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Huaygua Yanina

The grade/year level: pre-intermediate.

Students ‘schemata: Students know what is a biography. They have background

knowledge about different famous people. In the classroom, there is internet connection
and the students know have how to look for information there.

Grammar/ vocabulary objective: Simple past (affirmative and questions) and

vocabulary of professions.

Material: Fun Fact about John Lennon from The Beatles! (History Cartoon-
Educational Cartoon)


Pre listening: The teacher shows the students pictures of a man. She asks them if they
know who he was and what he did. She writes on the blackboard all the ideas of
professions and creates a chart where the words will be written taking into account the
suffixes -er, -ist, -or. The students’ expected answers are “He was an artist, a singer, an
activist, a director, an actor, etc”.

-er -ist -or

singer activist actor
The teacher asks the students what they know about John Lennon, and says to them that
the man in the picture is John Lennon and now they are going to watch a video with a
brief biography of his life.

Can you think of any way to prepare them for the video? To create expectation?

While listening:

The teacher gives the students a timeline of John Lennon’s life. They have to write
some dates and also some facts which are mentioned in the video. In order to check this,
the video will be watched twice.

After listening: The students have to answer the following questions:

Huaygua Yanina

Why was John Lennon deported from The United States of America?

Did John Lennon play musical instruments? Which ones?

Who did he live with when he was a child?

What did John Lennon enjoy?

Did The Beatles become members of the order of the British Empire?

Why did The Beatles break up?

How was John Lennon killed?

Once they finish, the have to take into account the timeline and their answers to write
the biography of John Lennon. To do this, they have to pay attention to the dates.


Lead-in: The teacher asks the students how important they consider it is to be famous
as John Lennon. The teacher will show the students a short video about The chances of
you being famous

After watching the short video, the teacher shows students pictures of different famous
characters who died. She asks the students if they can say their professions. These
words will be added to the previous chart of professions.

Production: For the next activity, the grouping arrangement will be of four students.
They will be given one the pictures that the teacher has already shown them, the groups
have to keep the secret of who is the character with the rest of the class. Each group has
to look for the biography of the character they have and an interesting fact on the
internet. The students have ten minutes.

Once they finish, each group say a funny or interesting fact of the character that they
know. Consequently, the class can make questions to guess who they are talking about.
The communicative objective is asking for information. For instance, in the case of
Frida Kahlo, the students can ask “Was she from Argentina?” and the group can only
answer yes or no. When a group knows the answer, the members can say it.
Huaygua Yanina

Follow-up: The teacher asks students to make questions to their classmates in order to
be able to describe a brief biography. Finally, everybody will be presented by a
classmate in the class.

How will you handle feedback of the speaking activity?

Yani, you did not develop specific sequences for grammar and vocabulary as we
saw them in class. These are just incidental activities derived from the listening
material. In the case of occupations, they just mention them, but you don’t work
with the suffixes or on ways to incorporate those new words.

Check this chart for a detailed view of the elements of your plan

Vocabulary Grammar
Speaking Listening
Focus x Focus x
real communication√ before/predictions x
Context x Context x
focus√ check pred x
reception to prod x reception to prod x
Feedback x general comp x
controlled practice x controlled practice x
Detailed √
free practice x free practice x
after listening √

Mark: 2

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