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1st Summative Test in TLE Industrial Arts

3rd Quarter
Name: ________________________ Grade/Section: _________________ Score: ______________

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in your notebook.

1. The process of depositing millions of little individual cut fiber particles.

a. varnishing b. flocking c. carving
2. It is considered an art using a fire or heat to decorate wood or leather.
a. pyrography b. painting c. outlining
3. Beautifying a product means__________.
a. flocking b. decorating c. texturing
4. A technique that involves inserting decorative pieces in to the base of an object.
a. Flocking b. decorating c. Inlaying
5. A technique that uses metal stamps, hammer and stencil to create imprint.
a. Texturing and embossing b. sketching c. shading

II. Direction: Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE in your activity
__________1. You can select what type of paint you are going to use.

__________2. Metal product is hard to enhance.

__________3. Brush or spray is needed in applying a varnish.

__________4. Using hand plane can help smooth the wood.

__________5. Paint should be re –applied to attain the desired color.

__________6. Finishing materials are used to smoothen the products before decorating.
__________7. Colored paper and ribbon cloth is not useful in decorating and wrapping products.
_________8. Abaca and sinamay fibers are paper thin locally made materials used for wrapping or packaging
_________9. Engraving- is a method of transferring a design on metal using a hardened steel tool called burin
________10. To determine that the products are in demand in the market, there’s a need to conduct survey either
through internet surfing, interview the businessman who sales a certain kind of product and furniture shop.

III. Mark check (∕) if the statement is correct and (X) if the statement is wrong. Write your answer in your activity

_________1. Adopting new ideas about market trends can make our products unsaleable.
_________2. We should be creative and innovative in enhancing/decorating
finished product.
_________3. Technology can help the quality in marketing of woodcraft, bamboo craft and metalcraft.
_________4. Success in marketing of product depends only on its durability.
_________5. The customers’ preferences are the kinds of materials, and the design of the finished products.
________1. Finishing materials are used to smoothen the products before decorating.
________2. Colored paper and ribbon cloth is not useful in decorating and wrapping products.
________3. Abaca and sinamay fibers are paper thin locally made materials used for wrapping or packaging
________4. Engraving- is a method of transferring a design on metal using a hardened steel tool called burin
________5. To determine that the products are in demand in the market, there’s a need to conduct survey either
through internet surfing, interview the businessman who sales a certain kind of product and furniture shop.

Prepared by:
School Principal
2nd Summative Test in TLE Industrial Arts
3rd Quarter
Name: ________________________ Grade/Section: _________________ Score: ______________

I. Multiple Choice. Underline the correct answer.

1. Enhancing a product means (improving, beautifying, decorating) the appearance of the
2. Decorating the product may be done by putting (drawing, accessories, finishes) on the
surface of the product.
3. One method of enhancing/decorating a product includes (sketching, measuring, cutting).
4. A drawing which shows the contour of a product is (sketching, outlining, shading).
5. Creating lights and dark patterns on the surface of a product is (shading, drawing,
6. (Smoothing, Planning, Sawing) is the process of removing lint and rough edges on wood.
7. The process of applying paint, varnish, and coloring materials to improve appearance of a
product is (finishing, painting, varnishing).
8. (Flocking, Engraving, Inlaying) is a metal enhancing technique which involves the transfer
of a design on a metal using a hardened steel tool called burin.
9. The use of fire or heat to decorate wood or bamboo is called (staining, pyrography,
10. (Embossing, Staining, Engraving) is the process of coloring wood to give an illusion of

II. Instruction: A. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in your activity

_____1. protection of health and safety a. hazard posed by power of workers
_____2. hazards and risk b. raw materials that can
cause fire
_____3. paints, varnish, thinner, lacquer c. chemicals used in craft making
_____4. indigenous fibers, wood, paper d. 3R's
_____5. defective electrical wiring e. dangers posed by carelessness and ignorance
f. aim of occupational health and safety

B. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if it is not.

_____1. We need to consider the benefits that we can get out of the product.
_____2. We need to prepare the tools and equipment needed.
_____3. We need to use protective equipment in doing the project.
_____4. Playing around with the tools while doing the project is okay.
_____5. We need to buy the expensive materials to make our product more saleable and
quality assured.
_____6. Doing a project without proper planning is great.
_____7. Project planning is done after finishing your project.
_____8. Everybody should follow the health and safety measures while doing the project.
_____9. We can do the project even if we do not have knowledge and skills about it.
_____10. We can buy any materials on our project.
3rd Summative Test in TLE Industrial Arts
3rd Quarter
Name: ________________________ Grade/Section: _________________ Score: ______________

I. Read the following statements. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on
the space provided.

1. Whether you decide to mass produce a product or create a new product, always prepare your ____.
A. inventory C. plan
B. capital D. product

2. Creating a new product should be based on _________________.

A. the result of research to ensure marketability.
B. the need of the community.
C. interested and loyal customers.
D. the request of potential buyers.
3. What will help you arrive at a reasonable estimate of the needed materials?
A. Inventory C. Source and cost of materials
B. Time of production D. Skill level of workers
4. All aspects of the product should follow a set of standards to ensure the ______ of the product.
A. quality C. quantity
B. Efficacy D. marketability
5. If you have more people working on finishing your products, production time becomes shorter and cost
incurred becomes lower.
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. Never
6. How can an entrepreneur determine specific product that can be best produce?
A. through an inventory C. through a survey
B. through product listing D. selecting skilled workers
7. What must be identified first so that you can plan how your product will be packaged and delivered
according to the designated places.
A. Time of production C. The number of skilled workers
B. Market areas D. Materials needed
8. Most entrepreneurs would hire trainers to train their workforce than hiring ________.
A. skilled workers C. Master Cutter
B. instructor D. Professor
9. A skillful workforce will produce quality products. However, labor cost can be higher.
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. Never
10. Why is it important to prepare a plan before deciding to mass produce a product or create a new
A. Time can be manage efficiently. C. Ensure marketability
B. Successful business outcome D. All of the above.
II. Read the following test items below. Put √ if the statement is safety precaution in handling tools and
materials if not put X. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

______1. Do not wear face shield while working.

______2. Use clamp or flier in holding hot object.
______3. Never use gloves in handling heavy equipment.
______4. Allow worn out electrical wires under the table.
______5. Always use appropriate safety footwear and gloves when using electric
______6. Turn off electrical gadgets and equipment when not in use.
______7. Stay away electrical cords from wet surface.
______8. Use worn out electrical cord.
______9. Operate electrical gadgets you do not know to use it properly.
______10. Properly unplug the cord from an outlet.

3rd Summative Test in TLE Industrial Arts

3rd Quarter
Name: ________________________ Grade/Section: _________________ Score: ______________

I. Instructions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Write your answer in your activity
________ 1. To learn to repair is an important part of the maintenance of the house.
________ 2. To repair gadgets or furnishings should be done during free time.
________ 3. Repairing an extension cord can be done by boys only.
________ 4. Repairing broken windows and loose doors, replacing old and broken faucets, are
some examples of simple home repairs.
________ 5. Repairing minor breakageimmediately prevents further damage and minimize waste of
________6. Follow the proper procedure in repair to make your furniture durable and reusabale.
________7. Plier is a tool used for cutting something.
________8. Screwdriver is a tool used for turning screw.
________9. You can use any type of wire for an extension cord as you desire.
________10. Safety is primarily to be considered in doing home and school repair to avoid hazard
and risk.

II. Read the following test items below. Select the correct answer from the given choices
and write the letter only of your answer in your activity notebook.

1. Which of the following best define sorting?

a. Controlling the work area visually and physically
b. Creating place for everything
c. Separating necessary things from unnecessary things
2. All of the following are benefits of sorting EXCEPT.
a. It will be quicker and safer to move goods after clutter has been removed
b. It will be quicker to find tools if they are stored where they are needed
c. It will be quicker to find tools if they are hidden by piles of clutter
3. What is the proper way of sorting recyclable materials?
a. according to color
b. according to price
c. according to use
4. Sorting should be done ONLY in our home and school.
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe
5. What is the first step in the process of sorting?
a. Decide what is necessary and what is unnecessary
b. Put a red tag on unnecessary items and keep them in separate area.
c. Throw those items which have not been used in the past one year
6. Things used hourly/everyday/once a week should be place _________.
a. center point of the work station
b. near the work station
c. distance from work station
7. Saving time when looking for an item that is actually needed is one of the good reasons for
disposing of unnecessary objects.
a. True b. False c. Partly true/Partly False
8. Which of the following activities shows the principle of sorting?
a. Daily sweeping and mopping of floor, bathroom, corridor etc
b. Labeling, numbering, zoning for clear identification of storage areas to keep necessary item
c. Place “Red tag” for categorization of items to identify unnecessary items
9. Which things should be place at the center point of the station?
a. things used 6-12 months
b. things used more than once a month
c. things used hourly/everyday
10. Sort or “Seiri” translates to_________.
a. cleanliness b. orderliness c. tidiness

III. Matching Type: Draw a line from each word to connect the correct meaning.

1. Most bottles and food packaging recycle

are made from these.

2. To use something again, rather paper

than buy a new one.

3. To make smaller or less of something plastic

4. Waste, trash, items we do not need reuse
or want

5. To make something old into rubbish

something new.

6. Made from trees, we use and write reduce

on this a lot.

Prepared by:
School Principal

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