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Meaning and Significance of Culture

Dr. Radhika Kapur


In not only India, but in other countries of the world as well, the individuals recognize
the meaning and significance of culture. The overall living conditions of the individuals get
influenced by cultures. Through cultures, the individuals generate awareness in terms of
norms, values, standards and principles, which are regarded to be of utmost significance for
the individuals in enriching their lives. From the stage of early childhood, the individuals are
imparted knowledge in terms of cultures from their family members as well as teachers. As
the individuals grow, they need to put into operation the cultures, so they are able to enrich
their lives. The cultures are different in terms of various communities, i.e. rural, urban and
tribal. All these communities have their own cultures, norms, values, beliefs, and principles
on the basis of which they live their lives. When the individuals, belonging to various
communities, age groups, categories and backgrounds recognize the meaning and
significance of culture and implement it in their lives, they will not only be able to achieve
personal and professional goals, but emerge into productive human beings. The main areas
that have been taken into account in this research paper include, meaning and significance of
culture, characteristics of culture and role of culture in the lives of individuals.

Keywords: Communication Skills, Culture, Enrichment, Individuals, Norms,

Principles, Values

Culture is referred to the human made environment, which includes material and non-
material products that are transmitted from one generation to the next. When the individuals
are required to transfer information or cultural aspects from one generation to the next, they
need to pay attention towards up-gradation of their communication skills. When the
communication processes will be worthwhile and meaningful, the individuals will be able to
impart knowledge and understanding in terms of cultures to others in a well-organized
manner. Information in terms of cultures can be transmitted in oral as well as in written forms
of communication. These are transmitted through symbols, constituting the distinctive
achievements of human beings, including their embodiments as artefacts. The essential core
of culture therefore lies in those finer ideas, which are transmitted within a group, both
historically derived as well as selected with the attached value. Culture is referred to
historically transmitted patterns of meanings embodied in symbols, by means of which the
individuals communicate, preserve, and develop their knowledge (Culture: An Introduction,

Culture is referred to the expression of the nature in the ways of living and thinking. It
may be observed in various spheres, which are, social, religious, economic, and political.
There are two components of culture, material and non-material. Material culture consists of
objects that are related to the material aspects of one’s lives, i.e. attire, food items, other
goods etc. Whereas, non-material components are, norms, values, beliefs and so forth
(Culture: An Introduction, n.d.). There are differences in the cultural traits of the individuals,
belonging to different regions, states as well as countries. But when the individuals are
generating information in terms of other cultures, they need to form positive viewpoints and
accept them. Therefore, it can be stated that meaning and significance of cultures is regarded
to be of utmost significance in achieving personal and professional goals as well as in
enhancing one’s overall living standards and in maintaining sociable terms and relationships
with others.

Meaning and Significance of Culture

The term ‘culture’ is derived from the Latin word cult or cultus, meaning tilling or
cultivation or refining and worship. It is referred to cultivating or refining a thing to such an
extent that its end product evokes ones reverence and admiration (Culture: An Introduction,
n.d.). A culture is regarded as the way of life. For all individuals, irrespective of caste, creed,
race, religion, ethnicity, occupations, educational qualifications, gender, age and socio-
economic background, culture is regarded as one of the indispensable aspects that influences
the living conditions. Culture is the symbolic communication, it is passed on from one
generation to the next. Culture promotes unity among the individuals, irrespective of
differences among them. When the individuals need to work in co-ordination and integration
with each other, particularly in educational institutions and various types of organizations, it
is vital for them to accept each other’s cultures. One of the important factors that needs to be
taken into account are, all the individuals need to form positive viewpoints in terms of other
cultures and there should not be any kind of discriminatory treatment.

When one is conducting research on culture, one is able to understand that it consists
of the patterned way of thinking, feeling and reacting (The Concept of Culture, n.d.). These
aspects are regarded as an integral part of one’s lives. It is necessary for the individuals to
take into account the cultures, when they are thinking in terms of something, feeling or
reacting. It is essential for the individuals to depict positivity in the implementation of various
tasks, functions and activities. Through culture, the individuals are able to understand the
meaning and significance of positivity as well. They understand that positivity will contribute
effectively in helping them to identify the limitations and in bringing about improvements. In
order to enrich one’s lives, the individuals need to learn to put into operation the cultural
traits in a well-organized manner. Research on culture has been conducted by scholars. These
scholars have identified the contents and boundaries in terms of the interests of the scholars,
who have conducted research on it. Therefore, research on culture is regarded as one of the
central factors in acquiring its efficient understanding.

Objective culture can be conceptualized and created by the individuals and the ones
who are residing outside them. Objects, such as, artworks, handicrafts, food items, clothing,
tools, materials and equipment are also regarded as important factors that put emphasis upon
the culture. For instance, when an individual makes a visit to a colleague or a friend’s house,
who belongs to different community, and is different in terms of cultural traits, then the
individuals will find differences in terms of above stated factors as well. In some cases, these
factors are appreciated, whereas, in other cases, these are not appreciated. When they are not
appreciated, it is apparent that one should communicate with other individuals in a polite and
decent manner. When the individuals are cultured, they are well-aware in terms of how to
communicate with others in an effective manner. Furthermore, when the individuals are
conducting research on culture, they are able to generate information in terms of various tasks
and activities that needs to be carried out in a well-organized manner. Therefore, meaning
and significance of culture are regarded as crucial.

Cultures are defined as the complex whole that includes the set of knowledge, beliefs,
arts, morals, laws and customs, and any other capabilities and habits that need to be put into
operation by the individuals as members of society. Culture consists of patterns, which are
implicit and explicit, of and for behaviour that are acquired and transmitted by symbols,
constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups, including their embodiment in
artefacts. The essential core of the culture consists of traditionally, historically derived and
selected ideas and especially their attracted values. The culture systems on one hand, may be
regarded as the products of action and on the other hand, they are regarded as the elements of
future action. An important aspect of culture is, it distinguishes one group of individuals from
the other group. It is referred to the set of attitudes, norms, values and beliefs, which the
individuals need to take into account and put into operation in their lives. These are
communicated from one generation to the next (Spencer-Oatey, 2012).

In conducting an analysis of various cultures, the individuals need to take into account
three important areas, artefacts, values, and basic underlying assumptions. The individuals
generate awareness in terms of cultures from the stage of early childhood and need to make
use of it throughout their lives. When one gets enrolled in an educational institution or gets
recruited within organizations, they are imparted information in terms of rules, values, norms
and principles. Apart from being dedicated towards the achievement of goals and objectives,
the individuals need to possess adequate knowledge in terms of cultures and implement them.
Through cultures, the individuals generate awareness in terms of how to conduct themselves.
Furthermore, they generate information in terms of how to enhance their personality traits
and deal with other individuals. In the implementation of cultures, there are number of
aspects that need to be taken into account. These are, way of addressing each other,
environmental conditions, emotional intensity, and tasks and activities, such as, conducting
meetings, preparation of reports, documents and so forth (Spencer-Oatey, 2012). When the
individuals take into account these factors, they are able to implement cultures in an effective

In order to acquire an efficient understanding of culture, it is vital for the individuals

to communicate with others. From the stage of early childhood, when the individuals
communicate with their parents, they provide them knowledge in terms of cultures. In this
case, they are taught, they need to communicate with others in a polite and respectful manner,
depict morality, ethics, righteousness and truthfulness, inculcate the traits of diligence,
resourcefulness and conscientiousness, pay attention towards promoting enrichment of
personality traits, and generate awareness in terms of one’s job duties and responsibilities.
When the individuals take into account these factors, they ensure that they put into operation
in their lives. When the individuals put these into practice in their lives, they are not only
rendering a significant contribution in the achievement of personal and professional goals,
but also emerge into good human beings and productive citizens of the country. Therefore, it
can be stated that culture renders a significant contribution in enabling the individuals to
emerge into good human beings and in enriching their overall quality of lives.

Characteristics of Culture
The customs, traditions, norms, patterns, attitudes, values, principles, standards, ideals
and symbols are regarded as some of the important areas that govern the lives of the
individuals. The behaviour and conduct of the individuals are administered by these aspects.
When the individuals put into operation moral and ethical conduct and behaviour, which is
acceptable within the society, it is believed that they are well-aware in terms of various
aspects of culture. Within the community and nation as a whole, it is crucial for all the
individuals to conduct themselves in accordance to these aspects. Apart from these aspects, it
is necessary for the individuals to generate awareness in terms of characteristics of culture.
Socialization is regarded as one of the indispensable ways through which individuals generate
awareness in terms of various aspects and characteristics of culture (Samiksha, n.d.). Apart
from socialization, the individuals make use of technologies, books and other reading
materials to augment one’s understanding in terms of culture. The characteristics of culture
have been stated as follows: (Culture: An Introduction, n.d.).

Culture is learned and Acquired – From the stage of early childhood, culture is
transmitted to individuals. Culture is learned throughout the lives of the individuals (Culture
is Learned, n.d.). Throughout one’s lives, it is important for the individuals to generate
information in terms of various aspects of culture. The reason being, there are changes taking
place in various aspects of cultures within the course of time, hence, it is essential for the
individuals to learn and implement them on a continuous basis. Family is regarded as the
foundation from where learning of the individuals takes place. Hence, parents are regarded as
the first and foremost teachers, who impart knowledge to their children in terms of cultures.
Furthermore, when the individuals get enrolled in various levels of educational institutions or
get recruited within organizations to generate a source of income and enhance their career
prospects, the individuals need to generate awareness in terms of cultures. The instructors,
supervisors and employers impart not only work-related knowledge, but also knowledge in
terms of culture. On the other hand, it is necessary for the students and employees to
understand and implement the knowledge, which is related to work as well as culture.
Therefore, it can be stated, culture is learned and acquired.

Culture is shared by Group of Individuals – Culture is shared by the group of

individuals. Whether the individuals are family members, living in the same household, or are
students, pursuing the same educational program or are colleagues. When the individuals
possess the same norms, values, beliefs and viewpoints, it is stated that culture is shared by
group of individuals. For instance, when three individuals are working in collaboration with
each other on a project, it is apparent that they may have similar viewpoints. In order to
promote mutual understanding and generate the desired outcomes, the individuals need to
work in collaboration and integration with each other. In this manner, culture related to their
work is shared by group of individuals. In addition, the culture of the individuals is
influenced by the physical and social environment in which they operate. Therefore, it can be
stated, culture is shared by group of individuals.

Culture is Cumulative – The knowledge and understanding of various factors in terms

of culture is communicated in other words, transformed from one generation to the next. The
culture is transmitted from parents to children and further to their children. When the
individuals augment their understanding in terms of culture, they need to ensure they put it
into practice in order to enrich their lives. Furthermore, it is regarded to be of utmost
significance to increase the positivity of culture and put it into practice in order to promote
well-being. Within the course of time, the individuals render an important contribution in
leading to an increase in knowledge in terms of culture. In other words, the meaning and
significance of culture is enriched and acknowledged. Adequate understanding in terms of
culture renders an important contribution in providing solutions to various types of problems.
Therefore, cumulativeness is regarded as an important characteristic of culture.

Culture gets transformed – Within the course of time, culture gets transformed. The
individuals bring about transformations in number of aspects. These include, home
environmental conditions, personal appearance, jobs, tasks, activities, daily life routine and so
forth. When changes takes place in these aspects, the culture also gets transformed. The
individuals bring about changes in attitudes and behavioural traits as well. There are
knowledge, customs, traditions and norms that are no longer recognized and put into
operation, as transformations takes place in cultures. But when the individuals are bringing
about changes in cultures, they need to ensure that they should prove to be beneficial,
worthwhile and effective upon their lives. Bringing about transformations in culture is not
regarded as negative, but it should be brought about for promoting betterment and well-being
of the individuals as well as organizations. Therefore, transformations in culture is also
regarded as an important characteristic of culture.

Culture is Dynamic – Culture does not remain the same and it is of dynamic nature.
Within the course of time, the individuals bring in new ideas and perspectives and initiate
new cultures. For instance, it is a belief that is possessed by the individuals on a
comprehensive scale that one should offer prayers in the morning to the Almighty. In some
households, one does not enter the kitchen to prepare meals without taking a shower and so
forth. These are beliefs, which are followed by household members. But it is not necessary
that these beliefs will be practiced in all households. In some cases, one may enter the kitchen
to prepare one’s breakfast and may take shower later. Hence, the above stated example,
focuses upon the dynamic characteristic of culture. Therefore, it can be stated, dynamic
characteristic of culture is identified by the individuals on a large scale in all communities
and regions.

Culture provides the Range of Permissible Behaviour Patterns – Through culture, the
individuals generate information in terms of norms, values, beliefs and behavioural traits that
they need to put into operation. The individuals need to implement certain behaviour patterns
in order to achieve personal and professional goals, maintain pleasant and amiable terms and
relationships with others within as well as outside the homes and in enriching one’s lives. The
concept of culture renders an important contribution in imparting knowledge and
understanding to the individuals in terms of behaviour patterns. The important behaviour
patterns that are acceptable within the community are, communicating with others in a polite
and respectful manner, inculcating the traits of morality, ethics, diligence and
conscientiousness, depicting helpfulness and co-operation, recognising one’s duties and
responsibilities and possessing a sharing nature. When the individuals are carrying out
various tasks and activities within as well as outside the households, they need to generate
adequate knowledge in terms of performing it well and in achieving the desired aims.
Therefore, it is comprehensively believed that culture provides the range of permissible
behaviour patterns.

Culture is Diverse – Culture is the system that has mutually interdependent parts.
Although these parts are separate, but they are interdependent on one another forming culture
as a whole. It is comprehensively understood that not only in India, but in other countries of
the world as well, there are numerous categories and backgrounds of individuals, who are
different from each other in terms of cultures. The cultures render an important contribution
in enriching the overall lives of the individuals. In other words, the influence of cultures on
the lives of the individuals is acknowledged to a major extent. The individuals, belonging to
rural and tribal communities are different from the ones residing in urban communities.
Hence, diversity in culture is not regarded as negative. But in the present existence, the
individuals, belonging to various cultures have common aims of acquiring education and
training, getting engaged in employment opportunities, generating source of income and
leading to improvements in their overall quality of lives. Therefore, the characteristic of
diversity is regarded as a crucial characteristic of culture.

Culture is Ideational – When it is stated that culture is ideational, it lays down an

ideal pattern of behaviour, which is to be put into operation by the individuals to a major
extent. For instance, socialization and effective communication are regarded as crucial
factors, which need to be focused upon by the individuals, irrespective of their backgrounds,
occupations and categories. Through culture, the individuals generate awareness in terms of
ways that are needed to communicate in an effective manner. These are, making use of polite
language and decent words, smiling and wishing, addressing in a friendly manner, saying
thank you, apologizing when done something wrong, being patient, waiting for one’s turn and
giving others a chance, controlling the feelings of anger and frustration, possessing an
adjustable attitude and possessing a co-operative and approachable nature. It is necessary for
the individuals to implement these factors within as well as outside the homes, particularly
when they are dealing with individuals, who they need to work and collaborate with.
Therefore, culture is ideational is regarded as one of the important characteristics of culture.

Culture helps in Providing Solutions to Problems – In an individual’s lives, it is

apparent that they experience number of problems and challenges. In order to enrich their
lives, it is crucial for the individuals to provide solutions to problems and challenges. In some
cases, the individuals are able to solve the problems on their own, whereas, in other cases,
they need to obtain help and support from others. When the individuals need help and support
from others, who are family members, friends, relatives, instructors, fellow students,
colleagues, supervisors, employers and so forth, they need to establish sociable terms and
relationships with them. One of the key aspects that helps in establishing sociable terms and
relationships with others is effective communication. Culture imparts knowledge and
understanding to the individuals that they need to establish pleasant and sociable terms and
relationships with others, so they are able to obtain support and assistance from them in
providing solutions to various types of problems. Therefore, it can be stated, culture helps in
providing solutions to problems is an important characteristic of culture.

Culture Contributes in Effective Growth and Development of Individuals – As it is

comprehensively understood that from the stage of early childhood, parents at home as well
as teachers in schools impart to the individuals, knowledge and understanding in terms of
cultures. When the individuals acquire an efficient understanding and put into operation
cultures in their lives, they will be able to benefit in number of ways as well as contribute
sufficiently in leading to their effective growth and development. From the stage of early
childhood, the parents are vested with the responsibility of putting into operation the
measures and approaches that may lead to effective growth and development of their
children. On the other hand, when then individuals gain maturity, they themselves need to be
aware in terms of measures and ways that would lead to their well-being and progression.
The factors, which are beneficial and worthwhile, need to be focused upon in the
implementation of tasks and activities. Through culture, the individuals generate awareness in
terms of methods and strategies that are needed to generate the desired outcomes as well as
lead to effective growth and development. Therefore, it can be stated, culture contributes in
effective growth and development of individuals is a fundamental characteristic of culture.

Role of Culture in the Lives of Individuals

Culture is closely connected with the lives of the individuals. The role of culture in
the lives of the individuals is to make them emerge into moral, ethical and productive human
beings. The individuals are engaged in number of tasks and activities, which are social,
religious, economic, familial, political and so forth. Furthermore, they pursue education, get
engaged in employment opportunities, focus upon enhancement of their career prospects and
get engaged in numerous tasks and activities. When the individuals are participating in
various tasks and activities, they make use of their knowledge and competencies and aspire to
generate the desired outcomes. Through culture, the individuals are able to generate
awareness that they need to make use of their educational qualifications, competencies and
abilities in the best possible manner to achieve the desired goals. Culture includes, traditions,
norms and values, which need to be identified in order to implement tasks and activities in an
effective manner. Therefore, one of the indispensable roles of culture is to facilitate the
implementation of tasks and activities in a well-organized manner.

An essential element of culture is the use of religious beliefs and symbolic expression.
One needs to value religious identity and generate awareness in terms of the values and
principles. With advancements taking place and with the advent of modernization and
globalization, the individuals are making use of modern, scientific and technical methods in
the implementation of tasks and activities. But when one makes use of various forms of
technologies as well as modern and innovative methods, they need to take into account the
traits of morality, ethics, decency, righteousness, and truthfulness. Through cultures, the
individuals understand that they need to depict honesty in the implementation of various tasks
and activities. The inculcation of the traits of morality, ethics, decency, righteousness, and
truthfulness are regarded to be of utmost significance in achieving personal and professional
goals and in enriching one’s lives. Therefore, one of the important roles of culture is to impart
knowledge and understanding among the individuals in terms of morality, ethics, decency,
righteousness, and truthfulness.

In accordance to the research studies, the individuals get engaged in various types of
criminal and violent acts. These include, verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual harassment,
grievous hurt, rape, theft and robbery and even murder. When the individuals are well-aware
in terms of culture, they realise that they should not implement such actions, which may
impose detrimental effects upon other individuals. In other words, when the individuals will
generate awareness in terms of culture, their actions would not cause any harm to anyone.
The three eternal and universal values of truth, beauty and goodness are closely connected
with culture. The role of culture is acknowledged in bringing the individuals closer to truth,
philosophy and religion. It brings beauty into the lives of the individuals through arts and
helps them emerge into aesthetic human beings. It is through culture that the individuals
emerge into ethical human beings. The values of tolerance and peace are imparted to the
individuals through culture (Culture: An Introduction, n.d.). Therefore, it is comprehensively
understood that the role of culture is acknowledged in the lives of the individuals in
promoting well-being and goodwill.


Culture is referred to the human made environment, which includes material and non-
material products that are transmitted from one generation to the next. In order to make use of
culture in order to lead to goodwill and well-being, it is vital for the individuals to augment
ones understanding in terms of culture throughout their lives. In other words, it should be
regarded as a lifelong activity. Culture promotes unity among individuals, irrespective of
differences among them in terms of various factors. When the individuals need to work in co-
ordination and integration with each other, particularly in educational institutions and various
types of organizations, it is necessary for them to form positive viewpoints and accept each
other’s cultures.
The characteristics of culture are, culture is learned and acquired, culture is shared by
group of individuals, culture is cumulative, culture gets transformed, culture is dynamic,
culture provides the range of permissible behaviour patterns, culture is diverse, culture is
ideational, culture helps in providing solutions to problems and culture contributes in
effective growth and development of individuals. Furthermore, the role of culture is
acknowledged in making provision of knowledge and understanding among the individuals in
terms of various factors that may help them in emerging into moral, ethical and productive
human beings. Finally, it can be stated, when the individuals will recognize the meaning and
significance of cultures and put into practice norms and principles in their lives, they will be
able to enrich their lives and emerge into moral, ethical, principled and productive human
Culture: An Introduction. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2020 from

Culture is Learned. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2020 from

Samiksha, S. (n.d.). Culture: The Meaning, Characteristics, and Functions. Retrieved October

15, 2020 from

Spencer-Oatey, H. (2012). What is Culture? A Compilation of Quotations. Global PAD Core

Concepts. Retrieved October 15, 2020 from

The Concept of Culture. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2020 from

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