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Boyden’s Wenjack: Building Connections and Creating Understanding – GRASPS Task

Part 1: Organizer

In the organizer below, select one chapter from Wenjack and identify at least three dominant literary techniques (elements of style) from that
chapter. Analyse how each device generates meaning by how it is used in that chapter. Finally, provide a comment on how these devices and
their meanings work together to develop the theme of connection as a dominant effect in that chapter.

Chapter Title: “Spider” from Joseph Boyden’s Wenjack

Literary Technique Direct Quotation Analysis

(element of style)
#1 ‘’Then nimishoo turns he over to “Turns, long, white, bright, brown and slit”, these words are
Diction remove his insides. The long carefully selected by Boyden in order for the readers to recreate
white stomach and bright heart the situation again in their mind. On one hand, Boyden describes a
and brown guts spill and I watch cruel process of killing the fish, moreover, he tries to indicate the
the shining knife slit open the harsh truth for this family: they don’t have enough food for
white and out flops two parts of everyone. On the other hand, this is a huge contrast to the story
a smaller fish the bigger one had after that Uncle insists on sharing his ration of fish with Aunt,
eaten.’’ (43) because the former is emotionless and the latter is touching.
#2 ‘’The nimaamaa comes up then “The dark mouth” here is the kitchen. The reason why the kitchen is
Metaphor with her bowl and scoops it all dark is because apparently they don’t use electricity at that time
inside then turns and walks, her period and they want to save the resources that they have for the
daughter following, into the dark true cold? winter. This implies that the family is in a very poor living
mouth of their home.’’ (43-44) condition. In real life, people use their mouth to eat, to swallow,
therefore, when they use their mouths to swallow food, food will
disappear forever into their stomach. The dark mouth is like a
endless hole that traps the family in the problems and poverty,
never letting them have the opportunities and the abilities to make
their condition better.
#3 ‘’I can’t see her, but I know that Spirit takes the form of a number of animals in this novella, for
Symbolism grandmother spider watches me example, in the former, it becomes a pike. As a result, the
careful from the she made from grandmother spider in this text represent Spirit’s process of
her body, wondering too which watching over Chanie and being present with him in his journey.
way tomorrow I will go.’’ (48) Sometimes, Spirit provides support, as it does in “Pike” (35) by
giving its life as a gift, wheras in other occasion, it is simply a

Dominant Effect: How do these three techniques work together to generate the dominant effect of connection in the chapter?

The three techniques establish the dominant effect of connection by describing the poor living conditions of the family, as well as warmth
flowing in the family that the readers could picture. Diction and metaphor collaborate together to show how the cruel the- delete truth is and
also make the contrast of even though this family is living in this situation, they still never forget the principles of being kind to each other.
Lastly, symbolism reminds the readers that no matter in what occasion, Spirit is always by Chanie’s side to either watch over him or help him.

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