve. patients with mitral stenosis (closed circles) and ten normal patients
(open circles). AEI 0.4 corresponds to severe stenosis, 0.5 < AEI
. 0.6 corresponds to moderate stenosis, and AEI 2; 0.7 cor-
Prosthetic Mitral Valve Obstruction
responds to mild stenosis. Atrial fibrillation was present in 11
Three groups of patients with prosthetic mitral valves patients, and 14 were in normal sinus rhythm at the time of study.
were studied. Group A consisted of seven patients who were The ten normal patients had an AEI of 0.9 or 1.0.

A, the atrial emptying index ranged from 0.6 to 1.0, with a

mean of 0.8, and a conduit phase was present in each case.
The presence of the conduit phase suggested that any

obstruction across the mitral valve, if present, was not severe

enough to prevent equilibration of atrial and ventricular
diastolic pressures and mid-diastolic stabilization of left
N 0.8 atrial size.
Group B consisted of 13 patients with normal prosthetic
0.61- mitral valve function, but with left ventricular dysfunction
(cardiac index < 2.0 L/min/m2 and/or LVEDP > 12 mm
Hg). These patients had atrial emptying indices which
0.4p ranged from 0.5 to 1.0, with a mean of 0.7, and a conduit
phase was present in each case. Of the 20 patients without
* PRE-OP MS5 MR prosthetic valve obstruction (groups A and B), 12 had artifi-
MITRAL VALVE REPLACEMENT cial valves ( I1 Starr-Edwards, 1 Smeloff-Cutter) and eight
had tissue valves (all porcine heterografts). The atrial emp-

0.2 0.4

0.6 0.8 1.0 tying index averaged 7.9 for the artificial valve groups and
AEI 8.3 for the porcine heterograft group.
FIGURIE 6. Plot of mitral valve area index (MVAI) versus atrial Group C consisted of three patients with prosthetic mitral
emptying index (AEI) preoperatively (0) and after mitral valve valve obstruction, documented at cardiac catheterization or
replacement (A). The AEI increased in each instance, with relief of at surgery. Two patients, both with homograft tissue valves,
the mitral stenosis. had diastolic mean gradients of 35 and 20 mm Hg between
pulmonary capillary wedge pressures and the left ventric-
Figure 7 is an echocardiogram from one patient who had a ular pressures. The atrial emptying index was 0.3 in each of
mean pulmonary artery wedge-left ventricular diastolic these two cases, indicating severe impairment of left atrial
pressure gradient of 5 mm Hg and a calculated mitral valve emptying according to our data in figure 5. The third patient
area index of 0.8 cm2/m2. Because of this small gradient, the had a Starr-Edwards prosthetic mitral valve. Figures 8a and
patient was discharged with a diagnosis of mild to moderate 8b show the pre- and postoperative posterior aortic wall
prosthetic mitral valve stenosis. However, even though the echocardiograms, and figure 8c shows a large occluding
posterior aortic wall echocardiogram was not of optimal thrombus found at the time of surgery in this patient. The
quality, it clearly showed rapid posterior aortic wall motion preoperative posterior aortic wall echocardiogram showed
during the first third of passive left atrial emptying. The no rapid passive atrial emptying at the onset of diastole and
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patient died one week postcatheterization from a cerebral no conduit phase. Instead, there was a slow gradual pos-
embolus, and postmortem examination revealed a normal terior motion of the posterior aortic wall which was
nonobstructed porcine heterograft valve in the mitral valve accelerated with atrial systole. The preoperative atrial emp-
position. This case illustrates the value of the posterior aor- tying index was 0.4. Postoperatively there was an initial
tic wall echocardiogram and calculated atrial emptying in- rapid posterior aortic wall motion corresponding to early
dex in assessing prosthetic mitral valve obstruction. In group rapid passive atrial emptying, with an atrial emptying index

E CG --I i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~

FIcGURE 7. Aortic-left atrial echocardiogram in

a patient with a heterograft mitral valve replace-
ment and a mean mitral valve gradient of S mm
Hg and a calculated mitral valve area index of0.8
cm2/m2. The atrial emptying index (AEI) calcu-
lated from the posterior aortic wall echo was 0.8,
suggesting minimal stenosis of the heterograft
valve. Abbreviations as in figure 2. (This figure
has been retouched for ease of reproduction.)
AEI,=. j-=.

PLAW 7 -

890 CI RCULATION VOL 55, No 6, JUNE 1977

..g5: *.:.;..

... ...... ....


A^W itvr

.2 pm5mm
PAW:(vtkW s

E3 AE I*-=


FIGURE 8. Upper left) Preoperative aortic-left

atrial echocardiogram from a patient with a
POST OP Starr-Edwards mitral valve, showing a de-
creased rate of diastolic posterior aortic wall
(PA W) descent and a decreased atrial emptying
index (AEl) of 0.4. Opposite) Aortic-left atrial
echocardiograms after replacement of the throm-
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_ #

bosed Starr-Edwards valve with thrombosis with

a heterograft valve. The PA W echocardiogram
on the left now shows the presence of a conduit
phase (between the two large vertical arrows)
reflecting equilibration of atrial and ventricular
PAW diastolic pressures. A normal postoperative A EI
- 1.0 is calculated from the expanded PAW
echocardiogram on the right which shows the
return of a rapid emptying phase with relief ofthe
mitral valve obstruction. (See figure 2 for ab-
breviations.) Above) Picture of the thrombosed
Starr-Edwards mitral valve removed from this
patient at the time of surgery.

of 1.0, followed by flat posterior aortic wall motion cor- mitral stenosis by clinical and other echocardiographic fea-
responding to the conduit phase. tures.
The atrial emptying index seems to provide a more
Discussion physiologically sound basis for grading the severity of mitral
In normal hearts, most of passive atrial emptying is com- valve narrowing than prior echocardiographic methods. The
pleted by the first third of the passive emptying time, more severe the stenosis, the longer it takes for the left
defined as from the onset of the opening of the mitral valve atrium to empty, and the smaller the fraction of left atrial
to the onset of atrial systole, or ventricular systole in the emptying occurring during the first third of diastole. Our
presence of atrial fibrillation.4 It is this early phase of empty- data in figure 6, comparing the atrial emptying index to the
ing that is most noticeably altered in mitral stenosis. There mitral valve area index, show that the atrial emptying index
are other factors that might affect the rapid left atrial emp- is a good predictor of the severity of mitral stenosis. Also,
tying phase in addition to mitral valve stenosis. Conditions the increase in the atrial emptying index after mitral valve
which stiffen the left ventricle such as coronary artery dis- replacement further supports this concept.
ease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies may reduce the Since the posterior aortic wall is one of the easier intra-
rate of blood flow from the atrium to the ventricle in early cardiac structures to record, the atrial emptying index
diastole.5 Such conditions can usually be differentiated from should be obtainable in a high percentage of patients. Errors

in measurement of the small absolute changes in posterior left ventricular diastolic pressures was present. This sepa-
aortic wall motion are reduced by using an expanded scale rated them from our three patients with significant stenosis.
setting for recording motion amplitude and using a fine con- Thus, the use of the AEI may help in the assessment of pros-
tinuous echo for measurement. Valve area was not con- thetic mitral valve dysfunction as well as in the evaluation of
firmed by pathological measurements in our study. For this the severity of rheumatic mitral stenosis.
reason our correlation of the atrial emptying index with the In summary, we would like to emphasize the following
mitral valve area index suffers from the limitations inherent points:
in the Gorlin formula. 1) We previously postulated that the posterior aortic wall
Cope et al. concluded that the mitral valve E-F slope was motion on the echocardiogram describes a left atrial volume
a poor predictor of the severity of mitral stenosis.2 This find- curve - a physiological parameter which should be of use in
ing may be explained in part by the general lack of defini- quantitating mitral stenosis. Our results further support this
tion of the various factors which affect mitral valve motion.6 concept.
The mitral valve E-F slope is related to the early diastolic 2) The atrial emptying index calculated from the pos-
posterior aortic wall motion since the base of the aorta and terior aortic wall echocardiogram is related to the mitral
mitral valve ring are continuous structures. However, the valve area index, with an atrial emptying index S 0.4 sug-
atrial emptying index may better quantitate the severity of gestive of severe mitral stenosis, an atrial emptying index of
mitral stenosis than the mitral valve E-F slope because the 0.5 to 0.6 suggestive of moderate stenosis, and an atrial emp-
diastolic posterior aortic wall motion depends mainly on the tying index . 0.7 suggestive of mild stenosis.
left atrial volume curve. Also, the early diastolic motion is 3) The atrial emptying index may be a useful adjunct in
measured in relation to the total posterior aortic wall motion evaluating prosthetic mitral valve dysfunction, and an atrial
during passive emptying, and thus variation in slope due to emptying index ! 0.4 is suggestive of significant prosthetic
differences in atrial size are partially compensated. mitral valve stenosis.
Assessing the functional status of a prosthetic mitral valve 4) The atrial emptying index may be altered in other dis-
is a difficult clinical problem. Each type of valve has peculiar ease processes and should not be used in isolation from
characteristics - resting gradients, presence or absence of clinical examination and other noninvasive measurements,
opening and closing sounds, and flow murmurs. Numerous including aspects of the echocardiogram such as mitral valve
criteria for evaluating prosthetic mitral valve dysfunction motion.
have been published, such as the duration and variation of
the S2 opening sound interval,7 and the echocardiographic
measurements of the amplitude of excursion and diastolic References
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