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Specify wallet file name (e.g., wallet.bin).

Wallet file name: napoleanbonafrog

password: **************
2018-Jan-11 00:21:40.488624 INFO Loading wallet...
Sync from timestamp: 1515421058
2018-Jan-11 00:21:40.801029 INFO Opened wallet:
2018-Jan-11 00:21:40.801389 INFO
Use "help" command to see the list of available commands.
Height 91447 of 91447
[wallet TRTLv1]: help
2018-Jan-11 00:21:46.985329 INFO Commands:
address Show current wallet public address
balance Show current wallet balance
bc_height Show blockchain height
exit Close wallet
export_keys Show the secret keys of the openned wallet
help Show this help
incoming_transfers Show incoming transfers
list_transfers Show all known transfers
payments payments <payment_id_1> [<payment_id_2> ... <payment_id_N>]
- Show payments <payment_id_1>, ... <payment_id_N>
reset Discard cache data and start synchronizing from the start
save Save wallet synchronized data
set_log set_log <level> - Change current log level, <level> is a
number 0-4
transfer transfer <mixin_count> <addr_1> <amount_1> [<addr_2>
<amount_2> ... <addr_N> <amount_N>] [-p payment_id] [-f fee] - Transfer
<amount_1>,... <amount_N> to <address_1>,... <address_N>, respectively.
<mixin_count> is the number of transactions yours is indistinguishable from (from 0
to maximum available)

[wallet TRTLv1]: list_transfers

2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.617917 INFO timestamp (UTC)
hash total amount fee block
unlock time
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.618284 INFO
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.618579 INFO 2018-01-10 10:43:39
50144.00 1.00 89856 0
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.618822 INFO
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.619017 INFO 2018-01-10 10:50:29
-50000.10 0.10 89872 0
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.619245 INFO transfers:
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.619428 INFO
6yrwQiE5yquMSZsd 50000.00
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.619643 INFO
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.619830 INFO 2018-01-10 15:26:37
50146.00 1.00 90409 0
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.620057 INFO
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.620249 INFO 2018-01-10 15:40:08
-50000.10 0.10 90435 0
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.620521 INFO transfers:
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.620720 INFO
6yrwQiE5yquMSZsd 50000.00
2018-Jan-11 00:21:51.620937 INFO

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