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October 21 & 22, 2003

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

TITLE: Analysis of Directional Measurements of Western Canadian Wells to PAPER NO.

Improve Future Well Planning 2003 - 019
AUTHOR(S): Brian Mitchell, Western Well Tool Page 1 of 11
Robert Hilditch, Western Well Tool

COPYRIGHT NOTATION: This paper was selected for presentation by the CADE/CAODC Drilling Conference Technical Committee, following a review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been reviewed by the Technical Committee and do not necessarily
reflect the position of any or all of the Conference sponsors. Permission to copy is restricted to just this abstract page. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract
should contain conspicuous acknowledgement of where and by whom the paper was presented. Further permission to copy may be requested from the
CADE/CAODC Technical Chairman, 800, 540 - 5 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 0M2.


A statistical analysis was made of directional survey measurements taken from the initial vertical sections of numerous western
Canadian wells drilled within the last three years with total vertical depths greater than 3,000m. Because the initial vertical
section of any well is critical to casing wear, torque, and ease of drilling for the remainder of the well, the analysis focused on the
directional control as expressed in dogleg severity in this critical portion of the well. The initial vertical sections of the wells
surveyed ranged from 600 meters to more than 3,500 meters.

The analyses of these wells indicated that survey station frequency had a very significant effect on the measured dogleg severity.
Surveys taken at 30m stations are likely to mask by a factor of two or more directional deviations that could cause significant
casing wear. After survey station frequency was taken into account, the cumulative data was analyzed to provide a statistically
average western Canadian well. This average well was modeled to predict the contact force and casing wear that could be
expected in wells drilled in this region. Based on this analysis, operators could more accurately plan wells to mitigate problems
with casing wear, torque, or drag before the wells are drilled.
TITLE: Analysis of Directional Measurements of Western Canadian Wells to PAPER NO.
Improve Future Well Planning 2003-019
AUTHOR(S): Brian Mitchell, Western Well Tool Page 2 of 11
Rob Hilditch, Western Well Tool


Even though approximately 15,000 wells are drilled each year in Western Canada, wells in this region have unique challenges,
with many operators experiencing difficulty maintaining precise directional control through the highly faulted formations in the
foothills of the Rockies. With approximately 10% to 15% of the wells drilled deeper than 2,500m, many operators experience
casing wear, high torque, drag, and even drill string failures such as washouts due to deviations in the upper vertical section of the
hole. These annoyances cause further, far more expensive problems such as decreased ROP, worn casing, and damage to drill
string components. Severe problems can have caused the need to sidetrack or abandon a well. Many operators do not
acknowledge a problem with a deviation from vertical until the problem is far more difficult to fix than if the problem had been
predicted, planned for, and controlled initially with far lower cost measures.
It has been established(1,2) that the straightness of a well expressed as a dog-leg severity (DLS) directly effects torque, drag, and
casing wear. All of these conditions increase in severity in deeper wells due to increased hanging weight below any given
deviation. Wells with shallow initial builds and a deep total vertical depth are very susceptible to casing wear and high torque
Current software modeling tools are available to drilling engineers that model the well and provide predictions on torque drag,
and casing wear; but these tools are only as accurate as the information fed into them. If the surveys are incomplete or based on
highly optimistic information, the calculations will show a far better situation than really exists. Accurate information and the
ability to realistically plan the well enables engineers to adequately plan for torque, drag, and casing wear, and anticipate
problems before they happen.

Distribution of Rig Use by Well Depth In Western Canada


500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500
Rated Rig Depth or Well Depth (m)

Distribution of Rigs Approximate Distribution of Wells

Figure 1. The graph above shows the approximate distribution of drilling rigs and wells by depth in Western Canada.
TITLE: Analysis of Directional Measurements of Western Canadian Wells to PAPER NO.
Improve Future Well Planning 2003-019
AUTHOR(S): Brian Mitchell, Western Well Tool Page 3 of 11
Rob Hilditch, Western Well Tool


Fifteen wells with substantial vertical sections and total vertical depths greater than 3,000m were chosen for this analysis. The
wells represent a wide cross section of ten different operators in various locations along the entire North-South span of the
foothills of the Rockies throughout Alberta, Canada. To maintain consistency in comparing between wells, only the initial
vertical sections were examined, because different operators use different well designs in terms of build rates, kick-off depths, and
final inclinations. Most operators used a kick-off point lower than 600m, providing a vertical section that was substantial enough
for comparison with the other wells.
The analysis was made to determine what could be learned from observing directional information from multiple similar wells
drilled in the same region under similar conditions. To compare the directional control of these wells, the straightness as
expressed in a dog-leg severity (DLS) of degrees per thirty meters was taken from directional surveys obtained from the various
companies. No specific information about any of the wells used in this paper will be given. Instead, each individual well was
used in a statistical analysis to investigate the influence of various parameters on the straightness as expressed by the average,
standard deviation, and maximum dog-leg severity of the top vertical sections of each well.

Figure 2. Map showing approximate locations of the subject wells.

TITLE: Analysis of Directional Measurements of Western Canadian Wells to PAPER NO.
Improve Future Well Planning 2003-019
AUTHOR(S): Brian Mitchell, Western Well Tool Page 4 of 11
Rob Hilditch, Western Well Tool

The Effect of Location, BHA, and Operator on Measured Straightness

The data indicates that there was not a correlation between the location of the well and the straightness of the well, as shown in
Figure 3. The data also indicated no significant difference in the straightness of the hole by operator. BHA information was not
available on all wells to correlate BHA choice to straightness; therefore it is not included here.

Location vs. Measured Directional Control

2.5 10

2 8
Avg or Std Dev of DLS (deg/30m) .

Max DLS (deg/30m) .

1.5 6

R2 = 0.0059 5

1 4
R2 = 0.0003

0.5 R2 = 0.0348 2

0 0
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
N/S Coordinate
MAX (0-600m) Linear (AVG DLS)
Linear (STD DEV) Linear (MAX (0-600m))

Figure 3. Graph showing average, standard deviation, and maximum dog-leg severity as a function of north-south location.
TITLE: Analysis of Directional Measurements of Western Canadian Wells to PAPER NO.
Improve Future Well Planning 2003-019
AUTHOR(S): Brian Mitchell, Western Well Tool Page 5 of 11
Rob Hilditch, Western Well Tool

Effect of Total Vertical Depth on Measured Straightness

There was no statistically significant correlation between the total vertical depth and the straightness of the vertical portions of the
subject wells as shown in Figure 4. Wells drilled to shallow depths were no straighter that those drilled to far greater depths.

Vertical Depth vs. Measured Directional Control

2.5 10

2 8
Avg or Std Dev of DLS (deg/30m) .

Max DLS (deg/30)

1.5 6

1 R = 0.0239 4
R = 0.0314 3

0.5 2 2
R = 0.2075

0 0
20 520 1020 1520 2020 2520 3020 3520 4020
Total Depth (m) of Initial Vertical Section


Linear (AVG DLS) Linear (STD DEV) Linear (MAX (0-600m))

Figure 4. Graph depicting average, standard deviation, and maximum dog-leg severity as a function of total depth of the vertical section. As shown,
there was no correlation between total depth and the ability to maintain straightness.

Effect of Survey Station Frequency on Measured Straightness

Generally, surveys were taken in ten meter or thirty meter increments, with about an even split between the two survey station
frequencies. There was a significant correlation between the survey station frequency and the apparent straightness of the well.
Wells with survey stations at ten meters had an average dogleg severity more than three times average dogleg severity in the
vertical section than those with 30m stations as shown in Table I and Figure II. The standard deviation was also significantly
greater, with a maximum DLS measurement averaging 4.1°/30m for a well measured in 10m stations, and averaging 0.9°/30m for
a well measured in 30m stations. If the 30m surveys were used to predict contact force, casing wear, or drill string fatigue, the
values could be off by more than 100%. This data suggests that all surveys taken in thirty meter stations are significantly
overestimating the straightness of the well, and may be completely unaware of significant problems within the well.
TITLE: Analysis of Directional Measurements of Western Canadian Wells to PAPER NO.
Improve Future Well Planning 2003-019
AUTHOR(S): Brian Mitchell, Western Well Tool Page 6 of 11
Rob Hilditch, Western Well Tool

Table I. Statistical Data of Directional Control of the 15 Subject Wells.

Total Vertical Average Average DLS Standard Dev. Maximum Survey
WELL Depth of Well Vertical of Vertical of DLS in DLS from Station Freq.
(m) Section (m) Section (°/30m) Vertical Section Surface-600m (m)
1 3600 2750 1.88 1.39 2.2 10
2 4000 1350 1.82 1.05 2.18 10
3 3700 600 1.68 1.31 9.44 10
4 3800 2200 2.16 1.70 6.4 10
5 3200 670 0.80 0.79 2.7 11
6 3800 2500 1.26 0.92 3.68 11
7 3800 3200 1.43 0.89 1.8 12
AVG. 3700 1896 1.6 1.2 4.1 11
8 3200 2150 1.18 0.76 2.4 21
9 3600 3400 1.44 1.01 1.8 26
10 5200 1100 0.52 0.38 1.5 29
11 4400 2600 0.22 0.24 0.4 30
12 4100 3500 0.32 0.31 0.17 30
13 4000 745 0.50 0.30 0.9 32
14 4000 3500 0.11 0.08 0.16 32
15 3500 2900 0.48 0.35 1.3 35
AVG. 4000 2535 0.5 0.4 0.9 31

In order to double check whether the station spacing was the actual cause and not that the 30m station wells themselves were less
deviated, two wells with 10m stations were chosen, then two out of three survey points were dropped to simulate a survey taken
in thirty meter increments. With the 10m surveys trimmed to 30m, the new surveys showed a much straighter well than the 10m
surveys. In fact as shown in Table II, the trimmed surveys were statistically very similar to the remainder of the thirty meter
station wells.

Table II. Statistical Data of 10m Station Surveys Trimmed To 30m Stations.
Well No. 3 Well No. 6
10m Stations 30m Stations 10m Stations 30m Stations
Average DLS (°/30m) 1.68 1.09 1.26 0.69
Standard Deviation of DLS (°/30m) 1.31 0.79 0.92 0.53
Maximum DLS (°/30m) 9.44 3.17 3.68 1.70

If it is assumed that the 10m station wells are a fairly accurate representation of the actual well straightness, the data indicates that
97% of the vertical portion of the well will have a DLS below 4.0°/30m, and 99.7% of the survey points will be less than
5.2°/30m. The data also suggests that 97% of the wells will have an average DLS between 0.7°/30m and 2.5°/30m. From this
data, it can be assumed that most wells can be planned with a maximum DLS around 4.0°/30m. The average DLS will tend to
influence torque, while the maximum DLS will tend to influence casing wear and drill string fatigue.
TITLE: Analysis of Directional Measurements of Western Canadian Wells to PAPER NO.
Improve Future Well Planning 2003-019
AUTHOR(S): Brian Mitchell, Western Well Tool Page 7 of 11
Rob Hilditch, Western Well Tool

Survey Station Frequency vs. Measured Directional Control

2.50 10

2.00 8
Avg or Std Dev of DLS (deg/30m) .

Max DLS (deg/30m).

R = 0.7271
1.50 6

R2 = 0.7013 5

1.00 4
R2 = 0.4283

0.50 2

0.00 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Survey Station Frequency (m)
Linear (AVG DLS) Linear (STD DEV) Linear (MAX (0-600m))

Figure 4. Graph showing the strong correlation between survey station frequency and average, standard deviation, and maximum dog-leg severity in the
initial vertical section of the subject wells.

Effect of Survey Measurement Error on Results

Several papers(3,4) outline the expected accuracy of various directional measurement devices and most manufacturers of
directional survey equipment publish the expected accuracy of their individual models. All the modern equipment found had an
accuracy of 0.15° in inclination and 2.0 deg in azimuth at low inclinations. This inherent inaccuracy accounts for about 10% of
the variation seen in the wells that were studied. This indicates that the surveys were relatively accurate and the wells had the
deviations in them that were measured.

Analysis of the ‘Average’ Western Canadian Well

Based on the statistical information gathered from the 15 subject wells, an ‘average’ Western Canadian well was generated and
modeled for side force and casing wear. This ‘average’ well was a vertical well with added tortuosity with an average DLS of
1.6°/30m, and a maximum DLS of 4.1°/30m. This ‘average’ well also had a TVD of 4000m for comparison purposes in this
study. This statistical well was used to predict contact force between the drill pipe and casing, casing wear in this well using a
popular torque and drag and casing wear modeling program.

As a comparison, the statistically average Western Canadian well was interpolated every 10m. To anticipate the difference in
predicted side force values, two of three data points was deleted to simulate a survey taken every 30m. The analysis was made
with well data very typical for this area. An 89mm drill string was used on top of a 200m BHA. The well was modeled with
43.2kg/m, 178mm casing and 1100kg/m mud density. The dogleg severity graphs and contact force graphs for each well is
shown in Figures 5 and 6. The maximum calculated contact force as a function of depth for the 10m station statistical well is
shown in Figure 7.
TITLE: Analysis of Directional Measurements of Western Canadian Wells to PAPER NO.
Improve Future Well Planning 2003-019
AUTHOR(S): Brian Mitchell, Western Well Tool Page 8 of 11
Rob Hilditch, Western Well Tool

Contact Force vs. Measured Depth Dogleg Severity vs. Measured Depth
Statistical Well @ 10m Stations Statistical Well @ 10m Stations

Contact Force (kgf/9.5m) Dogleg Severity (deg/30m)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 1 2 3 4 5

0 0

500 500

1000 1000


Measured Depth (m)

Measured Depth (m)

2000 2000

2500 2500

3000 3000

3500 3500

4000 4000

4500 4500

Figure 5. Contact force graph of ‘Average’ 4000m TVD well drilled in western Canada if survey readings were taken at 10m intervals showing
maximum contact force at 1450kgf/9.5m

Contact Force vs. Measured Depth Dogleg Severity vs. Measured Depth
Statistical Well @ 30m Stations Statistical Well @ 30m Stations

Contact Force (kgf/9.5m) Dogleg Severity (deg/30m)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 1 2 3 4 5

0 0

500 500

1000 1000

Measured Depth (m)
Measured Depth (m)


2000 2000

2500 2500

3000 3000

3500 3500

4000 4000

4500 4500

Figure 6. Contact force graph of the same ‘Average’ 4000m TVD well drilled in western Canada if survey readings were taken at 30m intervals showing
maximum side force of about 700kgf/9.5m
TITLE: Analysis of Directional Measurements of Western Canadian Wells to PAPER NO.
Improve Future Well Planning 2003-019
AUTHOR(S): Brian Mitchell, Western Well Tool Page 9 of 11
Rob Hilditch, Western Well Tool

Total Vertical Depth vs. Contact Force

Western Canada Statistical Well
10m Stations
Contact Force (kgF/9.5m)







0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Total Vertical Depth (m)

Figure 7. Maximum calculated contact force as a function of total vertical depth for the average Western Canada well.

The same well survey data was used to run a series of casing wear models using drilling parameters typical for the wells used in
this study. A wear factor of 5.5 was chosen to represent a typical steel tool joint without hard banding. This wear factor is based
on the results of the generally accepted DEA-42 study and other field data. The casing wear model only takes into account the
wear created from drilling ahead, not additional wear caused by rotating off bottom or tripping. Therefore a wear factor of 10
could be used as a reasonably conservative value when taking into account these additional operations and additional wear that
may be encountered when drilling a typical well. The results of the casing wear models are shown in Figures 8 and 9 and indicate
most vertical wells less than 2000m TVD should not have casing wear in excess of 20%, while wells greater than 3000m TVD
could expect casing wear of 20-25% or more. In 4000m TVD wells 25-30% wear is likely if measures are not taken to prevent
wear. Obviously, varying parameters such as sidetracking out of existing casing, a longer hole section, higher RPM, or lower
ROP than assumed would create more wear than predicted in this analysis. Various hardbanding materials also increase or
decrease the wear factor compared to the wear factor for a standard steel tool joint.

% Wear vs. Dog Leg Severity % Wear vs. Dog Leg Severity
ROP=3m/hr, 90rpm, 1000m Hole Section, Wear Factor=5.5 ROP=3m/hr, 90rpm, 1000m Hole Section, Wear Factor=10
50 50

2000m TVD
2000m TVD
40 40
3000m TVD
3000m TVD
% Wear in 178mm Casing
% Wear in 178mm Casing

4000m TVD
4000m TVD
30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Dog Leg Severity (Deg/30m) Dog Leg Severity (Deg/30m)

Figures 8 and 9. Graphs showing predicted maximum casing wear as a function of TVD using the average well tortuosity.
TITLE: Analysis of Directional Measurements of Western Canadian Wells to PAPER NO.
Improve Future Well Planning 2003-019
AUTHOR(S): Brian Mitchell, Western Well Tool Page 10 of 11
Rob Hilditch, Western Well Tool


On eight of the fifteen wells examined in this paper, non-rotating protectors were run. The non-rotating protectors were
successful in all cases of greatly reducing the amount of metal return, indicating a significant reduction in the rate of casing wear.
In all eight cases, casing wear was controlled to within acceptable limits. The protectors also were successful in reducing overall
drill string torque from 5%-50% depending on placement and well parameters. Other means used to reduce torque include subs,
beads, and lubricants. Subs, casing-friendly hard banding, beads, and rotating protectors have been used with varying degrees of
success to mitigate casing wear. All torque and casing wear reduction methods have strengths and limitations that vary with well
conditions and rig limitations.


Survey station frequency greatly affects the outcome of any well survey measurements, especially in vertical sections of the well.
The survey station frequency seemed to dominate the outcome of any survey in evaluating the straightness of the well. Most of
the wells, when equalized for survey station frequency, were similar in straightness. Based on this information, engineers
planning wells in Western Canada could use this information to more accurately anticipate torque, drag, and casing wear in their
wells, and take appropriate proactive and reactive actions to prevent problems to save time and money.


A few conservative guidelines are presented below in Table III based on the results of this study. Based on the data, it is
important to measure survey data at 10m increments on wells deeper than 2500-3000m. The higher the survey station frequency,
the more accurate the picture of down hole torque, drag, and casing wear. To prevent casing wear that is likely to occur, plan on
casing protection such as non-rotating drill pipe protectors (5, 6) on all wells deeper than 3000m if drilling a hole section longer
than 1000m, or on all wells deeper than 3500m.

Table III. Proactive Recommendations for Western Canada Wells Under Typical Drilling Conditions.
Recommended Survey Station Preventative Casing Wear
Total Vertical Depth
Frequency Protection Recommended
< 2500m 30m No
2501m-3000m 10m / 30m* No
3001m-3500m 10m Yes**
> 3501m 10m Yes
* 10m Surveys recommended for top 1000m of the well, then 30m for lower portion of well.
**Casing wear protection would be recommended based on acceptable wear tolerance for the well, or in applications with
high RPM, low ROP, or abrasive formations.
TITLE: Analysis of Directional Measurements of Western Canadian Wells to PAPER NO.
Improve Future Well Planning 2003-019
AUTHOR(S): Brian Mitchell, Western Well Tool Page 11 of 11
Rob Hilditch, Western Well Tool


Once the hole section has been drilled, and survey data is available, the guidelines listed in Table IV could be used in an attempt
to prevent more than 20% casing wear. If possible, run torque, drag, and casing wear analysis on any well with dogleg severity
higher than that listed below based on the available survey information, or run casing protection. The recommendations are
based on maintaining an 80% wall thickness after drilling a 1000m hole section using the parameters called out in the previous
casing wear models. Longer hole sections, higher RPM, lower ROP, or sidetrack operations would indicate higher casing wear
potential and may require more aggressive prevention measures.

To use the table, look up the TD of the next hole section, and the highest DLS taken from the surveys in the previous hole section.
If the DLS is higher than the recommended value, it would be beneficial to use some type of effective casing wear protection
such as non-rotating protectors.

Table IV. Reactive Recommendations for Western Canada Wells Under Typical Drilling Conditions.
Casing protection such as non-rotating protectors or casing friendly hardbanding is
Total Vertical Depth recommended if DLS is greater than listed in the top 1000m
10m Survey Stations 30m Survey Stations
< 2500m 5 deg 3 deg
2501m-3000m 4 deg 2 deg
3001m-3500m 3 deg 1.5 deg
> 3501m Casing protection always recommended as a preventative measure on wells with TVD >3500m.
* 10m Surveys recommended for top 1000m of the well, then 30m for lower portion of well.


1. LUBINSKY, A; “A Study of The Buckling of Rotary Drilling Strings”, API Drilling and Production Practice
2. JOHANCSIK, C.A; Friesen, D.B.; and Dawson, Rapier; “Torque and Drag in Directional Wells- Prediction and Measurement”,
Journal of Petroleum Technology, June 1984
3. THORP, M; “An Analysis of Discrepancies Between Gyro Surveys”; SPE/IADC, Paper No. 16061, Presented at SPE/IADC Drilling
Conference, New Orleans, March 1987
4. WILLIAMSON, H.; “Accuracy Prediction for Directional MWD”; SPE, Paper No. 67616, Originally presented at, Originally
published as Paper No. 56702 at the Annual Convention, Houston, October 1999and revised July 2000
5. MOORE, N.B.; “Reduction of Drill String Torque and Casing Wear in Extended Reach Wells Using Non-Rotating Drill Pipe
Protectors”, SPE, Paper No. 35666, SPE Western Regional Meeting, May 1996
6. FULLER, A; “Improved Means of Reducing Drag in ERD Applications”, SPE, Paper No. 76759, SPE Western Regional Meeting,
May 2002

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