Can o Your Town Reflection

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Professor Saladino EDU 214

Student Name: Kimberly Hall

Course: EDU-214-1003
Date: 07/17/2021
Artifact Name: Can O’ Your Town
What you learned: (Student hurdles that were overcome, and proficiency in which technology
tools/skills accomplished while completing the project to create an overall learning summary.)

The Can O’ Your Town assignment was the assignment I found most amusing. I believe it can be a fun
task that will benefit my student’s creativity. As far as the technological skills I acquired, I believe the
most beneficial part was learning how to make the measurement of the can, the same measurement of
the task on my computer screen. It was fun thinking of all the different pictures and details I had to
formulate on the label of the can. The textbox feature really came in handy, and I finally learned how to
move pictures found on the internet, to certain places on my can label. Last week I had to utilize
YouTube for most of the features and procedures, as well as the great tips you gave, however on this
assignment, I figured out all the features on my own that I used, from remembering previous projects. I
feel I now have the capability of making different assignments for myself, such as picture collaborations
and brainstorming techniques that may help my students acquire the educational information they
need. I learned how to change the shape fill, outlines that are weighted, and how changing the effects of
the shapes can change the whole assignment bringing its quality to a higher level.

Technology ISTE National Educational Standards for STUDENTS (NETS) -S

Addressed: (The specific standard you feel is being met by completing the project.)
Standard #6 6b: Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital
resources into new creations.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: (Ideas to mold the lesson into something similar or
extend the idea to meet a different grade level, student subgroup, or subject area.)

I believe this assignment has enhanced my skills even further when utilizing PowerPoint and other
drawing platforms. I learned how to use the shadow and different shape effects to make my
assignments features more pleasing to the eye. I learned that some individuals may have different
ailments that will cause them difficulty when looking at bright colors, so I ensured I used colors that I
knew would not distract from the lesson’s objective. This is something I previously did not think of. The
tips you give when assigning the assignments are beneficial because you tell us things like this. I now
know how to include all students when formulating my presentations. I did cut the label out after it was
finished, and to my surprise, it fit the Bush Baked Beans can I started with. I would use this type of
project for something like a multicultural lesson plan. For example, I will have my students choose a
nation from a list of nations I will already have prepared, and express different aspects associated with
that nations culture. I would also include a 5-page descriptive multicultural research paper to present
formally present to the class.

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