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Residential district: People live here.

(empty for future


Mayoral building: The mayor is a stout man. He is human,

but rather short for one. He’s talking with what you assume to
be his secretary before you walk in. When he finishes talking to
his secretary or if players interrupt him, the mayor asks the
party if they need anything. If the party asks for a job, mayor
points to the help board just outside, that the party missed.
Other than that, just general mayoral duties.
Quick refresh, they’re all sitting in Xeres room in one of the
Inns in Chrastins.

Xeres room is big enough for you all to fit in, if just
barely. Bog had to crawl into the room, and can’t stand up while
inside. It’s relatively devoid of anything of value, mostly just
a place for Xeres to sleep with how it look. Stone walls, wooden
flooring, and a cot made from bedding you’d find in near any
After a few hours of waiting, the door opens, and Xeres
walks in, visibly exhausted. She tells you that the mayor and
head of security weren’t very happy with you.
If we’re going to stay in this town until winter, which we
need to, otherwise we won’t be ready for the lakeside ice walk.
I don’t care if you don’t know, I was planning to tell you more
once you got here in a few days, but you’re here now. Long story
short, the only way to get to the Dwarven kingdom without taking
an extra 2 months of riding in caravans, is to walk for 3 days
on the ice. So, I need you all to stay on good terms with this
fucking city, and the Mayor wants you all to either leave, or
become his lapdog until the ice freezes over, and I’d really
like to not deal with bandits and brigands all around these
I’ve already paid for the rooms next to me, so go rest
until tomorrow morning. Meet me at the tavern, don’t talk to
anyone, don’t start anything, just don’t fuck things up, okay?

Xeres answers questions (about 4 questions, if they are


There are guards posted in the main room of the Inn, and
they have quite different armor compared to the others, despite
there only being 3 of them. If fighting, encounter Inn Guards.
Looking around through windows in the halls and your rooms,
there are a large amount of guards in exquisite armor, just like
those in the main room.

As midday turns to night, then to dawn, and you leave your

rooms, Xeres is down in the main room, drinking a cuppa (cup of
tea). As you look at Xeres, she points to the wall across the
room, which seems to have a board on it, and two of those guards
previously posted around the Inn next to it.
(Only Brynn hears this; Another fuckin’ job board)

As you approach the board, the guard on the left introduces

himself as Paraith, Lieutenant of the elite guardsmen assigned
to this city by the Kings Reagent. We’ll be in charge of your
work and assignments as repayment for those the damages you
caused yesterday.

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