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Looking out, into the newly discovered nighttime landscape,

beyond the mountain walls of the Davis Gods, a vast landscape of

forests with trees larger than cities pop out from the ground,
with small cities dangling from the branches. A dragon flies in
the distance, and the conflict in Cointan can be seen just one
kilometre down and to your left as you exit the cave.
The only pathway down that you can see travels down very
slowly, and to the right. (keen mind knows it goes to the east)
After reaching the forest break,you see the stone golem waiting
near a tree, and a large pile of dirt and tree roots.
The golem ushers you each inside a hovel under the tree,
that is complete with enough room for each of you to comfortably
get a long rest. The golem sits itself down infront of the only
exit, giving you all a thumbs up as it waits until dawn.
Once all of you have awakened, the golem gets up from the
little ramp to leave the hovel. Once all of you are out, the
golem sits back down, and starts to break apart, turning into
normal stones, with a wisp of magic dissipating from its body,
it’s contract complete. As the golem breaks apart, a note falls
out from inside of it.
THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS PARCHMENT!” Flipping the parchment over,
you find it has a single curved line drawn on it. You can
understand that General just wants you to follow the path until
you reach the next town.
Walking along the path, you don’t really know what to
expect out here. Sometimes you come across a wild animal, or
even some commoners. You can easily avoid both, despite two of
your sizes, but as you reach the city, one which you naut the
name you know, you’re greeted by a shout, “Ho there, mythical
creatures and summoner alike! We are the guards of Falkoph, and
we request you to refrain from ordering your summons to harm any
civilian, merchant or person within city limits.” A guard in
leather armor says to you as he appears from behind a tree.
“Any attempt at harming the residents and merchants will be
met swiftly and justly. We offer you to return your summons to
their symbols now, or simply order them to stand down from any
hostile action” the guard says, not stuttering, nor hesitating
with any word.
The guard then stands to the side of the road leading into
the small town, watching as you pass by. Entering the town, no
one really bats an eye, other than a few merchants who probably
weren’t expecting to see a minotaur and centaur at the moment.
People don’t really seem to care about you being an elf either,
Brynn. They don’t even recognize your necklace, being the
Expedites necklace.
Looking around, you can see a tavern, a blacksmith, a
merchant square, a residential area with houses, and what looks
like a mayoral building with a water well in front of it.

Tavern: Has a decent amount of people. You spend around a

minute finding a table that isn’t in use or heavy used recently.

Blacksmith: The blacksmith is human, and he has some

weapons and armor on sale, along with farming equipment and
household things such as door handles, light fixtures,
wires(expensive thought, init?) and he even has a few dresses
and suits that he made out for sale as well.

Merchant Square: You can find pretty much anything a small

time adventurer would need.

Potion Shop;
● Healing pots, 4 for 5g/per
● Potion of haste, 1 for 15g
● Potion of false life, 2 for 7g/per
● Potion of Addition, 1 for 2p
Armor shop;
● Studded Bear Leather, 30 Electrum 13+Dex
● Retrofitted Scale mail, 15 Gold no stealth disadvantage
● Reinforced Breastplate, 330 Electrum 14+Dex(upto 3)
● Etiquette Half-plate, 750 Electrum resistance to one
physical damage of your choice after a long rest.
● Lightweight Chainmail, 42 Gold no str/stealth disadvantage
● Garanter Splint, 200 Gold 17+Dex(upto 2)
● Garanter Shook Plate, 2k Gold 20
Weapon shop; All weapons at 1/10th PHB price.
Magic Scroll stall; Magic scrolls for all first level spells
selling at 1g/per, while all second level spells at 3g/per with
1st level spells used with 2nd spell slot at 5g/per.
Jewelry stall;
● Ruby ring -nothing 50g
● Sapphire ring -nothing 60g
● Emerald ring -nothing 45g
● Amethyst ring -can cast charm 1/week, lasts 1 day. 30g
● Seastone Necklace -putting to ear can hear waves along
shore, water sometimes drips out. 15e
● Black Parasol -nothing 5e
Enrique’s Enchanterporium;
● +1 dmg 5e
● +1 atk 7e
● Change to fire dmg(only dice damage, and all dice damage
unless otherwise stated) 5g
● ^ Ice 5g
● ^ Poison 7g
● ^ Necrotic (heals you for 1/4th of base dice dmg, I.E.
1d4/4 for dagger, 2d6/4 for greatsword Etc.) 10g
● ^ Radiant (Enemies hit have -1 to next atk & dmg) 10g
● Cast ranged spell (3/d 1st lvl, 2/d 2nd, 1/d 3rd, 1/w 4th)
● Can transform into shield or other weapon of choice(if
choose shield you will benefit from having a shield, but
only if the weapon is two handed, or finesse.) 30g
● +1 AC 45g
● Elemental dmg resistance(fire, ice, poison, lightning) 50g
● Elemental dmg immunity(^) 10 Platinum pieces, up front.
(Passive perception of 15, he doesn’t do the enchantment.
If you call him out, he will do the enchantment and return
5 platinum pieces as an apologie.)

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