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This is a Project work undertaken in context of partial fulfillment of MCA.I have

tried my best to make the complicated process of Hotel Management System as
simple as possible using Structured & Modular technique & Menu oriented
interface. I have tried to design the software in such a way that user may not have
any difficulty in using this package & further expansion is possible without much
effort. Even though I cannot claim that this work to be entirely exhaustive, the
main purpose of my exercise is perform each Employee’s activity in computerized
way rather than manually which is time consuming. I am confident that this
software package can be readily used by non-programming personal avoiding
human handled chance of error. This project is used by two types of users:

i. Online Users.
ii. Administrator (management of the Hotel).

The limited time and resources have restricted us to incorporate, in this project,
only main activities that are performed in a HOTEL Management System, but
utmost care has been taken to make the system efficient and user friendly.
“HOTEL Management System” has been designed to computerize the following
functions that are performed by the system:

Room Detail Functions

Opening a New Room
Modification to room assigned
Check-in and check-out Detail Functions
Admission of New customer
Check-out of customer
Room assigning related to customer’s need.
Statement of Customer Details
Check-in customer
Check-out customer
Room Details
Total number of Customers in the Hotel
Individual customer Report

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1. Introduction
2. Literature Survey
3. Proposed Work and Methodology
4. Expected Outcomes/ Further Enhancements
5. Conclusion
6. References

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Chapter 1

This project “HOTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” aims at automating all the work
being done manually in hotels at present. On completion this project would
expedite the work in all regards. Some of the features of this software would be:

Creating a system to automate the services offered by the hotel, this would be
more flexible than their earlier system. The features include 1. Storing, editing
and reporting details of all the rooms available in the hotel. 2. Managing details of
customers signing in & out of the hotel.

The present epoch is given to the Information technology. I.T. is a new and fresh
integrated approach and a key to unlock all the intricate problems of our modern
era. This technology tends to cater all our needs. It is not only an ‘Integrated
Approach’, but also job-oriented & concrete device to aware us of the up-to-date
skill and knowledge.

It has worked a magic wand in the spheres of industry, medicine, engineering,

agriculture, transportation, electronics & electrical devices. I.T has boosted
progress beyond description. It has given us the safest & the most concrete
means of instruction i.e. computer, Internet, E-mail, E-commerce, Website and a
lifeline for most of our problems. I.T has to a larger extent, played a role in
bettering the global economy. Although there are many companies offering these
services but still quality work is always in demand.

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During the past several decades personnel function has been transformed
from a relatively obscure record keeping staff to central and top level
management function There are many factors that have influenced this
transformation like technological advances, professionalism, and general
recognition of human beings as most important resources.

 A computer based management system is designed to handle all the

primary information required to calculate monthly statements. Separate
database is maintained to handle all the details required for the correct
statement calculation and generation
 This project intends to introduce more user friendliness in the various
activities such as record updation, maintenance, and searching
 The searching of record has been made quite simple as all the details
of the customer can b e obtained by simply keying in the identification of
that customer.
 Similarly, record maintenance and updation can also be accomplished
by using the identification of the customer with all the details being
automatically generated. These details are also being promptly automatically
updated in the master file thus keeping the record absolutely up-to-date
 The entire information has maintained in the database or Files and whoever
wants to retrieve can’t retrieve, only authorization user can retrieve the
necessary information which can b e easily be accessible from the file.
 The main objective of the entire activity is to automate the process of
day to day activities of Hotel like:

1. Room activities,
2. Admission of a New Customer,
3. Assign a room according to customer’s demand,
4. Checkout of a computer and releasing the room.
5. Finally compute the bill etc.
6. Packages available.
7. Advance bookings.
8. List of Regular customers.
9. Email facility.
10.. Feedbacks

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 This project has some more features:

o System Connectivity
o No data duplication
o No Paper Work Required
o Time Efficient
o Cost Efficient
o Automatic data validation
o User friendly environment
o Data security and reliability
o Fast data insertion & retrieval
o Easy performance check

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Chapter 2
Literature Survey



Features of Visual Basic:-


 Addressing and changing Forms,

 Controls and records,
 Responding to clicks, typing and other events.

The VB language itself is rather simple and has the same components as many
other programming languages, for instance Java and C++.

Visual Basic tools

The Visual Basic window may contain many frames.
 Project Explorer: Project explorer window gives information about
forms and modules in that project. In other words it displays files which
make up the project. VB offers three kinds of Modules;
Form Module: a form module has event procedures for all controls on
from, and it may have ordinary procedures too. It may declare variables.
When you open from, you get an object based on the form class. The
object is a visible from and it has a set of variables corresponding to the
declarations. We get more from objects, appearing as other open copies
of from. Each copy has its own variables, but the same code.
Class Module: a class module corresponds to a class in other object-
oriented languages. It has procedures and declares variables, and you
can create multiple objects based on the class, each with their own

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variables. The only difference between form modules and class modules
is that the latter are not visible to the user and have no controls.
Module (Simple): A simple module is similar to a class but there is only
one object based on the module. The system creates this object
automatically. The first versions of Visual Basic had no class modules.
 Code Window: to the right in the Visual Basic window, there is a code
window with the Visual Basic program. Scroll to other event procedures
and controls, or they can be selected by means of the two combo boxes
at the top.

Creating an event procedure:

Initially, the event procedures are not in the code, but if we select one of them by
means of the combo boxes, Visual Basic creates it. The same thing happens if an
event procedure is selected through the control’s property window.



 Construct user windows (Forms),

 Add fields sub windows etc,
 Construct menus and other details.

An access based user interface consist of user windows(called forms in access),

menus, and the little things such as error messages (message box) and pop up
held when the cursor rests on a field (control tips) . These are the things the user
sees on the screen. Access provides a lot of built in functionality that makes the
user interface respond to user actions. However, for a real system the built in
functionality is rarely sufficient, and you have to add program pieces written in

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 FORMS AND SIMPLE CONTROLS: This window helps the Front Office Manager
to find a guest or occupancy in the database. In the access world, the window
consists of forms, with various controls on it. A control may be a simple field
such as last name, a button such as find guest, an area for a list of records such
as the list of stays, and several other things.

 TEXT BOX, LABEL AND COMMAND BUTTON: The screen should show toolbox
windows were choosing between various controls if it doesn’t, use view
->toolbox to see it. The text box tool looks like ab|. It should be two grid units
high and about ten units wide .At this stage, the controls may not be properly
aligned and sized. Access has automatically added a label part to the left of the
field. If we double click the text box icon in the toolbox, the draw tools remain
selected for many textboxes.

Creating a database:

 Transform the data model to a database in MS ACCESS.

 Use lookup –fields to enter foreign keys and enumeration types.

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Chapter 3
Proposed Work and Methodology

 Proposed system is comparatively faster than the existing system.

 As the proposed system is faster than the existing system it will help in
faster allotment of rooms to guests.
 In the proposed system database is maintained for all room and record of
all guests checking in and out and.
 We will maintain record of all the orders placed by guest which can be
added in the bill at the time of check out.
 In the future we can maintain record of regular guests and non regular
guests separately.
 Proposed system will be user friendly and faster therefore security will be
maintained of the same level.

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Chapter 4
Expected Outcomes / Future Enhancements.

This project can be used in the hotel after adding some more useful
modules in the project for which hotel are providing services.

Utmost care and back-up procedures must be established to ensure 100%

successful implementation of the computerized hotel system. In case of
system failure, the organization should be in a position to process the
transaction with another organization or if the worst comes to the worst, it
should be in a position to complete it manually

Scope of Improvement

Now a days hotel are providing many other facilities like

 Halls for parties etc.

 Restaurants are being operated with the hotels.

Provisions for management of these facilities and many others can be included in
the software as required. This project can also be improved with the improvement
in the Hotels.

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Chapter 5

This Project is about the designing the Hotel Management system using
MS Access, and Visual basic 6.0. Present system of Hotel Management system is
having some shortcoming on which we have tried to work on that to eliminate
the disadvantages.

We have made a database for Rooms and Guests and connected these
two tables for the custom made data entry from built in visual basic 6.0 there
are options for new entry which will be stored in MS Access database retrieved
from database in future.

This project was a small attempt to make the Hotel Management we have
talked with some of Hotel manager about the feature and shortcoming of
present Hotel Management system after the research with the associated
people and other sources we were able to found out some of the major facts
regarding the system and tried to eliminate the shortcoming of system.

In the last we conclude that Hotel Management is having a strong IT

infrastructure and a well- equipped Management system but there is some
shortcoming in the system on which we have tried to work on it and successfully
completed our project.

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Chapter 6

Mastering Visual Basic 6.0(BPB Publications).

Information Practices (Sumita Arora).
Hotel Shubh

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