Access MU Wireless

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Accessing Macquarie University Wireless Network

SCOPE: All current SIBT students and teaching staff

• Before following steps on this procedure, please make sure that your device has proper antivirus
installed and has the firewall feature on.
• This procedure is created based on network environment and suggested the laptop to have Windows
XP/ Vista/ Windows7 and Internet Explorer 7 or above.

1. On the laptop, open Wireless Network Connection. Depending on the laptop Operating System, to
open Wireless Network Connection can be achieved different way; ie. on Windows XP Professional:
Start > Connect To > Wireless Network Connection

2. On the Wireless Network Connection, select Macquarie University Wireless and click Connect
button. If you cannot see Macquarie University Wireless, make sure you are physically in the
Macquarie University Wireless coverage then click Refresh network list.
3. When the status is “Connected”, close the Wireless Network Connection window.

4. Open internet browser, ie. Internet Explorer. The homepage will be redirected to Macquarie Uni –
Wireless Authentication page. Enter your username, password and click Submit to logon.

For students to login, please use your SIBT Portal student ID (uppercase) and password.
For teaching staff to login, please use SIBT Portal ID (uppercase) and request the password
from SIBT IT.

5. If the username and password are correct, you will get your homepage screen.

If you cannot go to your own homepage and the Authentication page just refreshed again. That
means your login is failed, either because of incorrect username or password.
If user enters the wrong user name or password three times, the wireless account will be
locked. If this should occur, please report to SIBT. SIBT IT Staff will contact with MQU ITS to
unlock account.

If student changed portal password, the new password will apply to wireless access from the
following day. The system only transfers data once from SIBT to MQU at 8:00pm every day.

6. Users can continuously use the connection for up to 18 hours for each login.
You don’t need to re-login if you shutdown and restart your laptop within this 18 hours period.

If you manually disconnect the wireless or the connection automatically disconnected due to
weak signal, you need to manually connect to Macquarie University Wireless and re-login.

Please Note:
• SIBT IT is responsible for transferring user data to ITS daily
• SIBT IT is responsible for sending requests to ITS unlocking wireless accounts
• Macquarie University ITS is responsible for Wireless network is functioning and accessible

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