MAED - THE213 - Rosario, Czarina D. - Reflection - No.1

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THE 213 – Advance Home Economics

Czarina D. Rosario Activity #1 – Reflection Paper # 1

Topics: The Concept of Health, Functions of Food, Food Groups and

Dietary Guidelines

Date:  March 6, 2021

Guide question No.1

Considering your role as a TLE Teacher, how are you going to interrelate

the aspects/dimensions of health?








As a teacher I can interrelate different aspects of health or wellness

through its level of importance and each aspect of a wellness is taking part

in living our lives fully. Being a full-time teacher and relating from

Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it can be seen that the first on the hierarchy

are the basic needs, next are the physiological needs and lastly the self-

fulfillment. As for the aspects of our wellness, there are aspects that we

have to fulfill first in order to feel healthy as a whole. Each aspect is like a

building block for our wellness. From the illustration, first is the physical

wellness where body is taken as a priority and next is the intellectual

health or wellness which will help us think strategically to survive and the

next is the social health since a human being is a social being it needs to

interact with other people and in the community. Social health will

become easier for us to maintain if emotional health is now being

considered wherein emotions are controlled and positive responses is

given while socializing. After the emotional health, the next thing that

should be built up is the environmental health making sure that a person is

living in a healthy environment without any hazard for our physical body

and for the next is the financial health which in turn will help or support the

previous aspect of wellness to continue. Comes next is the vocational

health that means reaching for the personal satisfaction in one's work.

After all the things considered to be healthy as a whole, life isn't always
perfect and there will be challenges. With that, there is always a part of us

and as our nature that believes in a supreme being. This is the highest

aspect that I could put into the highest level of wellness in my illustration.

Each of us don't want to feel alone and sometimes have to seek for help.

Spiritual health is an aspect of our life that when achieved, there will be

hope in us and comfort as we experience life completely with the hardest

times. All of these aspects are like stepping stones for us and when

achieved, it gives us the feeling of being healthy or well. As a whole,

these dimensions of wellness will, in the long run, helps us know our

purpose in life which will make us even happier.

Guide question No.2

During this pandemic time, how are the functions of food being considered

by the home maker?

As a homemaker, meal planning is a part of daily life. But it

became more challenging during this pandemic time. Before pandemic,

there is what we call the Pinggang Pinoy which shows the illustration of a

balanced diet in a plate. It shows the recommended amount of food

according to functions of it such as the go foods, grow foods, and glow

foods. Now that we are limited to go out and to do the things that we

usually do with other people or outside our homes, we are also limited in

doing physical activities and it led to changes in our body. Some of us

gained fat and some lost weight. With that, as a Filipino homemaker,

considering the Pinggang Pinoy and the functions of food, I will make the

diet to be more on the grow and glow foods since we are limited in doing

physical activities and doesn't need much go foods. Go foods are way

higher in carbohydrates and it will give us an unwanted appearance to our

body also can lead to diabetes when taken with only a few exercises.

Grow and glow foods is much needed now as our source of protein,

vitamins, and minerals. These foods will help us cope with daily stresses

in times of pandemic. Adjusting the diet for what is much and less needed
foods according to their function during this time will make us a successful


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