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MKT408: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability

Prepared by: Aye Min Zaw, He Ya, Fendyanto, Feryal H. Ahmed, Teh See Huang
Programme: BBDUH
Research Study on CSR of University


1) What is the mission of the organization?

2) What is the stated social mission/CSR?

3) CSR can be defined and are defined differently by different organizations. How

does INTI define and see CSR as?

4) What categories of CSR activities does INTI pursue (such as economic, legal or

ethical)? And why?

5) How do you execute your social mission/ program? (Programs may focus on areas

such as social justice, human rights, community development, justice,

environmental stewardship, or corporate governance such as code of ethics and

corporate structure)

6) How do you promote your program and involve your employees?

7) Does INTI follow any CSR standards and what kind of CSR standards INTI uses?

8) Why do you have CSR or social program? (Example: to reduce the pressure on the

consumer, liabilities, media or ethics of running the organization)

9) How do you determine the success and failure of the CSR?

10) How has the CSR changed overtime? Why?

11) How do you balance CSR with “bottom line” concerns?

12) How are conflicts between stakeholders’ values and CSR resolved?

13) What are the external and internal CSR undertaken?

14) When did INTI actively think and undertake CSR strategies?
MKT408: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability
Prepared by: Aye Min Zaw, He Ya, Fendyanto, Feryal H. Ahmed, Teh See Huang
Programme: BBDUH
Research Study on CSR of University

15) Why is CSR important to educational institutions and particularly INTI in this


16) Do you see a shift in the student values and culture in relation to CSR in this

academic institution?

17) If universities are seen as having a responsibility to the society, what and how

would you say is the nature of this responsibility?

18) How has the CSR implemented by INTI affected the investors or stakeholders


19) What is the impact of CSR implementation on INTI?

20) What are your expectations from the CSR implementation in INTI?

21) What CSR action is taken in the interests of INTI’s employees?

22) What was done by INTI for the society? When and How?

23) What are the future CSR plans of INTI?

24) Are there any companies working together with INTI in their CSR program?


25) How does INTI provide scholarship to students who cannot afford to pay the


26) Are there any other green marketing efforts by INTI other than “No plastic bag”?

27) Do you have any future plans for CSR in INTI? If ‘Yes’ then what are your future

plans for CSR implementation in INTI?

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