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Chapter 3

Carl Jung:
Analytical Psychology

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Jung’s Theory of Personality:
Analytic Psychology
• Disagreed with Freud regarding the:
– Role of sexuality
– Forces that influence
– Unconscious

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Life of Jung

• 1875-1961
• Viewed:
– Father as kind, weak, and powerless
• Mother as powerful and emotionally
• Introverted, lonely, and isolated
– Found solace in his dreams, visions, and

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Life of Jung (continued)

• Studied medicine and specialized in

• Became a disciple of Freud
– Severed the relationship after

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Psychic Energy: Basis of
Jung’s System
• Libido: Broad and generalized form
of psychic energy
– Psyche: Term for personality

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Principles of Psychic Energy
• Opposition Principle: Conflict
between opposing processes
required to generate psychic energy
• Equivalence Principle: Continuous
redistribution of energy
– Expended or weakened energy is
transferred elsewhere in the personality
• Entropy Principle: Tendency
toward balance or equilibrium
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Aspects of Personality

Ego Attitudes

Psychological Personal
types unconscious

The collective

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• Conscious aspect of the psyche

• Selective about what is admitted into

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Attitudes of the Psyche

Extraversion Introversion

toward one’s
toward external
own thoughts
world and others
and feelings

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Psychological Functions

• Ways of perceiving a person’s

external and internal world

Sensing Thinking

Intuition Feeling

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Table 3.1 - Jung’s
Psychological Types

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The Personal Unconscious
and Complexes
• Personal unconscious: Reservoir
for material that was once conscious
– Similar to Freud’s preconscious
• Complexes: Pattern of emotions,
memories, perceptions, and wishes
in the personal unconscious
– Organized around a common theme
– May be conscious or unconscious
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The Collective Unconscious
and Archetypes
• Collective unconscious: Deepest
level of the psyche
– Contains the accumulation of inherited
experiences of human and pre-human
• Archetypes: Images of universal
experiences in the collective

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Persona archetype

• Public face or role presented to others

Shadow archetype

• Contains primitive animal instincts

Self archetype

• Unity, integration, and harmony of the total personality

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Archetypes (continued)

• Opposite sex characteristics

Animus archetype

• Masculine aspect of the female


Anima archetype

• Feminine aspect of the male psyche

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q inherited; genetic basis
q shadow and anima/animus as archetypes
q other archetypes
qThe Great Mother
qThe Hero
qThe Heroine
qThe Wise old sage
qThe Trickster

q Psychosis: Dangers of the Collective


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• the acausal principle, in which
events are determined by
transpersonal forces

üa coincidence in which the phone

rings just as you are thinking of
the person who calls
übookcase cracking when Jung
and Freud met
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Individuation: How to Reach
• Individuation
– Integration of all
conscious and Accept the anima and animus
unconscious facets
of personality Accept the dark side

Dethrone the persona

Confront the unconscious

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Questions About Human
• Deterministic and free will
• Mixed position about nature and
nurture influences
• Past and present focus
• Uniqueness fades over time
• Growth throughout life
• Optimistic

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Jung’s Assessment

Word-association test Symptom analysis

Projective technique Similar to catharsis

Person responds to a stimulus
word with any word that Verbal report of symptoms
comes to mind
Uncovers complexes Interpretation of free

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Jung’s Assessment
Techniques (continued)

Dream analysis Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Interpretation of dreams to Based on Jung’s psychological
uncover unconscious content types and attitudes
Held that dreams are prospective Popular self-report inventory
and compensatory
Used amplification to analyze Used for hiring and promotion

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Research on Jung’s Theory

• Used life-history reconstruction

– Life-history reconstruction
• Examining past experience to identify
developmental patterns that may explain
present neuroses
• Analysis of data was subjective and
– No verbatim and verification of accuracy

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Research on Jung’s Theory

Psychological types
• Introverts prefer
technical and scientific
• Extraverts prefer socially
oriented jobs
• Extraverts score higher
on happiness and life
• Introverts prefer online
social contact

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Reflections on Jung’s Theory

• Contributions
– Word association became a standard
projective technique
• Inspired the development of Rorschach
inkblot test and lie-detection techniques
– Influenced future theorists
– First to emphasize the role of future in
determining behavior
– Midlife crisis is supported by
considerable research
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Reflections on Jung’s Theory

• Criticisms
– Concepts were difficult to understand
– Writings were inconsistent and lacked
– Embrace of the occult and supernatural

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