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Human By: Henry and Joseph

Skeletal System
Drawn Diagram
Cranium, Mandible, Clavicle, Sternum,
Ribs, Radius, Pelvis, Ulna, Metacarpals,
Femur, Patella, Tibia, Tarsals,
Phalanges, Fibula, Coccyx, Carpals,
Sacrum, Vertebrae, Humerus
270 bones in infants, 206-213 bones in
adults(fused together)
Provides structure, support, movement,
production of blood cells, and
protection of organs.
2 types of bones, Compact and
Spongy; marrow in bones produce
blood cells.
Different sex = different physical traits
of the human skull; different lengths of
the chin, median nuchal line, and
supraorbital ridge. (Longer bones,
smaller hips, sharper teeth.
Starts out as Cartilage, then replaced
by osteoblast cells(breaks down bone)
If osteoclasts and osteoblasts don't
synchronize, it can lead to diseases
such as osteoporosis.
Axial skeleton and appendicular
skeleton; joints are places where 2
bones meet and connect.
Drawn Analogy

The axial skeleton includes the vertebral spine, and

much of the skull (80 bones), Appendicular from the
pelvic(hip), upper limbs, and pectoral (shoulder), (126
Wooden Frame/Structure of a house.
Hold and protects
Provides basic support to add other materials


Longer Legs Longer arms

Wider Hips Longer phalanges

More Cranial Same Skeletal Narrower Chest

Space in the Arrangement
Longer Tailbone
The 2 Skeletal
Systems have the
same function
A disease where it weakens the bones.
Symptoms - Easily broken bones, loss of height,
stooped posture.
Treatments - Medications such as Ibandronate acid,
Zoledronic acid, Alendronate acid, and Risedronate
acid. This medication helps the bone stay strong.
Causes - Eating disorders, low calcium intake,
gastrointestinal surgery
Ways to Prevent it - Eat calcium-rich food, get more
vitamin D, have a healthy diet, limit caffine and alcohol
Circulatory System Nervous System
Delivers blood to Protects spinal
the bones cord and brain
Muscular System Respiratory System
Muscles cling on Protects the lungs
the skeleton and help move the
Integumentary System air we inhale

Supplies the bones Digestive System

with calcuim Supplies the bones
with nutrients
Endocrine System
Hormones that Excretory System
makes our bones Takes out
grow the waste

Reproductive System
Immune System
Strengths the
bones significantly

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