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The Past Simple Tense

Spelling Tip
Regular verbs in the past simple
• Add ed to most verbs.
o Ex. talk > talked, employ > employed
• If a short verb ends with a consonant-vowel-consonant, double the last letter
and then add ed.
o Ex. stop > stopped, top > topped
• However, do not double the last letter if the verb ends in w, x or y.
o Ex. play > played, mix > mixed.
• In longer words, if the last syllable of the verb ends with a consonant-vowel-
consonant and that syllable is stressed, double the last consonant and then add
o Ex. prefer > preferred
However, do not double the last letter if the first syllable is stressed. Ex.
enter > entered
• If the verb ends in e, just add d.
o Ex. create > created, live > lived
• If the verb ends in a consonant + y, change the y to i and add ed.
o Ex. try > tried

Forming the Past Simple

Subject Verb + d, ed, ied Rest of Sentence

or irregular form

I / He / She / It You / We / walked to the shop

They yesterday

slept late last Saturday

The Past Simple Tense (Español)
Consejo a la hora de escribir
Verbos verbos en el pasado simple
• Añade “ed” a la mayoría de los verbos.
o Ej. talk > talked, employ > employed
• Si un verbo corto termina con una combinación de consonante-vocal-
consonante, duplica la última letra y añade “ed”.
o Ex. stop > stopped, top > topped
o Sin embargo, NO dupliques la ultima letra si el verbo termina en w, x or
▪ Ex. play > played, mix > mixed.
• En verbos largos, si la última sílaba del verbo termina en consonante-vocal-
consonante y la sílaba es estresada, duplica la última letra y añade "ed”.
o Ex. prefer > preferred
o Pero, no dupliques la última letra si todas las sílabas son estresadas.
▪ Ex. enter > entered
• Si el verbo termina en “e”, solo añade “d”.
o Ex. create > created, live > lived
• Si el verbo termina en consonate + y, cambia la y to i y añade ed.
o Ex. try > tried

Formando el Pasado Simple

Sujeto Verb + d, ed, ied Resto de la

or verbo irregular oración

I / He / She / It You / We / walked to the shop

They yesterday

slept late last Saturday

Irregular Verbs – Complete List

Base Form Past Simple (V2)

arise arose

awake awoke

be was/were

bear bore

beat beat

become became

begin began

bend bent

bet bet

bind bound

bite bit
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

bleed bled

blow blew

break broke

breed bred

bring brought

broadcast broadcast

build built

burn burnt/burned

burst burst

buy bought

can could
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

catch caught

choose chose

cling clung

come came

cost cost

creep crept

cut cut

deal dealt

dig dug

do did

draw drew
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

dream dreamt/dreamed

drink drank

drive drove

eat ate

fall fell

feed fed

feel felt

fight fought

find found

fly flew

forbid forbade
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

forget forgot

forgive forgave

freeze froze

get got

give gave

go went

grind ground

grow grew

hang hung

have had

hear heard
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

hide hid

hit hit

hold held

hurt hurt

keep kept

kneel knelt

know knew

lay laid

lead led

lean leant/leaned

learn learnt/learned
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

leave left

lend lent

lie (in bed) lay

lie (to not tell the truth) lied

light lit/lighted

lose lost

make made

may might

mean meant

meet met

mow mowed
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

must had to

overtake overtook

pay paid

put put

read read

ride rode

ring rang

rise rose

run ran

saw sawed

say said
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

see saw

sell sold

send sent

set set

sew sewed

shake shook

shall should

shed shed

shine shone

shoot shot

show showed
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

shrink shrank

shut shut

sing sang

sink sank

sit sat

sleep slept

slide slid

smell smelt

sow sowed

speak spoke

spell spelt/spelled
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

spend spent

spill spilt/spilled

spit spat

spread spread

stand stood

steal stole

stick stuck

sting stung

stink stank

strike struck

swear swore
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

sweep swept

swell swelled

swim swam

swing swung

take took

teach taught

tear tore

tell told

think thought

throw threw

understand understood
Base Form Past Simple (V2)

wake woke

wear wore

weep wept

will would

win won

wind wound

write wrote

1. I _______ a great book last week. (read)

2. Adam ______ the jacket that he left at the party. (find)
3. Why you__________ for me at the bar yesterday evening? (wait)
4. I waited for over an hour, but you never __________ up! (show)
5. My friends _________ to New Delhi via Mumbai a week ago. (fly)
6. Teresa ___________ the last train. (catch)
7. The sunset _________ beautiful last night. (be)
8. They _________ the client’s deadline yesterday. (meet)
9. He ___________ from med school last semester. (graduate)
10. Ella ___________ to get a hold of you, but you weren’t home. (try)

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