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The guard on the right introduces himself as Private Prinipkal.

He will be your leash while you are out on jobs. Xeres needs to
stay in town for a while, and your first job is going to be
clearing out a small thieves guild that runs under Chrastins.
With your size, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get inside, but
if we want to take them by surprise, then only you come
with(pointing to Brynn). I don’t think they’re dangerous enough
to need more than the four of us though, seeing as how one of
you three is a minotaur.
Xeres interjects, saying they she’s been trying to draw a
map from memory, and she’ll give it to Sylvana when they get
back tonight.
Prini answers questions, while walking towards the
dockyard. The thieves aren’t that troublesome. The trouble is
the fact of where they’re located. All we’ve managed to
understand is that they’re near the dockyards, probably
underneath, and sabotaging the departure of the Steamboat.
To be honest, we haven’t done much recently because we were
busy with some trouble makers who teleported into the middle of
the town. It also just so happens that those trouble makers come
from the Davis Gods, and we’re under orders to cause you no
harm, unless you directly cause harm to us. Which you did. Just
yesterday. I am trying to guilt trip you, Brynn.
Walking down the streets, the dirt path crunches with a few
pebbles here and there, people actively walking out of their way
to stay away from your group. A few minutes after leaving the
Inn, the can see the large wall that surrounds the city, cuts
into the water and it’s gate the prevents naval invasion. Your
marveling, is very abruptly cut short by the screams and sudden
scent of burning wood. The docks (there’s only three docks) are
on fire, and a group of robed individuals are attacking any who
try to put the fire out or stop them. Prinipkal instantly rushes
in, shouting for you to join him and protect the steamboat,
which you can see isn’t docked, but is rather floating in the
middle of the harbor.

Perception check DC 17
[You see a single individual in robes similar to those burning
the docks, running and climbing into the harbor, and
disappearing.] [if bring this up, skip to page 14]
Encounter Dockyard

As the battle comes to an end, civilians quickly rush to

put out the fires and signal the steamboat to return. Prinipkal
just nonchalantly continues walking towards the dock house,
which seems fine.

Prinipkal calls out for you to hurry up and follow him so

we all can investigate the dock house. A group of about 8 city
guards runs by to the docks to keep things safe. Prinipkal
shouts to you again, if you wait any more, but very peeved.
Entering the dock house, which is made of stoneworks, so it
couldn’t be set on fire. The inside of the dock house is empty
of people, but it has a large sum of boxes and machinery inside.
Most of the machinery is for lifting heavy objects onto whatever
boat is under construction at the time.
Prinipkal tells you all to start searching around the
building, and not to break anything. Investigation DC 15
[You see what can only be assumed as an entrance into an
underground area, likely a sewer system, as it’s near the
roadside of the dock house. Half of it is covered by a box.
Str DC 30 to move the box off half of it.

After Prinipkal calls everyone over to your discovery, he

beckons each of you down into the secret room. It seems to be
relatively taken care of, having torches and braziers that you
could light up. Prinipkal asks one of you if you can see
anything, as he’s human, or if you could light a torch for him.
The secret room consists of a circular gate-like door
leading downwards to a sewer, a bed, a chest [locked DC 16], and
a the prior spoken torches, all unlit. There is no dust on
Chest contains 17 silver pieces, a rolled parchment, and a
jar of pinkish liquid with a green film swirling inside of it.
[potion of life; gain 1 more hitdice]

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